Tracker Software Products

Privacy & Cookies

Tracker Software Products &amp. Cookies How does Tracker Software Products use cookies? <p>Cookies enable us to identify what browser you are using, or you when you have logged into your account on our server. We use cookies that are <strong>strictly necessary</strong> to enable you to move around the site or to provide certain basic features. We use cookies to enhance our ability to analyze our web traffic using <strong>Google Analytics</strong>. We also use cookies to facilitate the shopping cart in our online store.</p> <p>We don’t sell the information collected by cookies, nor do we disclose the information to third parties, except where required by law (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies).</p> Strictly necessary cookies <p> <strong>Some cookies are strictly necessary in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies, we will not be able to determine the number of unique users of the site or provide certain features, such as logging in to the Tracker website.</strong> </p> Cookie Name Purpose <strong>docu-track</strong> code stores only one cookie, named "<strong>docu-track</strong>"&nbsp. which acts as a session ID or a unique identifier set for each unique browser to allow log analysis to determine the number of unique users for various parts of <b>non_windows_env_is_agreed</b> This cookie is for Mac users that agree to the purchase our Windows based software waving the right to refund based solely on on the fact they are using a Mac. The cookie suppresses the reprompting of the Agreement for future purchases when the button "Agree and don't ask me anymore" is clicked in the online store checkout process. <p> <strong>Google Analytics is a web analytics solution that allows us to see and analyze our web traffic data, giving us insight both our site traffic and our marketing effectiveness.</strong> </p> Cookie Name Purpose <strong>__utma</strong> <p>This stores the domain name (hash code) of site, a unique visitor id (randomly generated number), time of first visit, time of previous visit, current time, number of sessions since first visit.</p> <p>Expiry time - 2 years</p> <strong>__utmb</strong> <p>This stores the domain name (hash code) of site, pages viewed this session, current time.</p> <p>Expiry time - 30 minutes</p> <strong>__utmc</strong> <p>This stores the domain name (hash code) of site, pages viewed this session, current time.</p> <p>Expiry time - 30 minutes</p> <strong>__utmz </strong> <p>This stores the domain name (hash code) of site, time when cookie last set, total number of visitor sessions, number of different channels or sources through which this site was reached, source of the last cookie update, search hit tag identifier (or just 'organic' if reached via normal search hit), search medium, keyword phrase used to find site.</p> <p>Expiry time - 6 months</p>

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