
Terms of Use

<p> By using this site you agree to cookies being used as set in our Cookie Policy. </p> Got it iMazing Features <ul> <li> <ul> <li> Backups </li> <li> Messages </li> <li> WhatsApp </li> <li> Photos </li> <li> Music </li> <li> Ringtones </li> <li> Books </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> Safari </li> <li> Phone </li> <li> Contacts </li> <li> Calendars </li> <li> Other Data </li> <li> Apps </li> <li> Quick Transfer </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> File System </li> <li> Transfer </li> <li> Backup Extractor </li> <li> iOS Management </li> <li> Supervision </li> <li> Configurator </li> <li> Profile Editor </li> </ul> </li> </ul> Free Download Free Download Free Download Buy Now iMazing Menu <ul> <li> Features <ul> <li> <ul> <li> Backups </li> <li> Messages </li> <li> WhatsApp </li> <li> Photos </li> <li> Music </li> <li> Ringtones </li> <li> Books </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> Safari </li> <li> Phone </li> <li> Contacts </li> <li> Calendars </li> <li> Other Data </li> <li> Apps </li> <li> Quick Transfer </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> File System </li> <li> Transfer </li> <li> Backup Extractor </li> <li> iOS Management </li> <li> Supervision </li> <li> Configurator </li> <li> Profile Editor </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Reviews </li> <li> Download </li> <li> Enterprise </li> <li> Store </li> <li> Support <ul> <li> FAQ </li> <li> Guides </li> <li> License Retrieval </li> <li> Join the Beta </li> <li> Troubleshooting </li> <li> Contact Us </li> </ul> </li> <li> Blog </li> </ul> English <ul> <li> English </li> <li> Deutsch </li> <li> Français </li> <li> Español </li> <li> Italiano </li> <li> Português </li> <li> Pусский </li> <li> العربية </li> <li> 中文 </li> <li> 日本語 </li> <li> 한국어 </li> </ul> Terms of Use 1. Acceptance and Modification of Terms and Conditions <ol> <li>The use of websites, products and services managed or administered by DigiDNA SARL ("DigiDNA"), as well as of software developed and/or distributed by DigiDNA, are executed by the current Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions"). When downloading, installing or using software provided by DigiDNA, Users acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted the current Terms and Conditions.</li> <li>In the event of modifications of the Terms and Conditions, the version published on DigiDNA's website is the only evidence. As a consequence, Users are invited to frequently consult this document in order to be informed of possible modifications.</li> <li>This page was last updated on the 7th of November, 2018. </li> </ol> 2. Orders/Merchant of Record <ol> <li>Our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.</li> </ol> 3. Services <ol> <li>Subscribed Users to DigiDNA services as well as owners of accounts on these servers are explicitly authorized to download and use these software, scripts and programs which are made available to them.</li> <li>Any other use of the software, scripts, sources, texts, drawings or methods contained in the programs made available on the Website or any other element of the Website, and in particular the use of the whole or parts of programs, scripts or any other item likely to be marketed, rented or any other for-profit use of the aforesaid items is strictly prohibited.</li> <li>In the event of non-compliance with the instructions or with the limitations of use related to the services or in the event of non-compliance with the current Terms and Conditions, DigiDNA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SUSPEND OR CLOSE ANY USER ACCOUNT, TO DENY ACCESS TO ITS SERVERS AND TO TERMINATE ITS SERVICES WITHOUT ANY COMPENSATION.</li> </ol> 4. Interruption of services <ol> <li>DigiDNA undertakes liability to the extent of its resources to ensure the availability of its Website and means of downloading resources, programs and services at disposal of its customers.</li> <li>DigiDNA cannot be held responsible for interruptions of service, or for the impossibility to access any of its products or services, including customer support and download or activation of DigiDNA products.</li> </ol> 5. Response Time/Support <ol> <li>Response time for information, support and assistance requests concerning the use and/or payment of provisions, services, software, or any other product provided by DigiDNA may take up to 2 working days.</li> <li>As far as possible, DigiDNA commits itself to reduce latency periods to their minimum. DigiDNA's current average first response time is about 12 hours, weekends included.</li> <li>Technical Support related questions are sent by email or through online forms or other appropriate means which are normally processed within the same response time. However, if the issue requires the intervention of a third party to be appropriately handled, DigiDNA will not be held liable for eventual delays.</li> </ol> 6. Limitation of Responsability <p>DIGIDNA DOESN'T ASSUME ANY RESPONSABILITY FOR POSSIBLE INTERRUPTION OR SUSPENSION OF WHOLE OR PARTS OF THE FEATURES ON ITS SITES RESULTING FROM ACTIONS OR OMISSIONS BY DIGIDNA OR A THIRD PARTY. WHEN SUBSCRIBING TO SERVICES PROVIDED BY DIGIDNA, USERS RECOGNIZE AND ACCEPT THAT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF REGULATIONS, DIGIDNA, ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES OR COMPANIES WHICH TAKE PART IN MAINTENANCE, PRODUCTION OR SUBCONTRACTING SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT OR ACCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR FOR THE COMPENSATION OF MORAL DAMAGES, COSTS, LOSSES, DECREASES IN THE TURNOVER OR ANY LIABILITIES (EVEN IF SUCH A DAMAGE WAS ANTICIPATED OR COULD BE AVOIDED BY DIGIDNA), LIKELY TO HAPPEN WHEN USING SERVICES, OR ON THE CONTRARY, WHEN SITES OR THEIR CONTENTS CANNOT BE USED. DIGIDNA DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES OR VIRUSES WHICH COULD INFECT YOUR COMPUTER OR YOUR IT HARDWARE AFTER JOINING OR USING DIGIDNA WEBSITES OR DOWNLOADING PARTS OF THE WEBSITES.</p> 7. Privacy <ol> <li>Any data or information likely to personally identify corporate bodies or individuals is protected and processed under the Privacy Policy in effect at DigiDNA.</li> <li>When forwarding information, the owner of an account on DigiDNA servers certifies that the hardware/content transmitted is their property, or that they have rights or licences authorising use, that it is not defamatory and that its use through plans, services and DigiDNA's servers shall not infringe on the rights of a third party.</li> </ol> 8. Denial of Guarantee <ol> <li>WITHOUT LIMITING THE SCOPE OF ARTICLE 5 ABOVE, ALL CONTENT, INFORMATION AND PROGRAMS FOUND ON DIGIDNA'S WEBSITES ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS', ACCORDING TO THEIR AVAILABILITY, AND WITHOUT ANY GUARANTEE, EITHER EXPLICIT OR IMPLICIT.</li> <li>DIGIDNA DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ITS SERVERS, ITS INTERNET SITES OR THEIR CONTENTS WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS, NOR THAT THEY ARE UNINTERRUPTED, CONVENIENT, SAFE OR ERROR-FREE.</li> <li>ADVICE OR INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM DIGIDNA IN WRITTEN OR ORAL FORM REGARDING USE OF DIGIDNA SERVICES AND PRODUCTS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A GUARANTY OF ANY KIND.</li> </ol> Get news and offers right to <strong>your inbox</strong>. Our newsletter policy Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Company <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Open Source</li> <li>Reviews</li> <li>Press Kit</li> <li>Affiliate</li> </ul> Social <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> iMazing <ul> <li>Transfer</li> <li>Backups</li> <li>Photos</li> <li>Music</li> <li>Ringtones</li> <li>Books</li> <li>Safari</li> <li>Apps</li> <li>Quick Transfer</li> <li>Messages</li> <li>WhatsApp</li> <li>Phone</li> <li>Contacts</li> <li>Calendars</li> <li>Other Data</li> <li>File System</li> <li>Backup Extractor</li> <li>iOS Management</li> <li>Configurator</li> <li>Supervision</li> <li>Security &amp. Privacy</li> </ul> Support <ul> <li>FAQs</li> <li>Guides</li> <li>Tech Specs</li> <li>Join the Beta</li> <li>Troubleshooting</li> <li>DiskAid</li> <li>Lost License Code</li> <li>Contact Support Team</li> </ul> Get iMazing <ul> <li>Store</li> <li>Download</li> <li>Enterprise</li> <li>Education</li> <li>iMazing HEIC Converter</li> <li>iMazing Configurator</li> <li>iMazing Profile Editor</li> <li>iMazing CLI</li> <li>ISOBMFF</li> <li>ColorSet</li> <li>All Free Downloads</li> </ul> Policy <ul> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Use</li> <li>End-User License Agreement</li> <li>Licensing Policy</li> </ul> © DigiDNA SARL, 2008-2021. All rights reserved. iMazing ® is a registered trademark of DigiDNA SARL. × <strong>iMazing</strong> accesses your iPhone or iPad from your Mac or PC <p>Please go to <strong></strong> on your Mac or PC to download and install iMazing.</p> <p>Type your email address to get a reminder and download link right to your inbox.</p> Send me a reminder <br> <p>Please check your inbox, an email has been sent to <br>.</p>

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