Digital Rights Watch

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy Digital Rights Watch is committed to protecting your privacy. <strong>Collection, retention, use and protection of your data</strong> <p>We collect information when you visit our website, make a donation online, and subscribe to our campaigns or mailing lists, for the purposes of keeping you updated and informed of our work and the ways in which you can be engaged and support us. We’ll let you know what information is required for each action, and we strive to require only the bare minimum of information necessary.</p> <p>If you sign onto one of our various mailing lists, petitions, make a donation or use our contact tools, we retain the information you provided to manage our own mailing lists. For newsletters, petitions and online actions this includes your name, email address and postcode. Members of the organisation are also required to provide postal addresses and contact telephone numbers. We utilise MailChimp for all outbound email functions.</p> <p>For petitions, open letters, or similar public communications that you’ve signed or completed, we treat your name, city, state, and comments as public information. We will not make your street address publicly available, but we may transmit it to public officials as part of a petition or open letter.</p> <p>We collect information regarding visits to our website. We use the open source analytics platform Matamo to track visitor usage. With Matamo, we log IP addresses, browser, operating system, visiting time, session, actions per visit, pageviews per visit, returning visitors, and referring site information. The data we collect through Matamo is stored on our own servers, and will never be shared with others.</p> <p>We will always take reasonable steps to protect personal information that we hold, to protect it from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Where we no longer need personal information for any purpose, we will destroy the information or ensure that it is de-identified.</p> <p>We do not sell our email list. We do not share or distribute your contact information unless specifically stated so, and never without your explicit consent.</p> <p>If you donate to us, your credit card information will be used only for transactions through our secure online payment system. Digital Rights Watch utilises Stripe as a payment gateway and our organisation does not gain access to nor retain details of your credit card.</p> <strong>Control of your data</strong> <p>You retain the right to view and request copies, deletion, and modification of the personal data we collect from you. You may contact us at any time and request access to the information that we hold on you, as well as subsequent amendments and/or deletion of the data we hold on you.</p> <p>If you no longer wish to receive updates from us via email, you can unsubscribe here.</p> <p>Please contact if you have any inquiries relating to your data.</p> <strong>Partners and third parties</strong> <p>We sometimes carry out our business or operate our website using third party tools or services. Information may be shared with the operators of those tools or services in connection with our use of those tools or services to carry out business or operate our website. These providers may sometimes be based in or operate in jurisdictions outside of Australia, but wherever possible we will use locally based providers.</p> <p>We may have joint campaigns with partnering organisations and in those cases will explicitly state that we are doing so. In those cases, if your information will be shared with another organisation in order to facilitate email delivery, list management, and other stated purposes, we will explicitly make notice on any campaign or website that this organisation owns before you submit any of your information. We will only share information which you submit at the time of notice and will not share any person’s information obtained from other past or future campaigns, knowingly or on purpose.</p> <strong>Cookies</strong> <p>We use cookies for a limited number of purposes. A cookie is a small element of data that our website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive. If you are concerned about your privacy and the use of cookie technology you may set your web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. You may also set your browser to refuse the cookies our site attempts to send you. However, if you choose to reject cookies from us, some functions on the website may be limited. We encourage users to make use of Mozilla Firefox and EFF’s Privacy Badger plugin to be fully aware of cookies when visiting website.</p> <strong>Compliance with law enforcement</strong> <p>If we are required by law to disclose any information that you have submitted, we will attempt to provide you with prior notice (unless we are prohibited or it would be futile) that a request for your information has been made in order to give you an opportunity to object to the disclosure. If you do not challenge the disclosure request, we may be legally required to turn over your information. Unless we are specifically prohibited from doing so, we will publicly declare any and all legal requests we receive to disclose the personal information of our members, supporters and donors.</p> <strong>Security of our systems</strong> <p>We have enacted HTTPS as a default across our website, and encourage users to make use of services such as EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere to secure themselves online.</p> <strong>Privacy complaints</strong> <p>If you wish to make a privacy complaint in relation to the operations of Digital Rights Watch, please contact You should also lodge a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner, and our regulating body the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission.</p> <strong>Compliance with regulations and legal frameworks</strong> <p>Digital Rights Watch complies with&nbsp;the Australian Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles&nbsp;and the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme.</p>

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