Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user.

Changes: 4
Source: link
Author: Mezzie (22173) Curator

While this is not specified in their Terms, the site chooses to update it's terms of conditions with no warning to users at all. I have no actual source to back this up from but myself and others who have realised this lack of communication. One of the most interesting occurrences recently with the site updating it's Terms of Service (an old copies can be found here: https://archive.vn/https://alanthomsonsim.com/?page_id=621) where it added a phrase on banning users for account sharing (which it had already been doing before the Terms of Service were changed.). Me and those who I asked about this upon realising this ToS change (which seemed to come after a string of bans on this, at the time, unspecified rule as announced on a private Facebook page for the site) hadn't recieved any update from the site about the terms being updated or the ability to accept these new terms. I haven't even received any emails before about any of the ToS changes that may have occured without my knowledge since I signed up to the site (on the 25th of May 2020).

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We track editorial changes to analyses and updates to a point's status and display the previous versions here as part of an effort to promote transparency regarding our curation process.

Version 4: 2021-01-29 09:01:35 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760) Curator

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING

Updated Status: APPROVED

Version 3: 2021-01-29 09:01:16 UTC by Mezzie (22173) Curator

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: While this is not specified in their Terms, the site chooses to update it's terms of conditions with no warning to users at all. I have no actual source to back this up from but myself and others who have realised this lack of communication. One of the most interesting occurrences recently with the site updating it's Terms of Service (an old copies can be found here: https://archive.vn/https://alanthomsonsim.com/?page_id=621) where it added a phrase on banning users for account sharing (which it had already been doing before the Terms of Service were changed.). Me and those who I asked about this upon realising this ToS change (which seemed to come after a string of bans on this, at the time, unspecified rule as announced on a private Facebook page for the site) hadn't recieved any update from the site about the terms being updated or the ability to accept these new terms. I haven't even received any emails before about any of the ToS changes that may have occured without my knowledge since I signed up to the site (on the 25th of May 2020). What kinds of proof can I offer over the site not communicating changes to their ToS other than a long text string? There's no proper visual evidence I can give other than the link to old version of the ToS I captured. Unsure how to continue this. Could you give me an idea of any form of evidence I could gather if this isn't sufficient? Thanks.

Updated Analysis: While this is not specified in their Terms, the site chooses to update it's terms of conditions with no warning to users at all. I have no actual source to back this up from but myself and others who have realised this lack of communication. One of the most interesting occurrences recently with the site updating it's Terms of Service (an old copies can be found here: https://archive.vn/https://alanthomsonsim.com/?page_id=621) where it added a phrase on banning users for account sharing (which it had already been doing before the Terms of Service were changed.). Me and those who I asked about this upon realising this ToS change (which seemed to come after a string of bans on this, at the time, unspecified rule as announced on a private Facebook page for the site) hadn't recieved any update from the site about the terms being updated or the ability to accept these new terms. I haven't even received any emails before about any of the ToS changes that may have occured without my knowledge since I signed up to the site (on the 25th of May 2020).


Updated Status: PENDING

Version 2: 2021-01-29 08:43:02 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760) Curator

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING


Version 1: 2021-01-28 22:06:53 UTC by Mezzie (22173) Curator

Previous Title:

Updated Title: Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user.

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: While this is not specified in their Terms, the site chooses to update it's terms of conditions with no warning to users at all. I have no actual source to back this up from but myself and others who have realised this lack of communication. One of the most interesting occurrences recently with the site updating it's Terms of Service (an old copies can be found here: https://archive.vn/https://alanthomsonsim.com/?page_id=621) where it added a phrase on banning users for account sharing (which it had already been doing before the Terms of Service were changed.). Me and those who I asked about this upon realising this ToS change (which seemed to come after a string of bans on this, at the time, unspecified rule as announced on a private Facebook page for the site) hadn't recieved any update from the site about the terms being updated or the ability to accept these new terms. I haven't even received any emails before about any of the ToS changes that may have occured without my knowledge since I signed up to the site (on the 25th of May 2020). What kinds of proof can I offer over the site not communicating changes to their ToS other than a long text string? There's no proper visual evidence I can give other than the link to old version of the ToS I captured. Unsure how to continue this. Could you give me an idea of any form of evidence I could gather if this isn't sufficient? Thanks.

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING