
Privacy Policy

<p> By using this site you agree to cookies being used as set in our Cookie Policy. </p> Got it iMazing Features <ul> <li> <ul> <li> Backups </li> <li> Messages </li> <li> WhatsApp </li> <li> Photos </li> <li> Music </li> <li> Ringtones </li> <li> Books </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> Safari </li> <li> Phone </li> <li> Contacts </li> <li> Calendars </li> <li> Other Data </li> <li> Apps </li> <li> Quick Transfer </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> File System </li> <li> Transfer </li> <li> Backup Extractor </li> <li> iOS Management </li> <li> Supervision </li> <li> Configurator </li> <li> Profile Editor </li> </ul> </li> </ul> Free Download Free Download Free Download Buy Now iMazing Menu <ul> <li> Features <ul> <li> <ul> <li> Backups </li> <li> Messages </li> <li> WhatsApp </li> <li> Photos </li> <li> Music </li> <li> Ringtones </li> <li> Books </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> Safari </li> <li> Phone </li> <li> Contacts </li> <li> Calendars </li> <li> Other Data </li> <li> Apps </li> <li> Quick Transfer </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> File System </li> <li> Transfer </li> <li> Backup Extractor </li> <li> iOS Management </li> <li> Supervision </li> <li> Configurator </li> <li> Profile Editor </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Reviews </li> <li> Download </li> <li> Enterprise </li> <li> Store </li> <li> Support <ul> <li> FAQ </li> <li> Guides </li> <li> License Retrieval </li> <li> Join the Beta </li> <li> Troubleshooting </li> <li> Contact Us </li> </ul> </li> <li> Blog </li> </ul> English <ul> <li> English </li> <li> Deutsch </li> <li> Français </li> <li> Español </li> <li> Italiano </li> <li> Português </li> <li> Pусский </li> <li> العربية </li> <li> 中文 </li> <li> 日本語 </li> <li> 한국어 </li> </ul> Privacy Policy <p> <strong> <em>Contents</em> </strong> <br> </p> <ol> <li>Commitment and General Principles</li> <li>Purposes of data processing<br> </li> <li>User management &amp. right to information<br> </li> <li>Nondisclosure of information<br> </li> <li>Safety &amp. confidentiality<br> </li> <li>Anonymous Data &amp. Cookie Policy<br> </li> <li>Newsletter Policy<br> </li> <li>Collected Data by Service<br> </li> <li>Links to 3rd party websites<br> </li> <li>Updates to this Privacy Policy<br> </li> <li>Contact<br> </li> </ol> <p> </p> <em>1. Commitment and General Principles</em> <p>We (DigiDNA LLC) commit to comply with the laws of Switzerland, in particular the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP), as well as to thoroughly observe the highest standards on data protection.</p> <p> <strong>Our apps are built to empower our users by giving them broad access to their own data. We do not access, nor have access to, any user data handled by our apps: files are stored on our users' storage devices, and are never uploaded to us or to 3rd parties. <br>Learn more about our software's security and privacy features.</strong> </p> <p>We only collect personal data which is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for best customer services. Moreover, we do not store or process any personal data directly, but work in collaboration with reputable 3rd party services with strong ethics which help us provide our services in a way that is respectful of our users' data and privacy (see <strong>article 8</strong>).</p> <p>The personal data that we do have access to is necessary for us to provide efficient customer support, license management, dispute handling (refunds), as well as timely information about the purchased product. In the main, said data includes name, email address, type and date of purchase, license kind and activation related data, and communications with our support team. <strong>At no point does DigiDNA access or store sensitive payment information such as credit card number or PayPal account details.</strong> </p> <p>Our staff works in compliance with the strictest standards of care and confidentiality. Processing of your personal data is carried out in full accordance with the applicable regulations.</p> <p> </p> <em>2. Purposes of data processing</em> <p>We only collect personal data for our customers’ services. This is why we collect personal data if and only if you purchase an iMazing license, open a support ticket, or actively subscribe to our newsletter.</p> <p>For your needs as an individual customer, your email address is collected and used to help you manage your license, inform you of updates to the product you purchased, warn you of potential security issues, and to follow up on eventual support requests. In addition, you may also decide to actively subscribe to our newsletter services to receive additional information and offers on our products, projects and company.</p> <p>For the needs of all current and prospective customers, we may use your data in a fully anonymised manner for product development prospects, internal statistics relevant to the satisfaction of our customers (such as general trends or preferences) or general improvements of our products and services or other business-relevant data traffic information. See article 6 on more information.</p> <p> </p> <em>3. User management and right to information</em> <p>Upon request, you may - at any given time - be granted access to your personal data, in particular to view, update or delete it (Art. 8 DPA). In order to do so, please send us your request electronically via, or by postal mail at <strong>DigiDNA LLC, Boulevard des Tranchées 4, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland.</strong> </p> <p> </p> <em>4. Nondisclosure of information</em> <p>If not otherwise required by law or legal injunctions, we share personal data with no other 3rd party than the partners set out below (article 8) and for no other purposes than these set out above (article 2).</p> <p> </p> <em>5. Safety &amp. confidentiality</em> <p>All communications between your web browser and, as well as between our software products and our servers, are secured by strong SSL encryption.</p> <p>Furthermore, access to your personal data is restricted to employees directly involved in customer support and analytics - they have been trained to observe our strict standards of care and confidentiality.</p> <p>Nevertheless, it must be noted that the Internet is by nature not a completely secure space for any data. you duly understand and accept that DigiDNA is not liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from events such as, but not limited to, malicious 3rd party interventions or technical failures of any kind.</p> <p> </p> <em>6. Anonymous Data &amp. Cookie Policy</em> <br> <p>Like most websites, uses cookies to enhance its service as well as to analyze site usage. DigiDNA is committed to respecting your privacy and informing you transparently about the ways in which it collects your data.</p> <p> <strong> <em>What is a cookie?</em> </strong> <br> A cookie is a little package of information sent to your browser and stored on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies are widely used to store user preferences, track sales, and provide anonymous analytics.</p> <p> <strong> <em>What cookies do you set precisely?</em> </strong> <br> DigiDNA directly sets a small number of cookies to support basic features:</p> <ol> <li> <strong>__ddna__coupon</strong> stores a coupon code you entered or which carried over from a link.</li> <li> <strong>__ddna__campaign</strong> and <strong>__ddna__source</strong> contain utm parameters which inform us about how users reached our website.</li> <li> <strong>_paddlejs_campaign_affiliate_</strong> is used to honour affiliate commissions.</li> </ol> <p>In addition, advertising platform we work with may also place a cookie. We advertise via Google Ads, Bing, Twitter and Facebook. Sales coming from affiliates are tracked by Impact Radius.</p> <p>Opting-out of Google Ads cookies <br> Google advertising policy <br> Impact Radius privacy policy <br> Bing Ads privacy policy <br> Twitter privacy policy <br> </p> <p> <strong> <em>Google Analytics</em> </strong> <br> Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). We use the collected anonymised data to analyze website usage and improve our content and user experience accordingly. By using our websites, you consent to your usage data of said website being transmitted to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify users, and your IP address will not be associated with other data held by Google.</p> <p> <strong>Retention Period:</strong> We have set the retention period of user data to Google's minimum option of 14 months of inactivity.</p> <p>Privacy Policy<br> Opting Out<br> More info about Google's use of data</p> <p> <strong> <em>How to manage existing cookies?</em> </strong> <br> All modern internet browsers have settings which let you block 1st or 3rd party cookies, or both. It is also easy to delete all or selected cookies, see the links below for instructions.</p> <p>Delete cookies in Chrome<br> Manage cookies in Safari<br> Delete cookies in Firefox<br> Delete cookies in Edge</p> <p>To learn more about your ability to manage cookies, you can refer to the privacy features in your browser.</p> <p> </p> <em>7. Newsletter Policy</em> <p>When you acquire a license for one of our products, you are automatically subscribed to our mailing list and we will keep you informed of important updates to the product you acquired. We operate in Apple's ever shifting environment, and for us to communicate with our users about new features or the loss of a feature following an iOS, iTunes, macOS or Windows update is crucial. We will of course also inform you of any potential security issue by the same channel. These communications are very infrequent - we won't swamp your inbox.</p> <p>You can of course unsubscribe at any time: every email we send contains an <em>Unsubscribe</em> button, or you can unsubscribe by clicking here.</p> <p>Additionally, we offer an optional opt-in subscription to our DigiDNA Deals newsletter: deals and offers on our own products or on products we hand-pick for their quality. We sometimes have great offers for your friends to get our products at an unbeatable price, or for you to upgrade at better than standard conditions. What's not to like?</p> <p>We never, EVER share your email for 3rd party marketing purposes. That would be silly, and illegal.</p> <p>All our mailings are done with the help of Mailchimp, here is their Privacy Policy.</p> <p> </p> <em>8. Collected Data by Service</em> <p>We work together with specialised partners for specific aspects of our services, such as the purchase process, license management, customer support, and mailing list management. If for any reason you wish to access all or part of your data stored by these 3rd parties, you can contact them directly, or contact us and we'll be glad to assist you. You have the right to request a copy of your data, as well as to have it updated, deleted or transferred.</p> <p> <strong>None of the personal data you access through our products is uploaded to us or to any 3rd party. Collected and stored data is strictly limited to data which is relevant to the services we provide, such as email address, purchase history (of DigiDNA products), license number and activation status, and communications with our support channel.</strong> </p> <ol> <li> <b>Payment Platforms</b> <br> <p>Paddle is the payment platform for which we act as Vendors. We have teamed up with Paddle since January 2018, our previous partners being FastSpring. You can identify which platform was used for your specific payment by looking at your order number: if it starts with <em>DDNA</em>, the transaction was handled by FastSpring, otherwise by Paddle.<br> <em>Collected data</em>: data inputted by the user as part of the purchase process. Fraud-prevention related data. <b>At no point does anyone at DigiDNA have access to sensitive payment information such as credit card number or PayPal account details.</b> <br> Privacy Policy (Paddle)<br> Privacy Policy (FastSpring)<br> </p> </li> <p> </p> <li> <b>License Management, before iMazing 2.13</b> <br> <p>DevMate handles license management (activation/deactivation) and crash reporting.<br> <em>Collected data</em>: e-mail, name if submitted when purchasing, license activation history.</p> <blockquote> <p>⚡ <em>The DevMate platform is set to be retired on the 1st of November 2020, date after which DevMate servers will not add any more user data and will only be used to validate previously issued licenses on iMazing versions up to 2.13 (not inclusive).</em> </p> </blockquote> <p> </p> </li> <p> </p> <li> <b>License Management, iMazing 2.13 and above</b> <br> <p>Starting from the 13th of October 2020, DigiDNA manages and validates licensing data. Said data is stored encrypted on Google's cloud in the US. Collected data serves the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>License validation</li> <li>License-related customer support (refunds, complimentary license extension in cases of user error, computer and/or mobile device identification to manually deactivate a license, etc...)</li> <li>Pro-rated billing when extending a license </li> </ul> <p> <em>Collected data</em>: e-mail, name if given, license activation and order history, Paddle checkout ID and Subscription ID, computer and mobile device OS and model, unique anonymous device identifiers.<br> </p> <p> </p> </li> <p> </p> <li> <b>Customer Support</b> <br> <p> <em>ZenDesk</em> is our customer support platform of choice.<br> <em>Collected Data:</em> support conversations history, data about the user's computer and product version as inputted by the user via the Contact form.<br> ZenDesk's Privacy Policy<br> </p> </li> <p> </p> <p> <em>Support Your App</em> helps us with the technical support we provide to our users.<br> <em>Shared Data:</em> selected <em>Support Your App</em> agents have limited access to our ZenDesk account, as well as to relevant purchase and licensing data.<br> Support Your App's Privacy Policy<br> </p> <li> <b>Mailing</b> <br> <p> <em>MailChimp</em> is our mailing list manager of choice.<br> <em>Shared Data:</em> e-mail, name if submitted when purchasing, purchased product name and version, OS (Windows or macOS), campaign and source name if applicable, opt-in to our Deals Newsletter status.<br> Mailchimp's Privacy Policy<br> <em>Opting Out:</em> Unsubscribe here. </p> </li> <p> </p> <li> <b>Crash Reporting and App Analytics</b> <br> <p>We use Microsoft App Center to handle crash reporting and perform light analytics in all our apps.<br> <em>Collected data</em>: Crash reporter details if a crash report is submitted. Environment data (OS version, system status). In-app navigation events (no user data included). All data is strictly tied to an anonymous user ID only.<br> Microsoft Privacy Policy<br> </p> </li> <p> </p> <p> </p> </ol> <p> </p> <p> </p> <em>9. Links to 3rd party websites</em> <p>Our websites and software products may contain hypertext links towards other websites unrelated to DigiDNA. While we do our best to link to high quality resources, we shall neither be held responsible for the content of such websites, nor for data protection practices of 3rd parties which operate them. We urge you to check and understand their Privacy Policies before providing them with your personal data.</p> <p> </p> <em>10. Updates to this Privacy Policy</em> <p>Updates and modifications to our Privacy Policy will be posted here. Update history:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>2020/10/13:</strong> added information about DigiDNA taking over license management. Organized data collection summary by type of service instead of partner. Clarified Microsoft App Center data collection purposes. Added Twitter and Impact Radius to cookie policy.</li> <li> <strong>2019/11/29:</strong> added information regarding Microsoft App Center.</li> <li> <strong>2018/05/23:</strong> restructured the document, adding a detailed break down of partners and collected data.</li> </ul> <p> </p> <em>11. Contact</em> <p>If you have questions or wish to give us feedback on our current Privacy Policy, please contact us. For further information concerning the use of our websites, please read our Terms and Conditions.</p> Get news and offers right to <strong>your inbox</strong>. Our newsletter policy Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! Company <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Open Source</li> <li>Reviews</li> <li>Press Kit</li> <li>Affiliate</li> </ul> Social <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> iMazing <ul> <li>Transfer</li> <li>Backups</li> <li>Photos</li> <li>Music</li> <li>Ringtones</li> <li>Books</li> <li>Safari</li> <li>Apps</li> <li>Quick Transfer</li> <li>Messages</li> <li>WhatsApp</li> <li>Phone</li> <li>Contacts</li> <li>Calendars</li> <li>Other Data</li> <li>File System</li> <li>Backup Extractor</li> <li>iOS Management</li> <li>Configurator</li> <li>Supervision</li> <li>Security &amp. Privacy</li> </ul> Support <ul> <li>FAQs</li> <li>Guides</li> <li>Tech Specs</li> <li>Join the Beta</li> <li>Troubleshooting</li> <li>DiskAid</li> <li>Lost License Code</li> <li>Contact Support Team</li> </ul> Get iMazing <ul> <li>Store</li> <li>Download</li> <li>Enterprise</li> <li>Education</li> <li>iMazing HEIC Converter</li> <li>iMazing Configurator</li> <li>iMazing Profile Editor</li> <li>iMazing CLI</li> <li>ISOBMFF</li> <li>ColorSet</li> <li>All Free Downloads</li> </ul> Policy <ul> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Use</li> <li>End-User License Agreement</li> <li>Licensing Policy</li> </ul> © DigiDNA SARL, 2008-2021. All rights reserved. iMazing ® is a registered trademark of DigiDNA SARL. × <strong>iMazing</strong> accesses your iPhone or iPad from your Mac or PC <p>Please go to <strong></strong> on your Mac or PC to download and install iMazing.</p> <p>Type your email address to get a reminder and download link right to your inbox.</p> Send me a reminder <br> <p>Please check your inbox, an email has been sent to <br>.</p>

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