
Viasat Managed Website Application Privacy Notice

Version 1,January29, 2018,ViasatManaged WebsiteApplication,Privacy Notice,The following “Privacy Notice” explainsViasat, Inc.’s (“Viasat” “we” “our” “us”) data practices in ,connection with Viasat’s Managed Websiteapplication, which provides website services for use with ,Viasat Internet or other Viasat services(the “Application”). This Privacy Notice only applies to our data ,practices with respect to the Applicationand not to any of our other products or services, or when you ,contact us by mail or phone for customer service or otherwise. For our general subscriber privacy ,policies and for our other products and services click here. Each of ourproducts and services have their ,own privacy noticesor policies. ,What Information Do We Collect?,We collect data associated with the operation ofthe Application, such as,but not limited to,all content ,you post on the Application,your general Application usage habits,such as,screens you visit within the ,Applicationandthe duration you spend on a screen within the Application,the website used to access ,the Application,your devicetype,operating systems and browser information and your contact ,information (name, e-mail address, and/or phone number) ifyouprovide such information in ,connection with your use ofthe Application.,We mayreceiveinformation that personally identifies you (“Personally Identifiable Information” or ,“PII”), which willonly be usedin connection with your use of the Application. ,How Do We Use Your Information?,Viasat, and Viasat’s agents,use your Applicationdata to operate the Application, improve the ,Application,andto contact you to discuss Viasat’sservices using the contact information(email or ,phonenumber)youprovide.,We may also use your Applicationdata to comply with the law, law enforcement or other legal process, ,and in response to a government request, or if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our terms ,of use, user agreements, applicable terms or policies, or to protect the rights, property,life, health, ,security and safety of Viasat, the Applicationor its users, or any third party.,How Do We Share Your Information?,We may share your Applicationdata as follows:,Our agents, vendors, consultants, and other service providers (collectively “Service Providers”) ,may receive, or be given access to your Applicationdata in connection with their work on our ,Version 1,January 29, 2018,behalf, provided however, we do not authorize our Service Providers to use your Application,data that is PII, or is tied to your Applicationor device, for purposes other than performing ,services for usor for you;,To comply with the law, law enforcement or other legal process, and in response to a ,government request. and ,If we believe your actions are inconsistent with our terms of use, useragreements, applicable ,terms or policies, or to protect the rights, property, life, health, security and safety of Viasat, the ,Applicationor its users, or any third party.,In addition, we may share yourApplicationdata with our related companies for their own business ,purposes not inconsistent with this Privacy Noticeand in connection with or during negotiations of any ,proposed or actual merger, purchase, sale, joint venture, or any other type of acquisition or business ,combination of all or any portion of Viasat’s assets, or transfer of all or a portion of Viasat’s business to ,another company.,Third Party Services You Visit Or That Are Associated With The Application.,The Applicationmay include hyperlinks to, or include on or in connection with, the Application, ,websites, locations, platforms, technology, applications or services operated by third parties (“Third-,Party Service(s)”).Viasatis not responsible for and makes no representations regarding the policies or ,business practices of any third parties, including, without limitation, Third-Party Services associated with ,the Applicationor that you visit using the Application, and encourages you to familiarize yourself with ,and consult their privacy policies and terms of use. ,Data Security.,While we seek to ensure the integrity and security of our Application and systems, we cannot guarantee ,the security of the information, and we encourage you to take precautions to protect your personal ,data. ,You are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of the following, which may or may not be ,applicable to you depending on how you use the Application: (a) your account password,(b)any site ,login or user identificationinformation,and (c) Viasatdevice credentials. You shall be responsible for ,any access or use of the Application by you or any person or entity using your password, login or user ,identification, whether or not suchaccess or use has been authorized by or on behalf of you. ,You choose which content to post on the Application and how to engage with the Application. If you ,choose to provide access to any of your account data to third parties, Viasatcannot be held responsible ,for any release of account or personal data that occurs as a result of the access that you provided to ,others.,Version 1,January 29, 2018,US Based Service.,Viasatis based in the U.S. and the information we and our Service Providers collect is governed by U.S. ,law. If you are accessing the Applicationfrom outside of the U.S., please be aware that information ,collected through the Applicationmay be transferred to, processed, stored, and used in the U.S. Data ,protection laws in the U.S. may be different from those of your country of residence. Your use of the ,Applicationor provision of any information therefore constitutes your consent to the transfer to and ,from, processing, usage, sharing, and storage of your information, including PII (if applicable), in the U.S. ,as set forth in this Privacy Notice. ,Special Information for California Residents.,California residents may request a list of all third parties to which we have disclosed certain information ,about you for the third party’s direct marketing purposes. This Application does not currently disclose ,any information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. ,Changes to the Privacy Notice.,We reserve the right to change this Privacy Noticeprospectively effective upon the posting of the ,revised Privacy Noticeat, or asuccessor website,andyour use ,of our Applicationindicates your consent to the privacy noticeposted at the time of use. However, we ,will not use your previously collected Applicationdata, to the extent it is not collected under the new ,privacy notice, in a manner materially different than represented at the time it was collected without ,your consent. To the extent any provision of this Privacy Noticeis found by a competent tribunalto be ,invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed to the extent necessary for the remainder to ,be valid and enforceable.,How to Contact Us?,If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, please contact usat Privacy@Viasat.comor at 349 ,Inverness Drive South, Englewood, CO 80222(Attention: Legal).

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