
Privacy Policy

USD Privacy Policy - <p>Grasscity takes your privacy very seriously and treats all personal information with great care. In order to guarantee your privacy Grasscity always acts in accordance with the Data Protection Act. This document sets out Grasscity’s Privacy Policy. Grasscity therefore recommends that you read this Privacy Policy carefully. The capitalized words are defined in the End User License Agreement and the General Terms.</p> <p>The Privacy Policy can be downloaded and printed here.<strong> <br> </strong> </p> 1. Who is Grasscity? <p>SJV B.V. (“Grasscity Shop”) and SJV 2 B.V. (“Grasscity Forums”) are companies with limited liability established and existing under the laws of The Netherlands, having their registered office in (1042AC) Amsterdam, the Netherlands, at Gyroscoopweg 64, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 55042503 and 34115983. Both companies shall hereinafter jointly be referred to as “Grasscity”. </p> <p>Grasscity offers an online headshop through the Website and a forum through the website and the application "Grasscity Community". Through the Website you can order products of Grasscity. The Community may be used to discuss the products of Grasscity and the use thereof. </p> 2. What information does Grasscity collect and process? <p>To purchase products on the Website or to read posts in the Community it is not necessary to register an Account. However, it is necessary for Grasscity to obtain certain information from you to process your purchase on the Website and to send the purchased products to you. Also, to be able to participate in the Community it is required that you register an Account. </p> Required information <p>In order to process your purchase and to send the purchased product to you, Grasscity requires you to provide the following information:</p> <ul> <li>Your full (first and last) name;</li> <li>Company name (optional);</li> <li>Email address;</li> <li>Address;</li> <li>Telephone number;</li> <li>Fax number (optional);</li> <li>Payment information.</li> <li>Account</li> </ul> Account <p>To enjoy a tailored browsing and shopping experience and to participate in the Community you can register an Account on the Website or in the Application. In addition to the required information as listed above the registration process requires you to provide and confirm your password. Grasscity shall send an email to the provided email address to activate your Account. It is therefore imperative that you provide a valid email address.</p> <p>In your Account you may add (additional) information about yourself. You may also sign up for the Grasscity newsletter and view various data, such as your wish list, downloadable products, invitations and reward points. With your Account you can also post Material in the Community. See the End User License Agreement for more information about posting Material.</p> <p>Grasscity saves and processes all the supplied information. The information that is made public in the Account, such as Material and contact information, may be used by other Users of the Community. You can change the&nbsp;information in your Account at any time in your Account, however Material can only be deleted within seven (7) days after it is made public. Photos can at any time be removed from the Community.</p> <p>After termination of your Account Grasscity shall automatically make your Account inaccessible and remove your Account. Grasscity remains entitled to use your personal information and provided Material as described above insofar as is necessary for the continuance of the Website and Community. Grasscity will, however, upon your request after the 7 day period as mentioned above, anonymize your Material insofar as reasonably possible. </p> Automatically generated data <p>Grasscity requires certain information in order for the Website and the Community to work as optimally as possible (for example, to display the Website and the Community correctly and to keep the Website and the Community secure). That is why Grasscity collects automatically generated data about your use of the Website and the Community. In so far as Grasscity uses this information, the data is always anonymized. </p> 3. Cookies <p>For the collection of (personal) data, Grasscity uses cookies. Cookies are small textfiles that are placed on the hard drive or in the memory of your computer or mobile device. The cookies that are stored through the Website and Community cannot harm your computer or mobile device, or any files that are saved on this equipment. </p> <p>Grasscity uses functional cookies. These cookies are necessary to provide the services you request. For instance, functional cookies allow you to proceed through different pages of a website with a single login and they remember selections in language choice, shopping carts and (order)forms that are filled out on the Website. </p> <p>Besides functional cookies Grasscity uses cookies for the advertisements on the Websites. These cookies store data about your location. Grasscity uses this information to show you advertising particularly targeted at you. Also information is saved about your use of the Website to present you with offers specifically tailored to you on the basis of the products you view or purchase on the Website. </p> <p>Furthermore Grasscity uses Google Analytics to collect data on the usage of the Website and visits to the Website. Google Analytics stores a permanent cookie on your computer whisch is subsequently used to register your use of the Website. This data is then analyzed by Google and the results given to Grasscity. This enables Grasscity to get more insight in the way in which the Website is used and, based on this information, to make adjustments to the Website or the provided services. </p> <p>Google can give this information to third parties if it is legally obligated to do so and/or if third parties are processing the information on behalf of Google. Google can not use the information for other Google services. </p> 4. For what purposes will Grasscity use information about you? <p>Grasscity may use your personal information for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>To provide the Website and Community and to allow you to use the Website and Community;</li> <li>To allow your Material to be viewed by other Users;</li> <li>To allow you to purchase products of Grasscity through the Website, to communicate with you</li> <li>regarding your purchase and to send your purchased products to you;</li> <li>To process payments made by you;</li> <li>To communicate with you about the Website, the Community, your Account, and to respond to any&nbsp;complaints and/or questions;</li> <li>To communicate with you about Grasscity and/or its products;</li> <li>To configure the Website and Community to your wishes and needs;</li> <li>To generate anonymous statistical data;</li> <li>To protect, adjust and update the Website and the Community.</li> </ul> <p>Grasscity whishes to inform you on the developments of the Website and the Community, its promotions and other news. You can register for the newsletter in your Account. If you no longer wish to receive Grasscity’s newsletter, an opt-out option is provided in every email that Grasscity sends you. </p> Use by third parties <p>Grasscity may provide your personal data to third parties if this is necessary to perform the Services requested by you and/or for providing the Website and the Community. The transfer of your personal data may include transfer to payment providers and hosting providers of Grasscity. </p> <p>Grasscity may also provide your personal data to third parties if you have given explicit consent to do so and/or if the information cannot be traced to you (for instance automatically generated information, not being an IP- adres). Also, Grasscity may provide your personal data to third parties if Grasscity is obliged to do so on account of national or international laws, case law and/or regulations, if Grasscity considers it necessary to do so in defense of its own rights. Without your explicit consent Grasscity shall not provide your personal information to third parties for the purpose of direct marketing. </p> <p>The Website and/or the Community may contain hyperlinks which take you away from the Grasscity environment and to the website or application of a third party. Grasscity has no authority over the services and/or websites of third parties to which is linked on the Website and/or the Community. It therefore may be the case that for the use of those services and/or websites of third parties another privacy policy is applicable. This Privacy Policy is exclusively applicable to the personal data that is obtained trough the Website and the Community of Grasscity. Grasscity does not accept any responsibility or liability for the (use and/or content of the) services and/or websites of third parties. </p> Delete cookies <p>The consent you have given to store and read cookies, can be withdrawn at any time by setting your browser to disable cookies and/or to remove all cookies from your browser. Please consult the help-function of your browser to learn how you can delete cookies. Please take into account that deleting cookies may cause some parts of the Website and Community to work incorrectly. </p> <p>Note: refusing or deleting cookies only effects the computer and the browser on which you perform this action. If you use different computers and/or browsers you will need to repeat the above described actions on these computers and/or browsers. If you wish to use cookies, make sure you log-out of your Account when you leave a computer for public use. Also keep your password secret in order to prevent others form using your Account without your consent. </p> 5. How does Grasscity protect your personal information? <p>Grasscity takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your (personal) information against loss or any form of unlawful use. </p> 6. Viewing, changing and deleting your data <p>If you wish to know what information Grasscity has collected about you or if you wish to change data that you cannot change yourself in your Account, then you can send a request for information on your personal data to: Grasscity will respond to your request within four (4) weeks. If you then wish to correct, add, remove or screen your personal data, you may send another request thereto. Grasscity shall respond within four (4) weeks to such a request. If Grasscity decides to deny your request, it shall inform you on the grounds of this decision. </p> 7. Transfer of data to countries outside the EU <p>For technical and operational reasons, it may be necessary for your (personal) data to be transferred to (the servers of) companies affiliated to Grasscity located in the United States or other countries outside of Europe. If this is to happen, the information contained in your Account will also be saved in a foreign country. Since legislation concerning data protection may then not offer the same protection as in the European Union, you hereby agree that your (personal) information can be transferred to the United States or another country outside of Europe. If Grasscity decides to transfer your data outside of Europe, you shall be informed thereof prior to the transfer. </p> 8. Can this Privacy Policy be changed? <p>It is possible for the Privacy Policy to be amended in the future. That would then be mentioned on this page, in the Community and/or your Account. It is therefore recommended to regularly have a look at this page, the Community and your Account. </p> 9. Questions? <p>If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here&nbsp;</p>

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