Flux Systems Ltd

Privacy Policy for Monzo Bank Integration

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Activating Flux provides you with access to the following features:</p> <ul> <li>Digital receipts - you’ll be able to see what you bought and how much you spent by clicking on any transaction made at a Flux-supported retailer</li> <li>Digital loyalty stamps – any loyalty points you earn from our retail partners will be automatically stored on your Flux digital stamp card, and any rewards you earn will be paid into your Monzo account as cashback. and</li> <li>Digital offers from our retail partners (if you choose to receive them) - you will receive cashback offers based on your transaction history and spending patterns</li> </ul> <p>Service</p> <p>Day 1 what do you get?</p> <p>What can you opt out of?</p> <p>Digital receipts</p> <p>You’ll be able to see what you bought and how much you spent by clicking on any transaction made at Flux-supported retailers.</p> <p>✔</p> <p>Digital loyalty stamps</p> <p>Any loyalty points you earn from supported retail partners will be automatically stored on your Flux digital stamp card, and any rewards you earn will be paid into your Monzo account as cashback.</p> <p>✔</p> <p>✔</p> <p>Digital offers</p> <p>From our retail partners customised especially for you (if you choose to get these).</p> <p>✔</p> <p>✔</p> <p> <strong>How to opt-out?</strong> You can email privacy@tryflux.com at any time to opt-out of each individual extra service (other than the digital receipts service).</p> <p>In order for us to provide you with these exciting features, Monzo will share some of your personal information with us. We are committed to looking after your personal information and making sure it’s kept secure.</p> <p>Below, you’ll see which kinds of information we collect about you, what we do with this information, who we may share your information with and most importantly, your rights in relation to this information.</p>How can you contact us? <p>We have appointed Taylor Vinters LLP as our Data Protection Officer. If you’d like to contact our DPO, the easiest way to do this is by emailing DPO@tryflux.com. If you’d rather not use email, our DPO’s other contact details are available here. If you don’t email DPO@tryflux.com, please make sure you mark your query as “FAO Flux DPO”.</p> <p>Alternatively write to us at: </p>Data Protection Officer, Flux Systems Limited, Office N101, People’s Mission Hall, 20 - 30 Whitechapel Road, E1 1EW.<p> </p>What information do we collect about you? <p>We may collect, use, store and transfer the following types of information about you:</p>Contact<p>Your email address and Monzo access token.</p>Financial<ul> <li>The last 4 digits of your Monzo Bank card number. </li> <li>Your account number</li> <li>Your sort code </li> </ul>Receipt<p>Information from purchases that you make using your Monzo account with one of our retail partners, including:</p> <ul> <li>Name of retailer;</li> <li>How much you paid</li> <li>Some information about the card you used for payment;</li> <li>The currency used to pay. </li> <li>The time of purchase. and</li> <li>The location of the retailer.</li> </ul>Usage<p>Information about when and how you use the following Flux features within your Monzo app:</p> <ul> <li>Loyalty schemes with our retail partners. and</li> <li>Personalised offers from our retail partners.</li> </ul> <p>You can change your mind about receiving these offers or participating in these loyalty schemes at any time by changing your preferences directly from your Monzo app.</p>Feedback and Enquiry<p>Information about you from emails and letters that you send to us (including any identity data that you provide to us, such as your name and email address), any conversations between us and any feedback you give to us.</p>Research data <p>Information about all Flux users’ transactions that we anonymise and aggregate to help us, our retail partners and other possible future retail partners learn more about consumer spending patterns.</p> <p>We’ll never share personally identifiable information about you with our retailers.</p>How do we collect your information? <p>We collect most of your information directly from your Monzo app (when you choose to switch on Flux in your Monzo app).</p> <p>We may also receive information about you from MailChimp if you sign up to receive marketing emails from us via our website.</p>How do we use your information? <p>We’ll only use your personal information where we have a valid reason to do so. Below, we’ve set out the ways in which we use your personal information and the reasons we rely on to do so.</p> <p>Where we mention “legitimate interests”, this is the reason we rely on when we feel that it is necessary to use your information in our and/or your interests and doesn’t unfairly affect your rights over your information.</p>1. To provide you with our Flux service through your Monzo app <p> <strong>We use your information to provide you with:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Digital receipts for certain purchases that you make with our retail partners (which can be used for returns);</li> <li>Digital loyalty points you earn from our retail partners;</li> <li>Cashback payments you may earn for any rewards you earn from Flux linked retailers. and</li> <li>Premium Receipt Services including recall and item level feedback. </li> </ul> <p> <strong> We use the following information to do this:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Your Monzo account reference ID number;</li> <li>Last 4 digits of your Monzo account number;</li> <li>Information about your purchases with our retail partners. </li> <li>Information about loyalty schemes you have signed up to with our retail partners. and</li> <li>Information about your use of the Premium Receipt Services with our retail partners</li> </ul> <p> <strong>We do this to: </strong> </p> <ul> <li>Fulfil our contract with you</li> </ul>2. To improve the Flux service for you and other customers<p> <strong>We use your information to:</strong> </p> <p>Improve the service we give to our Flux users by looking at details of the purchases you and other Flux users have made with our retail partners and the loyalty schemes you have signed up for. The information about you and other Flux users will be grouped together in a way that means you can not be personally recognised from the group of information.</p> <p>We will work with Monzo and our retail partners and share this information with them to help them understand you better and provide you with a better customer experience, including the loyalty schemes and offers you sign up to and your use of the Premium Receipt Services. We, Monzo and our retail partners will not be able to identify you from the information we give them.</p> <p> <strong>We use the following information to do this:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Information about your purchases with our retail partners;</li> <li>Information about loyalty schemes you have signed up to with our retail partners;</li> <li>Information about the personalised offers you have signed up to with our retail partners. and</li> <li>Information about your use of the Premium Receipt Services with our retail partners</li> </ul> <p> <strong>We do this to: </strong> </p> <ul> <li>Fulfil our contract with you. and/or</li> <li>In our legitimate interests of understanding you better to provide you with an improved service, to your benefit.</li> </ul>3. To send you marketing emails if you want to receive them <p>We only receive your email address if you sign up via the Flux website. We will only send you marketing emails if you have given us permission to do so by signing up to receiving these emails on our website. You can choose to get all or some of the following different types of marketing emails:</p> <ul> <li>New Flux features in your Monzo app. </li> <li>Updates on Flux generally. and </li> <li>Updates on loyalty programmes and offers from our new retail partners.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>We can only do this with:</strong> </p> <p>Your consent. If you change your mind about this, you can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email or by emailing&nbsp;privacy@tryflux.com.</p>4. To manage our relationship with you as a Flux user<p> <strong>We use your information to:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Let you know if anything about the Flux service changes or this policy changes in an important way. and</li> <li>Communicate with you if you have asked us a question or made a complaint with us or directly to the Monzo customer support team.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>We use the following information to do this:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Information you tell us when you send us/Monzo a question or make a complaint (including your name and email address). and</li> <li>Information you tell us when you give any feedback about us.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>We do this to: </strong> </p> <ul> <li>Perform our contract with you;</li> <li>Comply with our legal duties. and/or</li> <li>Support our legitimate interests of understanding you better to provide you with an improved service, to your benefit.</li> </ul> <p>We will only use your information for the reasons we have told you about above. If we need to use your information for any other reason, we will let you know and tell you the reason, unless the law stops us from doing so.</p>Who do we share your information with? <p>We may share your personal information with other organisations so we can provide the Flux features to you, provide a better service to you and comply with our legal duties. We have set out below who these organisations are and the reasons for doing so.</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Monzo</strong> – we need to share information about the purchases you make with our retail partners in order for the digital receipts to automatically appear in your Monzo app;</li> </ul> <ul> <li> <strong>Retail partners</strong> – we will share information about you and other Flux users with our retail partners so they can learn more about you and other Flux users in order to provide you with a better customer service and provide you with more personalised loyalty schemes and offers (where you have signed up to them). and</li> </ul> <ul> <li> <strong>Our service providers</strong> – we need to share information with organisations which supports any parts of the Flux service that you use including our IT providers, payment processing providers, email marketing service providers and customer service. You can ask us for more information about these organisations by contacting us using the details at the top of this policy.</li> </ul> <p>We may also need your share your information to comply with the law. to enforce our Terms and Conditions. to protect the rights, property or safety of us, other Flux users or other individuals/organisations. or in the event that we choose to sell our business or our assets or buy other businesses or join with them.</p>Where do we keep your information? <p>We don’t usually store or send your information outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”).</p> <p>If we do store or send your information outside of the EEA, we will make sure we have put measures in place in order to protect your information to the same data protection standard as in the UK and the EEA.</p> <p>We will only share your information with organisations and countries that:</p> <ul> <li>The European Commission has said have similar data protection laws as in the EEA;</li> <li>We have entered into a contract with which include certain requirements to make sure your information is protected to the same standards as in the EEA and the UK. or</li> <li>Have chosen to comply with a set of rules called the Privacy Shield framework which includes data protection standards for transfers of personal information between the United States and the EEA.</li> </ul> <p>You can ask us for more information about where we may transfer your information and how we make sure your information is protected.</p>How do we keep your information secure?<p>We will always make sure we put security measures in place to protect your information from being destroyed, lost or shared with somebody that shouldn’t see it. However, we cannot guarantee your information from every security risk that may be possible when your information is sent to and from the Monzo app.</p> <p>Flux features and the Monzo app may include links to third party websites which may collect your personal information. We have no control over what these websites do with your personal information. Please check the policies on these websites that should tell you what they do with your personal information.</p>How long do we keep your information for?<p>We will only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary for us to do so for the reasons we collected it for in the first place (which is the delivery of our Flux services to you).</p> <p>Generally, we will keep your personal information for as long as you are a Flux user. After this, we may keep your personal information for up to 6 years (or longer where the law says we have to). This is so we can:</p> <ul> <li>Communicate with you about any questions or complaints you may have after you have stopped using Flux. or</li> <li>To comply with the rules on accounting, reporting or any other law.</li> </ul> <p>If you want further information on how long we keep your personal information, please contact us using the details at the top of this policy.</p>What are your rights? <p>You have a right to: </p> <ul> <li>Access the personal information we hold about you and request a copy of it;</li> <li>Ask us to correct your personal information if it’s not correct;</li> <li>Ask us to delete your personal information;</li> <li>Ask us to stop using your personal information in certain circumstances where there is no need for us to keep it;</li> <li>Ask us to only use your personal information for certain things if it is not accurate, it has been used unlawfully or it is not relevant anymore. and/or</li> <li>Ask us to stop using your personal information (such as your email address) to send you marketing emails.</li> </ul> <p>If you want to exercise any of the rights above at any time, please contact privacy@tryflux.com.</p>How can you make a complaint? <p>You also have the right to complain to us about how we have used your personal information by contacting us by email or post using the details at the top of this policy. We will always try to help you with your problem.</p> <p>If you’re still not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you can contact:</p> <ul> <li>A data protection regulator – this is the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK and you can make a complaint at https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/.</li> <li>The UK courts - to seek a remedy if you think that your rights in relation to your personal information have been breached.</li> </ul>Changes to this policy<p>We may need to change this policy as our Flux service develops and offers you more exciting features or if the law changes. We will let you know if any important changes are made, otherwise, we will always include the latest version of our policy on our website at https://www.tryflux.com/legal/privacy.</p>BankMonzoStarlingBarclaysLiberating the world’s receipt dataCompanyAbout UsCareers - We're hiring!PressBeat the receiptDigital receiptsFAQSupported retailersYour privacyPartnersAre you a business?NewsBlogStatusNeed help?hello@tryflux.comHelp Centre© 2021 Flux Systems Limited is registered in England and Wales (No. 09882195) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Account Information Services Provider under the firm reference number 791 567. EU and US Patent Pending (Application No. EP3396609)Terms &amp. Conditions·Bank Privacy Policy·Website Privacy Policy·Manage cookies Can we use analytical cookies? <p> Some of our cookies are necessary which means they will always run when you load our website. However you can choose what level of cookies analytical cookies you want to accept below. Learn more in our website privacy policy </p> Allow necessary cookies only Allow all cookies

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