
Cookie Policy

Cookie policy <p> POLICIES </p> <p>Last updated: 2 June 2020</p> <br> <ul> </ul> <p>This policy provides explains our view on cookies and lists the ones that we use along with an explanation of what they do and why we utilize them.</p> <p>All of our policies regarding data and its storage</p> <ul> <li>No logging of user activity policy</li> <li>Cookie policy</li> <li>Privacy policy (including GDPR)</li> <li>Swedish legislation relevant to us as a VPN provider</li> <li>Terms of service</li> </ul> Policy overview <p>We never store data that isn't absolutely necessary, and if it is, then only upon the active request of a customer. This choice is deeply rooted in our culture and tied to our belief that everyone has a right to privacy.</p> <p>As a result, our website utilizes only a few cookies, all of which are essential for us to provide certain services and created only if a user actively chooses that service.</p> All the cookies we use <p>Yes, this is all of them!</p> <ul> <li> <strong>authToken</strong> (expires when the browser window is closed) – is created when you log into an account and automatically removed when you close your browser window</li> <li> <strong>language</strong> (expires when the browser window is closed) – is created when you choose a language preference for this website</li> <li> <strong>csrftoken</strong> (expires when the browser window is closed) – is created when you view almost any form on this website and prevents a malicious website from tricking you into submitting a POST request to us, otherwise known as cross-site request forgery</li> <li> <strong>__stripe_sid</strong> (expires after 30 minutes) – is implemented by Stripe and created when you proceed to the Stripe payment page</li> <li> <strong>__stripe_mid</strong> (expires after one year) – is implemented by Stripe and created when you proceed to the Stripe payment page.</li> </ul>

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