Earth 2

Privacy Policy

General<p> Earth 2 is a futuristic concept for a second earth, a meta-verse, between virtual and physical reality in which real-world geolocations on a sectioned map correspond to user-generated digital virtual environments. Once fully developed, these environments will be able to be owned, bought, sold and deeply customised and will evolve over time limited only by users’ imaginations. </p> <p> Earth 2 (and its related bodies corporate) (referred to in this document as we, us or our) recognises that your privacy is very important and we are committed to protecting the personal information we collect from you. The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) govern the way in which we manage your personal information and this policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise manage personal information about you. </p>CollectionTypes of Collection<p> We may collect and hold personal information about you, that is, information that can identify you, and is relevant to facilitating our relationship with you and your use of our website (including the Earth 2 platform). </p> <p>The kinds of information we typically collect include:</p> <ol> <li>Name</li> <li>Address</li> <li>Gender</li> <li>Phone Number</li> <li>Email Address</li> <li>User name / Pseudonym and Password</li> <li>IP Address</li> </ol> <p> and other information relevant to providing you with access to our website, the Earth 2 platform and other information or services you request or consent to receive from us. </p> <p> We may also incidentally collect and hold sensitive information about you, including information about your health, religious beliefs or affiliations, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions and sexual preferences or practices. While we do not actively collect these from you as part of your use of the website or your transactions in the Earth 2 platform, if you use any of the social elements of the platform, including chat or video functions (if available), this information may be passively collected and stored on our systems, and be viewable by other users. </p> <p> You acknowledge that this is an unavoidable consequence of using the Earth 2 platform in those ways and consent to that collection. You can avoid using those features if you do not consent to that collection. </p>Method of Collection<p> Personal information will generally be collected directly from you through the use of any of our standard forms, over the internet (including through our registration page), via email, or through a telephone conversation with you. Collection may also occur through your use of the Earth 2 platform (such as through chat or video functions (if available), or by otherwise interacting with other users). </p> <p> We may also collect personal information about you from third parties acting on your behalf, particularly if you are required to have your parent or guardian act on your behalf. </p> <p> There may, however, be some instances where personal information about you will be collected indirectly because it is unreasonable or impractical to collect personal information directly from you. We will usually notify you about these instances in advance, or where that is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable after the information has been collected. </p> <p> Finally, you should be aware that other users may collect your personal information, such as through screen shots or recording video streams (if available), and this is out of our control. Users are not required to comply with our Privacy Policy and may not be required to comply with privacy laws either as they are acting in a personal capacity. </p>Purpose of collection<p> The personal information that we collect and hold about you, depends on your interaction with us. Generally, we will collect, use and hold your personal information if it is reasonably necessary for or directly related to the performance of our functions and activities and specifically for the purposes of: </p> <ol> <li>providing you with access to our website;</li> <li> providing you with access to the Earth 2 platform as a registered user, and related purposes. </li> <li>enabling transactions to occur within the Earth 2 platform;</li> <li> maintaining the block chain record of all transactions conducted on the platform. </li> <li>responding to your enquiries;</li> <li> providing you with promotional material and information about other goods that we and other organisations that we have affiliations with, offer that may be of interest to you. </li> <li> facilitating our internal business operations, including the fulfilment of any legal requirements. </li> <li> analysing our services and customer needs with a view to developing new or improved services. </li> </ol> <p> Except as otherwise permitted by law, we only collect sensitive information about you if you consent to the collection of the information (which you do if you use the social functions of the platform, as explained above) and if the information is reasonably necessary for the performance of our functions, as set out above. </p>Failure to provide information<p> If the personal information you provide to us is incomplete or inaccurate, we may be unable to provide you, or someone else you know, with the services you, or they, are seeking. </p>Internet users<p> If you access our website, we may collect additional personal information about you in the form of your IP address and domain name. </p> <p> Our website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of linked websites and linked websites are not subject to our privacy policies and procedures. </p> <p> Our website uses cookies. The main purpose of cookies is to identify users and to prepare customised web pages for them. Cookies do not identify you personally, but they may link back to a database record about you. We use cookies to monitor usage of our website and to create a personal record of when you visit our website and what pages you view so that we may serve you more effectively. </p> <p> All transactions are stored on the block chain that underpins this service. That means that a permanent record of those transactions are maintained as a necessary part of the functioning of the service. While we employ data minimisation techniques, it is not possible to remove all data as the block chain requires that data to maintain the permanent record of the transactions. </p>Children under 15<p> We recognise the special considerations that apply to children’s privacy. Any registration for the Earth 2 service – and related data collection - will be done with the consent of a parent or guardian if the user is identified as being under 15. </p>Use and disclosure<p> Generally, we only use or disclose personal information about you for the purposes for which it was collected (as set out above). We may disclose personal information about you to: </p> <p> (a) other users of the Earth 2 service as a part of the ordinary functioning of the service, and to facilitate features of, and transactions in, that service, including: </p> <ol> <li> user name, likeness, avatar, for chat and interaction with us and other users in and through the platform. </li> <li> user name, real name, financial details and other personal details to enable and related to the sale and purchase of land tiles. </li> <li> our related entities to facilitate our and their internal business processes. </li> </ol> <p> (b) third party service providers, who assist us in operating our business, and providing services to you such as: </p> <ol> <li> third parties who assist with transactions (financial institutions and payment service providers). </li> <li> third parties who assist us with our business (including information technology service providers), </li> </ol> <p> and these service providers may not be required to comply with our privacy policy. </p> <p> (c) our related entities and other organisations with whom we have affiliations so that those organisations may provide you with information about goods and various promotions </p>Disclosure of personal information overseas<p> We are likely to disclose personal information about you overseas. For instance, our related bodies corporate, third party service providers or other recipients may be based overseas or may use infrastructure outside Australia, including the United States of America and the United Kingdom. </p>Security<p> We store your personal information in different ways, including in paper and in electronic form. The security of your personal information is important to us. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is stored safely to protect it from interference, misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including electronic and physical security measures. </p>Access and correction<p> You may seek access the personal information we hold about you, upon making a written request. We will respond to your request within a reasonable period. We may charge you a reasonable fee for processing your request (but not for making the request for access). </p> <p> We may decline a request for access to personal information in circumstances prescribed by the Privacy Act, and if we do, we will give you a written notice that sets out the reasons for the refusal (unless it would be unreasonable to provide those reasons), including details of the mechanisms available to you to make a complaint. </p> <p> If, upon receiving access to your personal information or at any other time, you believe the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please notify us immediately. We will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date. However, requests to amend information which is held on the transaction block chain may not be able to be accommodated as the purpose of that block chain is to maintain a permanent record of all in-platform land transactions. </p> <p> If we refuse to correct your personal information, we will give you a written notice that sets out our reasons for our refusal (unless it would be unreasonable to provide those reasons), including details of the mechanisms available to you to make a complaint. </p>

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