Green Dot

Privacy Statement

TECHNOLOGY PRIVACY STATEMENT,PLEASE READ THIS TECHNOLOGY PRIVACY STATEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE ,ACCESSING OR USING OURWEBSITESOR MOBILE APPLICATIONS.,Last Updated: April2021,Your privacy is important to us.This Technology Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”) ,describesthe types ofinformation collected, used,and shared by Green Dot Corporation, Green ,Dot Bank d/b/a GoBank,and theirsubsidiaries and affiliated companies (collectively, “Green ,Dot,”“we,” “us,” and “our”) when you visit ourwebsites,including our social media pages that we ,control,oruse our mobile applications.If you are a California resident, please see the “Additional ,Information Regarding California” section below for furtherinformation on our collection and use ,of your personal information.,For information on how we collect, store, share, and otherwise use your personal information that ,isobtained in connection with your application for or use of our financial products or services, ,please see the Privacy Policy associated with that product or service. however,this Privacy ,Statement will apply to our collection, storage, sharing, and use of informationfrom and about ,you, obtained in connection with your access to and use of our websites andmobile applications.,INFORMATION COLLECTION,•Information You Provide,We collect personal information from you when you choose to share it with us.This may include ,when you access or use our websites or mobile applications, create an online account with us, ,request information from us, signup for our newsletters or our email lists, participate in a ,promotion, or otherwise contact us. The personal information we collect may include your name, ,address, email address, phone number, date of birth, information about your payment at a retail ,location,information contained on a check that you upload for remote deposit, financial account ,information used for payments, loadsor direct deposits, and any other information you choose to ,provide. ,We also collect your information via third-partysocial networks when you use them to connect ,with us (for example, by posting comments on our posts or sending messages to us). If you ,choose to connect with us on third-party social networks, we may have access to certain ,information about you from that social network, such as your profile name, profile picture, ,networks, username and user ID, and comments, questions, and other posted content based on ,your privacy settings on that social network. ,•Information Automatically Collected,We may use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, log files, local shared objects, and other ,technologies as follows: (1) for security and authentication purposes, (2) to collect certain ,information when you visit and use our websites or mobile applications, (3) to deliver online ,advertisementsthat we think would be more relevant to your interests, (4) to monitor interactions ,with our emails,online advertisements,and text and push messages,and (5) to allow us to keep ,track of analytics and certain statistical information that enable us to improve our websites,mobile ,applications, products, and services.,For example, we may automatically collect certain non-personal information from you, including,,but not limited to,your browser type and version, device type, operating systemand version, ,Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, unique device identifier of your computer(s) or device(s) that are ,used to access our websites ormobile applications, software version, and the domain name from ,which you accessed our websites ormobile applications. We may also collect information about ,your browsing anduse behavior, such as the date and time you visit our websitesor use our ,mobile applications, the areas or pages of the websites or mobile applications that you visit, the ,amount of time you spend viewingor using the websites ormobile applications, the number of ,times you return to the websites ormobile applications, other click-stream or websiteor mobile ,applicationusage data, emails that you open, forward,or click-through to our websites, other ,websitesthat you may visit,and your activity on our websites and mobile applications.,If you use certain features of our websites or mobile applications that involve location-based ,services (such as anATM locator),we may also collect location information in order to:(1) ,provideyou with the services or products that you request, including access to location-based ,information, and (2) monitor for fraud or other suspicious activity.The ways in which we collect ,location information, and the type of locationinformation we collect,depend on the devices you ,use to access our websites ormobile applications and the settings for those devices. You may ,also manually enter a location (such as address, city, and postal code) to use the location-based ,services of our websites and mobile applications.,You can stop sharinglocation information with usat any time through your device or web browser ,settings or by deleting the mobile application from your device. If you stop sharing your location, ,certain features of our websites and mobile applicationsmay not function properly or at all. If you ,have specific questions about the privacy settings of your deviceor web browser, we suggest you ,contact the manufacturer of your device,your mobile service provider,or web browserprovider ,for help.,•Tracking, California Do Not Track Disclosures, and Ad Choices,Certain parts of our websites require cookies. You are free to set your browser or operating ,system settings to limit certain tracking or to decline cookies, but by doing so, you may not be ,able to use certain features ofourwebsitesor take full advantage of all our offerings. Please refer ,to your browser’s or operating system’s website or “Help” section for more information on how to ,delete cookies and/or disable yourbrowser or operating system from receiving cookies or ,controlling your tracking preferences.,Some browsers have a “Do Not Track”feature that lets you tell websites that you do not want to ,have your online activities tracked. Our system may not respond to DoNot Track requests or ,headers fromsome orall browsers.,We use certain analytics services, such as Google Analytics,that usecookies and similar ,technologies to collect and analyze information about use of our websitesand mobile applications,and report on activities and trends.These analytics servicesmay also collect information ,regarding the use of other websites, mobile apps,and online resources. You can learn about ,Google’s practices,and exercise the opt-out option ,provided by Google by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at ,,We and our network advertisers may periodically show you online ads for products and services ,you might be interested basedon yourvisits to both our websites and other websites (a process ,known as “behavioral advertising”). In order to do this, we need to place a cookie or other tracking ,device on your device. If you prefer to not receive online ads in this manner, you can optout of ,some network advertising programs that use your information by tracking your browsinghabits ,via cookies or other tracking devices. ,To learn more about the use of cookies andother technologies to deliver more relevant ,advertising, and to learn how to opt out of it in desktop and mobile browsers on the particular ,device on which you are accessing this Privacy Statement, please visit , You may download the ,AppChoicesapp at opt out in mobile applications. Opting out of ,a network does not meanyou will no longer receive online advertising. It only means that the ,network from which you opted out will no longer deliver ads tailored to your web preferences and ,usage patterns. ,•Combination of Information,We may combine the information we receive from and about you, including information you ,provide to us and information we automatically collect through our websites or mobile ,applications, as well as information collected from other online sources or from third-party ,sources to help us tailor our communications to you and to improve our websites, mobile ,applications, products,and services.,INFORMATION USE,We may use the information we collect from and about you for any of the following purposes:,•For security and authentication purposesandto prevent fraud;,•To notify you of incomplete applications or registrations;,•To respond to your inquiriesor otherwise contact and communicate with you;,•To provide you and other users with customized content, targeted offers, and advertising on ,our websites and mobile applications, on third-partywebsites andapplications, and via email;,•To contact you withinformation, newsletters, and promotional materials;,•To contact you when necessary;,•To review the usage and operationsof our websites and mobile applicationsand improve our ,content, products, and services;,•To address problems with our websites, mobile applications,andour business;,•To manage our networks;,•To protect the security or integrity of our websites, mobile applications,and our business. and,•As described to you at the point of collection.,Additionally, if you use our websitesor mobile applicationsto connect with third-party services,,you authorize us to use information from and about you, on your behalf, to interact with these ,third-party services based on your requests.,INFORMATION DISCLOSURE,We may disclose the information we collect from and about you as follows: (1) with Green Dot ,subsidiaries and affiliated companies. (2) to our third-party service providers that provide ,business, professional,or technical support functions for us. (3) as necessary if we believe that ,there has been a violation of the Site Terms of Use or of our rights or the rights of any third party. ,(4) to respond to judicial process orprovide information to law enforcement orregulatory ,agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted ,by law, or otherwise as required by law. and (5) as described to you at the point of collection.,We may share aggregate or anonymous non-personal information with third parties.,Also, we may sell or purchase assets during the normal course of our business. If another entity ,acquires us or any of our assets, information we have collected about you may be transferred to ,such entity. In addition, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against ,us, such information may be considered an asset of ours and may be sold or transferred to third ,parties. ,OPTION TO OPT-OUTOF EMAIL MARKETING,At all times, you have the option of “opting out” of receiving future email marketing messages ,from Green Dot by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of an email marketing ,message.,LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES,Our websites and mobile applications may have links to third-party websites and applications,,which may have privacy policies that differ from our own. The inclusion of suchlinkson our ,websites andmobile applications does not imply endorsement of the linked websitesor ,applicationsby us, and weare not responsible for the practices of such websites or applications. ,In addition, we are not responsible for the information collection, use, disclosure, or security ,policies or practices of other organizations, such as Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, RIM, or ,any other app developer, app provider, social media platform provider, operating system provider, ,wireless service provider,or device manufacturer, including with respect to any personal ,information you disclose to other organizations throughor in connection with our mobile ,applications or any social media pages.,CHILDREN'S PRIVACY,Protecting children’s privacy is important to us. In general, we do not direct our websites, mobile ,applications, products, or services to, nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from, ,children underthe age of 13. If we direct any of our websites, mobile applications, products, or ,services to children under the age of 13, we will provide appropriate privacy disclosures.,DATA SECURITY,We have taken certain physical, administrative, and technical stepsto safeguard the information ,we collect from and about our customers. While we make every effort to help ensure the integrity ,and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee our security measures.,ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION,If our websites, mobile applications, products,or services allow you to create an account, you ,may sign in to your account to update your personal information stored by us.,IF YOUHAVE QUESTIONS,If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or the practices described herein, you ,may contact us at Green Dot Customer Service, P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, California 91117.,REVISIONS TO THIS STATEMENT,We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify,add, remove, or otherwise revise ,portions of thisPrivacy Statement at any time.When we do, we will post the change(s) on our ,websitesand mobile applications.,ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING CALIFORNIA,Pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), we are providing the ,following additional details regarding the categories of personal information thatwe collect (both,online and offline), use,and disclose about California residents.Please note that certain personal ,information, including personal information subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, is not covered ,under the CCPA.For information on how we collect, store, share, and otherwise use your ,personal information that is obtained in connection with your application for or use ofour financial ,products or services, please see the Privacy Policy associated with that product or service.,•Collection andDisclosure of Personal Information,The following chart details which categories of personal information we plan to collect, as well as ,the categories of personal information we have collected and disclosed for our operational ,business purposes in the preceding 12 months. We collect this personal information from you and ,from publicly available databases,data brokers, social media sites, and joint marketing partners. ,Categoriesof Personal InformationDisclosed to Which Categories of Third ,Parties for Operational Business Purposes,Identifiers, such as name, contact information, Our subsidiaries and affiliated companies;our,and IP addressservice providers,Personal information, as defined in the Oursubsidiaries and affiliated companies. our ,California customer records law, such as service providers,name and contact information,Internet or network activity information, such Our subsidiaries and affiliated companies. our ,as browsing history and interactions with our service providers,websites,Geolocation data, such as device location Our subsidiaries and affiliated companies. our ,service providers,Audio, electronic, visual, similar information, Our subsidiaries and affiliated companies. our ,such as call and video recordingsservice providers,Inferences drawn from anyof the personal Our subsidiaries and affiliated companies. our ,information listed above to create a profile ,about, forexample, an individual’s ,preferences and characteristics,service providers,As described above in this Privacy Statement, we may have disclosed personal information to ,legal authorities to respond to requests or to protect and defend legal rights, which may include ,personal information in the categorieslisted above.,•Use of Personal Information,We use this personal informationto operate,manage, and maintain our business, to provide our ,products and services, and to accomplish our business purposes and objectives, as described ,above in this Privacy Statement. ,We do not sell and have not “sold” personal informationwithin the preceding 12 months, as “sale” ,is defined in the CCPA.We do not sell the personal information of minors under age 16.,•Rights and Requests,If you are a California resident, you(or your authorized agent)may make the following requests:,(1)Request to Know,You may request that we disclose to you the following information covering the 12 months ,preceding your request:,•The categories of personal information we collected about you andthe categories of ,sources from which we collected suchpersonal information;,•The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you. ,•The business or commercial purpose for collecting personal information about you(if ,applicable). and ,•The categories of personal information about you that we otherwise shared or disclosed, ,and the categories of third parties with whom we shared or to whom we disclosed such,personal information (if applicable). ,(2)Request to Delete,You may request that wedeletepersonal information we collected from you.,To make a Request to Know or a Request toDelete, please click hereorcall usat 833-937-0515. ,We will verify and respond to your request consistent with applicable law, taking into account the ,type and sensitivity of the personalinformation subject to the request.Upon receiving a request, ,we will attempt to verifyyour identity by comparing theidentifying information you provide with ,your request(e.g., your name and mailing address) to thepersonal information already ,maintained in our records. We may need to request additional personalinformation from you, ,such as your email addressor telephone number, in order to verify your identity and protect,against fraudulent requests.,If you maintain a password-protected account withus, we may verify your identity through our ,existing authentication practices for your account and require you to re-authenticate yourself ,before disclosing ordeletingyour personal information.If you make a Request to Delete, we may ,ask you to confirm yourrequest before we delete your personal information.,You have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under the ,CCPA.,Authorized Agents,If you want to make a request as an authorized agent on behalf of a California resident, you may ,use the submission methods noted above.As part of our verification process, we may request ,that you provide, as applicable: ,•Proof of your registration with the California Secretary of State to conduct business in ,California;and/or,•Apower of attorney from the California resident pursuant to Probate Code sections 4121-,4130.,If you are making a Request to Know or a Request to Delete on behalf of a California resident ,and have not provided us with a power of attorney from the residentpursuant to Probate Code ,sections 4121-4130, we may also require the resident to:,•Provide you with a written permission signed by the resident to make the Request to ,Know or Request to Delete on the resident’s behalf;,•Verify the resident’s own identity directly with us;and/or,•Directly confirm with us that the resident provided you permission to submit the Request ,to Knowor Request to Delete.

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