University of Maryland

Privacy Notice

<ol> <li>Home</li> <li>Privacy Notice</li> </ol> Privacy Notice <strong>Overview</strong> The University of Maryland recognizes and values the privacy of university community members and its guests and strives to be leaders and set the standard in which we manage personal information.&nbsp. &nbsp. In principle, the University of Maryland strives to: &nbsp. <ul> <li> Collect, store, and use the minimum amount of personal information necessary for its legitimate business purposes, and to comply with legal obligations.</li> <li> Take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information managed is accurate and up-to-date.</li> <li> Limit who has access to personal information in our possession to only those who need it for a legitimate, specific purpose.</li> <li> Protect personal information through appropriate physical and technical security measures tailored to the sensitivity of the personal data we hold. Communicate with our students, faculty, employees, suppliers, partners, and others about how we use personal information in our day-to-day operations.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> <li> Transparency is one of our core principles for using personal information for the purposes for which it was collected</li> <li> Provide opportunities to control personal information, as permitted by applicable United States and other laws.</li> <li> Integrate privacy in the design of our activities when that involves the use of personal data.</li> </ul> &nbsp. <strong>Scope</strong> This scope of this notice applies to our practices for gathering and disseminating information related to the University of Maryland main website ( It is meant to provide an overview of our activities that require the processing of personal information and our approach to protecting privacy. Please be advised that specific schools, departments, units, clubs, and other groups may have specific privacy notices for their activities related to their collection and processing of your personal information. &nbsp. <strong>Our Accountability</strong> At the University of Maryland, we strive to appropriately manage, secure, and keep private and confidential the personal data entrusted to us. &nbsp. <strong>Contact Us</strong> If you have any inquiries or requests, please write to &nbsp. In order to be able to reply to requests for the exercise of rights, and if we are not certain of your identity, we may need to ask you for further identification data to be used only for the purposes of replying to your request. <p>&nbsp;</p>

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