
Privacy Policy

<p>At OpenPhone Technologies, Inc. (“OpenPhone”), your right to privacy is very important to us. We provide our users with the ability to obtain mobile phone number plans offered by a third party service provider, through OpenPhone’s proprietary application, which offers talk, text messaging and voicemail, among other features. In order to provide you with this service effectively, we collect certain specific information from you, and we also automatically collect information and data relating to the usage of our services by all our users, including you. Because we are committed to protecting your privacy rights and the information you provide to us, we have developed this privacy policy. It explains how we will protect your information and describes how we will use and share it.</p> <p>This policy is concerned with the protection of personal information only. Personal information includes any data that can be used to identify you as an individual, including your name, income, personal opinion, interests, home contact information, identification numbers, user IDs, passwords, ethnic origin, and age. Note that under Canadian law, in a business context, personal information such as the name, job title, business address, or business telephone number of any employee in an organization can be used without an individual’s consent in relation to reasonable and legitimate business purposes, so the provisions of this policy do not apply to such information used in such a manner.</p> <p>This policy describes the following practices:</p> <ul> <li>Collecting personal information</li> <li>Sharing your personal information</li> <li>Maintaining your personal information</li> </ul> <p>This privacy policy may change from time to time to reflect OpenPhone’s internal needs, customer feedback, or changes in applicable privacy legislation. OpenPhone will post all such changes on our website, so please visit this page regularly.</p> <p>NOTE: OpenPhone software and services are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or maintain any personal information or non-personally-identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 nor is any part of our website, software or service directed to children under the age of 13. We will close any accounts used exclusively by such children and will remove and/or delete any personal information we believe was submitted by, or pertains to, any child under the age of 13. Moreover, OpenPhone software and services are not to be used by any minors of any age without the consent of their legal guardian, and OpenPhone therefore does not collect any information pertaining to minors without the express consent of their legal guardian.</p>Collecting Information<p>In order to use the services provided by OpenPhone, you will be required to provide specific information about yourself, such as your name, telephone number and e-mail address. the information required will depend on the services selected by you. We will always inform you when we need information that personally identifies you, and we will keep this information in strict confidence. You may also, on occasion, voluntarily provide OpenPhone with information that can be classified as personal information – all such personal information will be stored and maintained in accordance with this privacy policy.</p> <p>We collect information about you in the following ways:</p>As part of your registration and preference choices for OpenPhone’s services<p>OpenPhone offers the ability for you to choose options respecting the features of the services that you use. We will require your email address to identify you as a user of our services and to contact you, and may require other information depending on the services chosen by you. You will also need to provide payment processing information for billing purposes to OpenPhone’s third party payment processor. Any information collected by OpenPhone is kept confidential and stored securely by OpenPhone, and the third party payment processor will be responsible for keeping information disclosed during the payment process confidential. OpenPhone has no access to such information disclosed in the payment process.</p>Automatically by OpenPhone’s application and services<p>OpenPhone’s application and services contain features that automatically collect information from users, such as usage statistics, and other tracking information, such as call and message history and statistics (eg. duration, location and time), phone number, information about the mobile device used with the services, login attempts, and application specific logs and errors. Although this information may not identify you personally, it nevertheless provides certain information about you, and we therefore handle it as confidential information, with security measures to protect it, such as encryption and user authentication protocols.</p> <p>Additionally, use of OpenPhone’s website and/or software may result in the collection of technical information such as your computer's IP address, operating system, browser name/version, the referring web page, requested page, date/time, and sometimes a "cookie" (which can be disabled using your browser preferences). such information is used to help us understand the overall usage pattern of our website and software.</p>As part of your use of OpenPhone’s services<p>You may have the ability to post information through OpenPhone’s services or website, such as comments, that may be viewed by others within your organization, or by third parties, if you so choose. Please be advised that any personal information that you voluntarily post to any public forum or to any area where other users or third parties may legally access it, will NOT be considered confidential in any way, and OpenPhone will not have any obligation to protect it in a secured system or obtain your consent to its disclosure, as you will have made the decision to publicly post it. However, at your request, OpenPhone will be happy to change it, remove it, or restrict access to it (subject to technical feasibility) in order to protect the integrity of the personal information.</p> <p>Please note that for information transmitted through OpenPhone’s application and services for the purposes of communication to a third party (ie. phone calls and texts), OpenPhone’s sole obligation is to maintain security respecting such communicated information while such information is in its systems. OpenPhone’s underlying third party service provider may also store such information. the terms of service and privacy policy of such service provider shall apply to such storage (and can be found at this link:, and OpenPhone bears no responsibility for the acts or omissions of such service provider.Additionally, use of OpenPhone’s website and/or software may result in the collection of technical information such as your computer's IP address, operating system, browser name/version, the referring web page, requested page, date/time, and sometimes a "cookie" (which can be disabled using your browser preferences). such information is used to help us understand the overall usage pattern of our website and software.</p>You contact OpenPhone directly<p>When you contact any OpenPhone employee by telephone, e-mail, in person, or through our website, you will be asked to provide consent to the collection of personal information if your personal information will help us deliver the information, products, or services you require.</p>You respond to communications from OpenPhone<p>From time to time, OpenPhone may invite you to provide us with information for specific purposes. We may ask for this information through feedback features on our website or software. we may send out email inviting feedback or offering products and services. or we may ask you for information concerning support of our products or services. Your response to these communications may require you to submit personal information and opinions.</p>Your information is obtained through a third party<p>Occasionally, OpenPhone will obtain information about you from third parties, such as mailing list providers, third party service providers, ISPs, or third party application or account providers. Third-party providers are responsible for obtaining consent for the release of personal information to us from those individuals identified on mailing lists, surveys, or through other collection methods.</p>Sharing your personal Information<p>Subject to any exceptions stated above in the collection of information section, should OpenPhone collect any of your personal information, we will follow these practices regarding the distribution of that information.</p>Your personal information is protected<p>OpenPhone uses reasonable precautions to protect personal information and store it securely. Access to your personal information is restricted to those personnel who need it, and OpenPhone takes reasonable steps to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information.</p> <p>OpenPhone only uses and discloses your personal information if it helps us facilitate your needs, provide you with the services, improve our products and services, meet legal and regulatory requirements, or — to the limited extent possible — manage our internal business operations. Additionally, if there are any disclosure or use restrictions in your consent to the collection of your personal information, OpenPhone will abide by those restrictions (subject to the consent exceptions listed below).</p> <p>For example, user and account information provided as part of your registration or preferences for OpenPhone’s services will only be used to provide you with the services.</p> <p>OpenPhone may combine your information with other information into an aggregate form, so your information no longer personally identifies you. We may then disclose the aggregate information to third parties, so they can obtain an overall picture of OpenPhone’s products, services, customer sectors and/or usage patterns.</p>We only share your information with your consent<p>OpenPhone provides your information to third parties only for purposes to which you have consented – which consent shall be deemed with respect to the third party service provider providing the underlying phone service for OpenPhone - and we require such third parties to keep your information confidential.</p> <p>In a few situations, OpenPhone may be required to disclose your information without your prior consent. For example, OpenPhone may disclose your information if we are required to do so by law, or if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to:</p> <ul> <li>comply with law or legal process</li> <li>protect and defend our rights and property, or the rights and property of a third party</li> <li>protect against misuse or unauthorized use of any of OpenPhone’s products, software, services, or other proprietary materials</li> <li>protect the personal safety of any person</li> <li>allow for a change of ownership of OpenPhone and associated transfer of all personal information to the new owner of OpenPhone – this does not affect the protection of your information under this Privacy Policy</li> </ul> <p>OpenPhone will always try to provide you with prior notice of such disclosure. however, such notice may not always be possible or reasonable given the circumstances.</p>Maintaining your personal information<p>OpenPhone has established the following practices regarding the maintenance of your personal information.</p>You can request access to your personal information at any time<p>Sometimes, it will be necessary for you to update your personal information OpenPhone has on file. For example, if you move or change credit cards, or change your mobile device, you must update your information in order to keep receiving the services provided by OpenPhone.</p> <p>If you wish to make any changes or corrections to your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer who will implement the changes. This will help us ensure our records are always up-to-date.</p>You can opt out of communications at any time<p>Additionally, you always have the choice of whether you wish to receive information – such as e-mail updates – from OpenPhone. In some cases, you may do so simply by changing the preferences in the software application through which OpenPhone provides the services.</p> <p>If you do choose to opt out of communications respecting products and services provided by OpenPhone, you may not obtain all the benefits we could otherwise provide, such as updates or warnings. OpenPhone will not have any liability to you for your loss of those benefits or any negative effects respecting your use of OpenPhone’s products or services.</p>We only ask for and maintain the personal information we need to provide you with the services.<p>We only collect information that we need, and that you choose to give to us. We will not collect personal information gratuitously from you for no reason. We also believe in streamlining the way that we handle data so that it minimizes data redundancy and unnecessary retention, and therefore, we have instituted processes to delete personal information from our systems when it is no longer required.</p>You can request that your personal information be destroyed at any time<p>A situation may arise where you desire to have all of your personal information that is contained in OpenPhone’s records deleted or destroyed. If this is what you wish, please contact our Privacy Officer, who will take care of removing your personal information from all of OpenPhone’s records. However, there may be situations where we are obligated to retain one archival copy of your information to allow us to comply with laws or respond to legal processes. We will inform you of all such situations, and will only use your retained personal information to the limited extent necessary to comply with such laws or respond to legal processes.</p>Contacting our Privacy Officer<p>OpenPhone welcomes your comments about this privacy policy, and we would be happy to provide any additional information you require. Please contact our Privacy Officer at:</p> <p>This privacy policy supplements any agreements you already have with OpenPhone, such as your User Agreement or website terms and conditions. Our privacy policy does not replace the terms of those agreements. By agreeing to those terms and using OpenPhone’s website, products, software and services, you are consenting to the collection and use of your personal information by OpenPhone in accordance with this privacy policy. This policy was written in accordance with the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).</p>

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