
privacy policy

PRIVACY POLICY we don't like being tracked, so we don't track you or facilitate others to track you. WHAT DATA WE COLLECT we don't collect any personal information about you. however, traffic logs collect the following information: - your public ip - the details of your http request - the url that referred you to us - your user agent (browser) HOW WE USE IT traffic logs may be used to ascertain usage of the site or troubleshoot issues. but our hosting may be using traffic logs for something we don't know. since we don't collect any personal information, we can't use it. HOW WE PROTECT IT traffic logs are collected automatically by our hosting. they are provided to us via TLS-encrypted authenticated portal. to be honest, i'm not really sure how they encrypt the data at rest. HOW WE SHARE IT we don't share out traffic logs with anyone. but our hosting may be using traffic logs for something we don't know. since we don't collect any personal information, we can't share it. COOKIES AND TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES we don't use cookies or load third party resources (except fonts from google). if you want to block cookies and tracking technologies, check out the Brave browser and the DuckDuckGo or Startpage search engine.

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