Terms of Use

Terms of Use <p> All content created and obtained via this website is subject to the following Terms of Use. </p> <p> In simple language, each purchase grants the buyer a one-time license to sell, redistribute, modify, publish, ir sublicense the purchased content, though additional limitations may apply if the purchased content contains content from third-parties. For example, designers could resell content to clients, but those clients or their affiliates could not resell the content. </p> <p> Please read these Terms of Use carefully because they affect your legal rights and include an agreement to resolve disputes that may arise between us. We believe these rules simplify and enhance the service for all users. </p> <p> Read below for details. </p> General <p> These Terms of Use (Terms) govern the access, browsing and use by the users (User or Users, as applicable) of this website as well as the services rendered through this website (Service or Services, as applicable) which include the downloading, uploading, and usage of graphics, photos, text, links, and other content (Content). Rights not expressly granted to the User by the Terms are reserved exclusively for Panabee LLC (Company). In particular, the Company strongly advises Users to review and understand the Intellectual Property section. </p> <p> Accessing and using this website means the User has read, clearly understood, and accepted these Terms without exception. In case the User refuses the Terms or objects to any part of the Terms, the User is prohibited from using the Services. It is the responsibility of Users to contact the Company and clarify potential areas of ambiguity before using the Services. By signing up, subscribing or otherwise using the Services, the User enters into a binding contract and consent to the Terms. Users also agree they are responsible for complying with all domestic and international laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations. Users accept defend, indemnify, and hold safe the Company, its affiliates, and their corresponding officers, directors, agents and workers, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation affordable legal, accounting, and other provider charges, affirming or resulting from usage of the Services. </p> <p> The Company reserves the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of the Terms and to take any action we deem appropriate, including but not limited to canceling your account, reporting any suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclosing any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities relating to your profile, email addresses, usage history, posted materials, IP addresses and traffic information, as allowed under our Privacy Policy. </p> <p> The Company may modify the Terms at any time. We strongly urge Users to review the Terms on a regular basis and certainly before using the Services. Legal usage rights for content generated by artificial intelligence is an evolving, largely unknown domain. Because of this, it's imperative we reserve the right to amend the Terms as law and market conditions dictate. </p> <p> Some Services provided through this website may be subject to specific conditions or instructions that must be accepted by the User prior to the provision of the relevant Service. These specific conditions may be imposed by Panabee LLC or by third parties. Such specific conditions shall apply in addition to the Terms and in case of conflict shall supersede the Terms. Accordingly the User must read and accept such specific conditions before the provision of the relevant Service. </p> <p> The User agrees not to use the Service negligently, for fraudulent purposes or in an unlawful manner. Likewise, the User agrees not to partake in any conduct or action that could damage the image, interests or rights of the Company or third parties. </p> <p> The User will not interfere with the functioning of the Services, in particular, he/she/it will not impersonate another user or person. The User agrees not to carry out any action that may damage, make unavailable, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the Services, which may impact the security of the Services, or which may in any way interfere with the Services offered by the Company. The use of robots, spiders or any other mechanism, mobile application, program or tool to access, copy or control any part of the Service or the Services in any way which is contrary to the ordinary use of the Service or which infringes the Company’s interests (without its express prior authorization) is strictly prohibited. Likewise, obtaining or attempting to obtain the contents of the Service using any method or system not expressly authorized by the Company or which is not the ordinary method of accessing the Service is also strictly prohibited. </p> <p> The User shall be responsible for any costs required for the Services’ use and for ensuring, prior to using the Services, that the Services’ features meet the User’s needs and that he/she/it meets all requirements and has all the equipment and software necessary for this purpose. </p> <p> The rights granted to the User under the Terms are personal and shall not be assigned to any third party (including affiliates or entities part of the same group of companies) totally or partially, by any mean, without the prior express written consent from the Company. </p> <p> If any provision in these Terms is declared invalid or unenforceable, it shall be substituted at the Company's discretion or deemed as it had not been included. The remaining provisions in these Terms shall not be affected in any way. </p> Intellectual Property <p> All intellectual property rights over this website, the Services, its design, and source code, and all content included in any of them (including without limitation text, images, animations, databases, graphics, logos, trademarks, icons, buttons, pictures, videos, sound recordings, etc.) belong to or are licensed to the Company. </p> <p> Any lines of code, machine learning models, or other software offered by the Company as part of the Services is secured by copyright. You may not copy, distribute, transfer, or modify any software, any content, or any part of the Services without prior express written consent from the Company. </p> <p> Each purchase constitutes a grant of a license, not a transfer of title. Under this license Users may not: attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software or any aspects of the Services. remove any copyright or other proprietary notations. or transfer the content to another person without permission or mirror any part of the Services. This license shall automatically terminate if Users violate these restrictions and may be terminated by the Company at any time. Upon termination of this license, Users must destroy any content in their possession whether in electronic or printed format. </p> <p> Unless stated otherwise, by submitting, creating, or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. </p> <p> Unless stated otherwise, you grant the Company a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to showcase Content used through the Services as templates that illustrate potential designs and past usage of the Services. This license granted to the Company is for illustrative purposes and does not grant other Users the ability to use your images, trademarks, and other intellectual property without prior written consent. </p> <p> Users bear final and ultimate responsibility for ensuring logos, trademarks, and other intellectual property are used faithfully according to their licensing terms. The Company requires the Users to honor intellectual property rights and not to resell, distribute, publish, or otherwise use logos, trademarks, and other intellectual property without proper permission of the content owner. Users who use the Services to violate intellectual property rights are in strict violation of these Terms, and are solely responsible for the legal consequences of these violations. </p> <p> You represent and warrant that you have, or have obtained, all rights, licenses, consents, permissions, power and/or authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein for any Content that you submit, post or display on or through the Services. You agree that such Content will not contain material subject to copyright or other proprietary rights, unless you have necessary permission or are otherwise legally entitled to post the material and to grant Twitter the license described above. </p> <p> We reserve the right to analyze and apply user data, design data, user graphics, interaction data, and other relevant data to improve the Services. </p> <p> Except as expressly authorized under these Terms, the reproduction or distribution, as well as transformation, producing any derivative works of any kind, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse or any other use of this website, the Services, or any of its parts, is strictly forbidden. </p> <p> If you believe any content infringes on third-party rights or does not comply with these Terms, you can report it to the Company as set forth in these Terms. </p> Registration In order to use certain Services, the User must register, creating a username and password and activating an account. To this end, the User must provide a valid email address where the User will receive notifications related to the Services. If the User is a legal entity or business, its username must be its full name or corporate name and the person registering on behalf of the legal entity or business declares that he/she is duly authorized to bind such legal entity or business and that such legal entity or business shall be bound to these Terms. The User agrees to provide the mandatory information required for registration and also acknowledges that such information is true, complete and up to date. The User is solely responsible for keeping such information updated. Should the User provide false, outdated or incomplete information, or should the Company have reasons to suspect it, the Company reserves the right to suspend or cancel the User’s account. The User must protect and keep the account password confidential and must not disclose it to third-parties. The User must neither allow other Users to access the Services through the User’s account nor use the account of another User to access the Services. Allowing other people to use your account creates a security risk, and you bear full responsibility and all liability stemming from such actions. The User is responsible for all operations carried out through the User’s account through any device. If the User suspects that another User is using his account, he/she/it should immediately inform the Company. The Company may suspend or cancel the User’s account if it considers that the User has breached these Terms. Liability <p> The User acknowledges and agrees to use this website and its Services at the User’s own risk and under the User’s responsibility and, therefore, the Company does not accept any responsibility for misuse or use in breach of these Terms. </p> <p> The User will be responsible for any damages to the Company resulting from the User’s use of this website and the Services in breach of the Terms and accepts to indemnify the Company and its directors, employees, agents and representatives from any liability in which they may incur as a result of the User’s usage of the Services. In particular, Users accept defend, indemnify, and hold safe the Company, its affiliates, and their corresponding officers, directors, agents and workers, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation affordable legal, accounting, and other provider charges, affirming or resulting from usage of the Services. </p> <p> The Company does not warrant the availability or continuity of this website or the Services, neither its reliability, quality, completeness, accuracy or whether they are fit for a specific purpose or activity. </p> <p> As way of example and without limitation, the Company shall not be liable for damages that may result from: interruptions, viruses, technical problems, interferences, omissions, unavailability, power cuts, failure of the telecommunication networks or the User’s equipment. delays or unavailability of the Services due to deficiencies or traffic overload on the Internet, in the communication network, or the electricity grid. Nor shall the Company be liable for damages resulting from third-party actions, software updates, or other causes. Put simply: USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE USER, AND THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OF ANY KIND CAUSED TO THE USER AS A RESULT OF USING THE SERVICES. </p> <p> The insertion of links in the Services does not imply any relationship, recommendation or supervision by the Company of the linked website and, accordingly, the Company does not accept any liability in relation to the content of any linked website except in the specific circumstances provided by the applicable law. </p> <p> The Company will make reasonable commercial efforts in order to ensure the accuracy of keywords and descriptions, as well as the identification of content as exclusively for editorial use or any equivalent expression. However, THE COMPANY NEITHER WARRANTS NOR MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION REGARDING ANY KEYWORD, TITLE OR DESCRIPTION. OR THE IDENTIFICATION OR LACK OF IDENTIFICATION OF ANY VISUAL CONTENT AS EXCLUSIVELY FOR EDITORIAL USE. For this reason and notwithstanding any other liability limitation that may be applicable in accordance with these Terms, the Company shall neither indemnify nor assume any liability in connection with any claim resulting from inaccurate keywords, titles or descriptions, or from the use of the visual content identified as exclusively for editorial use. </p> Disclaimer <p> The Company may provide Services and content with technical, typographical, or photographic errors. The Company does not warrant that the Services or provided content are accurate, complete, or current. The Company may make changes to the Services and associated content at any time without notice. The Company also does not make any commitment to update the Services at regular intervals. </p> <p> In particular, the Company may inadvertently publish erroneous pricing. In cases of dispute, incorrect prices may not be honored, and this decision is solely at the discretion of The Company. The Company will endeavor to notify Users as soon as possible upon incorrect pricing and will provide a full refund, less the amount of consumed services, upon request for any User who bought services with incorrect pricing. </p> <p> The Services are provided "as is." The Company makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, the Company does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the Services and associated content. </p> AI Services <p> Refunds for AI services differ from refunds for the graphic platform. AI services are not refundable. If unhappy with AI services, Users should contact the Company about exploring an alternative outcome that accommodates everyone. The Company will offer its best effort to find a mutually agreeable solution, but this is not guaranteed. </p> Contact <p> Please contact the Company with any questions or comments via email. Any feedback or comment you provide shall be deemed non-confidential unless you explicitly state otherwise. </p>

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