You can limit how your information is used by third-parties and the service

Service: Avast
Changes: 2
Source: link
Author: AgnesDeLion (20760) Staff

The privacy policy states: "On the basis of your consent, in order to: Subscribe you to a newsletter or the Avast forum; Enable the provision of third-party ads in product massages; Enable the provision of personalized ads in support of certain free products. We will always ask for your consent before any processing that requires it and provide you with necessary information through our Consent Policy or otherwise as applicable."

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We track editorial changes to analyses and updates to a point's status and display the previous versions here as part of an effort to promote transparency regarding our curation process.

Version 2: 2020-12-15 12:12:40 UTC by michielbdejong (6) Staff

Previous Title: No changes recorded

Updated Title: No changes recorded

Previous Analysis: No changes recorded

Updated Analysis: No changes recorded

Previous Status: PENDING

Updated Status: APPROVED

Version 1: 2020-11-08 17:43:07 UTC by AgnesDeLion (20760) Staff

Previous Title:

Updated Title: You can limit how your information is used by third-parties and the service

Previous Analysis:

Updated Analysis: The privacy policy states: "On the basis of your consent, in order to: Subscribe you to a newsletter or the Avast forum; Enable the provision of third-party ads in product massages; Enable the provision of personalized ads in support of certain free products. We will always ask for your consent before any processing that requires it and provide you with necessary information through our Consent Policy or otherwise as applicable."

Previous Status:

Updated Status: PENDING