<strong>Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment: Privacy Policy</strong> <p>1. INTRODUCTION<br> 2. INFORMATION WE MAY OBTAIN<br> 3. HOW WE USE THE INFORMATION WE OBTAIN<br> 4. INFORMATION WE SHARE<br> 5. YOUR RIGHTS AND CHOICES<br> 6. DATA TRANSFERS<br> 7. HOW WE PROTECT PERSONAL INFORMATION<br> 8. CHILDREN’S PRIVACY<br> 9. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES AND APPS<br> 10. UPDATES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY<br> 11. HOW TO CONTACT US</p> <p> <strong>INTRODUCTION</strong> </p> <p>Last Updated: June 1, 2017</p> <p>We at the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (“ACE”) respect your concerns about privacy. This Privacy Policy describes the types of consumer personal information we collect, how we use the information, with whom we may share it and the choices available to you regarding our use of the information. The Policy also describes the measures we take to protect the security of the information and how you can contact us about our privacy practices.</p> <p> <strong>INFORMATION WE OBTAIN</strong> <br> <em> <strong>General</strong> </em> </p> <p>We obtain personal information about you in various ways, such as (1) through this website (the “Site”), (2) in content you provide to us, and (3) through the Internet.<br> The types of information we obtain include:</p> <ul> <li>contact information (such as name, postal and email address and telephone number). and</li> <li>other personal information in content you provide to us, such as through emails you send us.</li> </ul> <p> <em> <strong>Content Protection</strong> </em> </p> <p>We obtain and share certain personal information to detect, investigate and deter the unauthorized copying, viewing, use, distribution and sale of protected and copyrighted motion pictures. For these purposes, we obtain personal information from third-party information services companies, the Internet (including social media sites), public registers, law enforcement authorities and others. We may obtain certain personal information in connection with our content protection activities that we typically do not collect in connection with our other activities covered by this Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Information We Obtain By Automated Means</strong> </em> </p> <p>We also obtain certain information (including IP addresses) by automated means, such as cookies, web server logs, web beacons and JavaScript. Cookies are files that websites send to your computer or other Internet-connected device to uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings on your device. Our Site may use cookies (such as HTTP and HTML5 cookies) and Flash cookies, as well as other types of local storage (such as browser-based or plugin-based local storage). Your browser may tell you how to be notified when you receive certain types of cookies and how to restrict or disable certain cookies. You also may be able to delete your Flash cookies or adjust your Flash cookie settings by visiting the Adobe Flash Website Storage Settings Panel and Global Storage Settings Panel. Please note, however, that without cookies you may not be able to use all of the features of our Site or other websites and online services.</p> <p>In conjunction with gathering information through cookies, our web servers may log information such as your device type, operating system type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as the language your system uses and the country and time zone where your device is located. We also may record information such as the address of the web page that referred you to our Site and the IP address of the device you use to connect to our Site. We may log information about your interaction with the Site, such as which pages you visit. To control which web servers collect information by automated means, we may place tags on our web pages called “web beacons,” which are small files that link web pages to particular web servers and their cookies. We also may send instructions to your device using JavaScript or other computer languages to gather the sorts of information described above and other details about your interactions with the Site.</p> <p>We may use third-party web analytics services on the Site, such as those of Piwik. This service provider helps us analyze how visitors use the Site. The information obtained for this purpose (including your IP address and other information collected by automated means) will be disclosed to or collected directly by this service provider. To learn more about this analytics services, please click here.</p> <p>Information about our cookie practices in the European Union is available here. To the extent required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent before collecting personal information using cookies or similar automated means.</p> <p> <strong>HOW WE USE THE INFORMATION WE OBTAIN</strong> </p> <p>We may use the information described above to:</p> <ul> <li>respond to your inquiries;</li> <li>perform data analyses (including market and consumer research and analyses to improve the Site);</li> <li>protect against, identify and prevent fraud, copyright infringement, unauthorized use and distribution of protected content and other criminal activity. and</li> <li>comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards and our policies, including our Terms of Use.</li> </ul> <p>In addition, we use information collected through cookies, web beacons, web server logs and other automated means for purposes such as (i) customizing our users’ visits to the Site, (ii) delivering content tailored to our users’ interests and the manner in which our users browse the Site, and (iii) managing the Site and other aspects of our business.<br> We also may use the information in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection.<br> Neither we nor any third parties on the Site obtain personal information about our visitors’ online activities, over time and across third-party websites. The Site is not designed to respond to “do not track” signals from browsers.</p> <p> <strong>INFORMATION WE SHARE</strong> </p> <p>We do not disclose personal information we obtain about you, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We share information we process for content protection purposes with ACE members to enable them to protect their copyrights and prevent unauthorized use and distribution of protected content and other criminal activity. We also share personal information with service providers who perform services on our behalf based on our instructions. We do not authorize these service providers to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements. Examples of these service providers include entities that provide web hosting and analytics.<br> We also may disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do so by law or legal process, (ii) to law enforcement authorities or other government entities based on a lawful disclosure request, or (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity. We reserve the right to transfer personal information we have about you in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (including in the event of a reorganization, spin-off, dissolution or liquidation).</p> <p> <strong>YOUR RIGHTS AND CHOICES</strong> </p> <p>We offer you certain choices in connection with personal information we collect from you. To submit a request, please contact us as indicated in the “How To Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy. To the extent provided by the law of your jurisdiction, you may request access to the personal information we maintain about you or request that we correct, amend, delete or block the information by contacting us as indicated below. Where provided by law, you may withdraw any consent you previously provided to us or object at any time on legitimate grounds to the processing of your personal information, and we will apply your preferences going forward.</p> <p> <strong>DATA TRANSFERS</strong> </p> <p>We may transfer the personal information we collect about you to recipients in countries other than the country in which the information originally was collected. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. When we transfer your information to recipients in other countries (such as the United States), we will protect that information as described in this Privacy Policy and will comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of personal information to recipients in countries other than the one in which you provided the information.</p> <p>If you are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), with respect to transfers of personal information to the U.S., we transfer such information pursuant to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission regarding the transfer of personal information from the EEA to the U.S. Click here to view the relevant EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Privacy Policy.</p> <p> <strong>HOW WE PROTECT PERSONAL INFORMATION</strong> </p> <p>We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect personal information against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.</p> <p> <strong>LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES AND APPS</strong> </p> <p>The Site may provide links to other websites and apps for your convenience and information. These websites and apps may operate independently from us. Linked sites and apps may have their own privacy notices or policies, which we strongly suggest you review. To the extent any linked websites or apps are not owned or controlled by us, we are not responsible for their content, any use of the websites or apps, or the privacy practices of the websites or apps.</p> <p> <strong>UPDATES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY</strong> </p> <p>This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically and without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our personal information practices. We will indicate at the top of the Privacy Policy when it was most recently updated.</p> <p> <strong>HOW TO CONTACT US</strong> </p> <p>If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise your rights and choices with respect to the processing of your personal information, please email us at please email us at zoe@alliance4creativity.com&nbsp;. You also may call 202-677-8732.</p> <p>Residents of the EEA may call: (UK): 0044 – 7855828391</p>

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