Privacy Policy

<ul> <li> </li> <li>About</li> <li>Latest post</li> <li>All posts</li> <li>Privacy</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul>Privacy policy&nbsp;<p>Information regarding this site and its vendors</p> <p> <strong>August 2, 2020</strong> <br>Last modified May 31, 2021</p> <p>This site and its owner <strong>do NOT</strong> store your personal information <strong>in any way</strong>. However, the site does use certain <strong>externally hosted</strong> services, each of which has its own privacy policies and methods of complying with applicable privacy regulations.</p>Notes about external servicesFathom Analytics<p>This site uses Fathom Analytics, which does not store your personal data in any way. Please refer also to my article, “Fathom Analytics: count on it.”</p>Google Fonts<p>When I learned that the use of Google Fonts <em>served from</em> Google will transmit a visitor’s apparently <strong>not</strong> anonymized IP address<sup>1</sup> to Google, I quit using this product (and suggesting to others that they use it) and, instead, served from my own site any typefaces that aren’t part of the so-called “system fonts stack.”</p>Twitter<p>This site uses eleventy-plugin-embed-tweet to embed tweets as purely static content with <strong>no</strong>&nbsp;cookies, and the site’s Content Security Policy blocks any images (typically, one per embedded tweet) that Twitter otherwise could use to track you.</p>Other considerationsEmbedded videos<p>I no longer embed YouTube or other sites’ videos, since they can and do transmit personal information through cookies. In the two instances where I formerly did—“Some curmudgeonish thoughts” and “Coherence and COVID-19”—I replaced them with clearly identified links to their original locations, and footnoted each link with a reference and link to this privacy policy.</p> <ol> <li> <p>For the discussion that convinced me to go this route after my initial skepticism about its necessity, see the Google Fonts GitHub issue, “GDPR compliance.” ↩︎</p> </li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>©&nbsp;2018–2021&nbsp;Bryce Wray.<br>Site built and managed with the Jamstack, Eleventy, macOS, iOS, Markdown, Sass, time, and&nbsp;love. Images&nbsp;hosted and&nbsp;processed by&nbsp;Cloudinary. Analytics by Fathom&nbsp;Analytics. View this site’s <strong>privacy policy</strong>.<br>Sitemaps: HTML • XML.</p>

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