Insanity Host

Terms Of Service

<p>The following terms and conditions regulate all interactions between InsanityHost, hereby referred to as "Provider", "Host" or "Company", and Clients - including but not limited to customers, sub-users and guests.<br>By using any of our services, you automatically agree to all conditions and limitations mentioned in the following agreement.<br> <br>In the event any doubt and/or questions arise, contact InsanityHost support immediately. InsanityHost values all clients, and as such, your security, safety, privacy and accountability is important to us. All services provided to and used by clients must be lawful. Clients will have access to sufficient information and communication with the Company to optimally use their service.<br> </p> Eligibility<br> <p>InsanityHost cannot by law allow the following Clients to use the platform under the following conditions:<br> <br>1. You are not able to form legally binding contracts<br>2. You are under the age of 14. without consent from your legal guardian<br>3. You are a person barred from receiving service under the laws of Austria<br>4. Your account has been temporarily disabled or blocked<br>5. You communicate with the website maliciously.<br> <br>We may, at our discretion, refuse to register any individual, group of individuals or legal entity as a User. You cannot transfer any rights or obligations relating to the Service without prior written consent.<br> </p> Changes<br> <p>InsanityHost reserves the right to modify or replace any part of this agreement at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to check this Agreement for changes. Your continued use of the Site following any changes to this Agreement implies acceptance of those changes. We may add or remove services, functionalities or features and we may suspend or stop a Service at any time without prior notice. You can stop using our services at any time. We may stop providing services to you or add new limits to our services. <br> </p> Refusal of Service<br> <p>You, the Client, agree that you will hold InsanityHost free from all liability or losses such as expenses and claims. In the event any loss is suffered, you, the Client, agree to hold the following free from any liability: Employees, all other Clients, InsanityHost, suppliers and anyone else associated with InsanityHost unless sanctioned by Austrian law and proven valid within a Court of Law.<br>InsanityHost holds any power to refuse, cancel or terminate all services of Clients under various circumstances, including but not limited to violations of governing law, violations of the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy or a decision taken by InsanityHost Administration. If your account and/or services are terminated, you will not receive a refund. Additionally, you, the Client, may not be notified of termination. Violating governing law, the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy does not make the Client eligible for any sort of refund.<br>Additionally, the Client acknowledges InsanityHost is only liable under the terms defined in the Service Level Agreement. <br> <br>InsanityHost also reserves the right to refuse the client any and/or all support for any reason at the discretion of the InsanityHost team.<br> </p> Refunds<br> <p>In case you are not satisfied with InsanityHost services, you have 24 hours to request a refund for your service for any reason whatsoever via the billing panel. This time period begins from the time your service was provisioned to InsanitHost nodes. However, some limitations apply:<br> <br>1. The following services (but not limited to) are not eligible for a refund:<br>&nbsp. &nbsp. - Add-ons<br>&nbsp. &nbsp. - Upgrades to a pre-existing service<br>&nbsp. &nbsp. - Any services purchased with a promotional code<br>2. The service was reported or is being investigated for violating the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy or applicable law.<br> <br>Once a refund has been processed, your service will be terminated and any data stored on said service will be destroyed. If a chargeback is received, all your services will be immediately terminated without refund and you will be barred from purchasing services from InsanityHost.<br> <br>You will only receive a refund after 24 hours if you can prove your service to not match the conditions defined in the Service Level Agreement.<br> </p> Cancellations<br> <p>You are able to request a cancellation to your service via the InsanityHost billing panel. <br> <br>The client will have two (2) options when cancelling their service:<br>1. Immediate cancellation - these are automatically processed on a daily basis by the InsanityHost billing panel.<br>2. End of billing period - these will be processed automatically by the InsanityHost billing panel on the day your server is set to expire.<br> <br>Cancellation requests can be aborted however it is the user's responsibility to contact InsanityHost support immediately should they wish to abort a cancellation request. Once a cancellation request has been made, InsanityHost cannot take responsibility for any data loss.<br> <br>Once a cancellation request is processed, the relevant service, along with all its data, will be destroyed.<br> </p> Renewals<br> <p>On all our hosting plans, we enforce the following policy:<br> <br>- You will be sent an invoice 7 days before the service is due. Once invoiced a service cannot be adjusted.<br>- If unpaid, the invoice will be marked as overdue as soon as your service reaches its end and an overdue payment fee will be added. Your service will also be suspended.<br>- 24 hours after the invoice was marked overdue, you will be sent a first overdue notice.<br>- 48 hours after the invoice was marked overdue, you will be sent a second overdue notice.<br>- 72 hours after the invoice was marked overdue, you will receive a third and final overdue notice.<br>- 120 hours after the invoice was marked overdue, your server will be terminated and your files will be destroyed.<br> </p> Promotions and Giveaways<br> <p>InsanityHost cannot guarantee that promotional codes will remain valid at all times.<br> <br>Any giveaways run by InsanityHost are subject to the final decision of InsanityHost administration. We reserve the right to alter or withdraw any/all prizes at any time. If any winners of any such giveaways are deemed ineligible for the prize(s) after the winners have drawn, InsanityHost reserve the right to reroll the giveaway to choose a new winner(s).<br> </p> Abuse<br> <p>If your service is found performing any of these activities, it will be terminated instantly and without notice.<br> <br>1. Attempting to gain unauthorized access<br>2. Circumvention of hardware restrictions<br>3. Engaging as part of a botnet<br>4. Storing or sharing illegal content<br>5. Running/storing anything not allowed by your plan <br>6. Running/storing any cracked/nulled/leaked code/bots<br>7. Running/storing any code/bots that are in violation of the original author's terms/licences<br> <br>In case of uncertainty or to report abuse, open a ticket.<br> </p> Termination<br> <p>Should a client be found to violate these or any other InsanityHost terms, we reserve the right to terminate a service with or without refund/notice. Additionally, InsanityHost reserves the right to terminate a service for any other reason if deemed necessary by InsanityHost administration.<br> <br>InsanityHost may also bar a client from purchasing services from InsanityHost for any reason at the discretion of InsanityHost administration.<br> </p> Legal Notice<br> <p>InsanityHost is not in any way affiliated with Discord, Inc., nor should anyone consider us a business endorsed by Discord, Inc.<br>Do not contact Discord, Inc., in any InsanityHost related events.<br>Support and requests should be made exclusively to InsanityHost.<br> </p>

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