You waive your right to a class action.

Service: Sophos
Changes: 3
Source: link
Author: pederdm000 (2130) Staff

Class Action Waiver. The parties further agree that the resolution of any disputes between the parties shall be conducted in their individual capacities only and not as a class action or other representative action, and the parties expressly waive their right to file a class action or seek relief on a class basis.&nbsp;YOU AND SOPHOS AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING.&nbsp;If any court or arbitrator determines that the class action waiver set forth in this paragraph is void or unenforceable for any reason or that an arbitration can proceed on a class basis, then the arbitration provisions set forth above shall be deemed null and void in its entirety and the parties shall be deemed to have not agreed to arbitrate disputes.<br>

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Version 3: 2021-02-06 04:25:26 UTC by Deleted Staff

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: QUOTE NOT FOUND

Updated Status: DECLINED

Version 2: 2020-11-17 15:34:30 UTC by Dr_Jeff (20149) Staff

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING

Updated Status: APPROVED

Version 1: 2020-11-16 20:30:49 UTC by pederdm000 (2130) Staff

Previous Title:

Updated Title: You waive your right to a class action.

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: Generated through the annotate view

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING