
Data Protection Policy

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Data Protection Policy<p>Punkt. is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. for this reason, we collect and manage your personal data carefully and take specific measures to keep it safe.<br>We have updated our privacy policy. below you will find information on how we collect, gather and use your personal data in relation to your browsing of or purchasing via our website&nbsp;www.punkt.ch.</p>1. Data controller<p>Punkt Tronics AG<br>Via Losanna 4, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland<br>+41 91 924 9003<br>info@punkt.ch<br>VAT ID: CHE-114.634.022 IVA<br>Company registration number: CH-501.3.011.937-5</p>2. Information we collect<p>The categories of personal data that Punkt. collects and processes when you browse or purchase via punkt.ch, are:</p> <ol> <li>Given name and surname, email address, delivery address, billing address, phone number and the payment details that are necessary for the purchase and delivery of our products via punkt.ch;</li> <li>Your email address when you subscribe to our Newsletter service;</li> <li>The personal data you provide when you contact our customer service department;</li> <li>Upon consent, we collect and use your personal data for marketing purposes;</li> <li>For your account registration, we collect: name and surname, email address, password and date of birth. If you are a registered user, we collect information about your access to the reserved area of the site. Upon your consent, by analysing your personal data, we can process information regarding your interests and preferences with respect to our products and services, in order to customize proposals and offers in line with your interests;</li> <li>We collect information on your browsing on punkt.ch, such as the pages you visit and how you interact with the single page and save this information on our servers to improve the process;</li> <li>Punkt. does not process personal data relating to minors. By accessing punkt.ch and using the services offered by Punkt. you are declaring that you are of legal age.</li> </ol>3. How we use personal information<p>Your personal data is collected and processed by Punkt. for the following purposes:</p> <ol> <li>To fulfil a purchase contract for goods on punkt.ch with the collection of data such as: payment, anti-fraud checks (in case of payment by credit or debit card), billing, shipment of the product and if applicable, its return;</li> <li>Registration to the site and use of services reserved for registered Users. Registration on the site is possible through the submission of some personal information necessary to ensure your identification and the execution of services reserved for registered users;</li> <li>Punkt. Customer Services. To carry out Customer Care activity in the best possible way Punkt. requires, in relation to each service and its characteristics, the personal data necessary for the execution of the service you requested;</li> <li>Employment application form and CV. We shall use the information contained in your CV for evaluation for an open position application. Your CV will be kept for a maximum period of six months, after which it will be deleted;</li> <li>Statistical analysis and surveys. We use some information about your use of the Site to perform statistical analysis and surveys in order to improve our offer and our services, the data is processed in anonymised aggregate form;</li> <li>Marketing contact: sending commercial and promotional communications following the purchase of one of our products;</li> <li>Only with your consent, we may use the contact details you have provided, for commercial communications on our products and services, in order to update you on news, new arrivals, exclusive products, our offers and promotions and we may use your contact information as part of market researches and satisfaction surveys for the sole purpose of improving our services and the relationship with our Users. These communications will take place exclusively through the means chosen by you (email or telephone)</li> <li>Only with your consent, Punkt. can personalise your experience as a registered user on the site, proposing news and offers in line with your taste and sending you commercial communications tailored to your interests, these communications will take place exclusively through the means chosen by you (email or telephone). The customisation will be done by analysing your previous purchases.</li> </ol> <p>If you wish to authorise the activities referred to in points 7. and 8. and subsequently you no longer wish to receive further communications from Punkt. or you want to limit the means by which you are contacted, you can stop these communications at any time by simply clicking on the "unsubscribe" link present at the bottom of each communication, or by contacting Punkt. through Customer Services or through the email address specified in this document.<br>In relation to all the activities indicated above, we shall process your personal data mainly using IT and electronic tools. the tools we use guarantee high safety standards in full compliance with current legislation.</p>4. How and why we use your personal information<p>We use your personal data only in the presence of one of the conditions provided for by the law in force, and specifically:</p> <ol> <li>For the conclusion and execution of a contract to which you are a party.<br> When we process your data for the conclusion of the purchase agreement of which you are a part, we ensure that we exclusively use the minimum information necessary for the execution of this.<br> This basis legitimises the processing of personal data that takes place in the following activities: <ul> <li>Conclusion and execution of a purchase agreement for the products offered on punkt.ch;</li> <li>Registration to the site and use of services reserved for registered Users;</li> <li>Management of your requests by our customer service department.</li> </ul> The contribution of your personal data for these activities is a contractual obligation. You are free to communicate your data or not, but in the absence of the requested data, it will not be possible to conclude or execute the agreement and your requests. This means that you will not be able to purchase the products and you will not be able to use the Punkt. services and that we shall not be able to handle your requests;</li> <li>Comply with a legal obligation.<br> In the event of conclusion of an agreement for the purchase of goods on punkt.ch, the processing of the user's data will take place in order to fulfil the legal obligations in accordance with relevant tax regulations;</li> <li>For our legitimate interests.<br> If you purchase products on punkt.ch by credit or debit card, some of your personal data may be processed to carry out anti-fraud activities: we have a legitimate interest in carrying out this activity to prevent and pursue any fraudulent activity;</li> <li>Based on your consent.<br> We shall carry out the following only if you have given us your express consent: <ul> <li>Carrying out marketing activities, conducting opinion polls and for market research;</li> <li>Analysis of your browsing and purchasing activities in the context of your Punkt. profile, in order to personalise your experience on our Site.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Providing your personal data for these activities is absolutely optional.</li> </ol>5. Who your data is processed by<p>Your personal data will be processed by staff specifically trained by Punkt.<br>Your personal data will also be transmitted to third parties that we use to provide our services. these third parties have been appropriately selected and are certified as GDPR-compliant. These third parties have been appointed as data controllers and carry out their activities according to the instructions given by Punkt. and under its control. The third parties in question belong to the following categories: banking operators, internet providers, companies specialised in IT and telematics. couriers. companies that carry out marketing activities. companies specialised in market research and data processing.<br>The list of external managers is available upon written request to our email address: info@punkt.ch<br>Your data may be transmitted to police and judicial and administrative authorities, in accordance with the law, for the detection and prosecution of crimes, the prevention and protection from threats to public security, to allow Punkt. to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court, as well as for other reasons related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.</p>6. Extra-EU data transfer<p>Some of the third parties may be located in countries outside the European Union that nevertheless offer an adequate level of data protection, as established by specific decisions of the European Commission.</p>7. How long do we retain your data?<p>We retain your personal data for a limited period of time, which is different depending on the type of activity that involves the processing of your personal data.<br>After this period, your data will be permanently erased or otherwise rendered anonymous in an irreversible way.<br>Your personal data is stored in compliance with the following terms and criteria:</p> <ol> <li>Data collected to conclude and execute agreements for the purchase of goods on the site: until the administrative and accounting formalities have been completed. The billing data will be kept for ten years from the billing date;</li> <li>Data of the registered user: the data will be stored until you request cancellation of your Punkt. profile;</li> <li>Data relating to the payment: up to the certification of the payment and the conclusion of the related administrative and accounting formalities resulting from the expiration of the right of withdrawal and the terms applied for the contestation of the payment;</li> <li>Data collected in the context of the use of services offered on the site: this data is retained until the termination of service or cancellation of the subscription to the service by the user;</li> <li>Data related to user requests to our customer service department: the data useful for assisting you will be kept until your request is met;</li> <li>CV: six months from receipt;</li> <li>Data used for commercial communication activities regarding Users who purchase products on punkt.ch: this data is kept until the termination of service or the exercise of the opposition by unsubscription by the user;</li> <li>Data used for carrying out market research and surveys for satisfaction surveys: up to the request by the user to interrupt the activity. In any case, for technical reasons, the termination of the processing and the subsequent ultimate cancellation or irreversible anonymisation of the related personal data will be finalised within thirty days from the terms specified above.</li> </ol>8. Your rights<p>You can exercise your rights at any time with reference to the specific processing of your personal data by Punkt.:</p> <ol> <li>Access your data and modify it: you have the right to access your personal data and to request that it be corrected, modified or integrated with other information. Upon your request, we shall provide you with a copy of your data in our possession.<br> b) Revoke your consent: you can revoke a consent you have given for the processing of your personal data in relation to any activity for marketing purposes at any time. In this regard, we remind you that marketing activities are considered as the sending of commercial and promotional communications, the conduct of market research and satisfaction surveys for the customization of the website and commercial offers according to your interests. Once we receive your request, we undertake to promptly cease to use your personal data based on this consent, while different usage or that which is based on other grounds, will continue to be carried out in full compliance with the provisions in force.</li> <li>Opposition to the processing of your data: you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data made on the basis of our legitimate interest, explaining the reasons that justify your request. before accepting it, we shall have to evaluate the reasons for your request.</li> <li>Delete your data: you may request the cancellation of your personal data in the cases provided for by current legislation. Once your request has been received and examined and if it is legitimate, it will be our duty to promptly cease to process your personal data and to delete it.</li> <li>Request that the processing of your personal data is temporarily limited: in this case Punkt. will continue to retain your personal data but will not use it, unless otherwise specified by you, and subject to the exceptions established by law.</li> <li>Request of your data or data transfer to other party than Punkt. ("right to data portability"). You can ask to receive your data that we process based on your consent or on the basis of an agreement with you in a standard format. If you wish, where technically possible, we may transfer at your request your data directly to a third party that you indicate.<br> In order to exercise any of your rights described above you can contact us by calling the following number +41 91 924 9003 or writing to us at&nbsp;info@punkt.ch&nbsp;(please enter “Privacy” in the subject field), or by writing to the Data Controller at the above physical address.&nbsp;</li> </ol>9. Security measures<p>We protect your personal data with specific technical and organisational security measures, aimed at preventing your personal data from being used illegitimately or fraudulently. In particular, we use security measures that guarantee: the pseudo-anonymisation or the encryption of your data. the confidentiality, integrity, availability of your data as well as the resilience of the systems and services that process them. the ability to restore data in the event of a data breach.</p>10. Complaints<p>If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out unlawfully, you can lodge a complaint to one of the supervisory authorities responsible for compliance with the rules on personal data protection.</p>11. Legislative references and useful links<p>The processing of your personal data is carried out by Punkt. in full compliance with the regulations on the matter pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation.</p> Punkt.<p> <small>Legal Notice | Terms &amp. Conditions of sale | Data Protection Policy | Pigeon Data Protection Policy | Cookies</small> </p>Punkt Tronics AG<br> Via Losanna 4, <br>6900 Lugano, Switzerland<br>Vat Id CHE-114.634.022 IVA<br>Num. Reg. CH-501.3.011.937-5Subscribe to the Punkt. PostSign up to our newsletter, and get 10% discount on your first order.Sign up to our newsletter, and get 10% discount on your first order.By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the Terms &amp. 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