Privacy Policy

<ul> <li> Terms of Service </li> <li> Privacy Policy </li> <li> GDPR </li> </ul> <br> <br> At Sync, we are committed to protecting your privacy.<p> </p> <p>At Sync, we are committed to protecting your privacy.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy lets you know when and how Sync (“we”/”us”/”our”) uses, collects, discloses or processes your personal information when you use our products and services or visit the Sync website (“Website”). To that end, we have outlined below our Ten Privacy Principles based on the Privacy Principles established in Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) followed by information we are required to provide to our users located in the European Union according to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).</p> Sync’s Ten Privacy Principles <p>Personal information is information that can be used to identify or contact you individually, and other information that Sync needs to provide you with the products and services you have requested. Personal information we collect typically includes your name, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number and credit card or payment information. Under certain circumstances, an IP address may be considered personal information.</p> <p>Sync has 10 Privacy Principles, based on those established in the PIPEDA. Sync has implemented policies and practices to give effect to these principles. Sync has implemented procedures to protect personal information, has established procedures to receive and respond to complaints and inquiries, has trained its staff and communicated to them information about Sync's policies and practices, and has developed information explaining Sync's policies and procedures. This Privacy Policy tells you about how Sync's policies and procedures comport with each of these Principles.</p> Principle 1 – Accountability <p>Sync is responsible for personal information under its control. Sync has designated a Privacy Officer who is accountable for its compliance with our Privacy Policy and PIPEDA. Sync's Privacy Officer is accountable for our compliance with PIPEDA, but other individuals at Sync may be responsible for day-to-day collection and processing of personal information and may also be delegated to act on behalf of the Privacy Officer.</p> <p>Sync may on occasion use outside companies, called third parties, to help us provide our products or services to you. Regardless of where these third parties are located, we require that they also comply with PIPEDA and with Sync's Privacy Principles. </p> Principle 2 – Identifying Purposes <p>You have a right to know how your information will be used. Sync will explain why we need your information before or when we collect it, if the purpose is not already clear. We will assume that the purpose is clearly identified when we use your personal information to:</p> <ul> <li>Provide you with the products or services you have requested;</li> <li>Process your payment, including recurring payments as you request;</li> <li>Communicate with you about the products or services you have requested;</li> <li>Ensure that you are properly registered to use our products and services and to receive any associated technical support. and</li> <li>Inform you of any important product revisions or updates.</li> </ul> <p>Sync will also collect log information that includes your IP address and the time that you access our service. This information is stored in log files and is used for security, to improve performance and for aggregated and statistical reporting. This log information is not linked to personal information gathered elsewhere on the Website.</p> <p>Sync may also use your personal information for secondary purposes such as:</p> <ul> <li>Letting you know about new or upgraded Sync products and services. and</li> <li>Inviting you to participate in customer surveys or other opinion-gathering devices.</li> </ul> <p>Aggregate data is general information about groups of customers, and does not identify individual customers. Sync may combine your information with that of other customers to generate aggregate data that can be used to improve our products and services or develop new ones. For example, we may tell a third party how many users have subscribed to a particular service, but not identify that you personally are a subscriber. </p> <p>Sync will not disclose your personal information to any third parties without your consent, except under the following limited circumstances:</p> <ul> <li>As is reasonably required to fulfill your service or product requirements, provided such third parties shall be bound to appropriate privacy requirements;</li> <li>To comply with a legal process such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena, court order or law enforcement request</li> <li>To resolve a contractual dispute regarding your use of any Sync product or service;</li> <li>To resolve issues related to the use of your account for illegal activities. or</li> <li>To protect the personal safety of other users or members of the public in an emergency.</li> </ul> Principle 3 – Consent <p>Sync will collect, use and disclose your personal information only with your knowledge and consent, except where permitted or as required by law or defined in this Privacy Policy. We will not rent, sell, or otherwise distribute your personal information without your permission, unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy. Sync will seek consent when the information is likely to be considered sensitive.</p> <p>You control any future secondary use of your personal information, such as sharing it with marketers. You can prevent future secondary use of your information by “opting out” when Sync collects your information or at any time by simply contacting us. Opting out only applies to the secondary purposes because we may need to contact you regarding the usability of our services or notify you of important product revisions or updates. To change your privacy preferences, please go to and log into your account.</p> Principle 4 – Limiting Collection <p>Sync will collect personal information only for the purposes we’ve identified or for the primary uses described above. We shall collect information by fair and lawful means only. We will collect personal information in the following circumstances:</p> <ul> <li>When you subscribe to use our services, whether free or through a paid subscription;</li> <li>When you provide payment information for use with a paid subscription;</li> <li>When you contact Sync to request information;</li> <li>When we are provided such information from a third party who you authorized to share such information.</li> </ul> <p>We will mark as optional any question we ask that seeks information that is not necessary to provide you with the Sync product or service you request. </p> <p>Sync uses "cookies" to collect information and improve our products and services. A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your device. Cookies cannot be used to see any other data on your computer, nor can they determine your e-mail address or identity. We may use "persistent cookies" to save your registration ID and login password for future logins to our service. We may use "session cookies" to enable certain features of our service, to better understand how you interact with our service and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on our service. You can change your browser options to stop accepting cookies or to prompt for your permission before accepting cookies. Choosing to decline cookies may affect your access to our products and services.</p> <p>The Sync Website may include links to third-party Web sites. These third-party Web sites may assign different cookies to you. Those cookies may be used to track your involvement with the advertising site. You may choose not to accept these cookies. Sync does not control these parties, and you should review their privacy policies to learn more about what, why and how they collect and use personal information. </p> Principle 5 – Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention <p>Sync will not use or disclose your personal information other than for the purposes for which it was collected unless we receive your consent or unless we are required or permitted to by law. The content of the files that you store on our service is encrypted and only You can decrypt it. When providing information in response to a legal inquiry or order, we will verify its validity and disclose only the information that is legally required. Sync will make reasonable efforts, within the bounds of the law, to notify you should your personal information be subject to disclosure.</p> <p>Sync will keep your personal information only for as long as it needs to for the purposes identified above, as required by law, or as necessary to resolve any disputes you may have concerning our services. Sync will follow internally set guidelines and use care in the disposal, destruction, or de-identification of personal information to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to such information.</p> Principle 6 – Accuracy <p>Sync will maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date personal information as required for the identified purposes associated with its collection. Please let Sync know if your contact or other personal information changes. To update your personal information, please go to and log into your account.</p> Principle 7 – Safeguards <p>Sync protects the personal information in our possession and control by using security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. We work to protect personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized alteration using industry-recognized security safeguards. We restrict internal access to personal information to select members of our team. When you use our service, Sync will ask you to create a password. You will need your password to access any files that you store on our service. Sync will also give you the option to create a backup of your login information and encryption keys. </p> <p>YOU MUST SAFEGUARD YOUR PASSWORD AND KEYS. Your password and keys are not stored on the Sync system. Consequently, should you lose or forget these, we cannot provide these to you or reset your password. Should you lose your device or should your device become inoperative, you may log in to your account management portal on the internet and deselect the affected device(s). For further information, please go to</p> <p>We will maintain a record of every breach of security safeguards involving personal information under our control. We will notify you of any breach of our security safeguards involving your personal information if it is reasonable in the circumstances to believe that the breach creates a real risk of significant harm to you.</p> Principle 8 – Openness <p>This Privacy Policy is an overview of information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information. Should we change any of our privacy practices, we will post such change in this Privacy Policy for 30 days before it goes into effect. We will not retroactively change the practices associated with your personal information without your consent. The intention of this Privacy Policy is to answer your questions about our privacy policies and practices. Should you be interested in more detailed information about our procedures and practices, please contact our Privacy Officer at When you email Sync a request or concern, the Privacy Officer or somebody designated on the Officer's behalf, will review your email and will respond within a reasonable period of time.</p> Principle 9 – Individual Access <p>Upon your written request, and subject to exceptions as permitted or mandated by law, Sync will inform you of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information and will give you access to that information. You may challenge the accuracy and completeness of your information and have it amended as appropriate.</p> Principle 10 – Challenging Compliance <p>Sync maintains procedures for addressing and responding to all inquiries or complaints from its customers about Sync's handling of personal information. We will inform individuals who make inquiries or lodge complaints of the existence of relevant complaint procedures. Our Privacy Officer and staff working at the Officer's direction may seek external advice where appropriate before providing a final response to individual complaints. Sync shall investigate all complaints. If a complaint is found to be justified, we will take appropriate measures, including, if necessary, amending its policies and procedures.</p> <p>For More Information</p> <p>We appreciate hearing any comments, questions or concerns that you may have about our policies, practices and customer service. Please contact our Privacy Office at</p> <p>This file was last modified on October 30, 2018. </p>

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