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March 11, 2014</p> <p>Please read these Terms carefully before using this website. By using this website (the "Website"), the user ("You") has accepted these Terms of Use. If You do not accept these Terms of Use, do not use the Website. By using this Website, you represent that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with Red Hat.</p> <p>Red Hat, Inc. ("Red Hat") may modify all or any part of these Terms of Use from time to time and may not provide notice to You. You are encouraged to check back often so You are aware of your current rights and responsibilities. Your continued use of this Website after changes to the Terms of Use have been published constitutes your binding acceptance of the updated Terms of Use. If at any time the Terms of Use are no longer acceptable to You, You should immediately cease all use of this Website.</p> <ol> <li> Statement of Purpose. The purpose of is to show where open source principles are changing our world today, and to create an open dialog around where these principles are headed in the future. The site is designed to share information, ideas, and news relating to open source and the open source way. It is also designed to encourage the creation of a user community through contributions to written content and reader comments. 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