
terms of service

Terms Of Services <p>These terms of service may be changed at any time.</p> <p>The User undertakes to respect this agreement upon registration. The non-compliance with this agreement will lead to the suspension of your account</p> Requirements needed to use the service <p>Our services are reserved for individuals who can make contracts under applicable law. The User must be in good standing with the authorities in whose jurisdiction he belongs and must be major according to the laws in his country.</p> Our Services <p> We offer various services to the User by this Agreement. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our services at any time without justification if it is in the interest of the User (example: new limit in order to keep a host rather than removing it) or in the aim to preserve the financial health of the company. The unrestricted hosts are not guaranteed in their entirety due to many factors that could cause the arrest of these.</p> Personal Information <p> The User certifies that the informations he supplies are complete, truthful and accurate. The User agrees to edit his informations if they are modified.</p> User Account <p> The User's account is for personal use only. Only the individual who holds the account is allowed to connect on it. Connections to the User's account are recorded so that we can detect account sharing. The User agrees to keep his login secret, We won't offer technical support for account hacking.</p> Service Usage <p> The User acknowledges not to use our service to download copyright infringement digital files punishable by a suspension of his account and reporting to competent organizations and authorities: Société des Auteurs de l'Audiovisuel (SAA), etc. The User acknowledges not to use our service to download digital files implementing children or animals punishable by a suspension of his account and reporting to competent organizations and authorities: National Center for Missing &amp. Exploited Children (NCMEC), etc. We do not own the files that the user downloads, we can't verify their content and can't be held responsible for their downloads. The User certifies that he will not use a dedicated server, VPS or any cloud service on our service other than by using his Remote Traffic (which is in addition to the subscription). Any account sharing or generated links sharing will lead to a suspension of the User account. Hosts without clearly indicated limit are considered unlimited, within the limit of a reasonable use of the User (based on the price and the original limitations of the host compared to the price paid on our service), any consumption beyond this so-called reasonable use may be temporarily limited.</p> Infringements <p> The User acknowledges that he will not try to stop our services by any possible ways such as computer attacks. The User must not attempt to override any limits or try to fault payment systems. All content on this website is prohibited from reproduction, whether partial or total. The User also acknowledges that he is not allowed to resell any Premium account nor managing it for somebody else without our explicit permission, any attempt will lead to a suspension of the User account.</p> Compensation <p> If our website was inaccessible over a period of more than 10 minutes per week then we will ensure that the User will be compensated for the time he wasn't able to use his account properly by adding the downtime period to his remaining subscription time. This period must be justified by an external monitoring service having no link with the User and no link with our company with a minimum of two different locations if the User seems to be the only one impacted. User account can be fully refunded if it has not been used up to 7 days after the payment, the use of the account (even minimal) canceling any possibility of refund.</p>

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