CryptoTab Browser

CloudBoost Service Terms of Use

CloudBoost Service Terms of&nbsp;Use <p>PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF&nbsp;USE CAREFULLY. BY&nbsp;USING THIS SERVICE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO&nbsp;BE&nbsp;BOUND BY&nbsp;THE TERMS OF&nbsp;USE DESCRIBED BELOW. IF&nbsp;YOU DO&nbsp;NOT WISH TO&nbsp;BE&nbsp;BOUND BY&nbsp;THESE TERMS, PLEASE DO&nbsp;NOT USE THE SERVICE. THESE TERMS OF&nbsp;USE ARE PROVIDED ON&nbsp;BEHALF OF&nbsp;CRYPTOCOMPANY OU, WITH A&nbsp;REGISTERED ADDRESS AT&nbsp;REBASE 1, TARTU 50104, ESTONIA, (together, «CryptoCompany», «we»,&nbsp;«us», «our»).</p> CloudBoost Service <p>CloudBoost is&nbsp;a&nbsp;network based service which provides you remote server resources based on&nbsp;monthly subscription, unless otherwise indicated. The network resources will be&nbsp;provided in&nbsp;multiples of&nbsp;your device’s power. For example, if&nbsp;your default speed is&nbsp;100&nbsp;h/s and you buy 10x Cloud Boost, you will get 1000&nbsp;h/s (where 100&nbsp;h/s is&nbsp;the speed of&nbsp;your device and 900&nbsp;h/s is&nbsp;the speed of&nbsp;our remote server resources). This means that the more powerful your device&nbsp;is, the more network resources you will get for the same CloudBoost license.</p> <p>We&nbsp;do&nbsp;not condone any unlawful use of&nbsp;the CloudBoost Services. CloudBoost Services shall not be&nbsp;used for any criminal, illicit and illegal acts, and you accept and agree not to&nbsp;use the service for any illegal fraudulent activity.</p> <p>CryptoCompany guarantees a&nbsp;99.9% service uptime.</p> <ul> <li>CryptoTab Browser can be installed from our official website only.</li> <li>CryptoTab Browser can be installed once Terms are accepted and by the owner of a computer only.</li> <li>CryptoTab Browser has a built-in cryptocurrency mining function. The browser is mining the cryptocurrency, which we consider relevant for the present moment. The mining results are displayed and paid out in Bitcoins at our exchange rate, and you agree to accept this rate.</li> <li>When having mining function activated, CryptoTab Browser icon shall stay visible in the taskbar at any time, it should not be hidden from a computer owner.</li> <li>If any of the provisions or terms specified herein are violated in any manner, we reserve the right to prohibit the use of CryptoTab Browser and stop mining process, including access and further use of the existing mining results.</li> </ul> Device Support <p>Please note that not all devices are supported by&nbsp;CloudBoost services. To&nbsp;make sure that all your devices are supported by&nbsp;CloudBoost service before license purchasing, you need to&nbsp;open the mining tab on&nbsp;every device you are going to&nbsp;use. If&nbsp;there is&nbsp;no&nbsp;CloudBoost option available that means device is&nbsp;not supported.</p> How It&nbsp;Works? <p>CloudBoost option is&nbsp;device type dependent, unless otherwise indicated. It&nbsp;means that Android CloudBoost option can be&nbsp;used on&nbsp;Android device only, iOS CloudBoost option&nbsp;— on&nbsp;iOS only and Desktop CloudBoost is&nbsp;for Desktop Devices only. Different CloudBoost options cannot be&nbsp;merged. For example, if&nbsp;you buy 5x&nbsp;CloudBoost and 10x CloudBoost you will not get 50x CloudBoost. In&nbsp;this case you can use both your licenses at&nbsp;the same time on&nbsp;different devices. For mobile users there is&nbsp;also available a&nbsp;SuperBoost premium feature which increases your boosted power by&nbsp;x%. SuperBoosts can be&nbsp;combined. For example, if&nbsp;you buy 100% SuperBoost and 60% SuperBoost you will get 160% SuperBoost. The maximum cumulative power of&nbsp;SuperBoost can be&nbsp;400%.</p> <p>You have a&nbsp;possibility to&nbsp;order CloudBoost Option for multiple devices by&nbsp;purchasing 1&nbsp;license with a&nbsp;discounted price. The number of&nbsp;purchased licenses can only be&nbsp;limited by&nbsp;the payment provider. If&nbsp;the license you are trying to&nbsp;order is&nbsp;not accessible (inactive option state) that means selected payment option cannot support it&nbsp;and you need to&nbsp;select another one.</p> <p>License sharing between multiple CryptoTab accounts is&nbsp;strongly prohibited.</p> Payments <p>All our paid Services are subscribed on&nbsp;a&nbsp;service period basis. You choose the service period and the payment method yourself when you sign up&nbsp;for the paid Services. Your service will be&nbsp;automatically renewed, and your chosen payment method will be&nbsp;charged at&nbsp;the end of&nbsp;each service period, unless you decide to&nbsp;cancel your automatic payments for the Services before the end of&nbsp;the then-current subscription. All prices, including recurring subscription fees, are subject to&nbsp;change. Any changes in&nbsp;pricing will be&nbsp;communicated to&nbsp;you in&nbsp;advance.</p> <p>In&nbsp;some cases, we&nbsp;or&nbsp;others on&nbsp;our behalf may offer a&nbsp;free trial for our paid Services. The duration of&nbsp;the free trial period and other details will be&nbsp;specified during a&nbsp;sign-up. We&nbsp;determine your free trial eligibility at&nbsp;our sole discretion, and to&nbsp;the extent permitted under applicable law we&nbsp;may limit or&nbsp;withdraw a&nbsp;free trial option at&nbsp;any time without prior notice. You acknowledge and agree that we&nbsp;will automatically charge you for our paid Services at&nbsp;the end of&nbsp;the free trial period on&nbsp;a&nbsp;recurring basis. If&nbsp;you do&nbsp;not want to&nbsp;be&nbsp;charged, you must cancel the paid subscription before the end of&nbsp;the free trial. If&nbsp;you received a&nbsp;free trial from a&nbsp;third party, you may also cancel the paid subscription through that third party.</p> <p>Only basic payment information is&nbsp;processed through our payment service providers and payment processing partners authorized to&nbsp;provide services within respective country. Any fees charged by&nbsp;us are inclusive of&nbsp;taxes.</p> <p>However, we&nbsp;may calculate and add any taxes and&nbsp;/ or&nbsp;additional fees, including, but not limited to&nbsp;sales tax, value added tax and other taxes or&nbsp;fees under Estonian laws applicable to&nbsp;us for your order/subscription. Such taxes and fees will be&nbsp;calculated according to&nbsp;the billing information provided by&nbsp;you to&nbsp;CryptoCompany OU&nbsp;at&nbsp;the time of&nbsp;purchase.</p> Refund and Cancellation Policy <p>If&nbsp;you wish to&nbsp;claim a&nbsp;refund, you can do&nbsp;so&nbsp;within 7&nbsp;days following your purchase of&nbsp;our Services. We&nbsp;seek your full satisfaction with our Services. However, we&nbsp;would like to&nbsp;troubleshoot an&nbsp;issue you experience first. There are common service configuration issues that may hinder the Services for you, and we&nbsp;resolve most user issues encountered.</p> <p>Subscriptions purchased via the iTunes/App Store are subject to&nbsp;iTunes/App Store refund policies. This means we&nbsp;cannot grant refunds if&nbsp;you purchased an&nbsp;app through iTunes/App Store&nbsp;— you will have to&nbsp;contact store support for that. Payments made using prepaid cards or&nbsp;gift cards will not be&nbsp;refunded. In&nbsp;this case, refunds are handled according to&nbsp;the terms of&nbsp;service of&nbsp;the reseller from which the product was purchased.</p> <p>You have a&nbsp;right to&nbsp;cancel your subscription at&nbsp;any time. You can cancel a&nbsp;recurring subscription from your CryptoTab account, iTunes/App Store or&nbsp;Google Play Store. Cancelled subscriptions will not be&nbsp;refunded for the unused part of&nbsp;the ongoing service period.</p> <p>No&nbsp;refunds will be&nbsp;considered for accounts terminated for violation of&nbsp;these Terms.</p> Disclaimer of&nbsp;Warranties <p>Reasonable efforts are taken to&nbsp;improve the accuracy and integrity of&nbsp;the Services, but complex software is&nbsp;never wholly free from defects, errors and bugs. We&nbsp;give no&nbsp;warranty or&nbsp;representation that the Services will be&nbsp;wholly free from defects, errors and bugs, such as&nbsp;downtime, loss of&nbsp;data, corrupt data, service delay, mistakes, out-of-date information, or&nbsp;other. Notwithstanding any other provision of&nbsp;these Terms, we&nbsp;reserve the right to&nbsp;change, suspend, remove, or&nbsp;disable access to&nbsp;the Services, or&nbsp;any functionality comprising a&nbsp;part of&nbsp;the Services at&nbsp;any time without notice. In&nbsp;no&nbsp;event will we&nbsp;be&nbsp;liable for making these changes. As&nbsp;a&nbsp;registered user in&nbsp;good standing, you may be&nbsp;provided with limited service by&nbsp;CryptoCompany OU. We&nbsp;do&nbsp;not warrant and will not have any liability or&nbsp;responsibility for your use of&nbsp;the Services or&nbsp;other products or&nbsp;services we&nbsp;provide. We&nbsp;may also impose limits on&nbsp;the use of&nbsp;or&nbsp;access to&nbsp;the Services, for any reason and without notice or&nbsp;liability. Our Services may be&nbsp;unavailable from time to&nbsp;time due to&nbsp;human, digital, mechanical, telecommunication, software, and other failures. We&nbsp;cannot predict or&nbsp;control when such downtime may occur and cannot control the duration of&nbsp;such downtime.</p> <p>THE SERVICES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, OUR SOFTWARE, MOBILE APPLICATIONS, SERVICES AND WEBSITE) ARE PROVIDED «AS&nbsp;IS» AND WITH ALL&nbsp;FAULTS. WE&nbsp;MAKE NO&nbsp;REPRESENTATION OR&nbsp;WARRANTY WHATSOEVER REGARDING THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, ADEQUACY, SUITABILITY, FUNCTIONALITY, AVAILABILITY, OR&nbsp;OPERATION OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE&nbsp;DO&nbsp;NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR USE OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES, AND WE&nbsp;DO&nbsp;NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OR&nbsp;RESULTS THAT MAY BE&nbsp;OBTAINED THROUGH YOUR USE OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES. YOU ASSUME ALL&nbsp;RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR USE OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES AND FOR ANY LOSS OF&nbsp;OR&nbsp;ERRORS IN&nbsp;ANY DATA OR&nbsp;INFORMATION. TO&nbsp;THE FULL&nbsp;EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY&nbsp;APPLICABLE LAW, WE&nbsp;DISCLAIM&nbsp;ALL&nbsp;WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR&nbsp;IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF&nbsp;MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A&nbsp;PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING THROUGH COURSE OF&nbsp;DEALING OR&nbsp;USAGE OF&nbsp;TRADE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, WE&nbsp;NEITHER WARRANT NOR REPRESENT THAT YOUR USE OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES WILL&nbsp;NOT INFRINGE THE RIGHTS OF&nbsp;ANY THIRD PARTIES, NOR THAT THE SERVICES WILL&nbsp;BE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ACCESS OR&nbsp;USE, NOR THAT OPERATION OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES WILL&nbsp;BE ERROR-FREE OR&nbsp;UNINTERRUPTED. PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF&nbsp;IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO&nbsp;SOME OF&nbsp;THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO&nbsp;YOU. IN&nbsp;ADDITION, YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM ONE JURISDICTION TO&nbsp;ANOTHER JURISDICTION.</p> <p>We&nbsp;shall not be&nbsp;responsible or&nbsp;have any liability for any delay or&nbsp;failure to&nbsp;perform to&nbsp;the extent due to&nbsp;unforeseen circumstances or&nbsp;causes beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, failures of&nbsp;third party software (whether open or&nbsp;not), failures of&nbsp;your telecommunication or&nbsp;internet service providers, force majeure, earthquakes, fires, floods, embargoes, labor disputes and strikes, riots, war, novelty of&nbsp;product manufacture or&nbsp;other unanticipated product development problems, and acts of&nbsp;civil and military authorities.</p> Limitation of&nbsp;Liability <p>There are inherent risks in&nbsp;relying upon, using, transmitting, or&nbsp;retrieving any data and/or content on&nbsp;the Internet, and we&nbsp;urge you to&nbsp;make sure you understand these risks before using the Services.</p> <p>YOUR USE OF&nbsp;THE SERVICES IS&nbsp;AT&nbsp;YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER CRYPTOCOMPANY OU&nbsp;NOR ANY OF&nbsp;ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES OR&nbsp;AFFILIATES, NOR ANY OF&nbsp;THEIR EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS OR&nbsp;DIRECTORS, SHALL&nbsp;BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR&nbsp;OTHER DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF&nbsp;DATA OR&nbsp;INFORMATION OF&nbsp;ANY KIND, LOSS OF&nbsp;BUSINESS, LOST PROFITS, INTERRUPTION OF&nbsp;BUSINESS, COST OF&nbsp;COVER OR&nbsp;ANY OTHER DAMAGES) ARISING OUT OF&nbsp;OR&nbsp;IN&nbsp;ANY WAY RELATED TO&nbsp;THIS AGREEMENT OR&nbsp;THE USE OR&nbsp;INABILITY TO&nbsp;USE THE SERVICES, WHETHER BASED ON&nbsp;CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR&nbsp;OTHERWISE, EVEN IF&nbsp;WE&nbsp;HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF&nbsp;THE POSSIBILITY OF&nbsp;SUCH DAMAGES. IN&nbsp;ANY CASE, THE LIABILITY OF&nbsp;CRYPTOCOMPANY OU&nbsp;SHALL&nbsp;NOT EXCEED WHAT THE CLIENT PAID&nbsp;TO CRYPTOCOMPANY OU&nbsp;AND SHALL&nbsp;NOT INCLUDE ATTORNEY FEES OR&nbsp;COURT COSTS IRRESPECTIVE OF&nbsp;ANY LAWS OR&nbsp;STATUTES THAT MAY PRESCRIBE OTHERWISE.</p> Application Platform Terms <p>If&nbsp;our application is&nbsp;downloaded from Apple, Inc. («Apple») App Store or&nbsp;if&nbsp;you are using the Services on&nbsp;an&nbsp;iOS device, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to&nbsp;the following notice regarding Apple.</p> <p>These Terms are concluded between you and CryptoCompany&nbsp;OU, not with Apple, and Apple is&nbsp;not responsible for the Services and the content thereof. Apple has no&nbsp;obligation whatsoever to&nbsp;furnish any maintenance or&nbsp;support services for the Service To&nbsp;the extent that the Services fails to&nbsp;conform to&nbsp;any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the Service to&nbsp;you. to&nbsp;the maximum extent permitted by&nbsp;law, Apple will have no&nbsp;other warranty obligation with respect to&nbsp;the Services. Apple is&nbsp;not responsible for addressing any claims by&nbsp;you or&nbsp;any third party relating to&nbsp;the Service or&nbsp;your possession and/or use of&nbsp;the Service, including: (1) product liability claims. (2) any claim that the Service fails to&nbsp;conform to&nbsp;any applicable legal or&nbsp;regulatory requirement. and (3) claims arising under consumer protection or&nbsp;similar legislation. Apple is&nbsp;not responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement, and discharge of&nbsp;any third-party claim that the Service and/or your possession and use of&nbsp;the application infringe that third party’s intellectual property rights. You agree to&nbsp;comply with any applicable third-party terms, when using the Service. Apple, and Apple’s subsidiaries, are third party beneficiaries of&nbsp;these Terms, and upon your acceptance of&nbsp;these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be&nbsp;deemed to&nbsp;have accepted the right) to&nbsp;enforce these Terms against you as&nbsp;a&nbsp;third party beneficiary of&nbsp;these Terms. You hereby represent and warrant that (1) you are not located in&nbsp;a&nbsp;country that is&nbsp;subject to&nbsp;a&nbsp;U.S. Government embargo, or&nbsp;that has been designated by&nbsp;the U.S. Government as&nbsp;a&nbsp;«terrorist supporting» country. and (2) you are not listed on&nbsp;any U.S. Government list of&nbsp;prohibited or&nbsp;restricted parties.</p> Changes to&nbsp;These Terms of&nbsp;Use <p>We&nbsp;may update or&nbsp;change these Terms from time to&nbsp;time by&nbsp;posting the amended Terms on&nbsp;our website. Such updates or&nbsp;changes shall be&nbsp;effective at&nbsp;the time of&nbsp;posting. If&nbsp;you continue to&nbsp;use the Services after we&nbsp;provide notice of&nbsp;such changes, your continued use constitutes an&nbsp;acceptance of&nbsp;the amended Terms and an&nbsp;agreement to&nbsp;be&nbsp;bound by&nbsp;them. If&nbsp;you do&nbsp;not agree to&nbsp;the amended Terms, you must discontinue your use of&nbsp;the Services.</p> Miscellaneous <p>The Terms constitute an&nbsp;agreement between you and&nbsp;us regarding the use of&nbsp;the Services. The parties acknowledge that no&nbsp;reliance is&nbsp;placed on&nbsp;any representation made but not expressly contained in&nbsp;these Terms.</p> <p>If&nbsp;any provision of&nbsp;the Terms is&nbsp;found to&nbsp;be&nbsp;unenforceable or&nbsp;invalid, that provision shall be&nbsp;limited or&nbsp;eliminated to&nbsp;the minimum extent necessary so&nbsp;that the Terms shall otherwise remain in&nbsp;full force and effect and enforceable.</p> <p>You may not assign these Terms or&nbsp;any rights or&nbsp;interest under these Terms or&nbsp;delegate any obligations to&nbsp;be&nbsp;performed under these Terms, without the CryptoCompany’s OU&nbsp;prior written consent. CryptoCompany OU&nbsp;can assign its rights and obligations under these Terms to&nbsp;selected third parties without your consent, including but not limited&nbsp;to, in&nbsp;cases of&nbsp;corporate reorganization, merger, acquisitions, sale or&nbsp;transfer of&nbsp;all or&nbsp;substantially all of&nbsp;company assets.</p> <p>These Terms shall be&nbsp;governed in&nbsp;all respects by&nbsp;the substantive laws of&nbsp;Estonia. You agree that the courts of&nbsp;general jurisdiction located in&nbsp;Estonia will have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of&nbsp;or&nbsp;relating in&nbsp;any way to&nbsp;these Terms or&nbsp;the Services.</p> <p>Please direct all questions or&nbsp;comments about these Terms of&nbsp;Use&nbsp;to</p>

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