Student Edge

Terms and Conditions

<ol> <li>The Site<p> All sites under the domain ("the Site"), including its social media sites and Student Edge services ("Services") are provided by Student Edge Pty Limited (ABN 78 116 154 904), whose registered office is at 2/454 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008 ("Student Edge"). </p> <p>The Site is a website, mobile site or app for students providing student-focused information, products and services.</p> <p> Students who join as members ("Members") can apply for the Student Edge Card and use Member's only facilities on the Site which includes, but is not limited to uploading a profile, entering competitions, posting their comments and multimedia content. </p> <p> The Site contains general content to be accessed by the general public as well as content that is only available to Members and is accessed by entering a User ID and password. </p> </li> <li>Legal Notices<ol> <li> If you are browsing this Site as a non-commercial consumer, you may access material displayed on the website for your non-commercial, personal use only and subject to the Terms stated below. The below provisions must be read and are subject to any applicable Consumer Guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law (Schedule 2 of the <em>Competition and Consumer Act 2010</em> (Cth)). </li> <li> If you are browsing this Site as an employee/agent/member of any business or organisation, you may access or download material displayed on the Site only in accordance with the Terms stated below. This permission is specifically conditioned on you maintaining all copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices contained on the materials and keeping all such material intact and in the same form as presented on the Site. Additionally, you may not: <ol> <li>distribute or transmit, modify, reuse, republish, frame, upload to a third party, report, or use the contents of the Site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without Student Edge's prior written permission;</li> <li>use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" or use any sponsored or paid Google or other search engine sponsored search results / sponsored links that utilise keywords that directly relate to a Student Edge name, trade indicia, trade mark, logo, product or brand without Student Edge's prior written permission. or</li> <li>include a link to the Site or display the contents of the Site framed or otherwise surrounded by material not originating from the Site without Student Edge's prior written permission.</li> </ol> </li> <li> Your access to and use of the Site is also subject to the Terms stated below and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing the Site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the Terms stated below. </li> <li> You agree that these Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Western Australian Law and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Western Australia in relation to any dispute or matter arising out of or connected with this Agreement. </li> <li>This Agreement contains the entire agreement between you and Student Edge regarding the use of the Site.</li> <li>The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms shall not affect or impact the continuation in force of the remainder of the Terms.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Anti-Spam Notice Publication of electronic addresses on the Site is for the purpose of professional communication only and must not be used to infer consent to the receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic messages. </li> <li>Eligibility By using the Site, you represent and warrant that (a) all registration information you submit is truthful and accurate. (b) you will maintain the accuracy of such information. (c) you are a full-time or part-time student in high-school, TAFE, College, a University undergraduate or postgraduate, or an international student visiting, and studying in Australia. If you are under 15 years of age, you must receive consent from your parent or guardian to be eligible to become a Member. </li> <li>Registration of user account<ol> <li> In order to access certain parts of this Site, you may be required to register a user or subscriber account with a log in email address and password. You may also be able to register a user account via Facebook Connect and other social media platforms. In order to register a user account in the manner required, you must provide all information requested including your full name, telephone number, mobile telephone number, current and valid email address, residential address and postcode ("Registration Data"). All information provided must be true, accurate, current and complete. Incomplete, ineligible or incomprehensible user account registrations will be deemed invalid. You agree to maintain up-to-date Registration Data. </li> <li> You will not be able to access certain parts of this Site unless you have registered a user account in the manner required. You must log in to your user account in the manner required each time you wish to access the relevant part of the Site. </li> <li> You are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your account login and password, and you are responsible for any activity under your account and password. You agree to: <ol> <li>in the event of any unauthorised use of your password or account immediately change your account password. and </li> <li>ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. It is your sole responsibility to control the dissemination and use of your password and control access to and use of your account.</li> </ol> We will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision. </li> <li> We reserve the right to refuse requests to register user accounts in our sole discretion. Without limiting the above, this includes but is not limited to refusing requests for suggested user logins which are the same as or similar to existing user logins or are inappropriate, offensive, obscene, abusive, defamatory or inciteful, and logins which infringe copyright, contain brand names, company names or registered trademarks, contain names of high profile or public figures or names promoting political, religious, social or economic issues. In creating your user account, you must not intentionally use the name of another living person. </li> <li> We will not accept any request to register a user account that we suspect is being made by or on behalf of a person who has been suspended from the site for breach of these Website Terms of Use or has been suspended as a user of another website for vexatious, illegal or inappropriate use of the website. </li> <li>Student Edge's use of Registration Data and certain other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Termination You may terminate your Student Edge membership at any time for any reason. Student Edge reserves the right to immediately, without notice or reason, suspend or terminate your access to the Service or your membership. </li> <li>Changes to Terms These Terms are subject to change by Student Edge at any time. Any changes will be emailed to you and will appear on the terms and conditions page, which can be accessed from any page on the Student Edge site. If the Terms change, and you do not notify us to the contrary, your continued use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of the amended Terms. </li> <li>Fees The Site is currently a free service and Student Edge will endeavour in its best efforts to keep it that way. However, you acknowledge that the Site reserves the right to charge for the Services and to change its fees from time to time at its discretion. If Student Edge terminates your membership because you have breached the Agreement, you shall not be entitled to the refund of any unused portion of fees. </li> <li>Your Conduct Online As a Member, you agree: <ol> <li>That you are solely and entirely responsible for any content or information you post on the Site, or any content or information you transmit or otherwise communicate to other Members. </li> <li>That you will not post on the Site, or transmit or otherwise communicate to other Student Edge Members or Student Edge employees, any illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, threatening, racist, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-offensive material, or any material that violates or infringes another party's rights (including, but not limited to, rights of privacy and publicity, and intellectual property rights);</li> <li>To use the Service in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations;</li> <li>Not to publish any telephone numbers, addresses, surnames (family names), URLs, email addresses or other information on the Site that could be used to identify you or anyone else;</li> <li>Not to engage in advertising to, or solicitation of, other Members to buy or sell any products or services through the Service, except in areas designated specifically for this purpose. </li> <li>Not to send or transmit any chain letters or circular (junk) email to other Members;</li> <li>Not to post, distribute, reproduce or communicate in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining full, valid and verifiable prior consent of the owner of such proprietary rights;</li> <li>That you are solely responsible for your interactions with other Members. Student Edge reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other Members. </li> <li> Not to disrupt, modify or interfere with the Service or its associated software, hardware and servers in any way, and you agree not to impede or interfere with the other users of the Service. You also agree not to alter or tamper with any information or materials on, or associated with, the Service. </li> </ol> Student Edge reserves the right, but is under no obligation, to reject any content that does not comply with these Terms. </li> <li>Online Content<ol> <li>All information or other content, including, but not limited to, opinions, offers, statements and advice, made available through the Service are those of their respective authors and not of Student Edge, and should not necessarily be relied upon. </li> <li>Student Edge does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, opinions or statements of any information or other content on the Site and does not in any way guarantee the accuracy, reliability, usefulness or completeness thereof.</li> <li>Under no circumstances will Student Edge be responsible for any damage or loss arising or resulting from anyone's reliance on information or other content shown on the Site, or your failure to comply with these Terms including clause 9 or transmitted or otherwise communicated to Members.</li> <li> Warning: it remains possible: <ol> <li>that some Members or "hackers" may post, transmit or otherwise communicate offensive, obscene or inappropriate materials on the Site and that you may involuntarily be exposed to such materials.</li> <li>for others to obtain some personal information about you through your use of the Service, and that the recipient may use any such information to harass or injure you. </li> </ol> Student Edge is not responsible for the use of any personal information that you may choose to disclose on the Site - you do so entirely at your own risk. Student Edge will not itself use your personal information except in accordance with our published Privacy Policy. </li> <li>Please carefully consider the information that you post on the Site or release to others.</li> <li> Student Edge reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor any materials posted in the public areas of the Site. Student Edge retains the right to remove any such material that violates, or is alleged to violate, the law, or this Agreement (including in breach of clause 10.4 in its own opinion in its entire discretion). </li> <li>The Service will treat emails sent between you and other Members that are not readily accessible to the general public as private.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Proprietary Rights<ol> <li>Student Edge owns or has the right to use all proprietary rights in the Site. The Site contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information of Student Edge and its licensors.</li> <li>In addition, other Members may post copyrighted information, which has copyright protection, whether or not it is identified as copyrighted. Except for that information for which you have been given verifiable permission to use, you will not copy, modify, display, publish, perform, transmit, distribute or sell any such proprietary information.</li> <li> By posting information or content on any public area of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant, that you have the right to grant: <ol> <li>the Service and its designees a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, licence to use, reproduce, modify, translate, transmit, and distribute any information or material that you supply or communicate to the Service, in any such medium now in existence or hereafter developed, for any purpose, including commercial uses. </li> <li>to other Members, subject to the provisions of 11.1, a licence to use such information and content.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li>Events, competitions, promotions and other offers From time to time, we (or selected third parties) may include events, competitions, promotions or other offers on this Site. Each such offer shall be subject to its own express terms and may not be available in all jurisdictions. </li> <li>Information or Content Supplied by a Member <ol> <li>We respect your privacy and will deal with all information provided by you in line with our Privacy Policy, which is accessible at any time from any page on the Site while you use the Service.</li> <li>Student Edge operates the Site and is constantly seeking "Contributions" (as defined below) to that Site.</li> <li> If You wish to make a Contribution to the Site, Student Edge agrees to your contribution upon the following terms: <ol> <li> Contributions means any contribution by You to the Site, including without limitation, all written work, articles, audio, visual, audio-visual, images, reports, research, databases, software, plans, drawings, designs, logos and other materials. Intellectual Property Rights means all intellectual property rights, including without limitation: <br> (i) patents, copyright, rights in circuit layouts, registered designs, trademarks and the right to have confidential information kept confidential. and<br> (ii) any application or right to apply for registration of any of those rights. </li> <li> You grant to Student Edge a non-exclusive, royalty free, irrevocable licence to use, copy, modify, adapt and develop the Contributions throughout the world. This means, for example, that Student Edge can edit your contributions and use them as Student Edge sees fit. </li> <li> You warrant that: <br> (i) Contributions are your original works. <br> (ii) you have all rights necessary to grant the licence in paragraph 14.3.2. and <br> (iii) the Contributions do not, and the use of them by Student Edge will not, infringe the Intellectual Property Rights or breach the contractual rights of any person. and <br> (iv) the Contributions are not defamatory or in contravention of commonwealth or state consumer protection legislation, including without limitation, the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). </li> <li>You indemnify Student Edge against all losses, damages, expenses and costs (on a full indemnity basis) that Student Edge may sustain or incur as a result, whether directly or indirectly, of a breach of this Agreement by You.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Student Edge will terminate the privileges of any user who uses the Site to unlawfully transmit copyrighted material (including music, video or software files in any format) without a licence to do so.</li> <li>Upon receiving proper notification by the copyright holder or its agent (including a 'Take Down' notice), or by confirmation through court order or admission by the Member that they have used this Site as an instrument of unlawful infringement, we will remove the infringing materials and terminate the infringing Member's ability to use and/or access the Site.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Complaints / Contact If you have a complaint or would like to contact Student Edge please email</li> <li>Disclaimers and limitation of liability<ol> <li>All material on the Site is protected by all applicable laws including copyright and trade mark laws unless otherwise specifically noted and may not be used except as permitted in these Terms or in the text on the Site. </li> <li> Your use of the Site is at your risk. The information on the Site, including third party views, does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Student Edge or any of its brands. Any suggestions or advice contained on the Site should not be relied upon in place of professional advice. You are responsible for checking the accuracy of relevant facts, instructions, suggestions and/or opinions given on this Site before entering into any commitment based upon them. </li> <li> Student Edge makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy and, to the extent permitted by law, Student Edge specifically disclaims any liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content on the Site. Neither Student Edge nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Site is liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, or inability to use or access, the Site whether due to a breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, or otherwise even if Student Edge has been notified or advised of the possibility of such damages. Except as otherwise stated in the text of a webpage of this Site or as required by law, everything on the website and all Student Edge products and services displayed on the website are provided to you "AS IS" and, to the extent permitted by law, is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. </li> <li> Student Edge assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the website (including accessing hyperlinks) or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from the website. Student Edge also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any interruptions, delays or errors in access to the Site or the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, security or reliability of any communications (including, without limitation, any transactions) made through or in relation to the Site. We also assume no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone or network or lines, servers or providers, technical problems or traffic congestion on a mobile network, or any combination thereof, or any other technical failures related to, or resulting from, your access to, use of or uploading of material to this Site. </li> <li> If you send any communications or materials or content (of any nature) to the Site by electronic mail or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, or the like, all such communications are, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary. Anything you transmit or post may be used by Student Edge or its affiliates for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast, and posting. Furthermore, by sending or placing any such information, you grant to Student Edge an irrevocable, perpetual, unrestricted, royalty-free worldwide licence to use, copy, sublicense, modify, redistribute or otherwise deal with such information or materials or content including, without limitation, any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any communication you send to the Site for any purpose whatsoever. </li> <li> The Site refers to products and/or services that are generally available in Australia but may not be available in your particular country or locality. The reference to any such products or services in this website does not imply or warrant that these products or services will be available at any time in your particular locality. You should therefore check with Student Edge for specific product/service availability in your locality. </li> <li> Although Student Edge may from time to time monitor or review uploads, discussions, chats, postings, transmissions, bulletin boards and the like that may be included from time to time on the Site, Student Edge is under no obligation to do so and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the contents of any such communications nor for any error, defamation, libel, obscenity, profanity, or inaccuracy contained in any such communication. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law. By accessing and browsing the website, you agree that you shall indemnify, and keep indemnified, Student Edge from and against any claim, action, damage, loss, liability, cost, payment, charge or expense including but not limited to consequential loss, economic loss and legal expenses (calculated on a solicitor/client basis) suffered or incurred by Student Edge arising out of any claim or action that results from your accessing and use of the Site or in connection with any breach by you of these Terms. </li> <li> Student Edge will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing Student Edge to disclose the identity of anyone posting such materials. In addition, you will not: <ol> <li>Restrict or inhibit any other user from using or enjoying the Site;</li> <li>Post, transmit or in any way exploit any material of any kind for commercial purposes, or which contains any promotional material or advertising. or</li> <li>Download any material posted by any other user if you know, or ought reasonably to know, that such material cannot legally be distributed in such a manner. </li> </ol> </li> <li> The Site is not intended for children under the age of eleven (11) and no person under the age of eleven (11) may use the Site. If you use the Site, you affirm that you are at least eleven (11) years old. If you use the Site and you are under fifteen (15) years old, you affirm that you have parental/guardian consent to use the Site and upload content. </li> <li>Any data costs associated with accessing this Site remain your responsibility and are dependent on the service provider used.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Third party content<ol> <li>Student Edge is not responsible for the content of any site linked to or from the Site. Your linking to any other site is entirely at your own risk. While Student Edge may provide links on this Site to other sites, the inclusion of such links is for your convenience and information only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the owner/sponsor of the site or the content of the site. To the extent permitted by law, Student Edge disclaims all warranties, express and implied, as to the accuracy, validity, legality or otherwise of any materials or information contained on such sites. </li> <li>Student Edge is also not responsible for the content (including representations) of any third party advertisement on the Site. The inclusion of any third party advertisements on the Site should not be interpreted as an endorsement or recommendation by Student Edge of the third party advertiser or the content of the third party advertisement. To the extent permitted by law, Student Edge disclaims all warranties, express and implied, as to the accuracy, validity, legality or otherwise of any third party advertisements on the Site.</li> <li>Features and information of third party suppliers, third party products and/or services described or depicted on the Site, or available for enquiry or application through Site hyperlinks, including, without limitation, availability and descriptions of products or services as displayed on the Site and via Site hyperlinks are subject to change at any time without notice. </li> <li>Materials and third party logos, brands and trade names displayed on the Site are either the property of, or used with permission by, Student Edge. The use of these materials by you, or anyone else authorised by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Website Terms and Conditions or specific permission is provided elsewhere on the Site or specific permission is obtained from the third party owners. Any unauthorised use of images and third party logos, brands and trade names may violate copyright laws, trade mark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and civil and criminal statutes.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Social media platforms<ol> <li>The Site contains social media links, applications or features (including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter) and the use of any social media platforms are subject to the particular social media platform's prevailing terms and conditions of use. By using any social media applications or features on the Site, you consent and agree to be bound to the particular terms and conditions of use of the social media platform. </li> <li>You also acknowledge and consent to this Site accessing information you may have shared with the particular social media platform and contacting you via the social media platform or via the information you have shared (for example, sending an email directly to you to the email address provided to the social media platform), in accordance with the permissions you have granted this website via the social media platform. </li> <li>Users are encouraged to review the terms and conditions of use of each social media platform before engaging or interacting with the social media links, applications or features on the Site. </li> <li>The Site is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, any social media platform.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Student Edge Membership / Discount Card / App<ol> <li> From 6 Oct 2017, members will no longer be able to request a Student Edge Membership/ Discount Card. To access deals and discounts, members can download the Student Edge App instead, which is free to download from the iTunes or Google Play stores. </li> <li> You will ensure that all information you provide during registration, including your name and postal information is accurate and complete. An email will be sent to you, so that you may verify your registration. You will verify your registration in a timely manner. </li> <li> Current valid versions of the Basic Membership Card are as follows:<br> <br> <br> <br> Current valid versions of Co-branded Membership cards with Bankwest, ASIA (WA) and First State Super, which can also be used at any Participating Benefit Partner are as follows: <br> <br> <br> </li> <li> The Membership Card cannot be shared with another person. You will present your Membership Card before you make a purchase at any participating Benefit Partner and Benefit Partners reserve the right to request for Photo ID in conjunction with the use of the Membership Card. </li> <li> Some Benefit Partners will scan your Membership Card at their terminal in order to track purchases and use of the card. Your personal information will not be captured by Benefit Partners. Student Edge uses this information to track Benefit Partner performance to ultimately offer you better savings. </li> <li> Use of your Membership Card Online: In order to redeem savings through our online partners you may be requested to enter your Membership Card number either on the Site or at the online Benefit Partner's Website. Student Edge and participating Benefit Partners are independent contractors. Student Edge is not liable for any products or services provided by these Benefit Partners. </li> <li> Use of your Membership Card in-store: In order to redeem savings through our partners in-store you may be requested to show your Membership Card or show the relevant discount in your Student Edge mobile app. Student Edge and participating Benefit Partners are independent contractors. Student Edge is not liable for any products or services provided by these Benefit Partners. </li> <li> The Site offers the most up-to-date information on savings and partner benefits offered by participating Benefit Partners. Student Edge will make reasonable efforts to maintain the currency of its database of Benefit Partners and their offers. Student Edge is not responsible for incorrect or incomplete information regarding the Benefit Partner or its offer. In addition, Student Edge is not responsible for third parties' restrictions or changes to their offers which have not been communicated to Student Edge. </li> <li> Some Benefit Partners and offers may not be available in your community. You should contact the Benefit Partner to confirm their offer. You may submit corrections to Benefit Partners or discounts in an email to For questions, concerns or suggestions e-mail We will endeavour to answer your enquiries within 5 working days. </li> <li> Student Edge is not responsible if a Benefit Partner changes its offer or terms and conditions due to new ownership or acquisition. If you have a dispute with a Benefit Partner you should try to resolve it amicably with the Benefit Partner. You may report it in writing and Student Edge will take commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the dispute on your behalf, but make no guarantees regarding the outcome. Remember to supply all vital information such as: Discount Partner name, address, date of purchase, offer denied and reason given. </li> <li>Student edge is not liable for any products or services provided by or through any Benefit Partner of the discount program, or for any error, omission or inaccuracy in advertising material or for any liability resulting directly or indirectly from a product or service provided by any Benefit Partner or other third party in connection with the discount programme.</li> <li>For details on how we share information with our Benefit Partners, please refer to our Privacy Policy.</li> <li>Student Edge reserves the right to terminate your Membership at any time if we determine that you have violated any of these Terms.</li> </ol> </li> </ol>

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