
Privacy Policy

Flat Justice Privacy Policy,Updated 31/12/2019,Our Promise To You,Flat Justice Community Interest Company Ltd. is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. ,This privacy policy statement is to make you aware of our how we protect personal data.,We’ve designed our website www.GetRentBack.orgso that you can visit without having to register or ,provide us with any personal information: we want you to benefit from our free information resource ,on tenant rights and Rent Repayment Orders.,If you choose to provide us with any personal information, you can be sure it will only be used to ,support your relationship with Flat Justice and to help us provide you with relevant information. This ,applies regardless of whether you contact us by phone, email or post.,As a not-for-profit organisation we are not required to register with the Information Commissioner's ,Office.,Flat Justice Community Interest Company Ltd, Company Number 11502292, is a registered not-for-profit ,company inEngland and Wales. The registered address is 1st Floor 85 Great Portland Street, London ,W1W 7LT.,Data Collection,There is no requirement to provide us with any personal information if you want to use the free online ,information resource on our website. ,Although using cookies helps us to improve our site, you do not need to accept our cookies in order to ,access our website. The majority of web browsers allow some control of cookies.,If you decide to contact Flat Justice, we will only collect sufficient information about you to allow us to ,deal with your query and communicate with you in an appropriate way. We try and keep any such ,information to a minimum.,Specifically, we may use your information to communicate with you, respond to your query or provide ,you with our support.,Flat Justice will never sell, rent, or lease your personally identifiable information to others.,If we are representing you in a Rent Repayment Order Application, we will need to hold more ,information about you to enable us to deal effectively with your request.,For our billing system, we record a client’s name, business name (if any), postal address, email address ,and contact telephone number(s).,We will never store client credit or debit card details and only accept payment for the services we ,provide by BACS transfer or cheque. ,All information and supporting documentation that you share with us will be held securely and will ,never by disclosed to a third party without your prior written agreement: for example, if you ask us to ,submit a Rent Repayment Order Application on your behalf or if you ask us to liaise with a third party on ,your behalf.Data collection, processingand storage may involve third partieswhich we have verifiedto ,the best of our ability as being GDPR compliant.,Subject access requests,Flat Justice recognises that individuals have the right to access their personal data and can make a ,request verbally orin writing. If we receive a subject access request asking what information is held ,about them, we will deal with the request without undue delay and at the latest within one month of ,receipt.,If the request is particularly complex, we reserve the right toextend this timescale by a further two ,months.,We may need to confirm the identity of the applicant before releasing personal information to them. ,After all, we want to protect your privacy.,In most cases, the subject access request will be handled at no cost to the applicant. If the request is ,manifestly unfounded or excessive, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for the ,administrative costs of complying with the request.,Security,Flat Justice is committed to ensuring the security of your information. To prevent unauthorised access or ,disclosure, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place ,appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we ,collect online, by email, phone or through information you send us by post.,If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please email us at or write to ,us at:,Flat Justice Community Interest Company,,1st Floor, 85 Great Portland Street,,London,W1W 7LT

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