Nas Academy


<p>OUR ENROLMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS</p> <p>A. DEFINITIONS</p> <p>“Agent” means a company or natural person duly authorised by Nas Academy to advise on Courses and sell Courses on behalf of Nas Academy, as listed on the official Nas Academy website and updated from time-to-time. “Authorised Partner” means a company or natural person duly authorised by Nas Academy to provide some or all services on behalf of Nas Academy, as listed on the official Nas Academy website and updated from time-to-time. “CoursePage” means any course, unit or subject that you purchase from Nas Academy, an Agent or Authorised Partner. “Enrolment” means your enrolment in a CoursePage and is subject to: • You providing all necessary information to enable Nas Academy or our Authorised Partner to facilitate and confirm your application for enrolment in a CoursePage. • You undertaking any required course suitability tests. • Payment of the CoursePage fees. • Final approval of your enrolment by Nas Academy. “Nas Academy”, “We” or “Us” means Nas Education Pte Ltd, UEN 201933647N, incorporated in the Republic of Singapore “Minor” means a person under 18 years of age.</p> <p>B. ENROLMENT</p> <p>All enrolments are subject to the final acceptance of Nas Academy. Nas Academy, our Agent or Authorised Partner may act on our behalf in this regard. We may choose not to accept an enrolment at any time for any reason. You must supply us with accurate information that is not false or misleading. Any false or misleading data deliberately provided to us, our Agent or Authorised Partner may be considered fraudulent behaviour and may constitute an offence. If we suspect any such data is being provided by you we may refer the matter to the appropriate authorities and/or suspend or expel you. If you need to change any information you may do so using our student portal or contacting Academy Support via one of the contact methods below.</p> <p>C. AGE</p> <p>Enrolment of a person who is a Minor at the time of enrolment requires the permission of an authorised parent or guardian. Nas Academy may refuse to enrol a Minor where we believe the course would not be age appropriate. Nas Academy and its Authorised Partners provide no pastoral care services. Once your course starts you will be required to participate in order to successfully complete your CoursePage. Participation includes consuming prescribed course material, engaging in classroom-based and/or online classes, completing exercises and activities, and successfully completing formative and/or summative assessments. Some or all of these may be compulsory in order to be considered to have successfully completed in your course of study. If you are unsure of your progress, please consult with your Academy Trainer. We will keep track of your activity and may notify you, as a courtesy if we feel that you are not on track to successfully complete your course. However, if you feel at any time that you are not on track, don’t understand something or are otherwise having some difficulty please let your Academy Trainer know as soon as practicable. If you are unable to contact them please be in touch with Academy Support via one of the contact methods below. If you are unable to do so, please ask a member of your family or a close friend to get in touch with us to let us know of your circumstances. We will try to help out wherever possible. If you have an issue with your Academy Trainer that you don’t wish to discuss with them please write, in confidence via one of the contact methods below.</p> <p>D. USE OF IMAGES, VIDEO, SOUND RECORDINGS AND/OR YOUR LIKENESS</p> <p>As part of your study with us you will be required to create, record, edit and/or submit text and/or video and audio. Such data or recordings may include personal information and the pictorial and/or audio likenesses of you and other people. By doing this you agree to the storage, transmission and use of these data and your likeness, which may include transmission over the internet and/or posting on social media. Nas Academy is a respectful, open place for every human being to partake in the wonders of learning. It is important that when you record yourself or others and use services to transmit or post such data that you do so appropriately. This means that we expect all common courtesies and standards of decency that would be common in most societies to be adhered to. Our services or equipment may not be used to record other people covertly, nor to store or transmit images, likenesses or audio of people, including yourself indecently dressed, insufficiently clothed, acting inappropriately including using profane language, symbols or gestures or using language, symbols or actions that could be assumed by a reasonable person to be offensive or upsetting or is illegal in your jurisdiction. Hate speech and offensiveness against gender, religion, colour, race, country / region of origin, nationality or sexual orientation is expressly forbidden on any of our services. Any such activity may result in sanctions against the student, which may include but not be limited to suspension or expulsion, and/or referral to the appropriate authorities. Nas Academy will be the final arbiter of what is considered to be offensive. By submitting data or recordings you give permission for this to be shared with others in your class or other grouping of students, staff, Academy Trainers, Academy Support, mentors, Agents and Authorised Partners and posted on social media. We may also use your likeness for the purposes of marketing, however if you prefer that this doesn’t happen you must let us know in advance.</p> <p>E. FEES</p> <p>We may provide a range of ways in order for you to be able to pay your fees to us. Not every payment method may be available in every jurisdiction. It may take some time for us to receive the fees paid due to the transmission of fees from Agents to us, weekends, public holidays, bank transmission time lags and other reasons. This may cause some delay in the ability for us to provide services to you, however we cannot be held responsible for any delays that are outside our control. Payment methods may vary and may include fees imposed by your bank and/or payment provider. Fees may also be charged in a currency that is different to the currency used by you, in which case a currency conversion fee may be levied by your bank or payment provider. Such fees will be to your account and we will not be providing any compensation or discount as a result of such fees. Please check with your bank or other payment provider before using these payment methods if this concerns you. Unless explicitly provided, Nas Academy does not extend credit, so please ensure all fees are paid prior to the commencement of your course. If you are having any difficulties, please contact Academy Support via one of the contact methods below. </p> <p>F. LANGUAGE</p> <p>We’re very proud of our ability to operate in multiple languages and, in time we hope to be able to communicate with every person on Earth. Terms and Conditions, Policies, instructions, directions and other communications may be provided in a range of languages. In the event that there is a discrepancy between any such communication and the same or similar communication in English, then the English language communication will be considered to be correct. </p> <p>G. NAS ACADEMY LABS</p> <p>Your course may include use of Nas Academy Labs (Labs). Use of the Labs may require advance booking and may be limited by hours, external access requirements, technical outages and/or availability of equipment. We cannot be held responsible and there will be no compensation if we are unable to provide access to Labs at your preferred time. Should there be a disruption during your allotted time our staff will do their best to assist you with a suitable alternative.</p> <p>H. COURSE DURATION</p> <p>Nas Academy courses have a fixed duration that is often not extendable. The start and end dates are listed for you prior to your enrolment so that you can plan your study. If you find the duration is insufficient please speak with the Nas Academy as early as possible and we will do what we can to assist you. On occasion we may need to cancel a course. This may occur because we have insufficient enrolments or, for some other reason we may not be able to commence or complete a course. In the event that we cancel a course prior to commencement you will be issued a full refund. The refund will be paid to you via the payment method in which we received the money and in the currency in which we billed you. If a refund is paid via an Agent, you must liaise with that Agent to receive your refund.</p> <p>I. COURSE CANCELLATION</p> <p>On occasion we may need to cancel a course. This may occur because we have insufficient enrolments or, for some other reason we may not be able to commence or complete a course. In the event that we cancel a course prior to commencement you will be issued a full refund. The refund will be paid to you via the payment method in which we received the money and in the currency in which we billed you. If a refund is paid via an Agent, you must liaise with that Agent to receive your refund. Singapore Residents: Nothing in this Cancellation clause supersedes your rights under Singapore consumer law.</p> <p>J. TRANSFERS</p> <p>CoursePage Transfers may be made up to three business days prior to the commencement of a course by contacting Student Services at Nas Academy reserves the right to refuse a course transfer request. All course transfers are subject to availability. If your request is successful you will need to pay a CoursePage Transfer Fee (see Miscellaneous Fees) prior to transfer. If the new course is of greater value that your current course you will need to pay the additional course fees in addition to the CoursePage Transfer Fee. Any future course must be commenced within six months of the start date of the original course. Only one transfer will be allowed. To apply for a course transfer you must have paid all fees that are due at the time. Please note that course fees will not be refunded as a result of a CoursePage Transfer. You continue to be bound by your original student agreement.</p> <p>K. DELIVERY OF SERVICES</p> <p>The delivery of some services may be provided to you by an Authorised Partner of Nas Academy in your jurisdiction or some other jurisdiction. This may require the transmission of data, including your Personal Data across international boundaries and between Nas Academy and the Authorised Partner. We may need to do this in order to provide services to you. By enrolling in a course you agree to this transmission and storage.</p> <p>L. ERROR IN YOUR COURSE</p> <p>Our people are amazing and work very hard to bring great learning to as many people as possible. But, we are not perfect. Errors may occur from time-to-time. Any errors notified to us will be handled in accordance with our quality management processes. Whilst all reasonable endeavours will be made to address any errors we will not be held liable for errors or inconsistencies in course material or advice given.</p> <p>M. SERVER AVAILABILITY, APPS AND DATA STORAGE</p> <p>We host our back-end databases and applications on some of the finest server infrastructure around. However, from time-to-time outages may occur. Whilst they are often temporary and come back up within a few minutes, it’s not impossible for extended outages to occur, often due to things like weather or power events. In such situations, Nas Academy will only process course extensions or change examination deadlines if an outage lasts longer than 48 hours. Refunds will only be processed on a pro-rata basis and where a server outage lasts longer than two weeks. Should an application malfunction due to an error on our part, we will do our best to rectify the situation. If a malfunction can’t be fixed by us within 48 hours then we will consider processing course extensions or change examination deadlines on a case-by-case basis. No refunds will be processed should this occur. We will store data to the best of our ability, however should any information become lost we will not be held liable for any losses that may occur. In any and all events our liability is limited to the course fees paid.</p> <p>N. NO GUARANTEE OF A JOB OR ACCREDITATION OUTCOME</p> <p>We strongly believe that a good education is a sound basis for great job outcomes. We love doing our best to help our students, however nothing Nas Academy, our Agents or Authorised Partners say or do can be construed as a guarantee that you will get a job, finish a course or receive a qualification.</p> <p>O. YOUR DISCLOSURE TO US</p> <p>You must disclose to us anything that might prevent or impede your study prior to commencement. If anything occurs during your study that may prevent or impede your study you must let us know. Speak with your Facilitator or contact us via one of the contact methods below.</p> <p>P. REFUND POLICY</p> <p>Once payment is received, Nas Academy course fees are not refundable. Under exceptional circumstances, Nas Academy may issue a refund at the exclusive discretion of the CEO, whose decision is final and in accordance with these policies.</p> <p>Q. DEFERMENT AND EXTENSIONS</p> <p>Students may defer their studies by enrolling into the same course with a different course date. This may be done either via the student portal or by contacting Support at via one of the contact methods below. Nas Academy reserves the right to refuse a deferment request. All deferments are subject to availability in the new course date. If your request is successful you will need to pay a CoursePage Deferment Fee (see Miscellaneous Fees) prior to deferment. If the new course date is of greater value that your current course you will need to pay the additional course fees in addition to the CoursePage Deferment Fee. Any future course must be commenced within six months of the start date of the original course. Only one deferment will be allowed. To apply for a course deferment, you must have paid all fees that are due at the time. Please note that course fees will not be refunded as a result of a CoursePage Deferment. You continue to be bound by your original student agreement.</p> <p>R. COURSE CREDIT</p> <p>CoursePage Credits may be applied for any accredited course that is substantially similar to study you wish to commence with Nas Academy. Nas Academy will not credit any more than 25% of a course. Any course credit given will provide time off, but no discount will be provided. CoursePage credits will only be applied where we are easily able to verify, and we believe the veracity of the qualification being presented to us. All course credits are applied at our exclusive discretion and our decision to issue credit or not is final. CoursePage credit applications will be subject to a CoursePage Credit Application Fee (see Miscellaneous Fees).</p> <p>S. DISABILITIES</p> <p>We are committed to ensuring equal opportunity for people with a disability or specific learning needs. We may be able to make reasonable adjustments and accommodations to meet such needs, however we will not incur additional costs of interpreters, aid workers, computer hardware or software, prostheses, hearing aids, braille devices, translations, software modifications or other modifications or support services required. Please enquire with your local disability or special needs support services in your area with whom we would be pleased to liaise. </p> <p>T. FITNESS FOR PURPOSE</p> <p>Any applications supplied by us will only work on the devices specified using the versions of your operation system specified by us. Should you attempt to install or use our app on a version of operating system that is not supported, or a device that is not supported then we cannot be held responsible for any damage, inability to use or data loss that may occur as a result of such usage.</p> <p>W. COURSE LANGUAGE AND CORE SKILLS</p> <p>In each market in which we operate courses may be delivered in one or more languages, as listed on the Nas Academy website. With the exception of courses that are explicitly marketed as suitable for children all courses have as a prerequisite the ability to read, write and communicate in the scheduled languages to a grade 8 level. Most courses will require the use of a computer and certain applications (Mac and/or PC). It is assumed that you are able to operate a computer, connect to the internet and use basic applications. By enrolling in the course you hereby confirm that you possess these skills.</p> <p>U. GRIEVANCE AND APPEALS PROCEDURE</p> <p>In the event that you have a complaint about Nas Academy, any of our staff, including our facilitators, course content or the result of an assessment, the following procedure will apply: Step 1: Please communicate your concerns with your facilitator. This may be done by private message within the app. Step 2: If your issue is not resolved, or is an issue with your facilitator, write to detailing your complaint. We will communicate with you within seven days. Step 3: If your issue is still not resolved, write to with the subject line. Step 4: Grievance. Your issue will be escalated and will be responded to within seven days. Step 5: Grievances responses from Nas Academy will be considered final.</p> <p>V. STUDENT SUPPORT</p> <p>All student support must be via: • In person at your local Nas Academy Location • By email to • Lodging a request inside the Nas Academy online portal</p> <p>X. COOKIES</p> <p>We employ the use of cookies. By accessing, you agreed to use cookies in agreement with Nas Academy's Privacy Policy. Most interactive websites use cookies to let us retrieve the user's details for each visit. Cookies are used by our website to enable the functionality of certain areas to make it easier for people visiting our website. Some of our affiliate/advertising partners may also use cookies. By filling a form, purchasing or subscribing on our website, you agree that you want to receive emails from Nas Academy about upcoming classes, curriculum information , new course launches, upcoming events and offers that you may find interesting. You can withdraw this consent at anytime by clicking on the 'unsubscribe' link in the emails you receive from us. By filling a form, purchasing or subscribing on our website, you agree that you want to receive SMSs from Nas Academy about upcoming classes, curriculum information , new course launches, upcoming events and offers that you may find interesting. You can withdraw this consent at anytime by replying STOP to the SMSs you receive from us. </p> <p>Y. MISCELLANEOUS FEES</p> <p>All fees are in US Dollars. You may be billed an equivalent amount in another currency at a foreign exchange rate that may be subject to change. These fees are subject to change by posting a new version of this document on the Nas Academy website. All Miscellaneous Fees are non-refundable.</p> <p>Policy Approval date: 29 March 2020</p>

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