Star Bargains

Terms And Conditions

<p> <strong>Terms and Conditions of use and sale for the <u>Star Bargains</u> website, these terms and conditions cover all goods offered for sale by the <em>Website</em> .</strong> </p> <p> <strong>These Terms and Conditions should be viewed together with Our PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. These terms apply to the entire contents of this Site under the domain name and to any correspondence between <em>Us</em> and <em>You</em>. Please read these terms carefully before using the Site. Using the Site indicates that <em>You</em> accept these terms regardless of whether or not <em>You</em> choose to register with Us.</strong> </p> 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS <p>"<em>You</em>" and "<em>Your</em>" means the person ordering Goods from <em>Star Bargains</em>, who must be over 18 years of age.</p> <p>"<em>Star Bargains</em>" or "We" or "Us" or "Our" means Frozen Value Ltd, trading as <em>Star Bargains</em> whose registered office is at Poundland Csc, Midland Road, Walsall, United Kingdom, WS1 3TX. Registered in England No.1003192. VAT Registration Number 698 8424 62.</p> <p>"<em>Account</em>" means <em>Your</em> details and shopping history which is created when <em>You</em> register to shop through the Our Site.</p> <p>"<em>Deliver</em>" means <em>Us</em> delivering the goods that <em>You</em> order to the address stated in <em>Your</em> order and "<em>Delivery</em>" and "<em>Delivered</em>" shall be interpreted accordingly.</p> <p>"<em>Site</em>" or "<em>Website</em> " means Our Site at</p> <p>"Store" or "Stores" means one or all of the individual stores on the Site</p> 2. TERMS OF use - The Site <p>The <em>Site</em> is provided free of charge and without representations, warranties or guarantees or other terms of any kind either express or implied.</p> <p>From time to time it will be necessary for <em>Us</em> to carry out maintenance on the Site which may result in occasional periods of downtime.</p> <p>We may update the Site from time to time and may change the content at any time. Although We try to accurately update the information on the Site, We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, that the content on the Site is accurate, complete or up-to-date.</p> <p>We do not guarantee that the Site, or any content on it, will be free from errors or omissions and We can't promise that the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects in the Site will be corrected.</p> <p>All rights, including without limitation any intellectual property rights, in any data on the Site, or any part of the Site, provided by <em>Us</em> or <em>You</em>, or any third party, such as for example <em>Your</em> favourite items (the Data) will automatically be owned by <em>Star Bargains</em>. <em>You</em> agree that <em>You</em> are not allowed to use the Data, or permit any third party to use it, without Our express permission. If the law prevents <em>Us</em> from automatically owning any rights in the Data, <em>You</em> now assign such rights to Us.</p> - <em>You</em> <p>You must be 18 years or older to buy from the Site.</p> <p>You may access most areas of the Site without registering <em>Your</em> details with Us. Certain areas of the Site are only open to <em>You</em> if <em>You</em> register. Please be aware that stock will not be reserved for <em>Your</em> basket unless <em>You</em> have logged on during that visit.</p> <p>By accessing any part of the Site, <em>You</em> shall be deemed to have accepted these terms in full together with the privacy policy. If <em>You</em> do not accept these terms in full, <em>You</em> must leave the Site immediately.</p> <p>You can use the Site to browse and buy goods and services from <em>Us</em> and to manage <em>Your</em> account with <em>Us</em> but not for any other purpose.</p> <p>You must not use <em>Your</em> Star Bargains email/username and password combination to access the Site, or any part of the Site, from anyone else's site. That is because access to the Site by commercial organisations, whether or not acting on behalf of Our customers, is strictly prohibited.</p> <p>You are responsible for configuring <em>Your</em> information technology, computer programmes and platform in order to access the Site. <em>You</em> should use <em>Your</em> own virus protection software. Responsibility for the security of <em>Your</em> password lies with <em>You</em>.</p> <p>Each registration is for a single user only. Star Bargains does not permit <em>You</em> to share <em>Your</em> username and password with any other person nor with multiple users on a network. Only one account per household is allowed, additional accounts will not qualify for discounts or other promotions. In practice, We will apply any promotions or discounts to the oldest account connected with each household.</p> <p>You must not misuse the Site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. <em>You</em> must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Site, the server on which the Site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Site. <em>You</em> must not attack the Site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack. By breaching this provision, <em>You</em> would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and We will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing <em>Your</em> identity to them. In the event of such a breach, <em>Your</em> right to use the Site will cease immediately.</p> <p>You accept the risk that data transmitted electronically to <em>Star Bargains</em> via the Site or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching Star Bargains or accessed from Star Bargains data storage means by third parties unauthorised by Star Bargains and may be exploited unlawfully by the said unauthorised third parties. Star Bargains does not assume responsibility for guarding against the acts of the unauthorised third parties.</p> 3.TERMS OF SALE <p>These terms of sale will apply if <em>You</em> place an order on the Site.</p> - To Place an Order <p>To place an order on the Site <em>You</em> must be over 18 years of age, require Delivery and have a credit or debit card acceptable to <em>Us</em> in <em>Your</em> name.</p> <p>To complete an order <em>You</em> will need to register, <em>You</em> will create a username and password which <em>You</em> must use whenever <em>You</em> shop with Us. <em>You</em> must treat <em>Your</em> username and password as confidential and must not disclose it to any third party. Please keep this information in a safe place because <em>You</em> will be responsible for all activities and orders made under <em>Your</em> password and username. If <em>You</em> think that someone else may either know or be using <em>Your</em> username and password, please Contact Us immediately.</p> <p>In any circumstance, We reserve the right to decline a new customer registration or to suspend or disable <em>Your</em> <em>Account</em> at any time and at Our sole discretion.</p> <p>Our Site invites <em>You</em> to buy goods from Us, before <em>You</em> confirm <em>Your</em> order it is important for <em>You</em> to check the details of the products <em>You</em> have ordered - most of Our stores will provide <em>You</em> with a best before date in the product details and basket view, these dates will be displayed on <em>Your</em> order before <em>You</em> checkout. One store "WNWN" (Waste Not Want Not) will be offering short-dated or Out of Date products, so please ensure <em>You</em> are happy with these dates before <em>You</em> confirm <em>Your</em> order. The date given will be the minimum date <em>You</em> will receive on the product <em>You</em> have ordered.</p> <p>Before <em>You</em> confirm <em>Your</em> order please ensure <em>Your</em> delivery address is correct.</p> <p>Once <em>You</em> have placed an order on the Site We will send <em>You</em> an order acknowledgement by email confirming the order number and the total price of <em>Your</em> order. This is not an order confirmation or acceptance from Us. A legally binding contract with <em>You</em> will only arise once We have completed Despatch of the goods to <em>You</em>. At this time <em>You</em> become the owner of the goods. We will notify <em>You</em> by e-mail when We have despatched the goods.</p> <p>We reserve the right to cancel part or all of any order at any time up to the point of delivery, in these very rare cases a refund will be given.</p> - Price <p>The price of the item(s) <em>You</em> order will be the price on the Site at the time <em>You</em> place <em>Your</em> order. All prices quoted are inclusive of any Value Added or other tax</p> <p>In addition to the price, a Delivery charge as shown at checkout will also be payable by <em>You</em>.</p> <p>There is no minimum order value, however, certain benefits such as free delivery to mainland UK will be subjected to a minimum order value and other conditions which will change from time to time. These terms will be displayed on the Site.</p> <p>For <em>Your</em> protection and security, and in order to verify the debit or credit card details provided, We will contact <em>Your</em> card issuer on the day <em>You</em> checkout <em>Your</em> order to request a maximum pre-authorisation of the order value. It is important to point out that this pre-authorisation is NOT a charge to <em>Your</em> card and will not be billed to <em>You</em>. <em>Your</em> card issuer may hold this amount for a period of seven days, but this will never be taken from <em>Your</em> account.</p> <p>On despatch of the goods, We will debit <em>Your</em> card with the total value of <em>Your</em> despatched order. If there have been any availability issues the amount debited from <em>Your</em> debit or credit will be lower than the original authorisation and will only reflect the value of those goods despatched to <em>You</em> and the associated delivery costs.</p> - Errors <p>We will endeavour to supply the goods <em>You</em> have ordered in good condition on the correct day, unfortunately, errors may occur, if they do this section should provide the answers to <em>Your</em> rights subject to UK statute.</p> <p>We will only refund damaged, faulty or missing goods. If <em>You</em> have any queries regarding an order, please notify <em>Us</em> within 24 hours of receiving <em>Your</em> order. Our contact details are provided on our dedicated Contact Us page. Providing photographic proof where possible will assist in settling any claim.</p> <p>Any damaged or faulty goods should be kept in a safe place until the remedy has been concluded as We may ask for the goods to be returned.</p> <p>All proven damages and missing items will be dealt with through a refund in the first 30 days from invoice date. <em>You</em> have up to 60 days from invoice date to make a claim - proven claims between 30 and 60 days will be dealt with through a credit against <em>Your</em> next order</p> <p>We reserve the right to cancel part or all of any order at any time up to the point of delivery, in these very rare cases a refund will be given for the part of the order cancelled.</p> <p>Cancellation Charges - If <em>You</em> wish to cancel an order for no reason, there will be an administration charge which will be equal to all actual distribution costs incurred by the <em>Star Bargains</em> plus wasted packaging plus a £5 administration fee.</p> - Deliveries <p>Delivery will be carried out by Our contracted courier who will contact <em>You</em> on the day of delivery to advise <em>You</em> of the delivery time slot - <em>You</em> can liaise with the provider to alter this time and provide other information for the driver.</p> <p>The courier will contact <em>You</em> directly please see their terms and conditions of delivery at</p> <p>If an order is returned to <em>Us</em> undelivered, <em>You</em> will be contacted and We can resend the order at <em>Your</em> cost for the re-delivery.</p> <p>If an order is returned to <em>Us</em> undelivered and for any reason, We cannot resend or <em>You</em> do not wish it to be resent, the order will be subject to the Cancellation Charges detailed above.</p> - Competitions and Special Promotions <p>All competitions or promotions will be subject to the terms specified in each event.</p> <p> <em>Star Bargains</em> reserves the right to withdraw any competition or prize at any time and at Our own discretion.</p> - Limited Liability <p>Whilst We take every care to <em>Deliver</em> <em>Your</em> order, We cannot be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage or loss of profits or reliance <em>You</em> had in having the goods Delivered to <em>You</em> arising out of Our supply or failure to supply the goods to <em>You</em>.</p> <p>Nothing in this Agreement shall in any way limit Our liability for death or personal injury resulting from Our breach of contract, tort or negligence nor limit any legal rights <em>You</em> have as a consumer.</p> <p>The goods are sold to <em>You</em> on the basis that <em>You</em> are a consumer, therefore, We will not be liable for any special losses that <em>You</em> might suffer Using, re-distributing or reselling the goods as part of a business.</p> <p>With the exception of faulty goods or returns made in accordance with these terms, We shall not be liable for goods once they have been Delivered to the Delivery address.</p> <p>We will not be deemed to be in breach of contract or of these terms and conditions as a result of any delay in our performance or failure to perform our obligations if that failure or delay to perform is due to any cause beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, fire, flood, other acts of God, strikes, riot, accidents, road traffic issues, disruption to energy supplies, civil commotion, acts of terrorism or war.</p> <p>Other than included in this clause, Our maximum liability to <em>You</em> arising out of any order for the supply of goods will be limited to the price of that order.</p> - Governing Law <p>These terms of use are subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.</p> <p> <em>Star Bargains</em> may revise these terms at any time by updating this posting. <em>You</em> should check the Site from time to time to review the current terms because they are binding on <em>You</em>. Certain provisions of these terms may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages on the Site.</p> <p>These terms regulate the supply of goods to <em>You</em> by <em>Star Bargains</em>. Any other terms, conditions or representations (other than those implied by statute) are excluded.&nbsp;</p> General Reward Scheme - Terms of Use <p>The <em>Reward Scheme</em> is operated by Frozen Value Limited. Please do not send correspondence to this address.</p> <p> <em>We</em> can cancel, withdraw or alter the <em>Reward Scheme</em> at any time, including these terms and conditions or any individual <em>Reward Scheme</em> account</p> <p>The <em>Reward Scheme</em> is only valid at</p> <p>The <em>Reward Scheme</em> is for personal use only. business use is strictly prohibited and constitutes abuse. <em>We</em> reserve the right, at point of purchase or retrospectively, to determine whether a transaction constitutes business usage</p> <p> <em>We</em> can take any action it considers appropriate, including removing or suspending a <em>Reward Scheme</em> account and points accrued if we have reason to believe you are abusing the scheme or associated offers</p> <p> <em>We</em> will remove Reward points from <em>Reward Scheme</em> accounts that haven't been used for 12 months or have been closed.</p> <p> <em>We</em> will not exchange Reward points for cash and the offer is non-transferable</p> - Collecting Reward points <p>The standard number of points you will collect are one Reward points for every £1 you spend on qualifying purchases. however the number of points collected can vary. Typically, points will usually be added to your <em>Reward Scheme</em> account at the time you order is dispatched.</p> <p>Points are not available on delivery charges.</p> <p>Points are not available on discounted products.</p> <p>Points are not available in conjuction with discount codes/vouchers.</p> <p>Points are not available with orders that trigger affiliate payments.</p> <p>During Reward points events existing points promotions will not be multiplied.</p> <p> <em>We</em> reserve the right to withdraw points promotions/offers without notice.</p> - Spending Reward points <p>One point is typically worth one penny to spend on products online. however the number of points collected can vary.</p> <p>We will not exchange Reward points for cash and the offer is non-transferable</p> <p>Points cannot be spent on delivery charges.</p> <p>Points cannot be spent on discounted products.</p> <p>Points cannot be spent in conjuction with discount codes/vouchers.</p> <p>Points cannot be spent with orders that trigger affiliate payments.</p> <p>Points are redeemable in multiples of 100 points.</p> <p> <em>We</em> reserve the right to substitute or remove products and services available for Reward points collection and redemption without notice</p> Returning goods bought with points <p>If you return a product for a refund, we will deduct the number of points collected from your <em>Reward Scheme</em> account</p> <p>If a product you buy with Reward points is faulty, please return it to <em>us</em>. If necessary, we will credit your account with the right number of points. No cash refund will be given in these circumstances</p> <p>Issued 12.March.2018</p> Changelog <p>25.October.2019 - Added Reward points</p> <p>20.Jan2021 -Changed registered address to Poundland</p>

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