
Terms of Service

EvergreenTech.io Terms of Service<p>It is compulsory that you completely agree to the below terms of service before creating your EvergreenTech.io account and enrolling in any services. By using or continuing to use any of the EvergreenTech.io services, you are automatically agreeing to the conditions of this document.</p> <p>The EvergreenTech.io terms of service (“TOS”) have been designed to provide our clients with a very clear and transparent understanding of what we expect of them while using any of the services offered. The use or continued use of any of the EvergreenTech.io services represents your complete acceptance and compliance to the EvergreenTech.io TOS, regardless of whether you have physically read them or not.</p> <p>Upon initial registration, EvergreenTech.io has accepted your use of our services across our entire network. For this reason under normal conditions your accounts activity will not be monitored regularly. Additionally, EvergreenTech.io does not implement editorial control over any content of any web site. This includes but is not limited to newsgroup material, e-mails, articles, or personal blogs. However in full agreement with the EvergreenTech.io TOS, EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to remove any material that in our judgement appears to be illegal, may subject EvergreenTech.io to any degree of liability or may violate the EvergreenTech.io TOS. EvergreenTech.io will always reserve the right to assist with legal proceedings whether that is with third parties and/or directly with law enforcement to further examine any suspected or alleged crime or civil offense. Violation of the EvergreenTech.io TOS to any extent may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your relevant EvergreenTech.io service in addition to the suspension or termination of any other EvergreenTech.io services you may have.</p> <p>All EvergreenTech.io services experience irregular monitoring for system exploitation, security and fraud risks. All risks and/or inappropriate use of any EvergreenTech.io services that EvergreenTech.io discovers as well as those brought to the attention of EvergreenTech.io through third parties that violate the EvergreenTech.io TOS will result in swift action taken against the offending client with consequences deemed appropriate by EvergreenTech.io.</p> <p>If any EvergreenTech.io client directly or indirectly violates the EvergreenTech.io TOS, EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to terminate any and all services linked to the offending client without notice. If EvergreenTech.io perceives the offense to be unbeknownst to the client, EvergreenTech.io under the sole discretion of EvergreenTech.io will notify the offending client of the mischievous or inappropriate activity alongside any necessary corrective action that EvergreenTech.io deems appropriate. If corrective action is not volunteered by the offending client in a period of time EvergreenTech.io finds reasonable or if EvergreenTech.io perceives the offense to be deliberate and obvious violations of the EvergreenTech.io TOS, EvergreenTech.io will take immediate action against the offending client. It must be understood that a delayed action or complete failure on EvergreenTech.io ’ part to implement this policy for whatever reason will not be construed as a waiver of EvergreenTech.io’ right to do so at any time.</p> <p>In review, while utilizing any of the EvergreenTech.io’ services you alongside the rest of the EvergreenTech.io client base are expected to access your account morally, sensibly and most of all responsibly.</p>1. EvergreenTech.io Account Activation and Setup<p>Once your order has been placed, your EvergreenTech.io account will be provisioned immediately. The setup of your service, however, requires manual intervention as it is processed after payment has been received for potentially fraudulent activity. Setup time drastically differs depending upon the complexities of your requests – on average our custom-tailored virtual and dedicated managed hosting environments are deployed in under 120 minutes, but please speak with your account representative for an accurate estimate. These estimates exclude migration time.</p>2. Data Migration Policy<p>EvergreenTech.io is capable of migrating any application or website to our infrastructure, generally free of charge.</p> <p>Oftentimes EvergreenTech.io must contact your previous provider to complete the migration. If this is required, we offer this service free of charge. EvergreenTech.io will begin your migration typically immediately after the proper credentials have been shared and your account has been set up. We will always work as fast as we can and keep you updated throughout, but it is recommended to do migrations during off-peak hours to account for potential issues with the previous host as well as propagation of the DNS (domain name servers).</p> <p>EvergreenTech.io offers our free migration service under a best-faith effort policy. EvergreenTech.io does not make any guarantees or take on any liability with potential issues that may arise. It is your responsibility to keep backups. If any issues are found, EvergreenTech.io will work to resolve them under the best-faith effort policy, but will not make any guarantees of any kind. While we do perform many quality checks, it is ultimately your responsibility to confirm everything has been migrated properly.</p>3. General Content And Behavior<p>All of the services provided by EvergreenTech.io will only be used for lawful and moral purposes. All EvergreenTech.io clients agree to indemnify and hold EvergreenTech.io harmless from any claims ensuing from the use of our services.</p> <p>Some examples of unacceptable applications of our service can consist of but are not limited to: Hosting Video or Music files of which no proof of ownership is available Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Bots Illegal adult-oriented material Warez (torrents, cracks, serial keys, etc) Proxy scripts Any hateful material whether racial, religious or otherwise Any sort of password sharing or hack themed website Hosting pirated software</p>3.I Distribution of Mischievous Code Or Programs<p>Distribution of software to any extent that attempts to and/or successfully causes damage, aggravation, or annoyance to any individual, data set or technical device are absolutely forbidden. Examples of such mischievous code or programs can consist of but are not limited to. Trojan horses, computer viruses and internet worms. Any evidence of such an offense has occurred or continues to occur will result in immediate termination of the account in addition to the termination of any associated services. If applicable the proper authorities will be notified.</p>3.II Copyright Violations<p>Violating copyrighted, patented or trademarked works through reproduction and/or distribution will not be tolerated. It is not acceptable to use an EvergreenTech.io service to convey any form of the material that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, intellectual property right or another right of any third party. These violations can consist of but are not limited to the illicit replication of copyrighted material, the digitization and/or distribution of photographs from print sources as well the illicit transfer of copyrighted programs. EvergreenTech.io operates within the guidelines of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) when handling infractions and will respond to all accusations that are formatted in accordance with the DMCA</p>3.III File Hosting<p>File storage or file hosting of any kind is forbidden across all EvergreenTech.io services. Under no circumstance may our clients use their EvergreenTech.io service as file storage and/or a download warehouse. This does not mean that downloads are a direct violation of the EvergreenTech.io (TOS), it does, however, mean that your EvergreenTech.io service(s) cannot drive a website that focuses primarily on downloads. Additionally, you may not use your EvergreenTech.io service as a storage warehouse for games, videos, music files or backups. Any EvergreenTech.io service may not surpass 10% of space or bandwidth in games, videos, music files or backups. These values are only adjustable by EvergreenTech.io staff.</p>3.IV Adult Oriented Websites<p>While no pornography is permitted, adult-oriented websites and applications are under the condition they are mutually legal within the laws of the USA and the state of Florida. EvergreenTech.io will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.</p>4. Payment Information<p>You understand that in order for EvergreenTech.io to process your payments in a timely manner and ensure your service remains uninterrupted it is necessary to have accurate and up to date payment information on file. Additionally, by agreeing to the EvergreenTech.io (TOS) you agree to supply appropriate payment for the services received from EvergreenTech.io in an advanced arrangement for the time period during which such services are received. You also agree that unless you notify EvergreenTech.io a minimum of eight (8) days prior to the completion of your billing period of your desire to revoke any or all services received, those services will continue to be billed on a recurring basis.</p>5. Data Loss And Backup<p>Your use of any of EvergreenTech.io service is done so at your own risk. EvergreenTech.io under no circumstance is responsible or can be held liable for any data held by or managed by EvergreenTech.io. EvergreenTech.io makes an attempt at mitigating potential data loss by keeping regular backups for all servers, however it remains impossible for EvergreenTech.io to guarantee an appropriate backup will always be obtainable. You agree to take full responsibility for any and all data transferred to and from EvergreenTech.io servers and to preserve suitable backups of said data. It is in the client’s best interest to consider an additional backup option as it is not EvergreenTech.io’ responsibility to maintain the integrity of your data.</p>5.I Unique Circumstances And Emergencies<p>We reserve the right to take any practical and proactive steps that EvergreenTech.io deem necessary to maintain the integrity, security, performance and connectivity of our network and hardware. This includes but is by no means limited to actions requiring EvergreenTech.io to shut down the EvergreenTech.io network, hardware, eliminate clients, as well as deactivate or manipulate the content of certain websites or applications. In unexpected circumstances, EvergreenTech.io may require a complete deletion of a certain website, e-mail and/or account because of an exploit or abusive behavior. In these situations, EvergreenTech.io will make a best-effort to have backups on hand, but it is ultimately the client’s responsibility to maintain up to date backups.</p>5.II Termination of Data<p>In an effort to maintain an enhanced level of privacy and security, all data from terminated and canceled services and accounts should be considered instantly deleted and flushed from the EvergreenTech.io servers. This also includes any and/or all of the available backups. As part of your responsibility in preserving your data, please ensure to backup all of your data before canceling your EvergreenTech.io account. In certain circumstances, the deletion and flush may not be instantaneous.</p>5.III EvergreenTech.io Account Security<p>Mistreatment or abuse of your EvergreenTech.io account is your sole responsibility. This includes activity on your EvergreenTech.io account by family, friends, guests, fellow employees or anyone else that may act on your behalf, with or without your knowledge. Therefore it is necessary for you to take precautions against others gaining unapproved access to your account. Additionally, you may not use your EvergreenTech.io account maliciously to breach the security of another EvergreenTech.io account or attempt to gain access to another network or server, EvergreenTech.io or otherwise.</p> <p>Your assigned or chosen password provides immediate and unrestricted access to your EvergreenTech.io account and all related services. It is your sole responsibility to maintain a secure password at all times. EvergreenTech.io under no circumstance will be held liable for any mistreatment or abuse of your EvergreenTech.io account. Take precautions from others knowing your password as you will be held entirely responsible.</p> <p>Any EvergreenTech.io client who infringes on the security of EvergreenTech.io or another client will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities. EvergreenTech.io will fully cooperate with law enforcement in any investigation.</p>6. Email Policy And Spam<p>Having personal e-mail accounts ourselves, we know what it’s like to receive our fair share of spam. For this reason, EvergreenTech.io strong arms all unsolicited e-mailing, bulk emailing, and spam in general. Furthermore, applications such as safe lists and double opt-ins will be considered spam. Any EvergreenTech.io account that shows evidence of directly or indirectly aiding in or sending out spam will result in the client’s accounts and services being immediately terminated with or without notice.</p> <p>Depending on the severity of the spam, EvergreenTech.io may issue a cleanup fee. In this case the EvergreenTech.io account responsible for aiding in or issuing the spam will be charged a fee based on damages.</p> <p>There are no email limits, however, EvergreenTech.io services cannot be used purely as mail servers and will be monitored regularly.</p> <p>EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to delete, disable or change any website, application, database, EvergreenTech.io account or any component under EvergreenTech.io’ control that does not completely comply with this policy. In certain situations, EvergreenTech.io may need to act urgently, in this case, EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to do so with or without notice.</p>6.I Usenet (Newsgroup, Articles, Messages, etc.) Spam<p>Usenet spam can consist of but is not limited to posting messages, articles or ads which violate regulations, charters or rules of a newsgroup or mailing list. With this in mind, any messages that are suitable under the rules and regulations of a newsgroup or mailing list, providing they do not violate the EvergreenTech.io TOS are permitted.</p>7. Refund, Guarantee And Cancellation Policy<p>Additionally EvergreenTech.io operates under a seven (7) day money-back guarantee for all first time EvergreenTech.io clients. This guarantee begins at the date of sale and retains its value for a total of seven (7) consecutive days. This guarantee encompasses only the base cost excluding fees such as but is not limited to domain costs and software licenses.</p> <p>EvergreenTech.io currently offers no guarantees or refunds of any kind for domain, backup, dedicated or collocation services.</p> <p>If you wish to cancel any of your EvergreenTech.io services you may do so providing you give seven (7) days’ notice prior to your next billing cycle. If you used a PayPal subscription please simply login to your PayPal account and cancel your subscription agreement with EvergreenTech.io. Otherwise, if you purchased your EvergreenTech.io services through a credit card please login to your EvergreenTech.io account and submit a cancellation request.</p> <p>You may have joined EvergreenTech.io under an annual, semiannual, quarterly or monthly plan. When canceling your service, your EvergreenTech.io account will remain active until your billing period ends. After which your canceled EvergreenTech.io service will be terminated unless you renew your EvergreenTech.io account prior to the billing term expiring or you have specified otherwise.</p> <p>EvergreenTech.io will treat all data of terminated accounts exactly as outlined in the above section 5.II.</p> <p>We do not prorate for unused time.</p>7.I Cancellation For Lack of Payment<p>Any EvergreenTech.io account that has unpaid invoices more than seven (7) days old may be terminated at any time with or without notice. EvergreenTech.io will treat all data of terminated accounts exactly as outlined in the above section 5.II.</p>8. Domain Names<p>All new domain name registrations, transfers and renewals are subject to the Registration Agreement. See your ICANN Registrant Rights and Responsibilities</p>10. Service Refusal<p>EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to completely refuse or refuse any amount of service or services to any client under the sole discretion of EvergreenTech.io. Additionally, EvergreenTech.io completely reserves the right to suspend, cancel or terminate any account at any time EvergreenTech.io sees fit. EvergreenTech.io will treat all data associated with the termination of an account as outlined in the above section 5.II.</p>11. Resource Usage Limitations<p>Please realize that these policies are in place to protect our clients (you) from poor service. Typically, if we have to impose a restriction on an account for resource usage, that account is already in violation of several aspects of the EvergreenTech.io TOS, and not just these usage policies. Most clients who fall into this realm affect at least two of these policies, and if left unchecked would begin adversely affecting other clients on their server. The overwhelming majority of sites will never have to take these limits into consideration. That being said, it is important they are in place and it is important you are aware of them.</p> <p>EvergreenTech.io uses soft limits to enforce most of these limitations. These limits do not “kill” your service when reached, but rather set off a series of notifications in motion to notify us of potential issues. Many clients will find that they can exceed many or even most without receiving a notice from us. The issue becomes when a single account starts to affect the performance of an entire server, it is then necessary to have these limits in place. EvergreenTech.io has been known to give extensive leeway to folks who need it, providing them time to work with us to reduce the overall load or if not possible, enter discussions for a potential upgrade. With our highly optimized servers, it is rare we ever have to suspend a client for abuse, but under the EvergreenTech.io TOS, we do reserve the right to do so if excessive.</p>12. Price Change<p>EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to change the prices and plans listed throughout the EvergreenTech.io website in addition to the resources allocated to each of the EvergreenTech.io plans at its own discretion. Further, EvergreenTech.io has the right to end and/or refuse any promotional codes for any reason.</p>13. Auto Billing (Recurring Payments)<p>For convenience and to prevent an interruption in service, EvergreenTech.io has employed a reoccurring billing cycle on most monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual plans. If you do not want reoccurring payments on your account it is necessary to notify EvergreenTech.io at least seven (7) days prior to the payment taking place. Failure on your part to notify EvergreenTech.io of your intention to not be billed on a reoccurring basis will automatically result in your account being billed as originally agreed. If you are using PayPal subscriptions, it is your responsibility to cancel with PayPal directly.</p>14. Bandwidth Usage<p>When purchasing you selected a monthly bandwidth allowance based on the package chosen. It is your sole responsibility to be aware of such limitations and will not hold EvergreenTech.io liable for any downtime experienced from account suspensions due to bandwidth overages. If overages are experienced or projected for a certain month, all EvergreenTech.io clientele have the option to upgrade to a larger plan or wait until the following month. Bandwidth usage is measured on a monthly basis coinciding with the Client’s billing cycle.</p>15. Responsibilities And Expected Knowledge<p>By the use of any EvergreenTech.io service a certain level of knowledge is assumed on topics consisting of but are not limited to. internet languages, slang, jargon, terminology, protocols, name servers (DNS), website development and software. While knowledge levels differ greatly, the EvergreenTech.io client agrees that they possess the necessary knowledge to create their website with the desired content, look and functionality. The customer agrees that it is not the responsibility for EvergreenTech.io to provide this knowledge to help create, design, program or publishing of a client’s website.</p>16. Root And SSH Access<p>SSH access is available to all clients, but not by default. Please open up a ticket requesting access.</p>17. Disclaimer<p>EvergreenTech.io under no circumstance will be responsible for damages of any kind that your business may suffer. EvergreenTech.io makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide other than the aforementioned guarantees mentioned within this document. EvergreenTech.io disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes but is not limited to, loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, hardware and software failures, hacking, sabotage, terrorist attacks, network issues, wrong delivery and any and all service interruptions caused by EvergreenTech.io, its employees or otherwise.</p>18. Indemnification<p>Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold EvergreenTech.io harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs, and claims, including any and all attorney fees, asserted against EvergreenTech.io, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, its agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless EvergreenTech.io against liabilities arising out of. (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with EvergreenTech.io. (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party. (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective products sold to customers from a EvergreenTech.io server.</p> <p>IF LAWSUIT(S) ARE THREATENED AGAINST EvergreenTech.io. If EvergreenTech.io is sued or threatened with a lawsuit in connection with EvergreenTech.io service(s) provided, we may turn to you to indemnify us and to hold us harmless from the claims and expenses which include but are not limited to attorney fees and other court costs. Under these circumstances you agree that you will upon demand, obtain a performance bond with a reputable bonding company or, if you are unable to obtain a performance bond, that you will deposit money with us to pay for our reasonably anticipated expenses in relation to the matter for the coming year. Such deposit will be drawn down as expenses are incurred, with all account notices sent to the WHOIS contact information provided in association with your domain names and/or account. We shall not be obliged to extend you any credit in relation to such expenses and we may terminate our services for a failure to make or renew such a deposit. We will return any unused deposit one year from the conclusion of the matter.</p>18. Potential Changes to the EvergreenTech.io Terms of Service (TOS)<p>EvergreenTech.io reserves the right to alter, revise, update and change in the EvergreenTech.io Terms of Service (TOS) in anyway without notice at any time under EvergreenTech.io’ sole discretion and can apply any and all changes and updates retroactively.</p>As a Good Faith Reminder And Brief Summary to Our Amazing EvergreenTech.io Clientele<p>THE CONTINUED USE OF THE EvergreenTech.io SERVICES AND/OR PRODUCTS CONSTITUTES THE IMPLIED CONFORMITY WITH THE EvergreenTech.io TERMS OF SERVICE (TOS) IN ITS ENTIRETY. BY USING THE SERVICES, THE CLIENT (YOU) AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS ASSOCIATED WITH SAID SERVICES, INCLUDING THIS AGREMEENT.</p> <p>THE CLIENT’S (YOUR) ONLY RECOURSE IN THE EVENT OF A DISAGREEMENT IS TO TERMINATE THIS CONTRACT AND SERVICE IMMEDIATELY AS DISCUSSED WITHIN THIS AGREEMENT.</p>

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