Previous Title: No changes recorded
Updated Title: No changes recorded
Previous Analysis: Your Ownership. Pebble acknowledges that Pebble does not obtain any ownership interest in any applications that you develop using the Pebble SDK and you acknowledge that Pebble retains ownership in any distributable components of the Pebble SDK that you embed in your applications.
Updated Analysis: Your Ownership. Pebble acknowledges that Pebble does not obtain any ownership interest in any applications that you develop using the Pebble SDK and you acknowledge that Pebble retains ownership in any distributable components of the Pebble SDK that you embed in your applications.
Updated Status: DECLINED
Previous Title:
Updated Title: Pebble acknowledges that it does not obtain any ownership in your apps
Previous Analysis:
Updated Analysis: Your Ownership. Pebble acknowledges that Pebble does not obtain any ownership interest in any applications that you develop using the Pebble SDK and you acknowledge that Pebble retains ownership in any distributable components of the Pebble SDK that you embed in your applications.
Previous Status:
Updated Status: PENDING