

Definition of terms <p>“Hiccears.com”(as well as “we”, “us” and “our”) is the website and service provided by our company.</p> <p>“The content” is defined as any digital information the user provide to Hiccears.com. This include both private and public information.</p> <p>“Private information” is defined as any personal information which includes name, gender, birthday, address, phone number, occupation, credit card number, bank account and private message on Hiccears.com.</p> <p>“Copyright share” is defined as share the right to publish or monetize the content with the content creator in Hiccears.com. </p> Disclaimer <p>We are not obligated to manage or store any digital information including but not limited to any text, image and video posted by user.</p> <p>We do not take responsibility for any activity carried out on a user's account under any circumstance.</p> <p>We are not involved in any contact between users nor resolve any dispute with one or more users with exception of dispute between commissioner and content creator.</p> <p>We browse, store, and may even disclose any content submitted by users to ensure that the terms of service are upheld. We take no responsibility for any outcome caused by these actions.</p> <p>We may terminate or suspend the membership of any users, delete all or a part of submitted contents when user violated or may have violated the term of use. We take no responsibility for any outcome caused by this action.</p> Privacy policy <p>The users are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of private information provided by themselves. User shall report or contact Hiccears.com for any breach of account security.</p> <p>Hiccears.com collect users’ private information including name, birthday, address, email address, phone number for the purpose of providing full service such as premium membership and online transaction. </p> <p>We may also require your private information for the purpose of verification of your identity if you are a content creator.</p> <p>Private information voluntarily provided by users and statistical data of users are gathered for the purpose of improve our service and related products. We will inform or announce beforehand the purpose of use when we obtain private information.</p> <p>We protect user’s private information and shall not share it with any third party with exception of following cases:</p> <p> </p> <blockquote> 1. Disclosure required by authorities or regulation.<br> 2. User or Use’s content break the law in Spain.<br> 3. User or User’s content relate to life threatening situation and impossible to get the user’s consent.<br> 4. Statistic data which collected for the purpose of improving user’s experience and analyze market. The data will not indicate the identity of user.<br> 5. With user’s consent, private information is used for purpose of forming business contact or commission with any third party<br> </blockquote> <p> </p> Copyright <p>The copyright of submitted works on Hiccears.com are temporary withhold by Hiccears.com until we verified the actual owner.</p> <p>The user claim to have ownership of the contents submitted on Hiccears.com and shall not violate any right of a third party. </p> <p>When asked us, the user shall provide evidence of ownership of contents submitted on Hiccears.com</p> <p>The logo, design and service provided by Hiccears.com properties of our company. You may not copy or use any of these properties without our consent with exception of contents provided by users on Hiccears.com</p> <p>The content creator can share the copy-right with other users on Hiccears.com for free or through subscription options. Unless stated otherwise, we assume that both commissioner and content creator share copyright of contents that created via commission system on Hiccears.com.</p> Report Abuse Policy <p>We rely on our users to help us improve both user experience and healthy community.</p> <p>If you find content that violate our terms of use or content without appropriate. You can click on the report button on the button-right corner of the content page.</p> <p>If you wish to report any user who is abusive to other,you can contact us directly.</p> <p>Abusive behavior such as</p> <blockquote> 1. Harassment and Cyberbullying<br> 2. Frauds and impersonation<br> 3. Threat of violence <br> 4. Or any other behavior you find inappropriate.<br> </blockquote> Acceptable Usage Policy <p>Hiccears.com allow content creator to share or sell their content either original or protected by fair-use.</p> <p>In addition, content must be either drawn or written, which means we do not accept photographic material or 3D generated content.</p> <p>User may use photo or 3D generated image for avatar. User CAN NOT use any image or user-name which is inappropriate to minors.</p> <p>User may use our site to promote other legal websites or products but must follow our terms of use. We reserve our right to take down any content or external link if it is inappropriate.</p> Prohibited acts <p>We are online platform providing service for distribution and publication of content users provided. Users are solely responsible for any content they provided to Hiccears.com. </p> <p>We may terminate or suspend user’s membership when user conducts following prohibited acts. All or a part of the content in terminated or suspended accounts will be removed. <br>The user shall NOT</p> <p> </p> <blockquote> 1. Discriminate, be defamatory, unrespectful or unlawfully threatening towards our company or any third party. <br> 2. Repeatedly Provide same content to Hiccears.com or any third party.<br> 3. Reprinting any content from Hiccears.com without content owner’s permission. <br> 4. Create more than one account. <br> 5. Provide information disclosing any third party’s information without permission. <br> 6. Provide false birthday, under-age user shall not view mature content. <br> 7. Provide information that is false or misleading. This is also include impersonation of any person or organization. <br> 8. Provide content that will infringe or possible infringe of intellectual property rights such as copyright and patent of our company or any third party. <br> 9. Violate any law or regulation. <br> 10. Submitting data that may cause damage to Hiccears.com or third party including but not limited to fraud sites, virus and inappropriate sites.<br> 11. Flooder the server over the normal extend or damaging the service network or system. <br> 12. Rewiring or deleting any content or information stored on our facilities other than your own.<br> 13. Provide any content contain 3D rendered image, depiction of child pornography or child abuse.<br> 14. Provide any photographs containing real people or indistinguishable from real people are not allowed to be submitted as contents (with exception of user’s avatar in non-erotic manner)<br> 15. Provide Contents created by photo-manipulation on the main object or objects. Absolutely no characters that are depicted as minors in sexually-themed works anywhere on Hiccears.com appear indistinguishable from a photograph or be based upon an actual child. <br> 16. Behave that considered inappropriate or violating the right of our company or any third party.<br> </blockquote> <p> </p> Account Closure, Suspension and Termination <p>User can choose to discontinue using our service by requesting closure of account with exception of following cases:</p> <p> </p> <blockquote> 1. User’s account is related to existing dispute between us and any third party.<br> 2. User’s account is suspended <br> 3. Information in user’s account must be with-hold for the investigation of authority.<br> </blockquote> <p> </p> <p>We may suspend user’s account if user violate prohibited acts 1-6. When user’s account is in the state of suspension, our service will be partly or fully limited.</p> <p>We may terminate or permanently suspend our service is if user violate prohibited acts 7-16 and repeated violate prohibited acts 1-6.</p> <p> </p> H-coin <p>H-coin can only be purchased and used on Hiccears.com. Hiccears.com is a third party platform allowing content creators to sell their digital art-works and literature. User can spend H-coin to gain access to paid content and support content content creator. H-coin can be converted back to its purchasing value when user wish to withdraw, we take 5% as service fee when user withdraw.</p> <p> Here are terms of service and privacy policy regarding H-coin<br> </p> <blockquote> 1. Purchase Cancellation: When a purchase is canceled, the fund will be removed from the seller’s account and return back to buyer’s account. In general, the purchase of digital content is instant, buyer can not request cancellation of such purchase unless:<br> <blockquote> (a) The content creator (Seller) in violation of Spanish or EU law including but not limited to: impersonation, copyright infringement and fraud.<br> (b) Unable to receive or download content due to errors occurred on Hiccears.com<br> (c) The buyer is violation of terms of use on Hiccears.com<br> </blockquote> When a purchase is canceled, the fund will be removed from the seller’s account and return back to buyer’s account.<br> 2. H-coin Refund: User may request refund under following conditions:<br> <blockquote> (a) The value of spendable H-coins in user’s identity account is equal or greater than the transaction user wish to cancel/refund.<br> (b) User is not in violation of Spanish or EU law. We may withhold fund in the case of illegal activity including but not limited to: copyright infringement, credit card fraud, hacking and so on. </blockquote> </blockquote> <p> </p> <p> </p> Cancellation of orders and refunds <p>At the time of request for cancellation of and order and/or the refund, the funds are returned from the seller's account to the buyer's account always under the following points:</p> <blockquote> 1- The seller has incurred in violation of Spanish or European law including copyright infringement, fraud, identity theft, etc...<br> 2- Problems during the access to the content or downloading of the same due to problems caused by hiccears.com<br> 3- The buyer has violated any of the points mentioned in the Terms of Use on HicceArs.com<br> 4- The user is not under violation of Spanish or European law nor illegal activity such as fraud, theft of accounts, etc.... at the time of the request for refund.<br> 5- The seller has published illegal and/or not allowed content on the website. At this point, if being detected an intentional illegal purchase of the material by the user without the complaint of the same to the administration of the website, will be reported to the relevant authorities both the seller and buyers of the related content.<br> 6- Due to the nature of the digital content, it will be returned integrally provided that the user has not intentionally downloaded the content and then retreive the money and obtain it for free<br> 7- The product offered doesn't coincides with the offer shown, deception thereof, wich causes the customer to buy a product but not prove to be the product sought and result in a customer scam.<br> 8- In case of unauthorized payment, funds will be withheld from the moment any illegal activity is reported by the user.We will reimburse the money to the user as long as the bank or any other competent authority confirms the unauthorized payment case.<br> 9- The funds will be returned to users and products canceled at any time that the content doesn't comply with the current regulations or Law.<br> 10- The request for cancellation of products and/or refund of money can be requested by any user and will proceed as long as the relationship between the buyer/seller and the applicant is confirmed.<br> 11- In case of identity theft, the account and funds will be blocked until the resolution of the situation detected.<br> 12- If the user closes the account, he will be notified if we detect money in his account to proceed to withdraw his funds.<br> 13- That the date of request of the return doesn't exceed the time of 15 days from the purchase of the product.<br> </blockquote> <p> </p> <p>In the above assumptions, Bismuse SL will announce on this website any change made well in advance of its implementation of any changes in the cancellation and refund policy.</p>

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