Burning Man Project

Ticket Terms and Conditions

Ticket Terms and Conditions <p> <b>Burning Man Ticket Terms and Conditions, Waiver, and Release Form </b> <b> <br> </b> <b>(“Terms and Conditions”)</b> </p> <p>In consideration of being allowed to participate in and attend the 2020 Burning Man event (the “Event” or the “Burning Man Event”), I agree to comply with any and all rules, regulations, terms, and conditions of the Burning Man Event, including but not limited to the following:</p> <ol> <li>I certify that I am physically able to participate in the Burning Man Event and in any associated activity or performance, and that I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical professional.<br> </li> <li>I acknowledge and fully understand that as a participant, I will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, property loss and severe social and economic losses. These risks include, but are not limited to, those caused by: (a) the actions, inactions, or negligence of the organizers of the Burning Man Event, i.e., Burning Man Project and its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers, contractors, and/or affiliates (collectively, “BMP”) and/or participants in the Event. (b) conditions of the premises or equipment used. (c) rules and regulations regarding the activities. (d) temperature. (e) weather. (f) condition of participants. (g) the widespread use by participants and by BMP of fire, pyrotechnics, flame effects, explosions, and other similar activities. and (h) vehicular traffic. I further acknowledge and fully understand that there may also be other risks that are not known or foreseeable at this time. I KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISK OF PROPERTY LOSS, PERSONAL INJURY, SERIOUS INJURY, OR DEATH, WHICH MAY OCCUR BY ATTENDING THE 2020 BURNING MAN EVENT, AND HEREBY FOREVER RELEASE, DISCHARGE, AND HOLD BMP HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIM ARISING FROM SUCH RISK, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF BMP, OR FROM THIRD PARTIES, AND I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR MY PARTICIPATION.</li> <li>I understand that during the Burning Man Event, art installations, theme camps, vehicles (including but not limited to “mutant vehicles” and “art cars”), events, and performances will be held and/or on display, and I understand that most of these activities are not owned or operated by BMP. I ASSUME ALL RISK OF INJURY OR DEATH ARISING FROM THE OPERATION OF AND/OR MY PARTICIPATION IN ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES, AND THE RELEASE IN SECTION 2 APPLIES TO ANY RELATED INJURY I MIGHT SUSTAIN.</li> <li>I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby waive, release, discharge, and agree not to sue BMP and other participants, sponsors, and if applicable, owners and lessors of equipment, art installations, and premises used to conduct the Burning Man Event or related activities (collectively the “Releasees”), from any and all claims for damages, injuries, losses, liabilities, and expenses that I may have or that may subsequently accrue to me relating to, resulting from, or arising out of my participation in the Burning Man Event, including in any programs, events, art installations, or activities at the Event, and including any injury or damage to my person or property, or to that of any other person or property. If BMP files a claim against me, however, I may file a counterclaim related to the same facts and circumstances. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the Releasees harmless from and against any and all claims by third parties for damages, injuries, losses, liabilities, and expenses relating to, resulting from, or arising out of my participation in the Burning Man Event, including in any programs, events, art installations, or activities at the Event. I intend that the waiver and release of liability contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.</li> <li> <b>Burning Man’s Media Policy. </b>By entering the Burning Man Event, all participants agree to the following terms, conditions, and guidelines for the use of any imagery obtained at the Event, including still photographs and videos (hereinafter “Event Imagery”). Cameras are welcomed at the Event and have long been an important part of Black Rock City’s storytelling history. BMP monitors dissemination of Event Imagery for two primary reasons: (1) to preserve the Principle of Decommodification by ensuring that photographs and videos from the Burning Man Event are not used for advertising or commercial purposes. and (2) to protect participants’ right to privacy, freedom of expression, and creative immediacy.Participants may use Event Imagery for “Personal Use,” defined to include: (1) sharing with friends and family. and (2) displaying on personal websites and social media accounts, provided that&nbsp. the posts do not promote or sell any products, services, or brands, and the website or account is not affiliated with any commercial enterprise and does not purport or appear to be an official outlet of the Event or BMP. I UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THAT I MAY NOT MAKE ANY USE OF EVENT IMAGERY WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM BMP, OTHER THAN PERSONAL USE (as defined above). I understand that I have no right to sell, transfer, license, sublicense, or give my Event Imagery to any other party, except for Personal Use, and I agree to inform anyone to whom I give any Event Imagery that it can only be used for Personal Use.I assign to BMP a joint ownership in the copyright to my Event Imagery for the purpose of enabling BMP to enforce that copyright against any third party that displays or disseminates any of my Event Imagery in a manner not authorized by these Terms and Conditions. I appoint BMP as my attorney-in-fact to execute any documents necessary to effectuate such assignment. BMP agrees that it will not utilize this joint copyright to enter into any licensing agreements for the Event Imagery. Since I understand that, in the absence of written permission from BMP, I have no right to sell, transfer, license, sublicense or give any of my Event Imagery to any other party (except for Personal Use), if a third party obtains and uses any of my Event Imagery (other than for Personal Use) without such written permission from BMP, I agree that any permission, license, or right I may have granted this third party is completely void and invalid and that BMP has the absolute right, as joint copyright owner, to require the third party to cease all use of the Event Imagery.If I post, or allow to be posted, any Event Imagery on a personal website or account, whether controlled by me or by a third party, even if permissible as Personal Use, I agree that: (1) I will place, or cause to be placed, on any webpage or post displaying such Event Imagery a notice that (a) the Event Imagery can be used only for the poster’s personal use and not for any other purpose, and (b) the Event Imagery may be downloaded or copied only in accordance with a Creative Commons license that prohibits the licensee from using the Event Imagery for commercial purposes, including CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, and CC BY-NC-ND (available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/). (2) I will not license any Event Imagery that contains any nudity or partial nudity (including any imagery in which bare breasts, bare buttocks, genitals, or genital areas are visible). and (3) if BMP notifies me that any Event Imagery must be removed from public display, for any reason whatsoever in BMP’s sole discretion, I will promptly remove or cause to be removed those images. BMP, as joint copyright holder, reserves all rights to revoke any license that was erroneously placed on Event Imagery in violation of these Terms and Conditions and may cause the removal of such Event Imagery on any webpage on which it is displayed. I understand that use of the Creative Commons’ licenses approved herein does not supersede these Terms and Conditions, or my responsibility as the photographer or videographer to obtain all necessary permissions from subjects and artists as appropriate. Any use other than Personal Use of Event Imagery containing nudity that is presented in a sexual context and/or without the express written permission of the subjects is prohibited. Violations or suspected problems of this nature should be reported to the Black Rock Rangers and/or Media Mecca (on playa) or to press@burningman.org (year-round).The Burning Man community grows primarily by word of mouth. BMP does little to solicit attention from media companies about the Burning Man Event, and does not seek to grow the Event by exposure through the mass media. BMP does continue to support the presence of the press, and to encourage the free expression of news reporters, storytellers, small groups documenting special projects, cultural or fine art photographers, and creative authors/researchers or academics. Any party interested in making any commercial use of their documentation of the Event or in distributing footage beyond Personal Use must, however, enter into a separate written agreement with BMP. Visit http://www.burningman.org/network/about-us/press-media/ or contact press@burningman.org for more information on how to apply for this permission. All such projects require BMP’s review and approval prior to any distribution.&nbsp;</li> <li> <b>Burning Man Trademarks and Copyrights.&nbsp. </b>I acknowledge that “Burning Man,” “Black Rock City,” “Decompression,” “Burner Express,” and the Burning Man logo/symbol are registered trademarks of BMP. that the design of the Burning Man sculpture and the Black Rock City map are registered copyrights of BMP. and that BMP has the exclusive right to license and enforce those trademarks and copyrights along with its other intellectual property (collectively, “Burning Man Intellectual Property”).WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF BMP, I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY NOT USE ANY BURNING MAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR EVENT IMAGERY IN ANY ADVERTISEMENT OR PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IN MUSIC VIDEOS OR IN POSTS ON COMMERCIAL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS), OR IN THE TITLE OR ON THE COVER OF ANY PUBLICATION, unless the use is authorized by these Terms and Conditions or constitutes a fair use under United States law. (For general information about trademarks, copyrights, and fair use, please see: https://ilt.eff.org/Trademark__Liability.html#Fair_Use_Defense and https://ilt.eff.org/Copyright__Fair_Use.html.)BMP generally permits the use of Burning Man Intellectual Property, without payment of any license fee, on materials that are given away at or in connection with the Burning Man Event (“Gift Materials”), with the following conditions: (1) BMP may, for any reason in its discretion, determine that such use is not in keeping with BMP’s quality control, and if so, all such materials shall no longer be distributed. and (2) no Gift Materials may be sold (including to recoup the cost of producing them), exchanged for something of value, or distributed in any manner in which the Gift Materials are likely to be sold or exchanged for something of value.</li> <li>I acknowledge that people are using film, video, and photographic cameras at the Event, and that my image may be captured on film, video, or photographs that may subsequently be displayed or disseminated without my consent or payment of compensation to me, and I release BMP from any liability due to such capturing, display, or dissemination.</li> <li>I hereby appoint BMP as my representative to protect my intellectual property or privacy rights, recognizing that BMP has no obligation to take any such action. I understand that if BMP files a lawsuit to protect my intellectual property or privacy rights pursuant to the appointment in this Section, and BMP has information that my specific intellectual property or privacy rights have been violated and also has information as to my identity and my contact information, BMP will make reasonable efforts to notify me of any such action by sending a communication to the contact information in BMP’s possession.</li> <li>I understand that some participants at the Event may engage in expressive activity and dress, which may include partial nudity or nudity and other types of expressive activity. I agree that such expressive activity and dress is not indecent or offensive to me, and that I have decided to attend the Event with full knowledge that such expressive activity and dress may occur. If I am accompanied by minors at the Event, I acknowledge that I have made a choice that the minors may be exposed to the expressive activities and dress that take place at the Event, and that I have exercised parental responsibility and control in bringing the minors to the Event. Should I find that any activity at the Event is offensive to me, or to any minors accompanying me, I acknowledge that I can avoid such activity by, among other things, leaving the vicinity of the activity or leaving the Event.</li> <li>I understand that children under 18 years of age may attend the Event only accompanied by a parent or guardian, and if I bring a minor to the Event, I agree to the contractual terms contained in these Terms and Conditions on behalf of the minor.</li> <li>I acknowledge that all vehicles, including trucks, trailers, and recreational vehicles, entering the Event are subject to search by Gate staff for stowaways, dogs, guns, live plants, fireworks, handheld lasers, or other prohibited items.</li> <li>I agree to read and abide by the terms on the back of the ticket and all information listed in the 2020 Survival Guide.</li> <li>I consent to have medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during any program, event, or activity at the Event. I release BMP and all persons participating in any such medical treatment from all responsibility for any such actions.</li> <li>I agree that BMP is not liable for acts of God, the weather, strikes, protests, or actions taken by government agencies and similar causes. I understand that tickets and vehicle passes are nonrefundable even if the Event is terminated early or canceled, or entry conditions are modified, due to weather, acts of nature, governmental regulation, the failure to obtain required governmental permits, or conditions beyond BMP’s control.</li> <li>I understand that (1) I must bring enough food, water, shelter, and first aid to survive the duration of the Event in a harsh desert environment. (2) guns, fireworks, rockets, and other explosives are prohibited. (3) handheld lasers of any kind are prohibited, and mounted lasers are subject to restrictions as described at http://burningman.org/event/black-rock-city-guide/lasers/. (4) this is a LEAVE NO TRACE, pack it IN, pack it OUT event. and (5) I am asked to contribute 2 hours of playa cleanup in addition to cleaning up my own camp.</li> <li>I understand that commercial activities of any kind, including without limitation delivering goods or services to or at the Event for a prepaid fee, or engaging in marketing or brand promotion at the Event, are expressly prohibited, except as authorized by BMP and permitted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) as applicable.</li> <li>Tickets, credentials, and vehicle passes are revocable licenses that may be revoked by BMP for any reason, including without limitation resale for above the price at which they were initially offered by BMP, plus applicable taxes and BMP-approved fees (“Face Value”), purchasing more than stated limits, or assisting people with unauthorized or un-ticketed entry to the Event.</li> <li> <b>Refund and Cancellation Policy.</b>&nbsp. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds or exchanges will be issued for any reason. Fees are non-refundable.</li> <li> <b>Ticket Sales, Vehicle Passes and Registration for Ticket Sales.&nbsp. </b>Pursuant to a ticket sale registration process, a limited number of Event tickets and vehicle passes will be made available for sale. Individuals will have an opportunity to register for the sale via their validated Burner Profile, and at the end of such registration or later via email, will receive an access code or access information to access the sale. I understand that I will be informed of the procedures for the ticket sale during my registration for the sale, and that by my registration, I agree to be bound by those procedures and to waive any right to challenge the procedures of the registration or the sale. During the registration period for a ticket sale, I may register for an opportunity to purchase tickets, but I understand that my registration does not guarantee me the right to purchase any tickets. Only one registration per person per sale is allowed. If a person registers more than once, all registrations by that person may be canceled without notice. Any registration deemed to be duplicative or potentially fraudulent will be deactivated and blocked from all future sales. Registrations may not be bought or sold under any circumstances, and any registrations discovered to have been purchased or sold will be deactivated and blocked from all future sales. Registrations using email addresses from disposable domains or “dark mail” providers are subject to cancellation.At some time after the end of the registration period, I will be able to access the site for ticket purchases on a first-come, first-served basis. I understand that an online queue system may be used and, at BMP’s discretion, randomization may occur. Once through any queue, I understand that I will be able to purchase tickets only if tickets are available at the time I access the ticket purchase site. I understand that ticket and vehicle pass buying limits and restrictions for each sale will be stated on tickets.burningman.org, and I agree to be bound by those limits and restrictions in any sale in which I participate. Unless otherwise expressly allowed, vehicle passes may only be purchased in conjunction with an Event ticket, and the ratio of Event entry tickets to vehicle passes purchased shall not exceed two (2) Event tickets to one (1) vehicle pass. I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY NOT PURCHASE MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TICKETS PERMITTED AT ANY PRICE LEVEL, AND IF I ATTEMPT TO PURCHASE MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER, ALL MY TICKET ORDERS MAY BE CANCELED, RESCINDED, AND REVOKED AND THE TICKETS VOIDED WITHOUT NOTICE OR REFUND.ALL VEHICLES DRIVEN INTO THE EVENT MUST HAVE A VEHICLE PASS displayed in the windshield. I understand that a vehicle pass only grants the ability to drive a vehicle into the Event site and directly to one’s camp location and that a vehicle pass does not grant any additional on-site driving privileges. UNAUTHORIZED DRIVING WITHIN THE EVENT SITE IS PROHIBITED. During a ticket sale, and in any potential separate vehicle pass sale, depending on availability, I may have an opportunity to purchase vehicle passes. The price of a vehicle pass is $140, and each stand-alone vehicle driven through the Gate must have a vehicle pass. (Motorcycles, trailers, and art cars on trailers do NOT require a vehicle pass.) BMP reserves the right to subject the use of vehicle passes to further terms and conditions, which would be published on the Burning Man website (www.burningman.org), in the Jackrabbit Speaks newsletter, and at the Event. I understand that vehicle passes are not Event tickets and do not grant any person entry to the Event without a separate Event ticket. Likewise, the purchase of an Event ticket does not include the right to drive a motor vehicle into the Event or reserve a vehicle pass for that ticket holder. I understand that I may not purchase only a vehicle pass in any sale, unless expressly stated otherwise, and that if I do so, my order will be canceled without notice. No ticket refunds will be issued because the ticket holder neglected or was unable to acquire a vehicle pass from BMP. To help mitigate traffic issues, BMP reserves the right to limit the number of vehicle passes available for the Event, and the number of vehicle passes an individual may purchase.As part of the ticket and vehicle pass purchase process, I understand that I must provide current contact information and a valid credit card. Invalid credit card numbers will be disqualified from participation, and I understand that I will NOT have an opportunity to provide a secondary form of payment. UNLESS BMP EXPLICITLY STATES OTHERWISE, ONLY ONE TICKET PURCHASE PER PERSON AND PER CREDIT CARD IS ALLOWED.If I successfully purchase tickets and/or vehicle passes, my credit card will be charged automatically for the price of the ticket(s), vehicle pass(es), a per-item and per-transaction service fee, and any applicable taxes and delivery fees. Once I successfully purchase tickets and/or vehicle passes and my credit card is charged, I cannot cancel or withdraw my order, and as with all ticket and vehicle pass sales, the sale is final. If my credit card is declined by the credit card company for any reason, the sale to me will not be processed and I will not receive any tickets or vehicle passes, or be guaranteed a later opportunity to purchase tickets or vehicle passes.I understand that once I have purchased tickets through any sale (other than a sale that specifies additional purchases may be permitted in later sales), I will be ineligible to purchase any other tickets. Purchase in any sale, even on behalf of someone else, will disqualify me from being awarded a ticket through BMP’s Low Income Ticket Program. <p>For any ticket or vehicle pass sale or sale registration, if for any reason whatsoever, including computer or software malfunction, mistake or inadvertence, network congestion or crashes, I am not able to purchase any tickets or vehicle passes through the sale process, or my registration for a sale or the purchase of tickets or vehicle passes is not processed, or I receive a notice that my ticket or vehicle pass purchase or ticket registration is rescinded, revoked, canceled, or made in error and my credit card payment is credited to my credit card account, I waive any claim against BMP and release BMP from any and all liability.</p> <p>BMP retains the right to cancel, rescind or revoke any ticket purchases or vehicle pass purchases at any time for any reason whatsoever at BMP’s sole discretion. In alignment with Burning Man’s Decommodification Principle, one of Burning Man’s Ten Principles, BURNING MAN EVENT TICKETS AND VEHICLE PASSES MAY NOT BE SOLD FOR ADDITIONAL MARKUP BEYOND THEIR FACE VALUE OR UTILIZED TO PROMOTE OR RAISE FUNDS FOR ANY PROJECT, ENTITY, OR INDIVIDUAL. I understand that if I sell or attempt to sell a Burning Man Event ticket or vehicle pass for above Face Value. purchase a ticket or vehicle pass with the intention of reselling it for above Face Value. offer a ticket or vehicle pass as a reward or prize in any sweepstakes, auction, contest, game, drawing, or fundraising campaign without BMP’s prior written authorization. or offer a ticket or vehicle pass as part of a travel package that includes shelter, meals, or other amenities at the Event, BMP has the absolute right, in its sole discretion, to cancel all ticket and vehicle pass orders in my name without notice. Once cancelled, the ticket or vehicle pass will be null and void and will not grant the holder any right to enter the Event, and BMP will not have any liability to refund any of the purchase price to the purchaser or ticketholder. BMP does not guarantee the validity of any Event ticket or vehicle pass unless it is purchased directly from BMP or its authorized agents.</p> <p>BMP will provide the Secure Ticket Exchange Program (“STEP”) to facilitate purchasers attempting to resell tickets and vehicle passes. BMP may, in its sole discretion, partner with a third party to offer this service. I understand that once physical tickets have shipped, I may no longer submit my ticket for resale through STEP. I understand that submitting my ticket for resale through STEP does not guarantee that my ticket will be resold and does not guarantee that I will receive a refund of the ticket purchase price, if there are no individuals who actually purchase my ticket. Once I submit my ticket for resale through STEP, I understand that I may not rescind the offer to sell it. Conversely, signing up to express a desire to purchase tickets that may be resold does not guarantee that I will be given the opportunity to buy a ticket through STEP.</p> <p>BMP may, in its sole discretion, work with one or more third parties to provide the ticketing website. BMP does not promise that the ticketing website will be error-free or uninterrupted. The website, content, and service are delivered on an “AS-IS” and “AS-AVAILABLE” basis, and BMP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. I AGREE THAT BMP WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE TICKETING WEBSITE OR FROM MY PARTICIPATION IN ANY TICKET SALE OR ACQUISITION PROGRAM ADMINISTERED BY BMP OR ITS TICKETING PARTNERS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR PUNITIVE AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. BMP makes no guarantee of the availability of any tickets or vehicle passes or of the ability to purchase tickets or vehicle passes from use of the website.</p> </li> <li> <b>Will Call and Entry Policy. </b>To reduce lost tickets, deter the resale of tickets for above Face Value, and encourage the resale of tickets via STEP, if during the ticket purchase process I select to have physical tickets and vehicle passes mailed to me, they will be shipped some time after the middle of June 2020. Tickets and vehicle passes will ship to the shipping address I listed during the sale process, unless I subsequently requested that my order be shipped to a different address. If the ticket website contains a procedure to allow any change of the delivery address, I must make any requests to change the delivery address prior to June 6, 2020. I understand, however, that any such address change may not be processed and my tickets and vehicle passes may ultimately be mailed to the original address I listed, and I release BMP from any liability concerning the tickets or vehicle passes.Low Income tickets, orders with shipping addresses outside of the US and Canada, any tickets and vehicle passes for which no delivery address is specified during the ticket registration or ticket purchase process, and, at BMP’s discretion, any orders that are returned to BMP by the shipping provider will be held at Will Call. Will Call tickets and vehicle passes are held for pick up at the Box Office located at the front gate of Black Rock City. Unless other arrangements have been made with BMP, or the buyer has initiated a transfer of their order into another person’s name through the system operated by BMP’s ticket vendor, only the person under whose name the tickets or vehicle passes were purchased may pick them up at Will Call, and they must present valid legal photo identification in order for tickets or vehicle passes to be released. No refunds will be processed for patrons who do not have valid identification and therefore are unable to pick up Will Call tickets or vehicle passes. I understand that I am responsible for checking the age minimum for the Event, and that no refunds will be processed for participants who are denied entry due to not having valid identification that demonstrates they are 18 years or older, or if under 18 years old, due to not being accompanied by a parent or guardian. I understand that the Box Office closes at 12 pm (noon) PDT on Saturday, August 29, 2020, and that no tickets or vehicle passes held for Will Call pickup may be collected after then. No refunds will be issued for participants who do not collect their tickets or vehicle passes before the Box Office closes.</li> <li> <b>Event Ingress and Egress. </b>Due to the Event’s remote location, the vehicle capacity limitations of the roads leading to it, and restrictions placed by BLM on maximum population at the Event, I understand that I may be subject to lengthy delays in entering and departing the Event. I will be prepared for long waits on the playa during both ingress and egress (Exodus). I understand that if my vehicle is disabled or abandoned on Gate Road while entering or leaving the Event, my vehicle may be towed out of the traffic lanes, and I expressly release BMP and its agents from liability for any damage to my vehicle that may result from the towing process.</li> <li>These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and enforced according to the laws of the State of California without regard to any rules relating to conflicts of laws. I understand that any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions must be brought exclusively in the federal or state courts located in San Francisco, California, and I submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.</li> <li>Information provided to BMP in connection with the purchase of Event tickets or vehicle passes is covered by the Burning Man Privacy Policy, available at http://burningman.org/privacy-policy/. As noted in the Burning Man Privacy Policy, ticket and vehicle pass orders are processed in collaboration with independent service providers, and the use of information provided in connection with these transactions is also governed by the privacy policies of those providers.</li> <li>If I am obtaining tickets and/or vehicle passes for, or providing any tickets and/or vehicle passes to, any other person(s), I recognize that I am acting as that person’s agent in obtaining the tickets and/or vehicle passes, and due to this agency relationship, I agree to these Terms and Conditions on behalf of any person to whom I deliver any of the tickets and/or vehicle passes I obtain, and I shall notify any such person of these Terms and Conditions when I deliver a ticket and/or vehicle pass to them. If I have obtained a ticket and/or vehicle pass from another person, I also agree to these Terms and Conditions when the ticket and/or vehicle pass is delivered to me.</li> <li>I understand that these Terms and Conditions may be changed by BMP prior to the Event, and if so, the revised Terms and Conditions will apply to me. The most current version can be found at http://tickets.burningman.org/terms-and-conditions. My use of a ticket or other entry credential for entry to the Event signifies my binding agreement to the Terms and Conditions in effect at the time of my entry to the Event.</li> </ol> <p>I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY, I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS, AND I DO SO KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR DURESS.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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