<p>Cookies</p> <p>What are cookies?</p> <p>Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer via your web browser and allow servers hosting website content to recognise visitors and remember their activity.</p> <p>Cookies may last for just for the duration of your visit or they may last for longer allowing the server to recognise visitors over multiple visits.</p> <p>Cookies are stored separately for each web browser you use and cookies stored via one browser will not usually be available via other web browsers on the same device.</p> <p>What cookies do we use?</p> <p>Our websites may use the following cookies:</p> <p> <u> <b>Service Cookies</b> </u> </p> <p>Service cookies&nbsp;are necessary to provide the core functionality of our websites. They include:</p> <ul> <li> <b>"Session ID" cookies</b> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies allow us to store, recognise and link your actions in order to display the website correctly and to provide services that you request. These cookies are only active whilst you are on our websites and do not remain on your device once the browser session is closed.<br> <br> </p> <ul> <li> <b>"Browsing experience" cookies</b> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies allow us to store user preferences, such as your language, country, age and whether you have seen our privacy banner or turned off our cookie control. They are used to enhance the browsing experience and display appropriate content. Some of these cookies will remain for the length of the session, while others (such as language preferences) will persist on your device to allow the same preferences to be displayed on your next visit to our sites.<br> <br> </p> <ul> <li> <b>"Single sign-on" cookies</b> </li> </ul> <p>If you log in to your Sony Entertainment Network account via our website, we will use a cookie to enable you to visit other related sites operated by or on behalf of SIEE. These cookies are only active whilst you are on the website and do not remain on your device once the browser session is closed.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <u> <b>Non-service cookies<br> </b> </u> <br> Non-service cookies&nbsp;are not strictly necessary to provide the core functionality of our websites but are helpful to ensure we can improve our websites and provide more relevant, personalised content, marketing and advertisements. They include:</p> <ul> <li> <b>"Web audience measurement" cookies</b> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies enable us to track when you and others see and interact with our websites and marketing communications and advertisements on this and third party sites. The information we may record includes mouse actions and scrolling movement, as well as basic interactions with website forms and other content. We use this data to measure the performance of our websites and advertisements, to understand how they can be improved and to pay or be paid for the placing of advertisements. These cookies may be set when you visit this website and when you visit the websites of others showing our advertisements. These cookies may be controlled by third parties who provide web audience measurement services to us and may persist on your device once your session is closed.<br> <br> </p> <ul> <li> <b>"Advertising" cookies</b> </li> </ul> <p>These cookies are used to are used to track and store when you and others see and interact with our websites, marketing communications and advertisements on this and third party sites. We use this data to target and personalise our websites, marketing communications and advertisements on this and other websites. The aim is to show you relevant products and services defined by what you have previously viewed, searched or clicked when you interacted with our sites, services or advertising.&nbsp. These cookies may be controlled by third party advertising networks and will persist on your device once your session is closed.<br> <br> </p> <ul> <li> <b>Social Media Cookies</b> </li> </ul> <p>If you have signed in to a social networking site, such as Facebook, they may have set a cookie on your device which recognises you when you view content on our sites. This includes Facebook Like and Share buttons that are used on our websites. These cookies allow you to share content across social media via the use of sharing settings and may allow the social networking site to track your activity. Facebook Ireland is a joint data controller with us of the personal data that is collected via Facebook Ireland cookies. We have entered into a joint controller addendum with Facebook Ireland to determine the respective responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under applicable data protection laws with regard to the joint processing of your personal data. More information about how Facebook Ireland processes your personal data, including the legal basis Facebook Ireland relies on and the ways to exercise your data subjects rights against Facebook Ireland with regard to the personal data stored by Facebook Ireland, can be found in Facebook Ireland’s Data Policy at&nbsp;</p> <p>See our Privacy Policy for how we process your personal data in relation to using these Facebook Ireland cookies. See privacy and/or cookie policies on other relevant social networking websites for more information and controls about how they use your personal data.</p> <p>Control cookies on this website</p> <p>Your web browser may offer settings to disable and/or delete all cookies&nbsp;used on our websites,&nbsp;including&nbsp;Service cookies&nbsp;and&nbsp;social media cookies. Be aware that if you do disable cookies, our websites may not operate as expected and you may not be able to access certain functions and deleting cookies may result in previous preferences expressed using this browser, such as your language, being forgotten.</p> <p>Non-service cookies&nbsp;used on this website may be turned on or off using our website cookie control below:&nbsp;</p> Manage preferences <p>You may also turn off some advertising cookies via&nbsp;</p> <p>Social networks may offer controls via their websites to disable their use of social plug-in cookies for advertising. See privacy and/or cookie policy on the relevant social networking’s website for more information and controls.</p>

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