Invoice Ninja

Data Privacy Addendum

<strong>Global Privacy Policy Updated 22-March-2021</strong> <strong>Privacy Policy, Consent to Process, Data Control Overview</strong> <p>This DPA (Data Privacy Addendum) applies to websites, including all subdomains, and (the “Sites”) owned and operated by Invoice Ninja, LLC (collectively, “Invoice Ninja”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). This Privacy Policy describes how Invoice Ninja collects, uses, shares and secures the personal data you provide to us. It also describes your options in deleting/purging your data permanently from Invoice Ninja in compliance with GDPR.</p> <p> <strong>Personal Identifiable Information (PII) </strong>is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. PII is provided directly to us through your account registration &amp. use.</p> <strong>Consent: PII Data We Collect</strong> <ul> <li>Main Account User Name</li> <li>Main Account User Email</li> <li>Company Name (optional)</li> <li>Company Website URL (optional)</li> <li>Company ID # (optional)</li> <li>Company VAT # (optional)</li> <li>Company Phone Number (optional)</li> <li>Company Mailing Address (optional)</li> <li>Account Sub-Users Names &amp. Emails (optional)</li> <li>Company Size (optional)</li> <li>Company Industry (optional)</li> <li>Geo location based on IP address</li> <li>Billing Information. last 4 digits of credit card &amp. expiration date, billing address (paid accounts only)</li> </ul> <strong>Third Party Data Access</strong> <p>GDPR Requires that Invoice Ninja disclose 3rd party vendors which interact with your data. In order to operate the Invoice Ninja system, the following parties receive partial data that you provide, as outlined in the Invoice Ninja ‘Terms of Service’:<strong>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Cloudflare</li> <li>Linode</li> <li>Google Apps</li> <li>Stripe</li> <li>Postmark App</li> <li>Luis. ai</li> <li>MadMimi</li> </ul> <strong>Portability: Exporting Account Data</strong> <p>You are able to export your data in a variety of formats and variables*. When logged in to your account:</p> <p>(1) Click “Settings”</p> <p>(2) Click “Import/Export</p> <p>(3) Select the format in which you wish to export your data: CSV/XLS/JSON</p> <p>*You are able to export ALL your data, or selectively:</p> <ul> <li>Clients</li> <li>Contacts</li> <li>Credits</li> <li>Tasks</li> <li>Invoices</li> <li>Quotes</li> <li>Recurring</li> <li>Payments</li> <li>Products</li> <li>Expenses</li> <li>Vendors</li> <li>Vendor Contacts</li> </ul> <strong>Portability:&nbsp;Exporting Documents (Enterprise Plans)</strong> <p>If you are an “Enterprise” level account, you also have the ability to upload documents to invoices, quotations, and proposals.</p> <p>You can export all your documents in a zip folder as follows:</p> <p>(1) Navigate to “reports”</p> <p>(2) Under “Type” select “Document” &amp. a date range according to when the documents were added.</p> <p>(4) Select “ZIP – Documents” in order to download all documents in their original file type, together within a Zip folder.</p> <p>(5) Click “Run” to view a list of all the documents in your account.</p> <p>(6) If everything looks accurate, click “Export” and a Zip folder will download.</p> <strong>Restriction/Erasure: Purging PII Account Data</strong> <p>The below three methods of data purge are final, total, and irreversible.</p> <p>(1) Account deletion: Login to your account, click “settings.” Next click “Account Management. Here you have the option to “Delete Company.” This will purge all account &amp. company data.</p> <p>(2) Company data purge&nbsp;(cancellation &amp. deletion): If you have more than 1 company created in your account, you will need to first delete each individual company, before purging &amp;/or deleting your main account.&nbsp. Login to your account, click “settings.” Next click “Account Management. Here you have the option to “Purge Data.” This will purge all account data, but your account login will remain active.</p> <p>(3) Individual client data purge: If you wish to permanently remove client data from your account (all contact info, invoices, quotes, payments, proposals, and projects), this is done from within the individual client view page. Click on the dropdown menu from “Edit Client” and select “Purge Client.” All&nbsp;contact info, invoices, quotes, payments, proposals, projects will be permanently and irreversibly purged from your account.</p> <p>*The above methods of data purge are final, total, and irreversible.</p> <strong>How we use cookies</strong> <p>A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.</p> <p>We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyze data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.</p> <p>Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.</p> <strong>Social Login &amp. Open ID</strong> <p>You can also log in to our site using sign-in services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider. These services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us such as your name and email address to pre-populate our sign up form. Services like Facebook Connect give you the option to post information about your activities on this Web site to your profile page to share with others within your network.</p> <strong>Links to other websites</strong> <p>Our website may contain links to enable you to visit other websites of interest easily. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Invoice Ninja is not&nbsp;responsible for the data protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting any 3rd party site and 3rd party sites are not governed by the Invoice Ninja privacy policy.</p> <strong>Newsletter &amp. Removal/Objection</strong> <p>Periodically we use your account email contact to send out newsletters announcing new features &amp. functionality for the benefit of your account use.</p> <ul> <li>You may pre-actively request your email address purged from newsletters by emailing&nbsp; or&nbsp;</li> <li>You may remove yourself at any time by clicking “unsubscribe” from any newsletter email footer to permanently and irreversibly be removed from newsletters.</li> <li>The exception may be (non-marketing news) legal notifications required by law regarding platform operational status, or similar.</li> </ul> <strong>Reporting Errors</strong> <p>Self host users have an option to report errors directly to us, by clicking on this checkbox you agree to send anonymized data directly to our servers for the purpose of understanding why the error was generated. This information will only be used for the express purpose of delivering bug fixes for the Invoice Ninja software application.</p> <strong>Changes to this DPA</strong> <p>We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email and/or newsletter (sent to the main email address specified in your account). We also encourage you to review this page from time to time to familiarize yourself on our privacy practices.</p> <strong>Communication &amp. Resolution</strong> <p>Users with questions regarding&nbsp;their account privacy, data use, data purging, questions or concerns on any privacy or any data use matter, should contact:&nbsp; or&nbsp;</p>

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