
Viasat and Exede Subscriber Privacy Policy

Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,1,Viasat, Inc. and itssubsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Viasat,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) respect and value your privacy. ,In this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), we describe the information that we obtain about users of Viasat and Exedeinternet ,®,servicesand relatedproducts and services(the“Services”)(but not including our WildBlueservice, which is covered ,®,by a separate policy), including information you may provide to access our customer portals at http://mail.exede.netor ,“Sites”)related to our Services.This Policy does not apply to users of our other websites ,such as, www.exede.comand, which are governed by the Website Privacy ,Policy available at, or any third-party websites that you access through the use of our Services. ,By visiting our Sitesor using our Services, you agree that any information you provide to Viasatwill be handled as ,described in this Policy, which is incorporated by reference into the applicable Customer Agreementor terms of service.,INFORMATION COLLECTION AND SOURCES,ADVERTISEMENTS AND THIRD-PARTY ADVERTISING,YOUR CHOICES,HOW WE USEINFORMATION COLLECTED,INFORMATION SHARING AND DISCLOSURE,DATA SECURITY,LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES,CUSTOMER PROPRIETARY NETWORK INFORMATION,SPECIAL INFORMATION ON INDIVIDUAL STATE PRIVACY LAWS,ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION,CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY,HOW TO CONTACT US,INFORMATION COLLECTIONAND SOURCES,•Information You Provideto Us,Viasatcollects personal information from you when you use our Services, create an account with us,request ,information from us, or otherwise contact us. The personal information we collect may include your name, address, ,email address, phone number, account login credentials (such as a username and password), anda creditor debit ,card number or other financial information(“Information”). We may combine the Information you provide to us with ,information from and about you that we receive from third parties, including business partners and vendors, or ,information that we automatically collect when you visit the Sites.,You may update or changeyour contact and billing informationby calling our customer care number at 1-855-463-9333 ,(Viasat and Exede Residentialcustomers) or1-855-313-4111 (Viasat Internet for Business customers (includes Exede ,Business plans)or accessingour customer portalsat http://mail.exede.netor,•Information Automatically Collected,When you use our Sites, we may use cookies, log files, or other similar technologies to conduct analytics of our Sites. ,For example, we may automatically collect certain non-personal information from you such as your browser type, ,operating system, software version, Internet Protocol (IP) address, Internet service provider and platform types.We ,may also collect non-personal information about your use of the Sites, including the areas or pages of the Sites that ,you visit, the amount of time you spend using the Sites, the number of times you returnto the Sites, the amount of time ,it takes to load a page, the order in which the content on a page loads, and other Site usage data. This information ,helps us to track and understand how visitors use our Sitesand improve the performance and user experience of our ,Sites. ,We may also collect information regarding your use of our Services and how our Services perform, including account ,login credentials, the amount of time it takes to load a page, the order in which thecontent on a page loads, your ,browser type, IP address or media access control (MAC)address, cookies, domain and subdomain names and the ,complete addresses(“URLs”) of the websites you visit.If youconnect devices (via a wired and/or wireless connection),to our modem, we may also collect information specific to each device you connect, including, but not limited to,the ,device’s unique MAC address, the hostname ofthe device, connection properties specific to each device, the times the ,device connectsto or accessesthe modemand the amount of data each device consumes. We may use theinformation ,described in this paragraph to troubleshoot your home network and to optimize, troubleshoot, measure,and monitor ,the performance of our network and Services, including performing de-bugging, measuring service levels and ,Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,2,identifying loading trends and websites that are statistically significant to our user population in order to deliver internet ,traffic more efficiently.,•Information You Post,Any comments or personal information that you post on public pages(such as social media sites), within the Sites or ,otherwise,is publiclyavailable andmay be viewed, collected,and used by others, including Viasat.Viasatis not ,responsible for the accuracy of any information contained in those postings.When you post on the Viasat and Exede ,Internet Community forumat, which is hosted by Get Satisfaction, your posts are governed by ,Get Satisfaction’sposted privacy policy, and not this Policy.We generally use the information you provide on that site ,to respond to customer inquiries or otherwise assist our customers.,•Cookiesand Other Tracking,We and our service providers may use cookies and other tracking mechanisms to track information about your use of ,our Services and may combine this information with other Information we or our service providers collect from you.,Cookies.Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your browser to,enable our systems to recognize your browser. Cookies allow a web server to transfer data to a computer for ,recordkeeping and other purposes.We and our third-party service providers may use “cookies” on our Sites to facilitate ,your ongoing access to and use of the Sites, as well as to conduct analytics on and collect usage data related to our ,Sites. ,For example, we may use cookies to remember your username and password, if you choose to store them. We may ,also use cookies to determine when your current session on the Sites should be logged out after a period of no activity, ,as well as for efficient management of the servers providing our Sites.,There are two types of cookies we use on the Sites: session-based cookies and persistent cookies. In addition, we may ,also allow vendors to use “third party” cookies for specific purposes on our Sites. A description of each of these cookies ,is provided below.,Session Cookies.Session cookies exist only during an online session.They disappear from your computer when you ,close your browser or turn off your computer.When you authorize us to do so, we may use session cookies to allow ,our systems to uniquely identify youduring a session or while you are logged in to the Sites.This allows us to process ,your online transactions and requests and verify your identity, after you have logged in, as you move through our Sites.,Persistent Cookies.Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you have closed your browser or turned off your ,computer.When you authorize us to do so, we may use persistent cookies to allow our systems to remember you and ,automatically log you in to our Sites.,Third Party Cookies/Applications.We may also engage third partyservices such as Google Analytics to provide us with ,information that helps us improve our Services and the experiences of our customers. These third-party services may,use session or persistent cookies or other applications to uniquely identify you via your user credentials while you are ,logged in to our Sites. Thesethird-party cookiesand otherapplicationsdo not collect any personally identifiable ,information other than the user credentials you provide. ,Clear Graphics Interchange Formats (“GIFs”). Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function ,to cookies. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on your computer’s hard drive, clear GIFs are embedded invisibly ,on web pages. In addition, we or our service providers may also use clear GIFs in HTML emails to our customers to ,help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed and track whether our emails are forwarded.,•How We Respond to Do Not Track Signals,While most browsers will allow you toblock cookies by enabling a Do Not Track headerwithin the browser,our system ,does not recognize Do Not Track headers. However, we only use cookiesas described in this Policy.,Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,3,ADVERTISEMENTS AND THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING,We may offer promotions through our Services. Some of these promotions may be based on your Information or your ,use of the Services and others may be based on your Information or your use of the Services combined with other ,customer information.We also use third parties such as network advertisers to assist us in displaying our ,advertisements on third party websites, and to evaluate the success of our advertising campaigns. Network advertisers ,display our advertisements on third party websites based on your use of our Services. This information enables us to ,target our advertisements to potential new customers. Third party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or ,traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other ,technologies to measure the effectiveness of the ads they place for us and to personalize advertising content. These ,third party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party’s specific privacy policy, not this Policy.,YOUR CHOICES,If, at any time, you would like to stop receiving marketing emails from us, you may follow the opt-out instructions ,contained in any such email or make an opt-out request by Please note thatit may ,take up to 10 business days for us to process marketing email opt-out requests.If you opt-out of receiving marketing ,emails from us, we still may send you emails about your account or any Services you have requested or received from ,us, or for other customer service purposes. Additionally, you may receive marketing or advertising emails from Viasat,dealerswhoact independently of Viasat.Dealers are independent contractorsauthorized to sell Viasatservices in ,addition to other services. Viasatdoes not control marketing or advertising emails from dealers to Viasatcustomers ,that were developed independently from Viasat.,You mayopt-out of our collection of the complete URLs you visitbycallingus at 1-855-463-9333.Please note that it ,may take up to 10 business days for us to process complete URL opt-out requests.We will honor suchrequests not to ,collect complete URLs, although we may utilize information about websites that our subscribers visit, in the aggregate, ,for purposes of internal network management and service performance optimization. ,HOW WE USE INFORMATION COLLECTED,We may use the Information we collect from and about you for the following business purposes: ,•To fulfill orders, provide Servicesand communicate with customers;,•To develop new products or services;,•To respond to your inquiries;,•To contact you when necessary;,•To troubleshoot your home network and to optimize, troubleshoot, measure and monitor the performance of ,our network and Services, including performing de-bugging, measuring service levels and identifying loading ,trends and websites that are statisticallysignificant to our user population in order to deliver internet traffic ,more efficiently;,•To address problems with the Sitesor our business;,•To protect the security or integrity of the Sitesand our business. and,•To use and disclose your credit/debit card information or other financial information only to process payments ,and prevent fraud.,We alsomay use your information for the following commercial and marketing purposes:,•To market our Services to you and engagethird parties to help us market our Services. and/or,•To contact you with information, newsletters and promotional materials from Viasat or on behalf of our ,partners and affiliates.,Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,4,We also may use your information that we collect as described to you at the point of data collection. ,Please also notethat in accordance with applicable laws, your Information may be stored and usedfor the purposes ,described in this Policy in the United States or in any other country in which Viasator itssubsidiaries, affiliates or ,service providers conduct operations.,INFORMATION SHARING AND DISCLOSURE,Viasatmay share your Informationwith third parties, including for the followingbusiness purposes:,•We may disclose your Informationto third party vendors, service providers, contractors or agents who ,perform functions on our behalfrelated to the Sites or Services.For example, these providers may help us ,deliver our current Services to new customers ornew Services to existing customers.,•We may disclose your Informationto outside auditors, professional advisors, potential business transition ,partners, and regulators.,•We may disclose your Informationwhere we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent,or take action ,regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety or property of ,any personor entity (including Viasat),or violations of our Customer Agreementsor policies.,We also mayshare your information in the following additional circumstances:,•If we are acquired by or merged with another company, or in the event of a consolidation or reorganization ,involving Viasat, or if all or a portion of our assets are transferred to another company, or as part of a ,bankruptcy proceeding or as part of a similar transaction, we may transfer the Information to the acquiring ,company or other involved third party.,•We may disclose your Information to respond to legal process, such as a subpoena or court order, to comply ,with the law or to protect our rights in litigationor arbitration.,DATA SECURITY,Viasathas taken certainphysical, administrative, and technical steps to safeguardthe Information we collect from and ,about our customers and visitorsto our Sites. While we seekto ensure the integrity and security of our network and ,systems, we cannot guarantee the security of the Information, and we encourage you to take precautions to protect ,your personal data when you are on the Internet.,You are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your account password,any Site login or user ID ,information, and Viasatdevice credentials, and you shall be responsible for any access to or use of the Sitesor Services ,by you or any person or entity using your password, login or user ID, whether or not such access or use has been ,authorized by or on behalf of you.,Our Sitesand online applications are for the sole use of Viasatcustomers in managing their accounts and the products ,and services they receive. If you choose to provide access to certain of your account data to third parties,Viasatcannot ,be held responsible for any release of account or personal data that occurs as a result of the access that you provide ,to others.,LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES,At times, our Sitesmay contain links to third party websitesor applications, including thirdparty products or ,services.Any access to and use of such linked products or services is not governed by this Policy, but, instead, is ,governed by the privacy policies or terms of use of those third parties, even though some of these other products or ,services may be co-branded with us.We are not responsible for the information practices of such third parties. ,Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,5,CUSTOMER PROPRIETARY NETWORK INFORMATION ,Viasatcollects and maintains certain customer proprietary network information ("CPNI") as part of our ViasatVoice ,service. CPNI includes, among other things,how you use the ViasatVoice service (for example, calling records) and ,your billing information. YourViasatVoice telephone number, name, and address do not constitute CPNI. Federal law ,generally permits Viasatto use CPNI in its provision of the ViasatVoice service, including billing and collections for ,such service.Federal law and regulations permit Viasatto use,disclose or permit access to CPNI (i) to provide or ,market service offerings among the categories of services to which you already subscribe, or(ii) for legal or regulatory ,reasons, such as to respond to a court order, to investigate fraud,to protect Viasat's rights or property or to protect ,other users of Viasat’s services against unlawful, fraudulent or abusiveuse of Viasat's services.Viasatdoes not sell ,or trade your CPNI with anyone outside of Viasatand those third parties authorized to perform functions on Viasat's ,behalf related to the performance of the ViasatVoice service, except as the law may require or permit or you may ,otherwise authorize. Neither Viasat, nor any third party to whom Viasathas provided CPNI, uses CPNI for marketing ,purposes, except as may be permitted by law.,SPECIAL INFORMATION ON INDIVIDUAL STATE PRIVACY LAWS,California Residents,Consumers residing in California are afforded certain additional rights with respect to their personal data under the ,“Shine the Light” Law (California Civil Code section 1798.83) and the California Consumer Privacy Act or “CCPA” ,(California Civil Code Section 1798.100 et seq).,Shine the Light,California Civil Code Section 1798.83, known as Shine the Light, requires us to disclose that California customers may ,request information concerning whether a business has disclosed personal data (as defined in the Shine the Light law) ,to any third parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose your personal data (as defined in the Shine ,the Light law) to non-affiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes without your consent. If you have ,questions or wish to make a request for more information on our disclosures to third parties, contact us at,,California Consumer Privacy Act,The CCPA gives you specific notice and personal information rights as a California resident.,•Categories of Information Collected, Disclosed, and Sold,This section describes the types of personal information(as defined in the CCPA)that Viasat collects, uses, and ,discloses to third parties in connection with the Services in the preceding 12 months. We describe the business and ,commercial purposes for collecting this information in the How We Use InformationCollectedsection above. Viasat ,does not knowingly collect, and therefore does not sell, the personal data of minors. ,Personal Information Categories Personal Information ,under the CCPASources,Personal Information ,Disclosureor Sale,Identifiers (name, contact information,,unique identifiers, IP address, etc.),•You,•Third-party data broker,We disclosed your personal ,information in the past 12 ,months as described in the ,Information Sharing and ,Disclosuresection above. We ,do not sell your personal ,information.,Characteristics of protected ,classifications under California or ,federal law(age, gender),•You,•Third-party data broker,Commercial Information (your usage ,history and preferences. purchase ,history),•You,•Third-party data broker,Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,6,Internet/Electronic Activity (your online ,interactions with the Services),•You(including from your ,device),Professional or employment-related ,information,•Third-party data broker,Profile Inferences (inferences we draw ,from your information and activity ,through the Services to help create a ,personalized profile so we can better ,identify services that may be of interest),•You ,•Third-party data broker,•Your Rights,To make an access or deletion request, you can send an email to privacy@viasat.comor call 1-855-463-9333. We will ,take steps to verify your identity before we respond to your request, whichmay include asking for additional information ,that we will use only to process the request.,Access Request. You may make up to two requests per year for information as to:,-The categories of personal information that we’ve collected and sold about you, or shared for a business or ,commercial purpose with our service providers;,-The sources from which we’ve collected such personal information;,-The third parties with whom we’ve shared that personal information and to whom we’ve sold that information;,-The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information. and,-The specific pieces of personal information we’ve collected about you.,Deletion Request. You may request that we delete the personal information that we’ve collected from or about you, ,although there are some reasons we will need to retain information, such as to complete a transaction for you, provide ,the Services, detect and protect against fraudulent and illegal activity, maintain for internal purposes, comply with a ,legal obligation, or exercise our rights.,We will respond to your access and deletion requests within 45 days, unless we require additional time, in which case ,we will let you know. If you exercise any of your rights in this section, we will not discriminate against you, such as by ,denying you access to our services or restricting your access to products or services of a certain price or quality. If you ,designate an authorized agent to act on your behalf with regard to a CCPA request,we will request that you provide ,us with legal authorization indicating your consent to have the authorized agent’s representation. Examples of ,acceptable forms of legal authorization would be a fully executed Power of Attorney, a notarized affidavit or any other ,legally executed document that indicates the authority to represent you as it pertains to your CCPA request. ,Opt-Out Request. You have the right to opt out of Viasat’s sale of your personal information to third parties for their ,commercial purposes. We have not sold your personal information in the preceding 12 months.,Maine Residents,The Maine Broadband Internet Access Service Customer Privacy Actgives you additional privacy rights when we are ,your broadband Internet access service provider. The Maine law gives you the right to control certain ways that we use ,or share information we have about you and requires that we provide you with a notice of your rights and our obligations ,under this law. We do this in this section.The Maine law also requires us to take reasonable measures to protect your ,customer personal information. We describe this in the Data Securitysection of this Policy.,We will not use, disclose, sell, or permit access to your broadband customer personal information except for purposes ,allowed under the Maine law or with your affirmative consent. We may ask you for this consent when we interact with ,you. For example, we may ask to use your broadband customer personal information to market additionalnon-,communications-relatedservices to you when you contactus.,Viasat and ExedeSubscriber Privacy Policy,®,7,The Maine law also provides you with a right to opt-out of any use or sharing of data that is not customer personal ,information under the lawthat we may collect. ,If you have questions about your rights, or to exercise your rights under the law, please contact us at , We will not refuse to provide you with broadband service, charge you a penalty, or offer you a ,discount based on whether you agree that we can use or share your broadband customer personal information.,ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION,If you have an account forour Services, you may sign in to your account and update your personal information ,contained in the account.,CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY,Viasatmay amend this Policy fromtimeto time.When we do, we will post the change(s) on the Sites.If we make any ,material changes in the way we use or disclose the Informationyou provide to us, we will provide appropriate notice to ,you.,HOW TO CONTACT US,If you have any questions that you would like to ask about this Policy or about our handling of your Information,please ,contact customer care at 1-855-463-9333 (Viasat and Exede Residentialcustomers) or 1-855-313-4111 (Viasat Internet ,for Business customers, (includes Exede Business plans).,Last Updated: July 27, 2020

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