
Legal & Privacy

<ul> </ul> Jump to: Navigation Loading… <ul> <li>home</li> <li> / legal</li> </ul>Legal &amp. Privacy<p>This is a personal website and should not have complicated rules. Nevertheless, I must clarify some things.</p> <p>Effective July 16, 2020.</p>Privacy Permalink <p>I do not collect personally-identifiable information.</p> <p>No cookies are used/stored.</p> <p>I cannot modify/delete your data if I don’t have them to begin with.</p> Permalink <ul> <li>First-party:<ul> <li>No Google fonts. No Cloudflare.</li> <li>I use analytics from GoatCounter. It’s open source. Here are public stats for this website (I can see no more info than what you can see there) and their privacy policy. You can disable this by blocking <code></code> through your adblocker.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Third-party non-interactive:<ul> <li>Site is hosted by GitHub pages. See their privacy statement.</li> <li>The homepage pings a RSS feed at <code></code> to fetch my photos. This script is used. You can disable this by blocking <code></code> through your adblocker.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Third-party interactive:<ul> <li>YouTube embeds exist on the BVE guide, though <code></code> (“enhanced privacy mode”) is used. Feel free to replace it with Invidious or something else, I don’t mind.</li> <li>By using the donation page, you agree to donorbox privacy policy. If you pay by card, then Stripe handles the payment. If you pay by PayPal, then PayPal handles the payment <strong>and I will see your address</strong> (Because I have a business account. I will not release the address to anyone other than the client). Therefore, for the greater good (At least for now, you don’t pay fees if you use Stripe, but you do if you use PayPal), <em>please</em> use Stripe, unless PayPal balance is all you got.</li> <li>I’m not gonna explain external links. Research them yourself.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> Permalink <p>Refer to Read The Docs’ privacy policy. Open source.</p> Permalink <p>Refer to here, except the “Stripe” part (There are no payment associated with the site). Open source.</p> <p>There is Google Analytics, which is placed by Fider. Unfortunately, I cannot negotiate to remove it, as they would probably realize I’m on a discontinued plan and then just cut the cord (Cloud-hosted Fider has been discontinued since Jan/Feb 2019). Just block it, it’s not even <em>my</em> analytics.</p> Permalink <p>For the app itself, see here.</p> <p>For the documentation on this domain, refer to Gitbook’s privacy policy.</p> Permalink <p>Site is hosted by GitHub pages. See their privacy statement.</p> Permalink <p>There is a Privacy Policy in the FAQ.</p>Terms Permalink <ul> <li>This website represents my <em>personal opinion</em> and, unless otherwise specified, is not endorsed by parties that I involve with.</li> <li>In no event shall I ever be individually liable to <em>anyone</em> for any damages for breach of fiduciary duty by third-parties, unless my act or failure to act involves intentional misconduct, fraud, or a knowing violation of the law. This only applies to the website.</li> </ul> <small> License | Legal </small> <p> <small>Powered by Hydejack v9.1.4</small> </p> Austin Huang<p> Code • Guide • Life</p> Navigation:<ul> <li> my guides </li> <li> gib money </li> </ul> Social:<ul> <li> Email </li> <li> GitHub </li> <li> LinkedIn </li> <li> Matrix </li> <li> Telegram </li> </ul> Templates (for web app): Keep going! Keep going ×2! Give me more! Thank you, thank you Far too kind! Never gonna give me up? Never gonna let me down? Turn around and desert me! You're an addict! Son of a clapper! No way Go back to work! This is getting out of <em>hand</em> Unbelievable PREPOSTEROUS I N S A N I T Y FEED ME A STRAY CAT <ul> </ul> Loading… Error<p> Sorry, an error occurred while loading .</p> Permalink

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