
Privacy Policy

Tuesday, 03 May 2016 Privacy Policy <ul> <li> font size decrease font size increase font size </li> <li> Print </li> <li> E-mail </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Privacy Policy of www.tintolav.com website</strong> </p> <p>The protection of our users’ personal data is a fundamental aspect to us. In the present document it is possible to find all the information that allow users to understand what data we collect, why we collect them and how we use them, in compliance with the regulation in force (Legislative Decree 196/03, as modified by Legislative Decree 101/18 and by Reg 2016/679 CE c.d. GDPR).</p> <p>For any possible questions it is possible to contact the company using the contact information contained in table 1. We will take care to answer you as soon as possible.</p> <p> <strong>1. Company</strong> <br>Table 1 contains the data concerning the company processing the data and the ways to contact it:<br> <br> <em>Company processing the data</em> <br>Tintolav S.r.l.<br> <em>Postal address</em> <br>Via Massimo d'Antona 7 - 10028 Trofarello Italy<br> <em>E-mail</em> <br>info@tintolav.com<br> <em>Telephone number</em> <br>011.6496827</p> <p>Hereinafter we will refer to Tintolav S.r.l. also as “Company” or “Tintolav” or “owner of the website”.</p> <p> <strong>2. Data collected and processed through the website</strong> <br>The access and the navigation on the website does not require any personal data of the user.<br>However after the simple navigation on the publicly accessible pages of the website, some navigation data could be automatically collected, such as:<br>• IP address;<br>• URI address- Uniform Resource Identifier – of the resources required;<br>• time and method used to formulate the requests for the server;<br>• numerical code about the state of the answer given by the server (positive ending, error, etc.);<br>The navigation data are related to the operating system and to the user’s computer context, whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.<br>For this purpose the Company uses a tool of a third party (Google Analytics) for exclusively statistical purposes and for the traffic analysis in order to make the website more suitable for regular users. <br>The data processed by the system are anonymised at the origin, thanks to specific settings and precautions implemented by the Company in order to protect the users’ privacy. <br>In the cookie policy of the website, which can be read at the following link [mettere link cookie policy], it is possible to find all the necessary information to delete or else to stop the cookies.<br>At the first connection to the website a banner appears with the types of cookies that can be installed by the website, users can decide which cookie categories they want to accept and which ones must not be installed on their computer.</p> <p>In order to keep a constant presence also on the most popular social networks the website www.tintolav.com allows the users to connect to the pages present on:<br> • Facebook;<br> • Google Plus;<br> • Youtube;<br> • Linkedin</p> <p>Users can contact the owner of the website through the contact form available at https://www.tintolav.com/it/contatti.html. <br>This system requires:<br> • Name;<br> • Postal address;<br> • Message</p> <p>Some of them are necessary to answer the user’s request (these fields are marked with an asterisk).</p> <p>Moreover users can contact the owner of the website through the means of communication provided and written in the table 1 of the present document.<br>On that occasion they can provide different data, on their own accord or by using various techniques of communication, for example:<br> • e-mail address (when making the request);<br> • Telephone number (In case of contact by this means);<br> • Name;<br> • Surname</p> <p> <strong>3. Purposes of data processing</strong> <br>Tintolav processes the personal data that users provide through the website exclusively for the following purposes:<br> • Answering to the questions that users can ask through the channels of communication provided by the Company;<br> • Promotional activities, if users have given explicit consent;<br> • Technical management of the website;<br> • Defence in case of attacks to the website.</p> <p>The data collected will not be used for purposes that are different from the above-mentioned ones and they will not be given or sold to other companies. In case of new purposes the present document will be updated to inform all the people concerned, so we suggest the users to visit this page from time to time, to keep updated about the activities performed by the website www.tintolav.com.</p> <p> <strong>4. Conservation of personal data</strong> <br>The Company will keep users’ details in compliance with the regulation in force and, in any case,<br>for all the time that is necessary to provide the services required.<br>After this period of time, users’ data will be permanently deleted (except for the cases of law obligations).</p> <p> <strong>5. Security and transfer of personal data</strong> <br>The transfer, the conservation and the processing of user’s data, which are collected through the website, are protected by means of specific technical measures.<br>Users’ data are collected, filed and saved on a server located in England.<br>The communication between host and users’ computers happens through an HTTPS protocol.</p> <p> <strong>6. Data transfer to third parties</strong> <br>The Company does not transfer users’ personal data to third parties. However for some processes the Company could provide the users’ data to third parties such as consultants, developers, graphic designers, ISPs.<br>The personal data will be provided to competent authorities only when the Company is forced to do so by the law.</p> <p> <br> <strong>7. Data transfer abroad</strong> <br>If some software or procedures should require it, the Company will take care to check that the transfer happens only to Countries that can guarantee a proper level of security, which has to be proved also through decisions of adequacy, standard contractual clauses or BCR (Binding Corporate Rules).</p> <p> <strong>8. Users’ rights</strong> <br>Users will always be able to exercise the rights provided for by the current regulation, among which there are the following rights:<br> • Right to access and obtain a copy of the personal data: users have the right to know if the Company is in possession of data that concern them, the origin, the purposes and the categories of data collected, the recipients to whom these data are sent (both inside and outside the European Union), the possible existence of automatic decisional or profiling processes, after the period of conservation of the data.<br> • Right of amendment and cancellation of their own personal data: users can ask the Company for the modification, update, integration or cancellation of the data in its possession;<br> • Right to limit the processing: users can ask the Company to limit the access to the data in its possession, that is to make them no more usable for the different types of processing. <br> • Right to revoke the consent: at any moment users can revoke their consent to the processing without compromising the legitimacy of the processing itself.<br> • Right of data portability: users can exercise this right in case the processing is necessary for the enforcement of a contract providing the consent to data processing. Users can ask the company to send them the data in a clear format that can be read by a computer without a property software, or, if it is technically possible, to automatically send them to the new owner.<br> • Right to object: users can make their objections by contacting the Company processing the data or the guaranteeing authority.</p> <p>*********************************<br> • Right of opposition<br>Users can object to the processing if their interests prevail over the legitimate interest of the Company.</p> <p>To exercise the above-mentioned rights, it is possible to contact the Company processing the data by the contact details written in table 1.</p> <p> <strong>9. Cookies</strong> <br>For information about the use of cookies on the website, we ask users to read the Cookie<br>Policy that they can find at the following link: https://www.tintolav.com/en/cookie-policy.html</p> Last modified on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 14:12

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