
FAQ and Cookie Policy

This site (as well as many others) uses Cookies. By using its Services you accept such Cookies. Please read Cookie Policy if you are interested in details. easy cloud service <strong>Sign In</strong> <strong> </strong> <ul> <li> My profile <ul> <li>Personal info</li> <li>Change password</li> </ul> </li> <li> Payments <ul> <li>DepositFiles Gold</li> <li>Status</li> <li>Manage Subscriptions</li> </ul> </li> <li>Logout</li> </ul> <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> Contact info About DepositFiles FAQ News <ul> <li>DepositFiles</li> <li>DepositFiles Cookie Policy</li> <li>Download FAQ</li> <li>Depositfiles Filemanager</li> <li>Depositfiles Downloader</li> </ul> I. DepositFiles Up <ol> <li>What is DepositFiles?</li> DepositFiles is a popular international service for safe file transfer, storage, and distribution. The size of our servers, all of them working on several gigabyte connection links, is nearly unlimited. Today there are no similar services that can offer our level of quality. DepositFiles is the best and fastest service for uploading, storing, and safe sharing of your files on the internet. <li>Is DepositFiles service free? Can I use it right now?</li> You can upload and download files up to 10GB without any charges. We spent enormous time designing our file forwarding service and we always want to make it available for millions of people to use. No special training required to use DepositFiles. Millions of people across the globe from different occupations such as students, businessmen, home-business operators, etc. use our service daily. DepositFiles service is absolutely free. Try it and see for yourself! <li>Why do I need to register at DepositFiles?</li> However, registration gives you additional advantages. Depending on the account type you have, you may obtain more features while using it. For instance, get more convenient removal options of your uploaded files or use safe forwarding for large files, up to 10Gb and etc. You can compare GOLD account advantages with regular registration. <li>What files can I upload and what is the maximum size of the file?</li> You can upload any file types like EXE, MP3, MPEG, AVI, RAR, ZIP, JPG, etc. Music files, video files, mp3, applications, games, ringtones, office files (e.g. in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc) projects, models, architectural drawings, conference recordings, price-lists, regular agreements, laboratory data, server configuration files, advertising booklets and so on. The size of a file you can upload is the maximum in the Internet now up to 10GB!* Maximum file size for file system FAT32 - 4 GB. <li>Why can't I share some of my files?</li> There are several filters used to identify copyrighted material, sharing of which has been previously forbidden by the copyright owner. To reduce your legal risks we cancel the market impact resulted by the use of such materials by not letting other users to access such files. If you believe sharing of your file has been disabled by mistake, please contact our support team to resolve it. <li>How long the uploaded file will be stored on the DepositFiles service?</li> DepositFiles is offering the largest file storage period - 60 days. After each file download the retention period will be extended for another 60 days.<br> Please note that file is stored if it complies with our "User Agreement" and does not violate the laws of your residence country. It means the files which violate copyright laws or containing any illegal content will be deleted immediately, as soon as they are discovered. If you find such files on DepositFiles servers, we will appreciate if you let us know about on the page of complaints. <li>Why are some of my files removed?</li> The files are removed in case of severe violation of DepositFiles User Agreement. The violation is more severe the more public infringing files become. Be warned - repeat infringers are deprived of access to their user account and even may be prosecuted by civil and criminal charges. Feel free to contact our support team for detailed information. <li>Can I remove the uploaded file at any time?</li> Of course yes! After you download file, you will receive a unique link to download it, which can be sent to whomever you'd like, and a unique link to delete a file which you have to keep. To delete file, just simply click on the link to remove it! You can also delete a file using a personal file manager without using this removal link. <li>My Web hosting does not allow storing large mp3 and avi files. Can I upload these files to DepositFiles and place a link to them on my website so visitors of the website can download them?</li> You can upload an unlimited number of files to our system and place their download URLs anywhere you want, like on your website, page, public message forums, live journals, blogs, social networks (Twitter, FaceBook, My Space) etc. You can send download URLS of those files to your friends via Instant Messaging systems, like ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, and also of course via e-mails (excluding spam, of course). You only need to remember received download URLs to your files, copy them correctly, and always test it after publishing to make sure they work (!) Otherwiose the users you send those download links won't be able to download anything.. <li>Is the number of downloads limited with DepositFiles?</li> There is no limitation for the number of downloads of any file in our system! Some files in our system have been downloaded more than 100,000 times. If you are not a GOLD-member, you can upload only one file at a time. GOLD-members can download up to 50 files simultaneously, each in several threads, and resuming of interrupted downloads are also supported! <li>Can I see the whole file archive of your system?</li> In general, NO. Our service guarantees total privacy for your files and files of other users. As some people do not want to grant access to their files to everybody, therefore we can't disclose their download links to the open public. <li>I have purchased a GOLD-account, but your system does not log me in. What could be wrong?</li> If you had a Free Membership before purchasing GOLD, please note that ALL GOLD memberships use DIFFERENT LOGIN type than free. DO NOT use your free login and except to see GOLD status. Make sure you use new GOLD-account login and password sent to you immediately after order confirmation. Also make sure you did not erase cookies from your computer and not using any software that blocks receiving and sending of cookies, like firewall. <li>I might enter my e-mail address, when I register as a regular or GOLD member. Will I receive any notification email to my e-mail address?</li> NO, you will not. We do not sell or give anybody e-mail addresses of our users. The only confirmation you may receive to your e-mail address from us is notification messages about our service. <li>Why sometimes files are downloaded very slowly?</li> The download speed can be restricted by your ISP. You can check your Internet-connection speed by this link. The low speed may be also caused by the fact that the same file is downloaded simultaneously from a number of places. In such cases internet traffic is shared among all the users. If you want to have priority for downloading, we recommend registering a GOLD-account or try to download this file at a later time. <li>Service issues a message "connection limit has been exhausted for your IP address, please try again in 5 (25, 55, etc.) minutes". What should I do to download a file?</li> provides equally high qualified services to users from all the regions of the globe, regardless of size downloads, download time, user's browser and other parameters. With this purpose the system of dynamic load distribution was implemented. It operates on the following principle: "All users should have an opportunity to download large files and with good speed for FREE".<br> As download priority speed is given for GOLD-users, other users can download quickly only one by one file (first one, then another one). The time spent in the line (the phrase "try again in 10 minutes") depends on various factors (file's popularity, DepositFiles server load from your network segment, time of day, etc.), the main thing among which is the file size. The larger the file downloaded from your IP address is before, the more waiting time is. Therefore, in order to reduce waiting time we recommend to download small files at the beginning. Also, as the system recognizes users by their IP address, you can change your address (see question 15) and try to download the file again. <li>Your system informs that you have been downloading files or that you have already downloaded too much. But you have not downloaded anything! What is wrong?</li> Our system uses your IP-address to count the amount of downloads. If you receive such notice and you really haven't downloaded anything, then you probably use the proxy-server that is simultaneously used by other people. You need to turn off such proxy-server(s) in this case. If your provider doesn't allow it, the only possible solution for you is GOLD-account. GOLD-account uses cookies (not IP addresses) for your downloads counting. <li>Why can't I enter DepositFiles through the corporate proxy-server?</li> The system limits the number of simultaneous logins from the same IP address to prevent the server's overloading. That is why you may see a notice informing you that something is already being downloaded from your IP address, though you are not downloading anything. Since GOLD-users have more download priority, and if you are not a GOLD-member, try to log in at another time of day. <li>What are the advantages of the GOLD-account?</li> You are offered many advantages for a considerably low price - starting from €0.15 per day: You have downloading priority when our servers share their traffic capacity, in which you have access to programs making the downloading speed higher and helping to download interrupted (broken) files, downloading starts at once (you don't need to wait for 45 seconds), you can download up to 250 files at the same time, you can upload and store files up to 2000 MB along with many other options. <li>How many files can I download from DepositFiles?</li> The size of files you can download from DepositFiles depends on your ISP and your account status. Downloading files as Free User uninterruptedly and with speed restrictions you will have about 5 GB downloaded per day. All GOLD Users can download with maximum available speed. After reaching the 50 GB per day, the technical speed limit may be applied. <li>How to download from using multisection of download-manager?</li> GOLD-users have an opportunity for multiple simultaneous downloads. It means that if you are downloading, for example, 5 sections of file at the same time, the file will be downloaded 5 times faster than using an ordinary way of downloading through your browser window.<br> For the downloading link to be used in your Download Manager, you need to set up the Download Manager to "catch the links" (the instructions how to do it can be found in the description to this program). So if you select necessary settings by clicking on "Download" your file will be automatically downloaded by this program. You can also do it manually by copying the downloading link for the file (link looks like into your Download Manager.<br> The unique link is built under the "Download" icon and it's unique for your IP-address, to copy this link, please use right click menu of your browser. When adding the link to the Download manager, select the option "multisection". We recommend to set up 5 sections, but not more then 10. And then you will see that the total speed of downloading has increased. Please note, that some files are not to be used for multisection downloads.<br> <li>Unsubscribe from Gold status.</li> You can cancel the subscription at any moment. in this case your account will have Gold status to the end of paid period.<br> To cancel the subscription, please click the button "Unsubscribe" at the Manage Subscriptions page and then enter required data (Credit Card number and E-mail address / Purchase ID / Transaction number or phone number).<br> If necessary, please send free SMS message with specified text to the number which is displayed in your account on the subscription page. <li>Why, after the payment of Gold status I have not received my username and password?</li> Please check your email, data for your login to Gold Account must come to your e-mail, which you provided when making a purchase. If no letter is, make sure that it does not get into the folder "spam".<br> As about one hour passes after the payment and you have still not received the username and password for Gold account, please contact our support.<br> When sending letter, please tell us the details of payment, the time of purchase and what period of Gold status was paid.<br> If possible, please send us a screenshot of the details of payment to our e-mail <p>Our specialists will process your request as soon as possible.</p> <li>The page loads too slowly, what can be done?</li> The main reason the site's pages loads slowly is speed of your Internet connection. If you have high speed but the pages loads slowly the reason can be the following: some pages (for example files list) contain lots of Java Script and it requires heightened browser operating. That is why it is desirable to use latest browsers versions and not to use addons or superstructures that can slow down pages loading. <li>I have other questions. Where can I send them?</li> Contact our support service. GOLD-users can submit a support ticket from their account. We respond usually within 24 hours.</ol> II. DepositFiles Cookie Policy Up <p>Pursuant to our vision of good practices (as well as EU laws) we have to educate you of Cookie technology and its uses as well as to explain its uses by DepositFiles.</p> <p>Please refer to the following policy shall provide details on the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>What is a Cookie?</li> <li>DepositFiles first-party Cookies</li> <li>Third-party Cookies</li> <li>How to manage Cookies?</li> </ul> <ol> <li> <strong>What is a Cookie?</strong> <p>Cookies are NOT programs, scripts or any actions executed by your computer. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer by your browser. They're used for many things, such as remembering whether you've visited the site before, so that you remain logged in - or to help us work out how many new website visitors or downloads we get each month. They contain information about the use of your computer but don't include personal information about you (your name, postal address or your mother’s maiden name).</p> </li> <li> <strong>DepositFiles first-party Cookies.</strong> <p>Like most websites, DepositFiles uses Cookies. We collect information automatically when you visit the Website, using Cookies. The collected information involves remembering your computer and subsequently – your activity.</p> <p>The Cookies allow us to identify your computer and find out details about your last visit. Using Cookies we recall your preferences and counteract fraud and technical policy infringements. Any use of DepositFiles first-party Cookies is nonintrusive and respects your privacy.</p> <p>We do not use Cookies to track what Content you upload for access.</p> </li> <li> <strong>Third-party Cookies.</strong> <p>Social sharing, video and other services we offer are run by other companies. These companies may drop Cookies on your computer when you use them on our site or if you are already logged in there.</p> <p>We allow third-party companies to collect certain information when you visit our web site. These companies may utilize Cookies, pixels or other technologies to collect and use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., hashed data, click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you.</p> </li> <li> <strong>How to manage Cookies?</strong> <p>You are the owner of your computer. You have full control over it and should be well-capable of managing your Cookies. Please note that tinkering with Cookies does not mean that your computer is unidentifiable and/or that you shall not be presented with advertisements. It means that your web experience shall become much less personalized.</p> <p>There are several ways to deal your Cookies. Below there are several methods you should find useful:</p> <p> <strong>Disabling Cookies.</strong> If you delete and/or turn off Cookies - they obviously stop working. However If you do, we can't guarantee that your experience with the DepositFiles as well as other sites will be as good as if you do allow Cookies.</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Internet Explorer</strong>: (this page links to further information for different versions of IE).</li> <li> <strong>Chrome</strong>:;answer=95647</li> <li> <strong>Safari</strong>: (or for mobile versions)</li> <li> <strong>Firefox</strong>:</li> <li> <strong>Blackberry</strong>:</li> <li> <strong>Android</strong>:;answer=169022</li> <li> <strong>Opera</strong>:</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Opting out from tracking.</strong> </p> <p>Most reputable third parties allow an option to opt out of Cookies-enabled behavioral analysis (usually for advertising). Ironically, ensuring such opt-out option usually involves creating a special "do-not-track" Cookie. If you choose to delete Cookies after opting out – your tracking choice shall be reset.</p> <p>To learn more about behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit following websites:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Digital Advertising Alliance</strong>:</li> <li> <strong>Networking Advertising Initiative</strong>:</li> <li> <strong>European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance</strong>:</li> <li> <strong>Your Online Choices initiative</strong>:</li> <li> <strong>Google Adsense</strong>:</li> </ul> </li> </ol> III. Download FAQ Up <p>Usually the process of file downloading requires at least 3 "participants": a server, Depositfiles Internet channel, your Internet provider (and your provider's partner) and your computer.</p> <p>If you are reading this message, it means that Depositfiles Server is working in it's normal mode which means that the reason of the problem lays in your internet provider (your provider's partner) and in your computer. </p> <p> <strong>General guidelines:</strong> we recommend using Google Chrome Browser and switch all the "speed up" programs as well as satellite internet connection off.</p> <p>If you are unable to download the file into your computer, please make sure that neither of the reasons listed above is to be applied, and if any of these take place, please eliminate them according to our recommendations.</p> <ol> <li>Have problems in downloading file in your browser?</li> <p> <strong>(the blank page is shown or the browser informs "Page is not found" or the page is shown but file downloading does not start)</strong> </p> <strong>Possible reasons:</strong> <p> <strong>A) Reason:</strong> pop-up blocker is enabled in setting of your browser.<br> <strong>What you do:</strong> please disable this option for this particular page in the setting of your browser or use the combination of keys. For example, for Internet Explorer the key Ctrl (allows to unblock poping windows) and/or Shift (allows to open a link in a new tab) are to be used. Please mind that for other browsers different combination of keys can be used.</p> <p> <strong>B) Reason:</strong> a toolbar blocks the poping windows (for example Google toolbar), add-in of your browser (for example, MyIE) or the internal program ( for example, FireWall, Antivirus or any other software) is enabled.<br> <strong>What you do:</strong> What you do: please add URL to the list of allowed websites in the setting of your tollbar's software. The way of doing it is described in the software.<br> </p> <p> <strong>C) Reason:</strong> downloading link is catched by one of Download-Managers (for example, FlashGet, OrbitDownloader, ReGet, etc) which controls your buffer exchange, the Download-Manager can be damaged or work slowly creating an impression that downloading does not start.<br> <strong>What you do:</strong> you won't be able to start downloading through your browser until the Download-Manager which catches this link is on. Moreover if your Download-Manager is integrated into your Browser or you are using several Download-Managers simultaniously, all of them can catch the URL and even try to start downloading (if you have such settings), mind that Download-Manager may still be in system tray without any visible signs, that is you will not see a message in the browser asking whether you want to save this file in your PC.<br> In this case, please disable the function of your browser "watch browser" in your Download-Manager, or according to advice in variant "A": hold Shift button, that is start downloading in a new window.<br> </p> <p> <strong>D) Reason:</strong> instead of simply saving the file on your computer, it tries to open the corresponding program (especially vital for Internet Explorer) which is integrated into your browser (Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, DJVU Reader, video-players, etc), In this case, the same as in variant "B", your operation system can start launching this program to open this file, at this moment Depositfiles server does not get any requests for this file.When the program was launched, the browser is trying to request the file again, it's the same as repeat request, so the service shows the opening page with the timer, etc, that is the program can not get the file and closes.<br> <strong>What you do:</strong> In this case we recommend downloading this file by clicking on the link with the right mouse button, choosing the tag "Save object as" or "Save as" in the context menu. By doing this you totally control the process of saving the file, giving the browser no chance for secondary unwanted operations.</p> <p> <strong>E) Reason:</strong> While trying to download file using Free downloading Mode, you are doing parallel downloading of a second file. In this case, the attempt to download second file will fail.<br> <strong>What you do:</strong> wait until the current downloading will finish or purchase Gold-Account which allows downloading of several files simultaneously.</p> <li>The file is not downloaded in Download-Manager</li> <p> <strong>F) Reason:</strong> You re trying to download file with the help of Download-Manager but file downloading does not start, but an HTML page, sometimes renamed and with the ammended resolution of the file, but with the same file size.<br> <strong>What you do:</strong> please make the setting in your Download-Manager so that it downloads using one channel or purchase our Gold-Account, which allows you to have multiple parallel downloads.</p> <p> <strong>G) Reason:</strong> You re trying to download file with the help of Download-Manager but file downloading does not start.<br> <strong>What to do:</strong> please check that your Download-Manager is set up for 1 channel downloading. We recommen using Gold-Account which will allow you to have multiple parallel downloads.</p> <p> Usually, we don't recommend using Download-Manager for Free downloading mode because depending on the setting of the Download-Manager, it can amend the speed of downloading which can cause downloading session break. But for Gold-Account Users is very convenient to use Download-Manager! </p> <li>Can I download a file without having Gold status?</li> <p>Of course, you can download any file absolutely for free!<br> See detailed instructions:</p> <p> I. Step - Enter the link in browser (format files or, then click the button "Regular download"<br> II. Step - Wait 60 sec.<br> III. Step - You need to enter verification code (CAPTCHA) and next press the button "Continue"<br> IV. Step - Press the button "Download file" </p> <p>Note that the download speed in free mode is shared among all users.</p> </ol> <p>If you read all these and you have taken appropriate actions but the problem still exists, please contact our support department.</p> IV. Depositfiles Downloader Up <ol> <li> <strong>Can I use the program without having Gold status?</strong> <p>Unfortunately, the program Depositfiles Downloader is available for users with Gold status only.</p> </li> <li> <strong>Does Depositfiles Downloader need additional installation on PC for file downloading?</strong> <p>No, it does not. This is a one-time application for downloading a particular file by a particular user at a particular time.</p> </li> <li> <strong>What operating systems does Depositfiles Downloader work with?</strong> <p>Currently, there is support for all Windows operating systems.</p> </li> <li> <strong>How do I start Depositfiles Downloader to download a file?</strong> <p>Go to the download page, select "Download via Depositfiles Downloader" by clicking on the button, open and run the program by clicking twice on the "Next" button. The download will start automatically.</p> </li> <li> <strong>Do I need any special settings in my Antivirus Program if Depositfiles Downloader installed on my computer?</strong> <p>The program does not contain any malicious code and cannot harm your computer. All that the application does is the downloading of a chosen file.</p> </li> <li> <strong>What advantages for download does Depositfiles Downloader have?</strong> <p>Currently, the program supports 5 threads without speed limits. After a short-term disconnection, the program reconnects and continues downloading. After a long-term disconnection, it goes to pause. To start again, just click on "Resume".</p> </li> <li> <strong>I have additional questions. Where can I ask them?</strong> <p>Please contact our support team. All registered users can ask questions about their accounts and get a response within 24 hours!</p> </li> </ol> <br> Captcha Invalid Your password or login is incorrect Unknown Error Invalid input data Please, enter login Please check "I'm a human" checkbox Please, enter desired login Please, enter your password Please, reenter your password The password and the reentered password should be the same Enter your e-mail address Entered email does not appear to be valid To continue you should agree to the rules of our service Please enter at least {0} characters. Please enter no more than {0} characters. Unknown Error Complete In queue In progress In process Blocked Incorrect size of file File too small. There are no logs yet Size Uploaded Status Downloaded Will be deleted Download Url Folder name File name Location Current password is invalid <br> © 2006-2021 Mobile version <dl> <dt>Agreement and policies</dt> <dd>User agreement</dd> <dd>Privacy policy</dd> <dd>Copyright policy</dd> <dd>Payment policy</dd> <dd>Recurring Transaction Policy</dd> <dd>Partnership with Web Shield Limited</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Support center</dt> <dd>FAQ</dd> <dd>Contacts</dd> <dd>About DepositFiles</dd> <dd>Advertise with us</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Information</dt> <dd>News</dd> <dd>Loyalty program</dd> <dd>DepositTools</dd> </dl>

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