Hisamitsu America

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <p>Hisamitsu America, Inc. (hereinafter “the Company” ) intends to handle customers’ private information, which refers to existing, identifiable individuals, based on guidelines described below.</p> <p> <strong>1. Strict Observance of Law</strong> </p> <p>The Company abides by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information as well as other laws applicable for handling of private information, concerned government ministries’ guidelines, and the Company rules.</p> <p> <strong>2. Acquisition and Usage of Private Information</strong> </p> <p>The Company obtains customers’ private information such as name, address, and phone number in the process of conducting business.<br> When customer information is directly obtained in writing, the Company indicates the purpose of the information acquired. in other cases, the Company advises or announces the purpose. The Company, without customers’ prior consent, or unless law allows it, refrains from using customers’ private information beyond the extent necessary for fulfilling the stated purpose.</p> <p> <strong>3. Private Information Management</strong> </p> <p>The Company takes necessary measures to appropriately manage customers’ private information to avert its divulgation, loss or damage, deformation, or illegal access to it. Furthermore, the Company exercises proper supervision over the employees handling private information. When the Company entrusts private information to the third party, the Company oversees their management of the private information given.</p> <p> <strong>4. Provision of Private Information to Third Party</strong> </p> <p>The Company shall not provide any private information to the third party without customers’ prior consent, except in cases where laws permit, including entrusting private information within the limitation of usage to achieve the stated purpose.</p> <p> <strong>5. Private Information Disclosure, Correction, and Usage Suspension</strong> </p> <p>Please be advised to notify the Company customer service (below) of your request for disclosure, correction, and usage suspension of your private information, and for a notice of the purpose. Upon receipt of your request, the Company confirms the identity of a requester, and fulfills the request in accordance with laws.</p> <p> <strong>6. Company Structure Maintenance</strong> </p> <p>The Company executes in-house staff training for all board members, employees, and temporary employees to comply with laws, concerned government ministries’ guidelines, and the Company rules. Moreover, the Company assigns a manager for handling of customers’ private information and conducts auditing on a regular basis.</p> <p> <strong>7. Others</strong> </p> <p>The Company makes conscious efforts to review and update the privacy policy in the light of customers’ comments and in response to changes in laws. Revisions made to the privacy policy will be announced on the Company website. Please visit the website on a regular basis for the update.</p> Purposes of Private Information <p>The Company utilizes private information for the following purposes:</p> <p> <strong>1. Purpose of Private Information of Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, Pharmacies, and Other Medical Personnel</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Collect and provide proper usage information on drugs, medical equipment, reagents, nutrition foods, and other products handled by the Company (all of which will be called “pharmaceuticals” hereinafter)</li> <li>Collect and provide information on quality, safety, and effectiveness of the pharmaceuticals</li> <li>Provide emergency safety information and a notice on revisions to product documents</li> <li>Contact for the occurrence of side effects and accidents, and recall</li> <li>Learn about recipients of certain biological products and maintain a telephone tree</li> <li>Study and analyze utilization and user needs of the pharmaceuticals</li> <li>Collect and provide information for new business establishments, business management, and integration of medical care</li> <li>Investigate and study the fields of medicine and pharmacology</li> <li>Collect and provide information on medical care and medical science</li> <li>Request and execute clinical trials and post-marketing study</li> <li>Exchange information with related companies overseas</li> <li>Notify and report to governmental agencies</li> <li>Construct and maintain an uninterrupted communication environment</li> </ul> <p> <strong>2. Private Information of Researchers in Biology (incl. medical science and pharmacology)</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Collect and provide information on proper usage of research reagents and medical science</li> <li>Study and grasp recipients, utilization, and user needs of research reagents</li> <li>Investigate and study biology including the fields of medicine and pharmacology</li> <li>Construct and maintain an uninterrupted communication environment</li> </ul> <p> <strong>3. Purpose of Customer Private Information</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Ship orders, provide services, handle payments, and conduct other necessary transactions</li> <li>Send information on various prizes and/or campaigns and ship the results, prizes, and/or samples</li> <li>Confirm applicants’ being at home for delivery of prizes and/or samples and for other necessary communication</li> <li>Send information to solicit cooperation for surveys and monitoring</li> <li>Send and collect survey and monitoring forms</li> <li>Share information on the Company products and services</li> <li>Acknowledge, investigate, examine, and respond to concerns, inquiries, and communication.</li> <li>Ask for feedback on handling of concerns, inquiries, and communication</li> <li>Provide communication and information to manufacturers, distributors, and medical personnel</li> <li>Notify and report to government agencies</li> <li>Provide appropriate and smooth communication with those who use the customer service office</li> <li>Fulfill other purposes disclosed when obtaining private information</li> </ul> <p>*The Company may record phone conversations made to the customer service office for the purposes mentioned above.<br> Additionally, please be advised that calls made to the customer service office by the toll-free number will be recorded for the purposes above and customer service improvement.</p> <p>*Private information (opinion, gender, age, and profession) gathered from survey and monitoring participants will be counted in a manner where individual participants cannot be identified, and such information will be used for future product development and marketing purposes.</p> <p> <strong>4. Private Information of Pharmaceuticals Wholesaler and Distributor Employees</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Work cooperatively for efficient promotion of the pharmaceuticals</li> <li>Collect and provide information on quality, safety, and effectiveness of the pharmaceuticals</li> <li>Communicate and collaborate in case of the occurrence of side effects and accidents, and recall</li> <li>Study and grasp recipients, utilization, and user needs of the pharmaceuticals</li> <li>Construct and maintain an uninterrupted communication environment</li> </ul> <p> <strong>5. Purpose of Private Information of Board Members and Employees of Various Business Clients</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Work cooperatively for proper, smooth execution of transactions</li> <li>Grasp credentials, skills, and experience</li> <li>Share the Company product information and management policy</li> <li>Construct and maintain an uninterrupted communication environment</li> </ul> <p> <strong>6. Purpose of Private Information of Shareholders</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Fulfill duties and handle exerted shareholders rights as stated in the Commercial Code</li> <li>Send business statements and other publications</li> <li>Provide various services to shareholders</li> <li>Manage shareholders information, e.g. shareholders data creation, based on standards stated in miscellaneous laws</li> </ul> <p> <strong>7. Purpose of Private Information of Recruits</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Send requested materials to and answer inquiries from prospect recruits</li> <li>Decide whom to hire</li> <li>Share the decision procedure and the results</li> <li>Conduct the pre-employment procedure and provide other information</li> </ul> <p> <strong>8. Purpose of Private Information of The Company Employees</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Manage duties, payroll, HR, evaluation, training, benefits, and safety matters related to the Company employees</li> <li>Provide information to a labor union, a health insurance union, an employee-shareholders association, subsidiaries, and concerned companies</li> <li>Supply information of MR training records to an MR training center</li> <li>Provide information to contract companies, consulting companies, and insurance companies (limited to companies mediated by the Company)</li> <li>Announce profiles to the public</li> <li>Notify and report to governmental agencies</li> <li>Provide information to in-house club organizations</li> <li>Execute business operations in a smooth manner</li> <li>Contact in case of emergency</li> </ul> <p> <strong>9. Purpose of Private Information of the Company Employees’ Families and Former Employees</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Contact for post-retirement procedures</li> <li>Supply and contact for HR-related information, such as employment management and benefits</li> <li>Issue and contact for various certifications</li> <li>Contact in case of emergency</li> </ul>

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