
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <i> </i> <p> At Daylio, we believe in transparency and honesty. We hope you will find this privacy policy clear and transparent. Do not hesitate to reach out to us at if you have any questions.</p> <p> <em>See the following links for 🇰🇷 Korean and 🇯🇵 Japanese</em> <em>&nbsp;translations.</em> </p> What information does the Application obtain and how is it used? <p> The Application does not provide an option to create an account therefore, we do not store nor have access to your entries and data. <strong>Your data are stored only locally on your device and all calculations are done on your device as well</strong>. You can optionally backup your data to Google Drive (Android) or to Apple iCloud (iOS). Your backups are stored in your private cloud space and we don’t have access to your backup files.</p> <p> We obtain your email address when you request support via email or customer support contact form. We use your email only to contact you to provide support, feedback or important information.</p> Backup <p> We advise our users to regularly backup their data. Our users can choose to manually export the backup file and store it wherever they want or they can optionally make cloud backups. The cloud backups are kept in users' private cloud space where we have no access.</p> <p> <strong>Android Google Drive Backups</strong> <br> Android users can optionally backup their data using Google Drive. Their backups are stored in their private Google Drive space and count against their quota. We use a secure connection to your Google Account and data is safely stored in a folder where we nor other apps have access.&nbsp;View Google Privacy Policy at</p> <p> The email and name permissions within the Android are requested in order to display the account details within the app to inform users about the account which is being used for the backups. The app does not keep email addresses and names within the app. The app asks Google Sign In for a connected account and displays the account info only when accessing the Backup section. Even if the user agreed to anonymous analytics data collection your email address or name is never sent with the analytics data.</p> <p> </p> <p> <strong>iOS iCloud Backups<br> </strong>iOS users can optionally backup their data using&nbsp;iCloud Drive. Their backups are stored in their private iCloud Drive space and count against their quota. iCloud secures your information by encrypting it when it's in transit, storing it in iCloud in an encrypted format, and using secure tokens for authentication. For certain sensitive information, Apple uses end-to-end encryption. This means that only you can access your information, and&nbsp;only on devices where you’re signed into iCloud. No one else, not even Apple, can access end-to-end encrypted information.&nbsp;You can find out more about iCloud security and privacy overview at</p> Analytics <p> <strong>The application does NOT collect any usage or crash reporting data without your consent.&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> If you’ve agreed to data collection, the application collects some usage data that are essential for us to deliver our services, to understand your needs, and to improve our services.&nbsp;Such as app launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, in-app purchases, screen visits, session durations, or other information about how you interact with our app. These data are anonymized and aggregated from all users who gave us collection consent. If you've agreed to data collection, the application also collects crashes and performance reports so we can improve the stability and performance of our app.</p> <p> The application does NOT collect any user-generated content. Such as your name, surname, email, or anything you type within the app.</p> Photos <p> You can optionally attach a photo to your entry. Your photos are stored locally on your phone in our app's storage. If you choose to make a cloud backup (Google Drive or iCloud) your photos are transferred to your private cloud storage. They are counted against your storage quota. If you choose to manually export a backup file, the photos are included in the exported backup file alongside your entries. We have no access to your photos.&nbsp;Even if the user agreed to anonymous analytics data collection&nbsp;your photos are never sent with the analytics data.</p> Android <p> We use the following third-party services for our Android app:</p> <p> <strong>Google Analytics for Firebase (Google Inc.)</strong> </p> <ul> <li>This service helps us to collect and analyze usage data in order to understand usage patterns and to improve our Android app.</li> <li>Data collected: various usage and device data such as cookies, unique device identifiers, Android Advertising ID, Firebase installation IDs, Analytics App Instance IDs, usage data, anonymized IP addresses, session durations,&nbsp;device models, operating systems, geography, in-app purchases, first launches, app opens, app updates</li> <li>Data retention: 2 months</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Firebase Crashlytics (Google Inc.)</strong> </p> <ul> <li>This service helps us to identify crashes and errors in our app. It helps us to improve the reliability and stability of our Android app.</li> <li>Data collected: Crashlytics Installation UUIDs, crash traces, device models, geography, operating systems</li> <li>Data retention: 90 days</li> </ul> iOS <p> We use the following third-party services for our iOS app:</p> <p> <strong>Google Analytics for Firebase (Google Inc.)</strong> </p> <ul> <li>This service helps us to collect and analyze usage data in order to understand usage patterns and to improve our iOS app.</li> <li>Data collected: various usage data, Firebase installation IDs, Analytics App Instance IDs, anonymized IP addresses, session durations,&nbsp;device models, operating systems, geography, in-app purchases, first launches, app opens, app updates</li> <li>Data retention: 2 months</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Firebase Crashlytics (Google Inc.)</strong> </p> <ul> <li>This service helps us to identify crashes and errors in our app. It helps us to improve the reliability and stability of our iOS app.</li> <li>Data collected: Crashlytics Installation UUIDs, crash traces, device models, geography, operating systems</li> <li>Data retention: 90 days</li> </ul> Advertising <p> Advertising helps us to keep our app free. The premium version of our app does not serve any ads. The premium version also&nbsp;does not initialize or call any AdMob method.</p> <p> The ad's content is NOT based on your entries or notes. We don’t share your data with the ads providers.</p> <p> The iOS version of our app doesn't show third party ads. The free version of our <strong>Android</strong> app uses the following service:</p> <p> <strong>AdMob (AdMob Google Inc.)</strong> </p> <p> We use AdMob to display ad banners and other advertisements possibly based on your interests. AdMob uses cookies to identify users and they may use the behavioral retargeting technique, i.e. displaying ads tailored to your interests and behavior, including those detected outside our app. For example, if you've previously visited e-shop selling shoes you might see more ads promoting shoes or shoe shops.</p> <p> Google's advertising requirements can be summed up by Google's Advertising Principles They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users.&nbsp;</p> <p> Personal data collected: Cookies, Google Advertiser ID</p> <p> If you don’t want to see personalized ads based on your interests you might opt-out by using this link. Please note that you will see the same amount of ads but the ads will be less relevant to you.</p> Changes <p> We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace this Policy at any time.&nbsp;Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page. You should check this page from time to time and take note of any changes.</p> Contact Us <p> If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at</p> Did this answer your question? Thanks for the feedback There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again later. Yes No <i> </i> <p>Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us </p> Last updated on January 11, 2021

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