Many third parties are involved in operating the service

Service: Heaven HR
Changes: 3
Source: link
Author: AgnesDeLion (20760) Staff

<p>Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden von uns an die folgenden Auftragsverarbeiter übermittelt:</p> <ul> <li>Google Inc., 600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Google Vision API, AdWords und AdServices),</li> <li>Mixpanel, Inc., 589 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA,</li> <li>Intercom Inc., 55 2nd Street, 4th Floor San Francisco, California 94105, USA,</li> <li>AWS, Serverstandort Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland,</li> <li>Zoho Corporation B. V., Hoogoorddreef 15, 1101BA Amsterdam.</li>

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Version 3: 2023-07-11 06:20:44 UTC by Deleted Staff

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: No changes recorded

Updated Status: No changes recorded

Version 2: 2021-07-07 20:52:34 UTC by CyanoTex (23355) Staff

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING

Updated Status: APPROVED

Version 1: 2021-07-07 18:56:28 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760) Staff

Previous Title:

Updated Title: Many third parties are involved in operating the service

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: Generated through the annotate view

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING