Cloudburst Media

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy ,Cloudburst Media B.V. Is software company specialized in web based game development.,This Privacy Policy applies to all websites operated by Cloudburst Media B.V. By accessing and using ,our sites, you acknowledge and signify your assent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our ,information practices, please do not access or use our sites. As provided below, we reserve the right, ,at our discretion, to change, add or remove portions of this policy at any time by posting such ,changes to this page. Such changes will be effective upon posting. ,The security of your data is very important to Cloudburst Media B.V. and as such we take all ,appropriate steps to limit the risk that it may be lost, damaged or misused. This site expressly and ,strictly limits its membership and/or viewing privileges to adults18 years of age and over or having ,attained the age of majority in their community. All persons who do not meet its criteria are strictly ,forbidden from accessing or viewing the contents of our adult rated sites. ,Data collected,Personal Information: users can watch content without registering and without any information ,being collected and processed. However the visitor's IP address will be recorded in the event that ,there is any misappropriation of information and/or content. ,To access our adult rated games registration is required. The following account information is ,requested at the time of registration: email address and birthday.,Upon placing a order we collect the following additional personal information: first name, last name, ,address, postcode, city, country and region.,By placing a order on “the checkout page”, clicking “Buy now” your account information and ,personal information will be shared with the the payment processor (CardGate) in order to process ,your payment. ,Cloudburst Media B.V. makes use of the follow third party plugins:,- Zopim (chat and contact form),- Google Analytics (website and game analytics),- Cloudflare (CDN for faster and secure connection with our products),- Cardgate (payment processor),- Addthis (social media sharing platform),This information will be saved to enhance user's experiences and to comply with laws when placing a,order. If you have any question about this please contact us.,Cookies,A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s hard drive containing information about the user. ,Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while on our Sites. ,When you visit Cloudburst Media B.V., we may send one or more cookies to your computer that ,uniquely identifies your browser account session. Cloudburst Media B.V. uses both session cookies ,and persistent cookies. If you remove your persistent cookie, some of the site's features may not ,function properly.,Log File Information: When you visit Cloudburst Media B.V., our servers automatically record certain ,information that your web browser sends such as your web request, IP address, browser type, ,browser language, referring URL, platform type, domain names and the date and time of your ,request. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.,Uses,Your Personally identifiable information submitted to Cloudburst Media B.V. is used to provide to the,user the website's features and special personalized features. We do not use your email address or ,other personally identifiable information to send commercial or marketing messages without your ,consent. We reserve the right use your traffic information to help streamline our marketing and ,hosting operations and to improve the quality of the Cloudburst Media B.V.'s user experience.,Storage period,Cloudburst Media B.V. will keel address without further consent for non marketing or administrative ,purposes (such as notifying you of key website changes or for customer service purposes). ,We analyze aggregated up your (personal) data stored as long as it is necessary for the above ,purposes and to comply with legal (storage) obligations. If you have any question about the storage ,period, please feel free contact us.,Right of access, modification and deletion of personal data,Cloudburst Media B.V. stands for transparency towards its customers and interested parties about ,how we handle your data. With this cookie and privacy policy we try to offer you clarity and ,transparency. If you still have questions, you can always contact us. If you would like to view or ,change the data relating to your situation, you can contact us by mail. ,If you choose to delete your data, we are obliged to store some data in order to meet legal ,requirements, but this will take place in consultation with you.,Disclosure of information,If under duty to do so Cloudburst Media B.V. may release data to comply with any legal obligation, or,in order to enforce our Terms Of Service; or to protect the rights, property or safety of Cloudburst ,Media B.V. or our subscribers or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies ,and organizations including the police and governmental authorities for the purposes of protection ,against fraud or any other kind of illegal activity whether or not identified in the Terms Of Service. It ,is Cloudburst Media B.V. 's policy, whenever possible and legally permissible, to promptly notify you ,upon an obligation to supply data to any third party. We do not share your personally identifiable ,information (such as name or email address) with other, third party companies for their commercial ,or marketing use without your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which ,you will have the ability to opt in or opt out.,Security,Within our organization, a limited group of employees have access to your personal data. This group ,has been explicitly selected and screened by the management of Cloudburst Media B.V. ,In addition, we have taken several measures to protect your data. Both technical and organizational ,measures (such as access control, limited group of employees with access to your data and the ,encryption of data) have been applied.,Where we have given you (or where you have chosen a password) which enables you to access ,certain parts of our sites and/or games, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. ,We ask you not to share your password with anyone. Unfortunately, the transmission of information ,via the Internet is not completely secure. Cloudburst Media B.V. uses commercially reasonable ,physical, managerial and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your personal ,information. We cannot, however, ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to ,Cloudburst Media B.V. and you do so at your own risk.,We recommend that you regularly change your password for your safety measurements.,Notification of changes,We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time by posting such changes on our games ,and sites. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective upon posting such changes. If you ,access or use any of our games or sites, you are required to periodically check our Privacy Policy for ,any changes. If you continue to access or use any of our games and/or sites after we have changed ,our Privacy Policy, you manifest your assent to the changes to our Privacy Policy.,We will contact you about major changes by email and popup notifications.,Contact information,If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you otherwise need to contact us regarding ,your personally identifiable information, please contact us by sending an email.,Mail:

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