
Trademark Guidelines

<p>Docker, Inc. (“Docker”) trademarks, service marks, logos and designs, as well as other works of authorship that are eligible for copyright protection (collectively termed “Marks”) are valuable assets that Docker needs to protect. Docker does not permit all uses of Docker Marks, but Docker has posted these Trademark Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”) to assist you in properly using our Marks in specific cases that we permit. The strength of our Marks depends, in part, upon consistent and appropriate use. We ask that you properly use and credit our Marks in accordance with these Guidelines. We reserve the right to change these Guidelines at any time and solely at our discretion.</p> <p>The requirements set forth in these Guidelines are general. Authorized partners and licensees may be subject to additional restrictions that are not set forth in these Guidelines. If you are a partner or a licensee of Docker, please consult your agreement for specific requirements applicable to your use of our Marks. In the event of a conflict between the applicable agreement and these Guidelines, the terms of the agreement will control.</p> <p>These Guidelines should be followed along with Docker’s Terms of Service, Docker logo and marks usage,&nbsp;and all Docker’s rules and policies, posted on Docker’s website or otherwise.</p> THE MARKS <p>Our Marks consist of the following registered, unregistered and/or pending trademarks, service marks and logos which are subject to change without notice: Docker, Docker “Moby Dock” whale logo and the stylist representations of a container, octopus, and other entities in our original works of authorship, DOCKER HUB, RUNHUB, LIBCONTAINER, LIBTRUST, LIBCHAN, LIBSWARM, LIBPACK, DOCKER SWARM, DOCKERIZE IT, CLAY and other designs, logos or marks which may be referred to in your specific license agreement or otherwise.</p> PROPER TRADEMARK USES <p>Any permitted use must not falsely imply or suggest a sponsorship or endorsement by, or a partnership or affiliation with Docker. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to determine when this condition is met or violated.</p> Use as adjectives <p>Trademarks should be used as adjectives – not as nouns or verbs. Accordingly, a trademark should not be used alone. A trademark term should always be used with, and immediately precede, the generic noun that describes the product or component in question. For example, proper use is “DOCKER computer software” and not “the DOCKER.”</p> Do not use plural or possessive form <p>A trademark is not a noun, so a plural form should not be used. For example, proper use will be “Docker software” instead of “Docker’s”. Similarly, the possessive form should not be used. For example, proper use will be “features of Docker technology” instead of “Docker’s features”. Only when using Docker as the name of our company, one might use the name in the possessive form. For example, Docker’s technology features.</p> Do not create composite marks <p>Our Marks must not appear to be part of any other marks (whether words or logos) or part of any other words that are used informally. Our Marks may not be used in any variations or as a design feature on your product, packaging, web page or promotional materials without obtaining prior written approval. Subject to the foregoing restrictions, if our Marks are used in connection with your mark, the use must be in a manner that distinguishes your mark from our Marks. Variations of our Marks may confuse consumers as to the source of the goods or services bearing the altered mark, and such use may infringe our trademark rights and be actionable under applicable laws.</p> Use of capitals <p>Our Marks should be written with the proper capitalization as shown in these guidelines. For example: “Docker”. Docker may be written in lower case as ‘docker’ only when the use explicitly refers to command line commands. For example in documentation, help text or examples of use.</p> Use of Logos <p>The Docker’s registered, unregistered and pending logos, including the Docker “Moby Dock” whale logo, as well as other design elements such as characters and container images, may be taken only from Docker’s product sheet or from Docker’s service screen shot following authorization from us. Do not create imitations, facsimiles or reproductions of these design elements on your own. The design elements may only appear with the words, logotype, graphic elements and spacing which Docker has previously approved for use and may not be modified, recombined or displayed in modified scenes, images or other artwork.</p> Educational and Informational Purposes <p>Our word Marks (but not logo marks or other graphic depictions of our Marks) may be used in an informational context to name or describe the subject matter of an educational or informational program, to refer to Docker product or technology, provided however that such use otherwise complies with these Guidelines and the following requirements:</p> <ul> <li>The Docker mark is used only in a referential context or for naming Docker or to indicate compatibility, and not in a title of a program, domain name, website, product or service</li> <li>The use must not falsely imply or suggest a sponsorship or endorsement by, a license from, or a partnership or affiliation with Docker.</li> <li>Any printed or online materials relating to the program must include proper attribution statements, registration symbols such as ® or © as appropriate, and a trademark notice statement in a form that we provide or approve.</li> </ul> Company Name Use <p>The Docker name is not only a trademark used to identify our products, services and technology. It also serves as our company name. When using Docker as our company name, Docker may be used as a noun and no “®” symbol is needed. For example, the following press release use will be proper: “Docker’s primary focus will be supporting the rapidly growing Docker ecosystem.”</p> PROHIBITED TRADEMARK USES <p>Docker does not permit using any of our Marks in the following manner: as part of your own trademark. to identify non-Docker products, services or technology. in a manner likely to cause confusion between products, services or technology of Docker and those of another entity. in a manner that inaccurately implies that Docker sponsors or endorses or otherwise is affiliated with your own activities, products, services or technology. in a manner that disparages Docker or its products, services or technology. in connection with products, services or activities which, in our judgment, may diminish goodwill in our Marks. in connection with any unlawful activities or to encourage unlawful activities.</p> WEBSITES AND DOMAIN NAME USES <p>Proper use of our Marks on websites to name or accurately describe Docker’s products, services or technology is permitted. The use of our Marks should not be misleading or likely to cause confusion as to whether the website is sponsored by or affiliated with Docker or whether the products, services or technology are offered by Docker. Any principal or secondary level domain name should not be identical to or virtually identical to any of our Marks.</p> <p>The website owner should not register any domain name containing our Marks and should not claim any trademark or similar proprietary rights in the domain name. For example, “”, “”, “” are not allowed. Any violation of this policy may result in legal action.</p> <p>The website should otherwise comply with domain name registry policies and applicable laws regarding trademark infringement and dilution.</p> SOCIAL MEDIA <p>Any and all use of our Marks in connection with account names, profiles, avatars or handles on social media platforms is subject to the same guidelines set forth herein as for other uses. The use of any of our Marks in an account name, profile name, as an avatar, or in a handle on social media platforms is not permitted.</p> TRADEMARK NOTICE STATEMENT <p>The website should display a legal notice or a link that contains the following legend:</p> <p>“Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.”</p> <p>This legend can be modified to include only our Marks.</p> REQUESTS FOR PERMISSION <p>You may make limited fair use of our Marks in naming or referring to our products, services or technology, for example in a magazine article, without our permission, provided you follow these Guidelines. All other uses are prohibited except by express written permission, requested in advance, which we may grant or deny in our sole discretion. To request permission please contact Docker’s Legal Department by email at Docker will attempt to evaluate requests promptly. Docker reserves the right to refuse permission to use our Marks for any reason.</p> RESTRICTED USE THAT REQUIRES A TRADEMARK LICENSE PRIOR TO USE <p>Certain Docker source code is available under the Apache 2.0 license. Although the Apache 2.0 license permits third parties to copy and redistribute the underlying software under the terms of the license, the Apache 2.0 license does not provide any license or right to use any of the Docker Marks. Thus, the licensee may redistribute the Docker software under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, but may not use the Docker Marks without express written permission from Docker, Inc. or as expressly permitted in this Trademark Policy.</p> COPYRIGHT <p>Use or reproduction of Docker’s original works of authorship, including the Docker “Moby Dock” whale design and other characters or design elements of original works authored by Docker, or the preparation of derivative works that imitate these design elements or present them in new scenes, designs, images, videos or artwork, is prohibited without prior approval from Docker. Such materials include, but are not limited to, content and text displayed on Docker’s website, or other documentation, photographs, diagrams, videos, and images.</p> <p>If authorized, your use of Docker’s copyrighted material must be accompanied one of the following statements, which should be prominently displayed and reference the year/s the material was created:</p> <p>“Copyright 2013-2021&nbsp;Docker, Inc. All rights reserved.”</p> <p>or</p> <p>“© 2013-2021&nbsp;Docker, Inc. All rights reserved.”</p> REVIEW BY DOCKER AND REMEDIES <p>Docker reserves the right to review all uses of our Marks by others and to conduct periodic spot checks of such use. Upon request from Docker, you must provide a copy of any product, packaging, screenshot, or other materials bearing our Mark. You must correct any deficiencies in the use of our Marks. Refusal to correct such deficiencies may result in revocation of permission to use our Marks. Further, any unauthorized or improper use of our Marks or works of authorship may constitute trademark infringement, unfair competition, and/or copyright infringement in violation of federal, state or international laws. Docker reserves the right to initiate legal action relating to any third party use of its Marks or works of authorship that Docker, in its sole discretion, deems unlawful or improper, even if such use is not expressly prohibited hereunder. Nothing in these Guidelines is intended to waive or restrict any legal rights that Docker may have under applicable law, to grant any license, or to acquiesce in any infringing act.</p> QUESTIONS <p>For further information or guidelines regarding proper use of our Marks please contact Docker’s Legal Department at</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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