
Applicant Privacy Policy

Version 1.0–9-27-2018,VIASAT–APPLICANTPRIVACYPOLICY,1.OUR APPROACH TO PRIVACY,1.1Viasat is committed to protecting and respecting yourprivacy. This privacy policy sets out ,how we collect, store, process, transfer, share and use data that identifies or is ,associated with you("personal information")when you apply for a position with Viasat. ,1.2Please ensure that you have read and understood how we collect, store, use and ,discloseyour personal information as described in this privacy policy.,2.DATA CONTROLLER,2.1A list of Viasat companies that this policy applies to can be found at Annex1. The Viasat ,company to which you submit your application will be the data controller of your personal ,information, and reference to "Viasat", "we" or "us" in this policy are references to that ,company. ,If you are unsure which Viasat company is the data controller of your personal ,information, please contact your local People and Culture representative using the ,contact details in Annex 1.,3.PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU AND HOW WE USE IT,3.1We collect personal information thatyou voluntarily submit directly to us, such as when ,you submit your application to usor communicate with us in respect of your application. ,This can include your name, address, emergency contacts, education details and ,qualification details and previous employment history. ,3.2We may collect personal information about you from publically available sources when ,considering your application. This can include information on social media profiles and ,other publically available information for us to use as reference checks and screening. ,3.3When we collect such information from you, we will inform you if the information is ,mandatory or optional. If you do not provide any information which is marked as ,mandatory, we may be unable to perform some of our obligations to you. ,3.4If we decide to offer you employment, we may also collect personal informationabout ,you from other parties, such as information provided byrecruiters, executive search ,firms, referees and the results of any background checks against public or government ,databases. ,3.5We may also create and maintain internal records which may containpersonal ,informationabout you, such as application or interview evaluation notes. ,The table in Annex 2sets out the categories of personal information we collect about you ,and how we use that information. The table also lists the legal basis which we rely on to ,process the personal information andthe recipients of the personal information.,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,4.HOW LONG WE KEEPYOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION,4.1We will store the personal information we collect about you for no longer than necessary ,for the purposes set out in Annex 2and in accordance with our legal obligations and ,legitimate business interests.,4.2If your application issuccessful and you become an employee or independent contractor ,of Viasat, the personal information we collect during the application process may be ,transferred to your personnel file and stored in accordance with our Employee Privacy ,Policy. We will giveyou a copy of this policy at the start of your employment with Viasat. ,4.3If your application is not successful, to the extent that you give us consent to do so,we ,may also keep your personal information for the purpose of considering your application ,for employment with other Viasat companies or for other positions with Viasat.,4.4Where you have given us your consent to process certain equal opportunities ,information, such as personal information relating to your genderandethnicity, we may ,anonymise and aggregate this information, and store it in such form that does not identify ,you, for the purpose of monitoring and improving the application process. ,4.5In all cases, data held by us will only be used consistent with the relevant and applicable ,legal requirements of the country in which the personal informationis collected.,5.RECIPIENTS OF PERSONAL INFORMATION,5.1We may share your personal information with the following (as required in accordance ,with the uses set out in Annex2):,(a)Other Viasat companies: personal information may be transferred to our parent ,company, Viasat, Inc, and other Viasat companies in connection with:,(i)the provision of centralised human resources management;,(ii)group business planning, budgeting, reporting and strategy;,(iii)group-level legal and regulatory compliance and managing associated ,risks, providing legal advice and in connection with potential or actual ,litigation;,(iv)reporting, assessing and responding to claims for risk management.,(b)Service providers and advisors: we may share your personal information with ,third party vendors and other service providers that perform services for us or on ,our behalf, which may include providing employment benefits, mailing or email ,services, tax and accounting services, or payments processing.Such data may ,be disclosed in connection with:,(i)the provision of centralised human resources management. ,(ii)the provision of centralised IT infrastructure;,(iii)centralised processing of salary and benefits payments;,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,(iv)obtaining professional services such as legal and accountancy services ,on behalf of the entire group. ,(c)Purchasers and third parties in connection with a business transaction: ,your personal information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a ,transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganisation, financing, ,change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.,(d)Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons: we may ,share your personal information with third parties as required by law or if we ,reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (i) comply with the law and ,the reasonable requests of law enforcement. (ii) detect and investigate illegal ,activities andbreaches of agreements. and/or (iii) exercise or protect the rights, ,property, or personal safety of Viasat, our employeesor others.,6.CONSENT,6.1We may need your consent for some uses of certain personal information. For instance, ,in certain circumstances, we may need your consent to use certain "sensitive" ,information, such as information about your health or ethnicity, in particular ways. ,6.2If we need your consent, we will notify you of the personal information we intend to use ,and how we intend to use it. ,6.3You do not have to give us consent. Where you have given us consent to collect, use or ,disclose your personal information in a certain way, youmay withdraw your consent at ,any time. If you wish to withdraw any consent that you have given us, please contact us ,using the details below. ,7.STORINGANDTRANSFERRINGYOURPERSONALINFORMATION,7.1Security. We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect ,your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, change or ,damage. All personal information we collect will be stored on secure servers. ,7.2International Transfers of your Personal Information. The personal information we ,collect may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the jurisdiction you are in ,where we and our third-party service providers have operations. If you are located in the ,European Union ("EU"), your personal information may be processed outside of the EU,,including in the United States. these international transfers of your personal information ,will be made pursuant to appropriate safeguards, such as standard data protection ,clauses adopted by the European Commission. If you wish to enquire further about these ,safeguards used, please contact us using the details set out at the end of this privacy ,policy.,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,8.YOURRIGHTSINRESPECTOFYOURPERSONALINFORMATION,8.1In accordance with the applicableprivacy laws in the country where you reside, you may ,have the following rights in respect of your personal information that we hold:,(a)Right of access. You may have the right to obtain:,(i)confirmation of whether, and where, we are processing your personal ,information;,(ii)information about the categories of personal information we are ,processing, the purposes for which we process your personal information ,and information as to how we determine applicable retention periods;,(iii)information about the categories of recipients with whom we may share ,your personal information. and,(iv)a copy of the personal information we hold about you.,(b)Right of portability. You may have the right, in certain circumstances, to receive ,a copy of the personal information you have provided to us in a structured, ,commonly used, machine-readable format that supports re-use, or to request the ,transfer of your personal informationto another person.,(c)Right to rectification. You may have the right to obtain rectification of any ,inaccurate or incomplete personal information we hold about you without undue ,delay. ,(d)Right to erasure. You may have the right, in some circumstances, to require us ,to erase your personal information without undue delay if the continued ,processing of that personal information is not justified. ,(e)Right to restriction. You may have the right, in some circumstances, to require ,us to limit the purposes for which we process your personal information if the ,continued processing of the personal information in this way is not justified, such ,as where the accuracy of the personal information is contested by you.,(f)Right to object. You may have a right, in some circumstances, to object to any ,processing based on our legitimate interests. There may, however, be compelling ,reasons for continuing to process your personal information, and wewill assess ,and inform you if that is the case. ,8.2If one of the above rights applies to you under applicable local law, and you wish to ,exercise one of these rights, please contact ,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,9.You also have the right to lodge a complaint to thesupervisory authority in your country ,of residence. If you are in the EU, you can obtain further information by contactingyour ,local data protection authority.,10.CHANGESTOTHISPOLICY,We may update this privacy policy from time to time and so you should review this page ,periodically. When we change this privacy policy in a material way, we will update the ,"last modified" date at the end of this privacy policy. Changes to this privacy policy are ,effective when they are posted on this page.,11.CONTACTINGUS,11.1Please contactrecruiting@viasat.comif you have any questions, comments and requests ,regarding this Privacy Policy. ,11.2This privacy policy was last modified on September 11, 2018.,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,ANNEX 1–VIASAT ENTITIES THIS POLICY APPLIES TO,EntityHR representative ,contact details,Viasat AF,,V3GS Austria GmbH,Viasat Australia Pty Limited,Viasat Brasil Participacoes Limitada,Viasat Brasil Servicos de Comunicacoes Limitada,Viasat Canada Corp.,Viasat, Inc. Limitada,MBC Czech Republic s.r.o.,Exede DEU GmbH,Engreen India Private Limited,Viasat India Pvt. Ltd.,Viasat Ireland Ltd.,IOM Licensing Holding Company Limited,Viasat (IOM) Limited,Viasat Israel Ltd.,Viasat Europe S.r.L.,Viasat Satellite Ventures Holdings Luxembourg S.a.r.l.,Carmel Comunicaciones, S.A. de C.V.,Viasat Tecnologia S.A. de C.V.,VGlobal Corp, S.A. de C.V.,MBC Netherlands B.V.,Viasat Broadband Holdings B.V.,Viasat Netherlands B.V.,Viasat Peru S.R.L.,MBC Poland LLC sp. z o.o.,Euro Broadband Infrastructure Sàrl,Euro Broadband Retail Sàrl,MBC Switzerland Sàrl,Viasat Antenna Systems S.A.,Horsebridge Defence and Security Limited,Viasat Satellite Holdings Limited,Viasat Technologies Limited,Viasat UK Limited,Viasat VS3 Holdings Limited,Engreen, Inc.,TrellisWare Technologies, Inc.,Viasat China Services, Inc.,Viasat Worldwide Limited,VParent, Inc.,VService, Inc.,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,ANNEX2–PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT,Category of personal ,information,How we use itLegal basis for the processing,Personal contact details,,such as your name, phone and maintain applicant records.legitimate interests, namely managing ,number, address and e-mail job applications for positions with ,address.Viasat. ,We may use this information to open The processing is necessary for our ,We may use this information to The processing is necessary for our ,communicate with you as part of the legitimate interests, namely ,recruitment process.communicating with applicants and ,managing job applications for positions ,with Viasat.,We may use this information to We will use your personal information in ,conduct identity and background this way to the extent you have given us ,checks, if applicable. consent to do so.,Job application information, ,such as position applied for, process job applications, including take steps prior to entering into a ,previous roles, job description, assessing your suitability for a role.contract with you. ,responsibilities and ,assignments, years of service, ,qualifications and experience, ,and other information ,contained in your CV.,We may use this information to The processing is necessary in order to ,We may use this information to The processing is necessary in order to ,calculate proposed salary and take steps prior to entering into a ,assessing eligibility for certain benefits. contract with you. ,We may use this information to monitor The processing is necessary for our ,and improve our application process.legitimate interests, namely reviewing ,and updating our applications process.,Results of reference checks ,and screening, such as ,verification of education and assessing your suitability for a role.contract with you.,employment history.,We may use this information to The processing is necessary in order to ,process job applications, including take steps prior to entering into a ,We may use this information to fulfil The processing is necessary for ,our obligations under applicable law, compliance with a legal obligation to ,regulations, legal processes or which we are subject.,enforceable government requests.,Version 1.0–9-27-2018,Results of background ,checks, such as criminal ,records checks and other nature of the role requires additional given us your explicit consent to do so. ,searches relevant to the role background checks (e.g. ,for which you are applying.disqualification as a director or driving ,We may use this information to verify We will only process this personal ,your suitability for a role, where the informationto the extent that you have ,licence checks). ,Nationality, citizenship and ,right to work information, ,such as country of birth, which we are subject.,government identification ,documents (including ,passports and residency ,permits) and, where relevant, ,visa information. ,We may use this information to The processing is necessary for ,determine youreligibility to work.compliance with a legal obligation to ,We may use this information to fulfil The processing is necessary for ,our obligations to relevant government compliance with a legal obligation to ,authorities.which we are subject.,Interview evaluation and ,appraisal information, such ,as comments and notes made assessing your suitability fora role.contract with you.,by interviewers or other Viasat,employees in connection with ,your application.,We may use this information to The processing is necessary in order to ,process job applications, including take steps prior to entering into a ,We may use this information to The processing is necessary in order to ,calculate proposed salary and take steps prior to entering into a ,assessing eligibility for certain benefits.contract with you. ,We may use this information to monitor The processing is necessary for our ,and improve our application process.legitimate interests, namely assessing ,and managing applications for positions ,with Viasat.,Any other data provided by ,you in the course of the ,application process, ,including electronic ,communications with you in ,relation to the application ,process. ,We may use this information to The processing is necessary in order to ,process your application, including take steps prior to entering into a ,assessing your suitability for a role. contract with you.,We may use this information to The processing is necessary for our ,respond to your enquiries and to legitimate interests, namely managing ,monitor and improve our application applications and improving the ,process. application process.,Equal opportunities ,monitoringinformation, such ,as information relating to your application process.given us your explicit consent to do so. ,gender, ethnicity, religion and ,sexual orientation.,We mayanonymise and aggregate this We will only process this personal ,information to monitor and improve our information to the extent that you have

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