
Privacy policy

Skip to main contentMenu<strong>Tasks.org</strong>DocsBlogGitHub🌜🌞<strong>Tasks.org</strong> <ul> <li>Docs</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>GitHub</li> </ul>Menu<ul> <li>Documentation<ul> <li>Welcome</li> <li>Synchronization</li> <li>Sharing</li> <li>Markdown</li> <li>Backups</li> <li>Filters</li> <li>Location</li> <li>Manual sorting</li> <li>Beta testing</li> <li>Translations</li> <li>Subscribe</li> <li>Donate</li> <li>Themes</li> <li>Tasker Plugins</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> </ul> </li> <li>Tasks.org sync<ul> <li>App passwords</li> </ul> </li> <li>Third-party sync<ul> <li>Google Tasks</li> <li>DAVx⁵</li> <li>CalDAV</li> <li>EteSync</li> <li>DecSync CC</li> </ul> </li> <li>Troubleshooting<ul> <li>Notifications</li> </ul> </li> </ul>Privacy PolicyTL;DR#<ul> <li> <strong>If you have a Tasks.org account:</strong> <ul> <li>Your user data is stored in order to provide synchronization service. It is not used for any other purpose, and it is not shared with anyone</li> <li>Your e-mail address is stored in order to send important service announcements. It is not used for any other purpose, and it is not shared with anyone</li> </ul> </li> <li> <strong>If you do not have a Tasks.org account:</strong> <ul> <li>Your user data is not collected, stored, or shared with anyone</li> <li>No personally identifiable information is collected, stored, or shared</li> </ul> </li> <li>Tasks.org does not share data with any third parties</li> <li>Tasks.org collects anonymous usage statistics (see below)</li> <li>Some features are subject to third party privacy policies (see below)</li> </ul> <p>If you have any questions or concerns please contact support@tasks.org</p>Current location#<p>You can give Tasks permission to find your current location on a map. Your location is not transmitted to Tasks.org or shared with third parties</p>Background location#<p>You can give Tasks permission to access your location in the background in order to trigger location-based reminders. Your location is not transmitted to Tasks.org or shared with third parties</p> <p>Google Play only: Use of Google Play Location Services is subject to Google's privacy policy</p>Google Tasks#<p>If you enable Google Task synchronization: Tasks will download your Google Tasks data directly to your device. Your Google Task data is not transmitted to Tasks.org or shared with third parties</p> <p>Use of Google Tasks is subject to Google's privacy policy</p>Google Drive backups#<p>If you enable Google Drive backups: Tasks will upload nightly backup files to Google Drive. Tasks does not have access to any other files stored on your Google Drive. Your Google Drive data is not transmitted to Tasks.org or shared with third parties</p> <p>Use of Google Drive is subject to Google's privacy policy</p>Mapbox search#<p>Mapbox search results are not transmitted to Tasks.org or shared with third parties</p> <p>Use of Mapbox is subject to Mapbox's privacy policy</p>Google Places#<p>Google Places search requests are proxied through Tasks.org in order to restrict usage to Tasks.org account holders. Your search results are not stored or shared with third-parties</p> <p>Use of Google Places is subject to Google's privacy policy</p>OpenStreetMaps#<p>Use of OpenStreetMap tiles are subject to OpenStreetMaps's privacy policy</p>Google Play#Mapbox reverse geocoding#<p>Mapbox reverse geocoding results are not transmitted to Tasks.org or shared with third parties</p> <p>Use of Mapbox is subject to Mapbox's privacy policy</p>Google Maps#<p>Use of Google Maps is subject to Google's privacy policy</p>Firebase#<p>Tasks uses Google Analytics for Firebase to collect anonymous usage statistics and crash reports</p> <ul> <li>Firebase anonymizes your IP address</li> <li>Firebase does not collect your 'Advertising ID'</li> <li>Firebase does not collect your 'Android ID'</li> <li>You may opt-out of usage statistics through the 'Help &amp. feedback' menu</li> </ul>F-Droid#Nominatim reverse geocoding#<p>Nominatim reverse geocoding requests are proxied through Tasks.org in order to comply with the Nominatim usage policy. Tasks.org does not store your reverse geocoding results or share them with third parties</p> <p>Use of Nominatim reverse geocoding is subject to OpenStreetMaps's privacy policy</p> <p>Last updated: March 2, 2021</p>Edit this pagePrevious« Tasker PluginsNextApp passwords »<ul> <li>TL;DR</li> <li>Current location</li> <li>Background location</li> <li>Google Tasks</li> <li>Google Drive backups</li> <li>Mapbox search</li> <li>Google Places</li> <li>OpenStreetMaps</li> <li>Google Play<ul> <li>Mapbox reverse geocoding</li> <li>Google Maps</li> <li>Firebase</li> </ul> </li> <li>F-Droid<ul> <li>Nominatim reverse geocoding</li> </ul> </li> </ul>Docs<ul> <li>Synchronization</li> <li>Donate</li> </ul>Social<ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul>More<ul> <li>Chat on Freenode</li> <li>Changelog</li> <li>Privacy policy</li> </ul>Copyright © 2021 Alex Baker

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