
Terms of Service

Terms of Service Accessing this site constitutes your consent and acceptance to these Terms of Service and to the Privacy Policy. If you violate the terms or authorize or help others to do so, we may terminate your use of the Service and pursue other remedies as provided by law. Use of Services, Compliance with Law You may only use the Services to store, retrieve, serve, and execute content that is owned, licensed or lawfully obtained by you. We may terminate or restrict your access to the service if you do not comply with this provision. You agree and represent that you will not resell or permit another to resell the service in whole or in part. <p>As Kiwi6 is operated in the United States, you must comply with all U.S. state and federal laws that apply to your use of the service, as well as with all laws in all other jurisdictions that apply to you.</p> Payments All payments made to Kiwi6 are nonrefundable. Overcharges and billing disputes must be reported within 30 days of occurence, otherwise you will have waived all claims related thereto. Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitations of Remedies, Indemnity <p>Kiwi6 disclaims all warranties, express and implied, including without limitation implied warranties of fitness and merchantability. </p> <p>Kiwi6 provides its service on an "as is," best-effort basis. Your use of the service is at your own risk. Kiwi6 makes no guarantee as to the availability of the service or the resiliency of data. In the event of service unavailability, your sole remedy is to discontinue the use of the service.</p> You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Kiwi6 and its affiliates, suppliers, and agents against all claims and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of the use of the Service(s).

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