Open Camera

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Got it!<p>This website uses cookies, including for Google Analytics and to display ads More info</p>Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Open Camera <p> <small>Jump to Instructions.</small> </p> <p>Open Camera is an Open Source Camera app for Android™ phones and tablets. Features:</p> <ul> <li>Option to auto-level so your pictures are perfectly level no matter what.</li> <li>Expose your camera's functionality: support for scene modes, color effects, white balance, ISO, exposure compensation/lock, selfie with "screen flash", HD video and more.</li> <li>Handy remote controls: timer (with optional voice countdown), auto-repeat mode (with configurable delay).</li> <li>Option to take photo remotely by making a noise, or by voice command "cheese".</li> <li>Configurable volume keys and user interface.</li> <li>Upside-down preview option for use with attachable lenses.</li> <li>Overlay a choice of grids and crop guides.</li> <li>Optional GPS location tagging (geotagging) of photos and videos. for photos this includes compass direction (GPSImgDirection, GPSImgDirectionRef).</li> <li>Apply date and timestamp, location coordinates, and custom text to photos. store date/time and location as video subtitles (.SRT).</li> <li>Panorama, including for front camera.</li> <li>Support for HDR (with auto-alignment and ghost removal) and Exposure Bracketing.</li> <li>Support for Camera2 API: manual controls (with optional focus assist). burst mode. RAW (DNG) files. slow motion video. log profile video.</li> <li>Noise reduction (including low light night mode) and Dynamic range optimisation modes.</li> <li>Options for on-screen histogram, zebra stripes, focus peaking.</li> <li>Focus bracketing mode.</li> <li>Completely free, and no ads in the app (I only run ads on the website). Open Source.</li> </ul> <p>(Some features may not be available on all devices, as they may depend on hardware features, or the Android version.)</p> <p>Get it on Google Play.</p> <p> Open Camera Blog ~ Discussion Forums ~ Code Repository (Git) </p> <p> <b>Contents:</b> </p> <ul> <li>Requirements</li> <li>Instructions</li> <li>Credits</li> <li>Privacy policy</li> <li>Licence and Terms of Service</li> <li>History</li> </ul> <b>Requirements</b> <p>Open Camera requires Android 4.0.3 or better. Some features may only be available on some devices (it may depend on Android version, or require specific support from the camera/device).</p> <p>Note that it's not possible for me to test Open Camera on every Android device out there, let alone in combination with different Android versions (or especially alternative ROMs). Please test before using Open Camera to photo/video your wedding etc :)</p> <p>See here for some details on issues with various devices.</p> Instructions <b>Credits</b> <p>Open Camera is written by Mark Harman with additional contributors, see credits for details.</p> <b>Privacy policy</b> <p>See my privacy policy for details.</p> <b>Licence and Terms of Service</b> <p>Open Camera is released under the GPL v3 or later. The source code is available from​projects/opencamera/files/ . Also see <i>"Can I use the Open Camera source code in my app?"</i> under the FAQ. </p> <p>Open Camera uses the AndroidX/Jetpack libraries, under Apache license version 2.0.</p> <p>The following files are used in Open Camera:</p> <ul> <li>Open Camera uses icons from Google's Material Design icons - from​design/downloads/index.html / / /, by Google, under Apache license version 2.0 (some cases include modifications, no need to credit me). In particular: baseline_add_a_photo_white_48.png, baseline_bluetooth_white_48.png, baseline_check_white_48.png, baseline_close_white_48.png, baseline_filter_vintage_white_48.png, baseline_folder_open_white_48.png, baseline_highlight_white_48.png, baseline_panorama_horizontal_white_48.png, baseline_photo_library_white_48.png, baseline_remove_red_eye_white_48.png, baseline_rotate_left_white_48.png, baseline_rotate_right_white_48.png, baseline_shutter_speed_white_48.png, baseline_text_fields_red_48.png (modified from baseline_text_fields_white_48), baseline_text_fields_white_48.png, exposure_locked.png (modified from baseline_lock_white_48 and ic_exposure_white_48dp), exposure_unlocked.png (modified from baseline_lock_open_white_48 and ic_exposure_white_48dp), flash_auto.png (from ic_action_flash_automatic), flash_off.png (from ic_action_flash_off), flash_on.png (from ic_action_flash_on), focus_mode_locked.png (modified from baseline_lock_white_48), ic_burst_mode_white_48dp.png, ic_colorize_white_48dp.png, ic_exposure_red_48dp.png, ic_exposure_white_48dp.png, ic_face_red_48dp.png (modified from ic_face_white_48dp), ic_face_white_48dp.png, ic_fast_forward_white_48dp.png, ic_gps_fixed_red_48dp.png (modified from ic_gps_fixed_white_48dp), ic_gps_fixed_white_48dp.png, ic_gps_off_white_48dp.png, ic_hdr_on_white_48dp.png, ic_help_outline_white_48dp.png, ic_info_outline_white_48dp.png, ic_launcher_take_photo.png (modified from ic_photo_camera_white_48dp), ic_mic_off_white_48dp.png, ic_mic_red_48dp.png (modified from ic_mic_white_48dp), ic_mic_white_48dp.png, ic_more_horiz_white_48dp.png, ic_pause_circle_outline_white_48dp.png, ic_photo_camera_white_48dp.png, ic_photo_size_select_large_white_48dp.png, ic_play_circle_outline_white_48dp.png, ic_power_settings_new_white_48dp.png, ic_save_white_48dp.png, ic_slow_motion_video_white_48dp.png, ic_text_format_red_48dp.png (modified from ic_text_format_white_48dp), ic_text_format_white_48dp.png, ic_timelapse_white_48dp.png, ic_timer_white_48dp.png, ic_touch_app_white_48dp.png, ic_videocam_white_48dp.png, ic_stat_notify_take_photo.png (modified from ic_photo_camera_white_48dp), popup*.png (modified from ic_more_vert_white, baseline_highlight_white, baseline_remove_red_eye_white, ic_action_flash_automatic, ic_action_flash_off, ic_action_flash_on), settings.png (from ic_action_settings), share.png (from ic_action_share), switch_camera.png (from ic_action_switch_camera), take_photo.png (modified from ic_photo_camera_white_48dp), take_photo_pref.png (modified from ic_photo_camera_white_48dp), take_photo_pressed.png (modified from ic_photo_camera_white_48dp), take_photo_when_video_recording.png (modified from ic_photo_camera_white_48dp), take_video.png (modified from baseline_videocam_white_48), take_video_pref.png (modified from baseline_videocam_white_48), take_video_pressed.png (modified from baseline_videocam_white_48), take_video_recording.png (modified from baseline_videocam_white_48), trash.png (from ic_action_discard), white_balance_locked.png (modified from baseline_lock_white_48), white_balance_unlocked.png (modified from baseline_lock_open_white_48). <br>Modified versions of some of these icons are also used on this website. <br>Open Camera's app icon/logo also makes use of ic_photo_camera by Google (also Apache license version 2.0).</li> </ul> <p>Note that old versions of Open Camera also used the following:</p> <ul> <li>exposure_locked.png, focus_mode_locked.png, white_balance_locked.png modified from​icons/128411/​antivirus_close_forbid_hide_​lock_locked_password_privacy_​private_protection_restriction​_safe_secure_security_icon#​size=64 , by Aha-Soft, under CC BY 3.0 (no need to credit me).</li> <li>exposure_unlocked.png, white_balance_unlocked.png modified from​icons/128416/​free_freedom_hack_lock_open_​padlock_password_secure_​security_unlock_unlocked_icon#​size=64 , by Aha-Soft, under CC BY 3.0 (no need to credit me).</li> <li>flash_off.png, flash_auto.png, flash_on.png from​icons/62201/flash_icon#size=64, by The Working Group, under CC BY-SA 3.0.</li> <li>flash_red_eye.png, popup_flash_red_eye.png from​icons/103177/​eye_see_view_watch_icon#​size=128 , by Designmodo / Andrian Valeanu, under CC BY 3.0 (no need to credit me).</li> <li>flash_torch.png, popup_torch.png from​icons/51924/​bulb_light_icon#size=128 , by IconFinder - , by CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>focus_mode_macro.png from​icons/81105/​macro_mb_icon#size=128 , by Yankoa - , under CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>gallery.png from​icons/6915/​book_gallery_images_photos_​pictures_icon#size=128, by Alessandro Rei, under GPL v3.</li> <li>settings.png from​icons/115801/​settings_icon#size=128, by Designmodo / Andrian Valeanu, under CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>share.png from​icons/111030/​share_icon#size=128, by WPZOOM, under CC BY-SA 3.0.</li> <li>switch_camera.png from​icons/103031/​3d_rotate_icon#size=64, by Valera Zvonko, under CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>switch_video.png from​icons/92787/​film_photo_icon#size=32, by FatCow Web Hosting, under CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>switch_video.png - merged from images​icons/81087/​mb_photo_icon#size=128 and​icons/81197/​mb_rec_video_icon#size=128 by Yankoa, under CC BY 3.0 (no need to credit me).</li> <li>take_video.png, take_video_pref.png, take_video_pressed.png, take_video_recording.png from​icons/81197/​mb_rec_video_icon#size=128 , by Yankoa - , under CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>App icon/logo, take_photo.png, take_photo_pressed.png from​icons/81087/​mb_photo_icon#size=128, by Yankoa, under CC BY 3.0.</li> <li>trash.png from​icons/115789/​trash_icon#size=128, by Designmodo / Andrian Valeanu, under CC BY 3.0.</li> </ul> <p>Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.</p> History <p>Open Camera Privacy Policy.</p> <p>This website uses icons from third party sources, see licences.</p> <p>Open Camera on Sourceforge.</p>

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