
Terms and Conditions of Use

ANY.RUN Terms and Conditions of Use <ol> <li>Preliminary Statement. <ol> <li>The present Terms of Use (hereinafter - “the Terms”) maintain essential elements of using the website, as well as all of its subdomains (hereinafter - “the Website”) and the ANY.RUN LLC (hereinafter "ANY.RUN") software as a service (hereinafter - “the SaaS”)</li> <li>By visiting the Website and/or using any SaaS through the Website you confirm your familiarization with the present Terms and your agreement to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with any provision of the Terms, please do not use any services including software offered through the Website. By visiting the Website and/or using any SaaS through the Website without familiarization and understanding of these Terms in full you are solely responsible for all negative effects of such usage.</li> <li>The present Terms are an official propose to settle the agreement (public offer deemed to be concluded upon acceptance) on using SaaS offered through the Website.</li> <li>The Terms are effective from 14 May, 2019.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Definitions. <ol> <li>“ANY.RUN” shall mean ANY.RUN LLC is the owner of exclusive intellectual property rights on the SaaS offered through the Website. Legal address of the ANY.RUN LLC is 432017, 10 Svobody Str., Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation. Detailed information is available upon request:</li> <li>“Services” shall mean the SaaS and API offered through the Website by ANY.RUN. Under the Terms ANY.RUN provides a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable access to the Services.</li> <li>“Interactive” shall mean a real-time ability to use the Services offered to a non-limited number of users in fixed time. After the expiry of previously fixed time user may extend the time of using Services or stop using the Services.</li> <li>“Content” shall mean files of any format, or links opened through the browser on virtual systems and/or provided through the clipboard during checking process, or files going to be downloaded through the provided links.</li> <li>“Analyze” shall mean an analysis of general status (CPU load, RAM, disk loading), processes, file system and registry, network activity, video streaming.</li> <li>“Results of Analyze” shall mean the following: <ul> <li>video of how the system works and/or instant screenshots;</li> <li>process tree with details of each process, behavior process graph;</li> <li>details of file system changing (newly created, deleted and modified files);</li> <li>network activity (http(s) requests or replies, all network connections, content record of all connections);</li> <li>indicators meaning the conclusions on each item (behavior analyze on a particular factor);</li> <li>static analyze meaning the processing result of all newly created, modified files as well as content downloaded from the network, preview in the form of text, pictures, viewing all data in hexadecimal form;</li> <li>text reports;</li> <li>any types of API responses;</li> <li>any other content created during the analysis;</li> </ul> </li> <li>“Reception of Results” shall mean the provision of a link to Results of Analyze. Results available to download include PCAP dump network activity, all downloaded files, all created and modified files, as well as any information obtained through the API.</li> <li>“Anonymous user” shall mean any unregistered user who has started to use any Services available through the Website, and is deemed to fully agree to be bound by these Terms from the moment of starting using available Services.</li> <li>“Registered user“ shall mean any registered user who has started to use any Services available through the Website, and is deemed to fully agree to be bound by these Terms from the moment of starting using available Services.</li> <li>“Permanent paid user” shall mean a registered user who made the payment for the Services and uses them during the paid period. Each Permanent paid user is deemed to fully agree to be bound by these Terms from the moment of its registration on the Website. The paid service agreement referred in the clause 1.3. of these Terms (“Accepted offer”) is deemed to be concluded from the moment of receiving the payment for the Services by ANY.RUN. The Permanent paid user is deemed to fully agree to be bound by this paid service agreement.</li> <li>“User“ shall mean any type of user (Anonymous, Registered or Permanent paid user)</li> <li>“Public submissions” shall mean lists of Results of Analyses, available for public research. Located at</li> </ol> </li> <li>General terms and conditions. <ol> <li>General User’s Requirements. In order to accept these Terms, or to visit the Website, and/or to use the Service, and/or to settle a paid service agreement any visitor and/or user shall be of a legal capability and capacity to enter into such legal relationships under their applicable law.</li> <li>General User’s Responsibilities. Users are responsible for their compliance with these Terms. Users are responsible for the accuracy, quality, and legality of user’s data and the means by which users provide their data. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of username and password, and that the access to and the use of user’s account, including credentials provided by users through third-party platforms, including any activities that are conducted through the use of username and password are authorized by users. Users are obliged to apply reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to Services and Content. Users shall promptly notify ANY.RUN upon any unauthorized access or use of the Services. Users also shall use the Services only in accordance with these Terms, applicable laws and government regulations. Users shall not make any Services available or use any Services for the benefit of anyone other than a current user. Users shall not use the Services to interfere with, or disrupt the integrity, or performance of any Services or third-party data, to copy Services or any part, function or user interface, frame or mirror any part of any Services, to access any Services in order to build a competitive product or service, or to reverse engineer of any Services.</li> <li>While using the Website and the Services each user agrees not to: <ul> <li>create a false identity or impersonate any person;</li> <li>send, post, transmit or make available any advertisements, solicitations, chain letters, pyramid schemes, junk mail, SPAM or other commercial or promotional materials (except as otherwise expressly permitted by ANY.RUN);</li> <li>institute an attack upon any server used in connection with the Services or any portion thereof or otherwise attempt to disrupt such servers, including any Services available through the Websites;</li> <li>store or transmit infringing, libelous or other unlawful and/or tortious material, or store or transmit material in violation of third-party privacy rights or Malicious Code;</li> <li>attempt to obtain passwords, other account information, or any other private information from any other user of the Services and collect personal information about users;</li> <li>analyze samples related to pornographic, obscene, nude, graphically violent, and other inappropriate content;</li> <li>reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to determine the source code, ideas, algorithms or structure underlying any of the Service, except to the extent that user is permitted by applicable law to reverse engineer the Service despite the foregoing restriction;</li> <li>develop and test offensive malware or evasive technologies to bypass malware detection included in the Service or reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to determine the source code, ideas, algorithms or structure of copyrighted or protected software of ANY.RUN;</li> <li>automatically collect information from the Website through a crawler bots or similar software (except for using the API);</li> </ul> </li> <li>All Results (or any its part) generated with the Services are the copyrighted work of ANY.RUN.</li> <li>Users (except Permanent paid users) shall use any Results generated with the Services for its personal purposes only, and shall not be entitled to use and commercialize the Results for purposes intended for third parties, in particular, to sell, rent or otherwise commercially make the results as part of a security advisory available.</li> <li>Users (except Permanent paid users) are permitted to publish the Results (or any its part) only with the link to the Website.</li> <li>ANY.RUN has a right to disallow access to the Website for users who have broken these Terms.</li> <li>Nothing contained in the Services, or on the Website, or available on any provided by ANY.RUN platform or software should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any intellectual property.</li> <li>Permanent paid user hereby agrees that ANY.RUN may use user’s brand name or logo on ANY.RUN’s customer list or place them on the Website.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Specifications of the Services. <ol> <li>The Services shall mean the scope of services related to interactive checking of content for suspicious activity which includes (but not limited to): <ol> <li>Interactive checking of Content for suspicious activity,</li> <li>Analyze,</li> <li>Reception of Results.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Each user is fully responsible for the legality of uploaded Content. Using the Content through the Services shall not infringe copyrights or any other personal and/or commercial rights of any third parties.</li> <li>Under conditions of these Terms ANY.RUN provides access to the SaaS indicated as follows: <ol> <li>Interactive checking of Content by using the Website</li> <li>Analyze and Reception of Results</li> <li>Confidential guarantees (limitation of demonstration to other users or prohibition of demonstration to other users)</li> <li>Threat intelligence (new danger searching in bases of Public submissions)</li> </ol> </li> <li>Each visitor and/or a user may become familiarized with tariffs and fees for paid Services on the link:</li> <li>ANY.RUN has a right to change any tariffs and fees for any Service with the prior notification of the user.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Service usage by the Anonymous users. <ol> <li>Anonymous users are allowed to use the Services (or its separate functions) without the registration and for informational purposes only.</li> <li>Anonymous users are allowed to use the service in read-only mode.</li> <li>In any moment ANY.RUN has a right to disallow the access to the Website including but not limited to block the IP of the anonymous user without any explanation of such action.</li> <li>Anonymous user is fully bound by these Terms from the moment of starting using the Services.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Service usage by the Registered users. <ol> <li>To become a Registered user one shall: <ul> <li>conclude the registration on the Website;</li> <li>activate the account by confirming email address;</li> </ul> </li> <li>Registered users are allowed to use the Services (or its separate functions) free of charge and for informational purposes only.</li> <li>Any rights on the Content and Results generated while using the Services by anonymous users are assigned to ANY.RUN from the moment of starting using the Services.</li> <li>In any moment ANY.RUN has a right to disallow the access to the Website including but not limited to block the IP of the user without any explanation of such action.</li> <li>Registered user is fully bound by these Terms from the moment of starting using the Services.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Beta-testing of Service functions. <ol> <li>A user may request obtaining the “beta-tester status”. The status of beta-tester may be provided by ANY.RUN in order to improve quality and to solve technical issues of the Services using the feedback information of beta-testers.</li> <li>ANY.RUN under user’s request for getting a beta-tester status in a unilateral manner makes a decision to provide or not to provide the beta-tester account and for what period the beta-tester account can be provided for each individual user.</li> <li>Beta-tester is obliged to provide a feedback by e-mail or through the feedback form on the Website while using the Services through a beta-tester account.</li> <li>In any moment ANY.RUN has a right to delete provided beta-tester account or to disallow user’s access to a beta-tester account without any explanation of such decision and in a unilateral manner. User hereby agrees that ANY.RUN is not obliged to save any data used by beta-tester while testing the Website and Service functions.</li> <li>All rights on Results generated while using the Services through the beta-tester account as well as for the Content are assigned to ANY.RUN from the moment of starting using the Services.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Paid usage of the Services. <ol> <li>To become a Permanent paid user one shall: <ul> <li>conclude the registration on the Website;</li> <li>pay for the Services in the way and under conditions set out in these Terms and stated on the Website.</li> </ul> </li> <li>A Permanent paid user has a right to send any claims concerning the provision of Services to ANY.RUN email ANY.RUN guarantees to respond within 3 working days upon receiving a claim.</li> <li>The paid service agreement between a Permanent paid user and ANY.RUN is deemed to be concluded from the moment of receiving the payment for the Services by ANY.RUN according to fees and tariffs mentioned in clause 4.4. of present Terms and is effective during a paid period.</li> <li>If there were no claims provided to the ANY.RUN during 3 business days from the end of every 30 calendar days of paid period, services for the previous 30 calendar days are deemed to be fully accepted by the Permanent paid user.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Payment terms. <ol> <li>Payments for the Services could be made through the PayPal, BlueSnap, FastSpring or under the ANY.RUN invoice by wire transfer.</li> <li>A user can subscribe for another paid period by debiting the required amounts and pointing certain checkbox in the payment form on Website. From this moment the agreement between ANY.RUN and the Permanent paid user is deemed to be concluded on updated terms as per requested scope of services.</li> <li>Payment obligations are non-cancelable and paid funds are non-refundable. The scope of Services could not be changed during a paid period.</li> <li>Any Services do not include any future functionality, improvements or updated version of Services made by ANY.RUN. The user could request updated version and/or new scope of services by requesting a new paid period.</li> <li>Any fees and/or tariffs for the Services do not include any taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments, including but not limited to value-added, sales, use or withholding taxes, accessible by any jurisdiction. Users are responsible for paying all taxes associated with their purchases. If ANY.RUN is obligated by a legislation to pay or collect any taxes for which users are responsible, users are obligated to pay that amount under the invoice of ANY.RUN unless a valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate tax authority will be provided to ANY.RUN. Herewith ANY.RUN is solely responsible for taxes based on its income, property or employees.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Warranties of ANY.RUN. <ol> <li>ANY.RUN guarantees the security of using the Services meaning that any content or personal data will not be disclosed and/or provided to third parties except the situations when ANY.RUN is obliged to provide such information to authorized bodies by the law. </li> <li>ANY.RUN processes user’s personal data in accordance with Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Terms by reference and published on the Website.</li> <li>Users entrust ANY.RUN with the fulfillment of following activities with personal data: collecting, inscription, systematization, accumulating, holding, adjustment (updating, changing) after user’s modifications, excerpting, using, transfer (access granting), freeze, deleting, extinction.</li> <li>Personal data processed is shown in Privacy Policy (Section 2 "Collecting and processing of user’s personal data").</li> <li>In order to respect the rights of personal data owners introduced by the law, ANY.RUN warrants to delete personal data within 7 working days from the moment of receiving the user’s revocation letter or to provide the user with a reasonable refusal of such deletion depending on the law.</li> <li>ANY.RUN also provides the Service support to users. ANY.RUN uses commercially reasonable efforts to make the Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except planned downtime, any unavailability caused by circumstances beyond ANY.RUN reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of government, flood, fire, earthquake, civil unrest, an act of terror, strike or other labor problem, Internet service provider failure or delay, or denial of service attack. However ANY.RUN does not warrant that it will commence or complete the Services within any particular timeframe.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Limitation of liability. <ol> <li>ANY.RUN shall not be liable for any loss and/or damage related to the unlawful use and/or improper use or inability to use the Services. In such case ANY. RUN shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damage.</li> <li>ANY.RUN shall be liable for damages resulting from willful intent, gross negligence, injury to the body, life, and health. Apart from that, ANY.RUN liability is excluded for ordinary negligence unless it is a matter of personal damage or violation of significant contractual obligations. Significant contractual obligations are duties which are essential for the achievement of the purpose of the contract or which make possible the proper performance of the agreement and on which the customer regularly relies and may rely. In these cases the amount of liability of ANY.RUN shall be limited to the typically foreseeable damage for the questionable kind of business.</li> <li>ANY.RUN shall not be liable in connection with any content uploaded by Users of the Website, including any legal consequences of such uploaded content.</li> <li>There shall be no further liability of ANY.RUN, especially no liability without faults for initial defects. Also ANY.RUN shall not be liable for loss of profit and financial losses.</li> <li>The above limitations of liability shall apply also to the personal liability of the employees, agents and other affiliates of ANY.RUN.</li> <li>The Website is used by users at their own risk. All Services are provided "as is", "as available", "as possible", "as etc". ANY.RUN is not responsible for the data and files uploaded by users on the Website. ANY.RUN is not responsible if any user appears to be infected with the samples retrieved from the Website or in any way physically, mentally and digitally is harmed while using the Website.</li> <li>Users hereby acknowledge that the Services provided by ANY.RUN cannot be guaranteed to be error-free or free of any defects. In particular, ANY.RUN does not guarantee that the Services will detect and/or report or correctly detect and/or report any threat contained in any Content submitted by users. Users agree that they will use its independent judgment in the analysis of the Content and will not rely on the Results for any purpose.</li> <li>The Services and the Website may include links to other websites or services (including advertisements and payment providers). The information, products, materials, and services from links to other websites or services are not under the control or responsibility of ANY.RUN. ANY.RUN is not responsible if any link or service is not functioning properly. Access and use of any links or services are solely at user’s own risk. Users acknowledge and agree that ANY.RUN is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by the use of any links or services or as the result of the presence of any advertisers on the Services or available through any third party’s platforms.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Indemnity. <ol> <li>Users agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold ANY.RUN harmless and its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, officers, directors, stockholders, agents, developers, licensors, successors and assigns from all liabilities, claims, demands, lawsuits, judgments, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, made by any third party due to or arising out of user’s connection to and use of the Services or the Content, any files submitted for analysis, any disputes between users and their operator, user’s violation of these Terms, user’s violation of any rights of a third party, including intellectual property rights and/or any unlawful or prohibited use of the Services or arising out of other similar causes or any other causes whether or not of the same class or kind as those specifically above named.</li> <li>ANY.RUN reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any such claim or action and all negotiations for settlement or compromise, and you agree to cooperate with the ANY.RUN in the defense of any such claim, action, settlement or compromise negotiations, as requested by ANY.RUN.</li> <li>ANY.RUN reserves the right to participate at its own expense in any such claim or action and all negotiations for settlement or compromise.</li> <li>ANY.RUN agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold User harmless and its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, officers, directors, stockholders, agents, developers, licensors, successors and assigns from all liabilities, claims, demands, lawsuits, judgments, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, made by any third party due to or arising out of the violation of any rights of a third party, including intellectual property rights arising out of other similar causes.</li> <li>User reserves the right to participate at its own expense in any such claim or action and all negotiations for settlement or compromise.</li> <li>Users agree to inform ANY.RUN immediately upon receiving any third party claims on rights to the Content or any other claims made by the third party concerning using the Services.</li> </ol> </li> <li>The final provisions of the Terms. <ol> <li>Severability Clause. The invalidity of any provision of these Terms shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.</li> <li>Amendments. These Terms shall replace and invalidate all earlier Terms of Use. </li> <li>ANY.RUN reserves the right to amend these Terms and is not obliged to notify the user. ANY.RUN shall notify Permanent paid users with all further changes to these Terms. </li> <li>The changes will come into force upon their publication on the Website except otherwise is provided by the updated version of these Terms. User’s continued usage of the Website shall signify user’s acceptance of such changes.</li> <li>The ANY.RUN updated Terms will apply to Services that ANY.RUN provided after the effective date of the changes. all Services provided prior to that will be subject to the terms of that current version of the Terms.</li> <li>Determination of disputes. All disputes appeared under these Terms and/or concerning using the Services shall be initially resolved through negotiations. The exclusive jurisdiction of a court trial is Russian Federation.</li> <li>All notices, demands or requests to ANY.RUN with respect to these Terms shall be made electronically to</li> </ol> </li> </ol>

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