TERMS OF SERVICE Last Updated on May 25, 2018. <p>These terms and conditions (the <strong>"Terms"</strong>) govern your access to and use of FMGF's websites and mobile applications that link to or reference these Terms (<strong>"Site"</strong>). By accessing or using the Site, you are agreeing to these Terms and concluding a legally binding contract with Find Me Gluten Free and any of its parent or subsidiary companies (collectively, <strong>"FMGF"</strong>). Do not access or use the Site if you are unwilling or unable to be bound by the Terms.</p> THE BASICS <p>We do not share personally identifiable data with any third parties.</p> <p>We only save your data for the following purposes:</p> <ol> <li>For sign in purposes</li> <li>Manually saved by you on your user profile to display to other members of the community</li> <li>Statistics used to troubleshoot or improve the platform</li> </ol> COOKIES <p>We allow third party cookies for advertisement targeting purposes in non-EU countries.</p> 1. DEFINITIONS A. Parties <p> <strong>"You"</strong> and <strong>"your"</strong> refer to you, as a user of the Site. A <strong>"user"</strong> is someone who accesses, browses, crawls, scrapes, or in any way uses the Site. <strong>"We"</strong>, <strong>"us"</strong>, and <strong>"our"</strong> refer to FMGF.</p> B. Content <p> <strong>"Content"</strong> means text, images, photos, audio, video, location data, and all other forms of data or communication. <strong>"Your Content"</strong> means Content that you submit or transmit to, through, or in connection with the Site, such as ratings, reviews, compliments, invitations, check-ins, messages, and information that you publicly display or displayed in your account profile. <strong>"User Content"</strong> means Content that users submit or transmit to, through, or in connection with the Site. <strong>"FMGF Content"</strong> means Content that we create and make available in connection with the Site. <strong>"Third Party Content"</strong> means Content that originates from parties other than FMGF or its users, which is made available in connection with the Site. "Site Content" means all of the Content that is made available in connection with the Site, including Your Content, User Content, Third Party Content, and FMGF Content.</p> 2. USING THE SITE A. Eligibility <p>To access or use the Site, you must be 18 years or older and have the requisite power and authority to enter into these Terms. You may not access or use the Site if you are a competitor of ours or if we have previously banned you from the Site or closed your account.</p> B. Permission to Use the Site <p>We grant you permission to use the Site subject to the restrictions in these Terms. Your use of the Site is at your own risk, including the risk that you might be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, objectionable, or otherwise inappropriate.</p> C. Site Availability <p>The Site may be modified, updated, interrupted, suspended or discontinued at any time without notice or liability.</p> D. User Accounts <p>You must create an account and provide certain information about yourself in order to use some of the features that are offered through the Site. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account password. You are also responsible for all activities that occur in connection with your account. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account. We reserve the right to close your account at any time for any or no reason.</p> <p>Your account is for your personal, non-commercial use only. In creating it, we ask that you provide complete and accurate information about yourself to bolster your credibility as a contributor to the Site. You may not impersonate someone else (e.g., adopt the identity of a celebrity or your next-door neighbor), create or use an account for anyone other than yourself, provide an email address other than your own, or create multiple accounts. If you use a pseudonym, take care to note that others may still be able to identify you if, for example, you include identifying information in your reviews, use the same account information on other sites, or allow other sites to share information about you with FMGF. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.</p> E. Communications from FMGF and other Users <p>By creating an account, you agree to receive certain communications in connection with the Site. For example, you might receive compliments or friend requests from other Users. You can opt-out of non-essential communications by emailing us at one of the emails on our contacts page.</p> 3. GENERAL TERMS <p>A. We reserve the right to modify, update, or discontinue the Site at our sole discretion, at any time, for any or no reason, and without notice or liability.</p> <p>B. We may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Terms by email, regular mail or communications through the Site.</p> <p>C. Except as otherwise stated in Section 10 above, nothing herein is intended, nor will be deemed, to confer rights or remedies upon any third party.</p> <p>D. The Terms contain the entire agreement between you and us regarding the use of the Site, and supersede any prior agreement between you and us on such subject matter. The parties acknowledge that no reliance is placed on any representation made but not expressly contained in these Terms.</p> <p>E. Any failure on FMGF's part to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. The failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided for herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.</p> <p>F. If any provision of the Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.</p> <p>G. The Terms are not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by you except with FMGF's prior written consent, but may be assigned or transferred by us without restriction. Any assignment attempted to be made in violation of the Terms shall be void.</p> <p>H. The section titles in the Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.</p> 4. CONTENT A. Responsibility for Your Content <p>You alone are responsible for Your Content, and once published, it cannot always be withdrawn. You assume all risks associated with Your Content, including anyone's reliance on its quality, accuracy, or reliability, or any disclosure by you of information in Your Content that makes you personally identifiable. You represent that you own, or have the necessary permissions to use and authorize the use of Your Content as described herein. You may not imply that Your Content is in any way sponsored or endorsed by FMGF.</p> <p>You may expose yourself to liability if, for example, Your Content contains material that is false, intentionally misleading, or defamatory. violates any third-party right, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right. contains material that is unlawful, including illegal hate speech or pornography. exploits or otherwise harms minors. or violates or advocates the violation of any law or regulation.</p> B. Our Right to Use Your Content <p>We may use Your Content in a number of different ways, including publicly displaying it, reformatting it, incorporating it into advertisements and other works, creating derivative works from it, promoting it, distributing it, and allowing others to do the same in connection with their own websites and media platforms (<strong>"Other Media"</strong>). As such, you hereby irrevocably grant us world-wide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable rights to use Your Content for any purpose. You also irrevocably grant the users of the Site and any Other Media the right to access Your Content in connection with their use of the Site and any Other Media. Finally, you irrevocably waive, and cause to be waived, against FMGF and its users any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to Your Content. By "use" we mean use, copy, publicly perform or display, distribute, modify, translate, and create derivative works of Your Content.</p> C. Ownership <p>As between you and FMGF, you own Your Content. We own the FMGF Content, including but not limited to visual interfaces, interactive features, graphics, design, compilation, computer code, products, software, aggregate user review ratings, and all other elements and components of the Site excluding Your Content, User Content and Third Party Content. We also own the copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, and other intellectual and proprietary rights throughout the world (<strong>"IP Rights"</strong>) associated with the FMGF Content and the Site, which are protected by copyright, trade dress, patent, trademark laws and all other applicable intellectual and proprietary rights and laws. As such, you may not modify, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works or adaptations of, publicly display or in any way exploit any of the FMGF Content in whole or in part except as expressly authorized by us. Except as expressly and unambiguously provided herein, we do not grant you any express or implied rights, and all rights in and to the Site and the FMGF Content are retained by us.</p> D. Advertising <p>FMGF and its licensees may publicly display advertisements and other information adjacent to or included with Your Content. You are not entitled to any compensation for such advertisements. The manner, mode and extent of such advertising are subject to change without specific notice to you.</p> E. Other <p>User Content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of FMGF. We reserve the right to remove, screen, edit, or reinstate User Content from time to time at our sole discretion and without notice to you. For example, we may remove a review if we believe it violates our content guidelines. We have no obligation to retain or provide you with copies of Your Content, nor do we guarantee any confidentiality with respect to Your Content.</p> 5. DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY <p>PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY SINCE IT LIMITS THE LIABILITY OF FMGF AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, AND LICENSORS (COLLECTIVELY, THE "FMGF ENTITIES"). EACH OF THE SUBSECTIONS BELOW ONLY APPLIES UP TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. NOTHING HEREIN IS INTENDED TO LIMIT ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE WHICH MAY NOT BE LAWFULLY LIMITED.</p> <p>A. THE SITE IS MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU ON AN "AS IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. YOUR USE OF THE SITE IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK. THE FMGF ENTITIES MAKE NO CLAIMS OR PROMISES ABOUT THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, OR RELIABILITY OF THE SITE, ITS SAFETY OR SECURITY, OR THE SITE CONTENT. ACCORDINGLY, THE FMGF ENTITIES ARE NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE THAT MIGHT ARISE, FOR EXAMPLE, FROM YOUR RELIANCE ON THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, OR RELIABILITY OF THE BUSINESS LISTINGS, RATINGS, OR REVIEWS.</p> <p>B. THE FMGF ENTITIES MAKE NO CLAIMS OR PROMISES WITH RESPECT TO ANY THIRD PARTY, SUCH AS THE BUSINESSES LISTED ON THE SITE OR THE SITE'S USERS. ACCORDINGLY, THE FMGF ENTITIES ARE NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE THAT MIGHT ARISE FROM THEIR ACTIONS, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, IF ANOTHER USER MISUSES YOUR CONTENT OR IDENTITY, OR IF YOU HAVE A NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE WITH ONE OF THE BUSINESSES LISTED ON THE SITE. YOUR PURCHASE AND USE OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED BY THIRD PARTIES THROUGH THE SITE IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK.</p> <p>C. THE FMGF ENTITIES EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES AS TO THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED BY BUSINESSES LISTED ON THE SITE, AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE PROVIDED TO YOU BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF ONE OF THE FMGF ENTITIES SHALL CREATE A REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY.</p> <p>D. YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND REMEDY IN CASE OF DISSATISFACTION WITH THE SITE, RELATED SERVICES, OR ANY OTHER GRIEVANCE SHALL BE YOUR TERMINATION AND DISCONTINUATION OF ACCESS TO, OR USE OF THE SITE. </p> <p>E. THE FMGF ENTITIES' MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES THAT YOU SUFFER IN CONNECTION WITH THE SITE OR THESE TERMS IS LIMITED TO THE GREATER OF (i) THE AMOUNT PAID, IF ANY, BY YOU TO THE FMGF ENTITIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SITE IN THE 12 MONTHS PRIOR TO THE ACTION GIVING RISE TO LIABILITY, OR (ii) $100. </p> <p>F. THE FMGF ENTITIES DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR ANY (i) INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, RELIANCE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (ii) LOSS OF PROFITS, (iii) BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, (iv) REPUTATIONAL HARM, OR (v) LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA. </p>6. RESTRICTIONS <p>We are under no obligation to enforce the Terms on your behalf against another user. While we encourage you to let us know if you believe another user has violated the Terms, we reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate action at our sole discretion.</p> A. You agree not to, and will not assist, encourage, or enable others to use the Site to: <p>i. Write a fake or defamatory review, trade reviews with other businesses, or compensate someone or be compensated to write or remove a review;</p> <p>ii. Violate any third party's rights, including any breach of confidence, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right;</p> <p>iii. Threaten, stalk, harm, or harass others, or promote bigotry or discrimination;</p> <p>iv. Promote a business or other commercial venture or event, or otherwise use the Site for commercial purposes, except in connection with a Business Account and as expressly permitted by FMGF;</p> <p>v. Send bulk emails, surveys, or other mass messaging, whether commercial in nature or not. engage in keyword spamming, or otherwise attempt to manipulate the Site's search results or any third party website;</p> <p>vi. Solicit personal information from minors, or submit or transmit pornography. or</p> <p>vii. Violate any applicable law.</p> B. You also agree not to, and will not assist, encourage, or enable others to: <p>i. Violate the Terms;</p> <p>ii. Modify, adapt, appropriate, reproduce, distribute, translate, create derivative works or adaptations of, publicly display, sell, trade, or in any way exploit the Site or Site Content (other than Your Content), except as expressly authorized by FMGF;</p> <p>iii. Use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other automated device, process or means to access, retrieve, scrape, or index any portion of the Site or any Site Content;</p> <p>iv. Reverse engineer any portion of the Site;</p> <p>v. Remove or modify any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice that appears on any portion of the Site or on any materials printed or copied from the Site;</p> <p>vi. Record, process, or mine information about other users;</p> <p>vii. Access, retrieve or index any portion of the Site for purposes of constructing or populating a searchable database of business reviews;</p> <p>viii. Reformat or frame any portion of the Site;</p> <p>ix. Take any action that imposes, or may impose, in our sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on FMGF's technology infrastructure or otherwise make excessive traffic demands of the Site;</p> <p>x. Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, user accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Site through hacking, password mining or any other means;</p> <p>xi. Use the Site or any Site Content to transmit any computer viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature (collectively, <strong>"Viruses"</strong>);</p> <p>xii. Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Site, or otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site;</p> <p>xiii. Use the Site to violate the security of any computer network, crack passwords or security encryption codes. disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Site or Site Content. or</p> <p>xiv. Remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the Site, features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of Site Content, or features that enforce limitations on the use of the Site.</p> <p>The restrictions above only apply to the extent permissible under applicable law. Nevertheless, you agree not to act contrary to them (even if permissible under applicable law) without providing 30 days' prior written notice to us, together with any information that we may reasonably require to give us an opportunity to provide alternative remedies or otherwise accommodate you at our sole discretion.</p> 7. GUIDELINES AND POLICIES A. Content Guidelines <p>You represent that you have read and understood our Terms of Service and the corresponding restrictions on content.</p> B. Privacy <p>You represent that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy. Note that we may disclose information about you to third parties if we have a good faith belief that such a disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) take action regarding suspected illegal activities. (ii) enforce or apply our Terms and Privacy Policy. (iii) comply with legal process or other government inquiry, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, judicial proceeding, or other legal process served on us. or (iv) protect our rights, reputation, and property, or that of our users, affiliates, or the public. If you use the Site outside of the United States, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.</p> C. Copyright and Trademark Disputes <p>You agree not to infringe on any of the proprietary rights of FMGF, including by using any information or content owned, copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise registered by FMGF.</p> 8. FMGF DEALS AND FMGF ADVERTISING <p>If you create a business owner's account on the Site or purchase advertising from FMGF, the terms of your individual contract will apply.</p> 9. SUGGESTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS <p>By sending us any ideas, suggestions, documents or proposals (<strong>"Feedback"</strong>), you agree that (i) your Feedback does not contain the confidential or proprietary information of third parties, (ii) we are under no obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the Feedback, (iii) we may have something similar to the Feedback already under consideration or in development, and (iv) you grant us an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to use, modify, publish, distribute and sublicense the Feedback.</p> 10. THIRD PARTIES <p>The Site may include links to other websites or applications (each, a <strong>"Third Party Site"</strong>). We do not control or endorse any Third Party Site. You agree that we are not responsible for the availability or contents of such Third Party Sites. Your use of Third Party Sites is at your own risk.</p> 11. INDEMNITY <p>You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold FMGF, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, any related companies, suppliers, licensors and partners, and the officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives of each of them (collectively, the "FMGF Entities") harmless, including costs, liabilities and legal fees, from any claim or demand made by any third party arising out of or relating to (i) your access to or use of the Site, (ii) your violation of the Terms, (iii) any products or services purchased or obtained by you in connection with the Site, or (iv) the infringement by you, or any third party using your account, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity. FMGF reserves the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us and you agree to cooperate with our defense of these claims. You agree not to settle any matter without the prior written consent of FMGF. FMGF will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action or proceeding upon becoming aware of it.</p> 12. CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE <p>Texas law will govern these Terms, as well as any claim, cause of action or dispute that might arise between you and FMGF (a <strong>"Claim"</strong>), without regard to conflict of law provisions. FOR ANY CLAIM BROUGHT BY EITHER PARTY, YOU AGREE TO SUBMIT AND CONSENT TO THE PERSONAL AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN, AND THE EXCLUSIVE VENUE OF, THE STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS LOCATED WITHIN AUSTIN, TEXAS.</p> 13. TERMINATION <p>A. You may terminate the Terms at any time by closing your account, discontinuing your use of the Site, and providing FMGF with a notice of termination. Please review our Privacy Policy for information about what we do with your account when terminated.</p> <p>B. We may close your account, suspend your ability to use certain portions of the Site, and/or ban you altogether from the Site for any or no reason, and without notice or liability of any kind. Any such action could prevent you from accessing your account, the Site, Your Content, Site Content, or any other related information.</p> <p>C. In the event of any termination, whether by you or us, our right to use Your Content continues in full force.</p> 14. CHANGES TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE <p>We may modify the Terms from time to time. When changes are made, we will notify you by making the revised version available on this webpage, and will indicate at the top of this page the date that revisions were last made. You should revisit these Terms on a regular basis as revised versions will be binding on you. Any such modification will be effective upon our posting of new Terms. <strong>You understand and agree that your continued access to or use of the Site after any posted modification to the Terms indicates your acceptance of the modification.</strong> </p>

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